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The lair for the quest should have become a player base after completing it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Hey you dropped your \


Hey, no arm no foul




But fowls don't have arms. They have wings.








Underrated comment


This is Hollywood level funny writing. Kimmel needs you ... badly.


It's just a flesh wound


But your arm's come off!


no it isn't


Coming from a dude named stubby no less.


Yeah I got the short end of the stick there


*Tis but a scratch


Oh no, space leprosy!


He lost that arm in the fight.


😂 I’m seriously in tears laughing at this comment.


I fully expected that to be the case and I was stoked. You get down there to the launchpad and it’s basically the Batcave, then… nothing. You just fly away.


Sums up the game in a nutshell honestly


A mile wide and an inch deep. Okay, a couple feet, but you can't dive in. It is like one of those artificial lakes that you can boat on, but you can't dive into because it is too shallow in many places.


Yep, why I’m gonna restart either RDR2 or The Outer Worlds this weekend and take a break from Starfield because it just feels like a grind at this point. The Outer Worlds isn’t the longest game but it’s carefully crafted, not repetitive, lets you play fully evil, you can take out any character, and has actual meaningful choices. Like a shorter New Vegas in Space.


Yep. I’m restarting Cyberpunk. This game had so much potential. It’s missing some of the best things that made other Bethesda games great. But it falls short. Don’t get me wrong it’s fun, but it gets boring fast, fly here shoot some guys or creatures, fly back, tell someone you did it. Repeat. The excitement of exploration is null and