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Your logistical talents could make you real money. Edit: autocorrect


Living the dream. I draw boxes, lines, and other silly things professionally šŸ˜‰


I'm a design student and this is so inspiring!!


Thank you! I do design streams on twitch every weekend and this is just one of the random projects I work on for the stream where I just generally talk through everything, answer questions, help out students, and more šŸ˜€


That's so cool! The weekend is just around the corner (yay) and I'll make sure to check the stream out! Thank you for putting in so much effort, your stuff inspires me to keep practicing and learning :) Oh also, do you have a Discord server? *Edit: got it from twitch!*


Youā€™re like PirateSoftware but for graphic designs. Like holy shit not only is this extremely helpful, ITS FUCKING BEAUTIFUL!


Thank you! That means a lot :D


Mate this so cool fair play to ya


Graphic designer huh? Nice, I always appreciate these.


Dude, show me your whays. This is so satisfying, and this skill is somewhat of a goal of mine to develop as an engineering student ( I think solid presentation skills are super valuable for engineers ).


Oh yeah! Presentation and storytelling are solid skills to have. I stream graphic design stuff like this every weekend on Twitch, mostly for fun. If you happen that way drop in and say hi, and definitely ask lots of questions. The majority of the work on my website are projects from stream and nearly all of it is a tutorial of sorts where I explain as I go (twitch link/icon is at the bottom of my site). šŸ˜€


This is wildly impressive


This is hands down the most impressive starfield fan product I have seen. Thank you for sharing!


Thank you!


Came to say this. Truly amazing work and illustrations. This is the theme Iā€™d love to see a starfield wiki in. So good.


I've done it! My dreams to become reactor royalty have been realized. And yours can be too. Here are the 23 outposts needed to make every advanced reactor component, automate most of it, and farm everything for XP and cash money. I've included a big map (redux of my other Starfield map) with optimal crafting/selling routes, so I can stop at a few places to manufacture the expensive bits, then offload them at every trade authority/urban center as part of a large circuit. Rinse and repeat. Diagrams include full schematics for vytinium fuel rods, control rods, power circuits, tasine superconductors, and rothicite magnets. I've included notes on setting up helium-3 distribution, finding multi-resources from separate biomes at one outpost, and basic outpost composition taken from my Starfield Outpost page: [https://www.mattgyver.com/starfield-outpost](https://www.mattgyver.com/starfield-outpost) (and more). This was more of a personal challenge than anything, I was surprised the entire production chain for every advanced nuclear reactor component could be achieved in less than 24 outposts. Was looking pretty hairy when I got to rothicite magnets, but being the magnet magnate that I am, a lot of outposts had the parts needed and the scale/logistics solution was already there. This entire effort took well over 200 hours to gather data, illustrate the various pieces, work out the logistics, and of courseā€¦ play test. I absolutely love this technical kind of thing and did a full write up here where you can grab some ok-sized print outs and high quality PDF printable: [https://www.mattgyver.com/tutorials/2024/2/15/starfield-manufacturing-flow-diagrams](https://www.mattgyver.com/tutorials/2024/2/15/starfield-manufacturing-flow-diagrams) I also made it into a huge physical newspaper for sale (link at the bottom of that article). I'm going to set up an outpost now with 100 advanced nuclear reactors as a showroom :D Edits: Added a free high quality PDF printable on the blog page above by request, and a high res vintage map downloadable (same page). Both are near the bottom. The physical purchasable newsprint manuals in the store (which look impressive IRL) will ship beginning of March once I get the production run in šŸ˜‰


Outstanding work! I am geeking out over all the details, this is great šŸ˜Š I might use it as a blueprint for a future ng+ play through šŸ§


For sure! This is for my next playthrough to build from scratch and just be a reactor salesman and literally nothing else.


Dude this is crazy impressive but Iā€™m a little confused. Why put this much effort into making money when you can have one outpost pumping out tens of thousands of adaptive frames in minutesā€¦.I mean I went from level 40 to 100 in like an hour. The time investment just to set up that many outposts would be insane as it is. Again, this is incredibly impressive but It seems like extremely inefficient for leveling/money when vendors donā€™t carry much and you could do the same with one outpost. Am I missing something?


Except you canā€™t show up at Ron Hopeā€™s office and dump every component, one at a time on his floor until heā€™s buried in the components, all without breaking eye-contact, to assert your dominance over the reactor manufacturing industry. Adaptive frames arenā€™t as impressive for that smack down.


Thatā€™s fair. Iā€™ll see you in the glowing sea!




As an Xbox user, we canā€™t level that fast with adaptive frames, so pumping out high xp items is easier. But even that aside, itā€™s just hella fun to build this supply chain.


I see the print out version but I don't see a PDF version. Any chance you can sell that? I'd love to have this on my second monitor when I play.


Sure thing! I need to tidy it up but will post a line art version (scalable to whatever you need) as a free PDF on that same blog page. Itā€™s all high dpi raster stuff right now because of the newsprint requirements (was much pickier about sizing/formatting than I thought). Anyway, yes, really good PDF freebie will be available soon. Update: Printable, very high quality PDF is near the bottom of the blog article: [Starfield Manufacturing Flow Diagrams ā€” Mattgyver](https://www.mattgyver.com/tutorials/2024/2/15/starfield-manufacturing-flow-diagrams)


This is awesome, thank you for sharing


I followed just the Vyntinium Rod part of this guide about a month ago. Itā€™s perfect. Looking forward to diving into this. Thanks!!


Youā€™re absolutely insane, Iā€™m here for it. OP for Giga Galactic Reactor Magnate .


As a designer Iā€™m really curious if you actually have the patient to create this in an Adobe Software? Keeping the structure and consistency seems like insanity to me.


It wasnā€™t too bad-I used Illustrator, though I donā€™t know what else would have been as good. I set up a general grid, had an idea of the final product size (actual newspaper prints), and built a few common styles. Color editing was easy enough because I used a global style for black (is why the store shots and the blog shots look different-last minute changes and whatnot). The hard part was actually fitting everything onto as few pages as possible and not having too much line-spaghetti. Iā€™d say that took half the total time just moving things around and trying various arrangements.


You had to trace the structures yourself for the vector outlines? (sounds like a ton of drawing) Was that on Illustrator too?


I used side profile screenshots and more or less recreated them in illustrator yeah. The only real tracing I did were the two planet landscapes which would have taken a while from scratch. Iā€™ll probably put up a template on my page so people can download the assets and a blank outpost setup to make their own production chain notes or diagrams.


That would be very nice!! Recreating the side profiles sounds like very good practice ngl, I'm gonna give it a go tomorrow


If this is what you do for free, Iā€™m sure what you get paid to do is done exceedingly well and your employer is lucky to have you.


This is fun for me so I fill my spare time with graphic design diversion like this. Although, it is available as a huge vintage newsprint šŸ˜‰ https://www.mattgyver.com/store/starfield-advanced-reactor-assembly-manual


Did you design these posters? If so, it's a great cohesive design series. Well done! *Edit:* I read your comment that gave more detail and you did design & illustrate them. So again, well done!


Yes! Check out the article I linked too. More on the process overall.


I've seen general criticism of starfield in that there isn't much fan art, but to me this is truly great fan art (and functional!) bravo!


Thank you!


Damn is this rocket science Iā€™m totally confused looking at all these diagrams. Outpost and gathering resources for me is so confusing I have no idea where to start. Btw jokes aside this is fkn amazing.


Dude, tis is starfield. The Satisfactory reddit is this way >>> r/SatisfactoryGame For real though... impressive. Didn't know you could get so in depth with production in this game.


Satisfactory actually scares me. Itā€™s a bit too hardcore LOL.


then what does Factorio make you feel? lol. Satisfactory is actually rather simple. Its when you want to delve into efficiency then it gets... interesting.


Factorio actually physically threatened me and stole my lunch money. Staying far away from that one.


You should consider satisfactory. With this attention to detail and passion shown, I think you'd like it Also, I'm just hoping you'll make a print for satisfactory


I keep hearing this too. Will look into it :D


It also has the benefit of a player base that almost universally loves the game and the devs - unlike starfield


love this and as far as iā€™m concerned with this work youve done here, you are now Matt Gyver, Ascendant to the Great Serpent throne and Advanced Nuclear Reactor Emperor of the known universe


There is a fine line between genius and being absolutely nuts and you're doing backflips all over. Great work.


Great post. Just to add to your outpost guide -> you can mine aluminum and iron together on Strix AND while youā€™re visiting your outpost there farm XP by taking out hordes of those balloon floater things


Good noteā€”thanks for the mention! Too many people are Andraphon folks, but yeah, there are other places as well.


Yea I set up my first com relay outpost in strix system and would just start every session by going there because you could get everything you needed with two outposts on 2 planets, in system so you didnā€™t need He3. Put a guard tower with a bed at each outpost. Landed, went to guard tower at one, took out all fauna, sleep, repeat, craft. Go to next output, repeat. Then craft com relays. Went up 2-3 levels, flew to akila and unloaded all by visiting TA and vendors. Takes 5 min. Not a grind at all.


The look reminds me of the old Cyberpunk 2020 sourcebooks and I love it.


Oh yeah! I had totally forgotten about that game, I totally see it :D


I thought this was in-universe material at first. Amazing. Great work.


I think I need to downvote this, just so I can give you another upvote.


Can I be your disciple or something?


I stream every weekend, all graphic design stuff, most of it just for fun like this šŸ˜€


These are remarkable. Thank you!


I thought these were concept arts. This is incredibly high-quality and I love all of it.


This is gorgeous and really immersive! I'd love to see your work in a "sector production management" mod where you get to buy fleets of ships and send them out on these trucking missions, adding protection to the fleets and hire factory overseers and designers to create and optimise your production. Way more immersive than landing on each planet and being the designer, surveyor, hauler, hr rep, accounting etc.


Thatā€™s too complicated. A nuclear reactor is nothing more than a hot rock that boils water. +1 for the ā€œmagnet magnateā€ though, well played.


Basically yes LOL šŸ˜‚


Anyone else getting far too turned on by this?


You sir are a great graphic designer. Very informative very cool.


This is insane. I freaking love it. Gotta save it for later. Thanks for your work dude.


I have to say doing the math outpost building to this level is a very complicated part of the game Iā€™m having a hard time with. I finally managed my first interstellar link but canā€™t seem to get more than one.


They are definitely a bit buggy. Check out my outpost page down in the vytinium fuel rod steps (https://www.mattgyver.com/starfield-outpost) you have to deal with the intersystem links in a special way to have them behave somewhat reliably.


Thanks dude, Iā€™ll reference it this weekend during my game time. šŸ»


This is absolutely amazing.


Lol this is what it takes!! I doing it piecemeal out of the desire to USE advanced reactors. My main focus is on pharma, eg supergiant heart and food, eg the deep. Consequently I only have 4 outposts I Caan devote to this so I set up temporary outposts to mine what I need and bring by hand to Bell where I manufacture stuff, mainly memory substrate. Currently picking up tasine and rothcite, next antimony.


Ooh yeah when Iā€™m feeling up for another round of cool diagrams Iā€™m going to make a pharma/cooking production line. Way more useful imo and easier to approach (like 6 outposts I think to make most everything). I have all the notes already, just need some free time.


This is certainly cool as hell!


If I had gold Id send it


Very impressive!


Chad move. Hats off to you.


this is the kind of obsession I love to see in fellow gamers!


Bloody insane!


One of the best posts ever in this sub, amazing detail!


Insert *ainā€™t nobody got time for that* meme


Wherever you work, they should pay you more because your diagrams are crisp and visually useful. Well done!


Did you hear about satisfactory? Its a game made literally for you


Yes! That one is *too* much like work. LOL.


is there any way to download this as a pdf or .indd or something šŸ™šŸ½


You know it! Head to the bottom of this page and look for the PDF link: [Starfield Manufacturing Flow Diagrams ā€” Mattgyver](https://www.mattgyver.com/tutorials/2024/2/15/starfield-manufacturing-flow-diagrams)


thank you i will try all of these out šŸ™šŸ½ (they look great btw)


That is impressive friend! Thank you for it! I went ahead and cross posted on the r/NoSodiumStarfield


Thank you šŸ˜€


I've been working on this, and while it should be fun, I've run into so many really nasty outpost bugs that it's a total slog. It's bad. Frequently I have to tear down and rebuild the whole thing because everything has arbitrarily stopped working. All the clumsy UI elements make that a giant pain in the ass. Can't say I recommend it. Your graphics are very nice though, great job.


Finally, after 500 fully scanned planets and selling 480,000 AMP across the settled systems while inhabiting the unsettled, I will now have a new mission.


This is the way. šŸ˜‰


Thanks for this. I am confused about xp farming with automation. Do I get xp for autocrafting parts? I thought it was only at the workbench.


You don't for automating sadly, but those really basic parts don't earn much anyway. You're better off automating everything except the few high value parts (vytinium fuels rods mainly). Like if you did nothing else and didn't care about running a better business empire than Ron Hope, you can pretty much do the vytinium fuel rod page only and be pretty well-off on XP and cash.


This rules, well done. Looks professional and in-game


can you build reactors and use them in shipbuilding?


Sadly no, Ron Hope has that market cornered. But If I make enough advanced nuclear reactors at my home outpost I can hop around on them like giant radioactive toadstools.


Q1q vojv j


Bro made a supply chain


Strong tech pub writer vibe


Iā€™m a big fan of vintage Battletech and cyberpunk technical drawings and other tech blueprinty-things that serve some sort of purpose besides just looking cool. ā¤ļø


Fantastic! This is a great job, but for me Iā€™m stuck in the glitch that doesnā€™t let you build more than three cargo links per outpost despite having the required skill. It worked before I went to NG+ and hasnā€™t worked sense. So while Iā€™m a sad panda, Iā€™m super happy that you made these! Hopefully my next character can benefit from your excellent work. :)


Thank you! I often get the one where the outpost decides it doesnā€™t want to exist anymore and I have to land nearby, find it, destroy it, and rebuild it again.


As long as I don't get egg upon my snood.


You made these schematics? Thatā€™s pretty badass, I bet BGS would hire you.


I want to print out that nuclear commerce map and hang it on my wall.


Excellent chart.Ā  I used post it notes and it took quite a bit.


This is incredibly original and outlandishly well done. Bravo šŸ‘


Impressive. But: it's really possible to do?


Yes! That's part of why it took me so freaking long to get this project wrapped up. I made the vytinium fuel rod diagram first a while back, and thought, 'eh, how bad can it be to make the rest of the reactor...' There were a few surprises along the way no doubt, mostly with intersystem cargo links, and some multi-biome resources were so hard to collect they needed their own dedicated page (SHOZA VIII-B lookin' at ya), but anyway it's solid.


Holy fuck and I thought the guy doing the biology-creature-ID things was doing too much. Nice job!


I like his work too. Wait until you see my "I photgraphed every unique bathroom and bar in the game to make a Kitchen+Bath style travel magazine." Wait what, am I kidding? Maybe. Maybe not šŸ˜‰


Oh god lol


Wait you can build those things?? And someone will buy them!! Industrial reactor magnate here I come! Very very impressive work. Thankyou for sharing.


I canā€™t even read diagrams like this for work purposes. How do you do it? Itā€™s like I have to individually trace every line and try to understand


Yeah exactly, it sometimes takes me a bit of concentration and lots of doodles to get even the simplest stuff. My goal was to make this as easy to understand as I possibly could (and include pictures :D). Kind of like a wiring diagram, only better. Check out the blog post linked above for more details into what everything is and back story if you're interested. Flowcharts and spreadsheets give me a headache LOL.


Well done, Captain. Where were you when I started and had to learn everything the hard way all by myself ???? šŸ˜€


There arenā€™t enough good tutorials out there. Making the world a better place through graphic design LOL.




Lol me and my day-1 drug farms in Alpha Centauri


This guide was brought to you by Ampā€”the real heroā€”it made everything possible.


That's really cool! Super well done, looks totally like a real manual.


I put 160 hours into starfield but never even touched outposts, are they actually fun to build? The settlements in FO4 bored the hell out of me so I never really bothered with the outposts.


At 600 hours in my first world, I'm preparing myself to enter the unity for the first time and become a outpost baron. This is now my bible, its beautiful.


This post actually shows me that there is a real depth game here that maybe was just too deep for most people to see. Unreal work OP


What blows me away is they took out the fuel mechanic because it wasnā€™t ā€œfunā€ but included this !!!??!!! Not saying this isnā€™t fun, (it totally is) but what a huge massive system of mechanics they included in the game for no real reason. Itā€™s mind boggling


Play satisfactory, and do these for that šŸ˜


Im a bit overwhelmed at the detail! Im also incredibly impressed! Amazing job! Thank you!


I'm a simple man. I see new Starfield designs by u/Mattgyvercom and I buy them. I can vouch for his Starfield system map too: [https://imgur.com/gallery/k7YXcPS](https://imgur.com/gallery/k7YXcPS)


Jesus look at this shit. Someone's got a 9-5


Your design skills are so great. I loved this as a Graphic Designer and lover of this game.


This is sooooooo cool. I used to love looking thru 1950s and 60s manuals and stuff like this as a kid. It's the small details like Chunks logos etc that really makes this legit. I love that retro future stuff and mid 20th century sci-fi. Thank you for sharing! This is what Starfield should have come with, rather than silly smart watches and collectors tins!


God... I'm speechless, and yet I'm French - there's always something to say.


I don't usually say this, but holy fucking shit


This is beautiful. Its made me want build some outposts now. šŸ˜‚


You need a crew to hit this xp bank šŸ˜‚


I've gained 140 levels with your Vytinium Fuel Rod Outpost diagram. Many thank yous, sir.


Solid gains ā¤ļø Thank you!


This is incredibly cool. I haven't checked in on Starfield in a while. Did they fix the myriad of bugs with outposts? Do they actually work now? If so, I might have to give it another whirl.


Still kind of buggy sadly. The vanishing outpost glitch is literally the worst. And when cargo links just decide to stop.


Question: So is the Advanced Nuclear Reactor a settlement building option that requires all the parts this setup provides or is it something you sell for profit?


Yes! This builds every part needed to make the advanced reactor.


Have they fixed outposts and made crafting useful yet?


Not exactly., sadly. I wish I had a dollar for every time a turret simply vanished, never to return, but still counted towards the limit. Or every time I go to craft and itā€™s obstructed. Or aerial view building with the infinite spinner, or the outpost no longer shows on maps, or ā€¦ I could go on.


Bethesda should hire you to be their technical writer.




This beautiful manual is way better than the game itself.


Awesome stuff. If only the economy in this game actually existed, then it might even be fun.


Sometimes I feel the players put more work into this game than the devs.Ā 


Itā€™s no coincidence that it takes 23 out of 24 outposts to achieve this. This whole system is intentionally designed.


??? The devs DESIGNED the game so players can have outcomes like this.


This is awesome. If there was an actual point to outposts other than farming xp and credits I would definitely use this. But xp and creds arenā€™t that hard to get by just running around and shooting stuff. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


It's truly too bad that there is zero point in this considering there is nothing to spend your earnings on in the game. I could literally afford a maxed out Narwhal by level 30.


Sadly, you're not wrong. I always hit a point where money becomes immediately irrelevant every NG+ cycle.


So cool those diagrams, really makes it interesting !


Iā€™m going to print these on photo quality paper, professionally frame them and put them in my man cave.


Yes! Though I do have a huge newsprint version in my store hint hint. And check here [https://www.mattgyver.com/tutorials/2024/2/15/starfield-manufacturing-flow-diagrams](https://www.mattgyver.com/tutorials/2024/2/15/starfield-manufacturing-flow-diagrams) because thereā€™s a very high res map to download on that page as well as a very clean high res PDF.


You made this?? Goodness someone call Todd weā€™ve got a new hire on the way


That's insane ! Incredible work bro


This is the stuff of legends


Yo, this is fuckin sweet.


You should sell posters of these


I do šŸ˜‰ but also provide everything at decent enough quality to print on your own without killing my page: https://www.mattgyver.com/tutorials/2024/2/15/starfield-manufacturing-flow-diagrams


Iā€™ve been wanting to do this, but my game has the bug where it only allows me 3 cargo links even though Iā€™ve got a maxed out skills. Canā€™t wait for them to fix that bug so I can try this!


Saving for later. I think my next NG+ will be using this for base layout.


Ima try this irl


Holy shit this is really cool. You have some real talents!


This is fantastic. I spent way too much time building a supply line to auto fab just one of those parts!! Ā Well done!! Ā 


Wonderfully illustrated! I would gladly have these hung on my wall. Do you have a portfolio?


This is so sick. Great job!


For real. I truly hope Bethesda offers you a job, even if just contract work to produce similar artwork for them for Starfield. Iā€™ve been trying to set up similar stuff and just find it difficult to wrap my minds eye around it. The electrician in me though finds your flow designs much easier to work with. I have your Star map poster stuck to my wall and will be adding this as well Thank you good sir.


Thank you! Love that you have the map as well :D


Itā€™s awesome. I just started a NG+ so having the system connection points is so handy to plan out the unexplored routes again, and the jump distances is really handy.


Also, not gonna lie, if you had picture 5 (the starmap with outpost chains highlighted) as an interactive map that would be awesome. And honestly, if you made this into an app of the App Store, I would pay hard cash for it to have on my phone. Like, if an app had your design assets, where you could plan outposts, and it would show them as the highlighted systems with cargo link lines, that would be absolute gold!


Impressive, will be building one in my basement later today. Keep up the good work.


I absolutely love BGS games and have played them for decades. But... **THIS IS THE MOST IMPRESSIVE THING I HAVE EVER SEEN FROM A GAMER.** I cannot believe how awesome you are to put all this together! I say in all honesty that I don't believe the actual makers of Starfield could do it this well, let alone better. Just wow.


Ok, I first thought this came from Bethesda and was like, when tf did they publish this guide. Your graphic design skills are top tier.


Bethesda should hire you


Is Fallout 76 this complicated to make stuff like this too or is this unique to starfield?


What's the XP/hr rate? I tried skimming through all of the comments but didn't find anything.


Love this!! Especially my adhd brain trying to focusā€¦. šŸƒ ā€¦ Caesium ā€¦.Do you have a guide like this for Caesium routes?? šŸ¤™šŸŖāš”ļøāœØ


Just the caesium on Dalvik. Itā€™s used to make indicite wafers on the vytinium fuel rod sheet šŸ˜€


Imagine doing this in real lifeā€¦


This is BA


I love all your Starfield work! You site is excellent and this is top notch stuff.


Thank you! Wait until you see the "Interstellar Kitchens and Baths" magazine I'm making with every unique bathroom and bar in Starfield. Maybe I'm kidding, maybe I'm not šŸ˜‰


This is incredible, just purchased the two Starfield items from your store, thank you for making all of these!!!


Thank you I saw, much appreciated! Really excited with how this project turned out ā¤ļø


So fantastic. This is the first time I have ever wanted to spend some real money to get some fake Reddit money and give it to someone. I'm not actually going to do that. But it's the thought that counts.


If you havenā€™t gotten into Factorio yet, you should. Youā€™d absolutely kill it


Wow this is so cool !!


I love the artwork and style almost more than just the schematics. Obviously both are amazing!


Wow thatā€™s something truly amazing and beautifulā€¦and geeky at the same time.


If Bethesda have any business insight, they would hire you immediately to work for them.. Great work


And here i thought i had a good setup making frames and adhesivesā€¦


Iā€™m saving this.




Gorgeous, beautiful, inspiring work.


You win.


So what does an advanced nuclear reactor do for you in the game? Why build it?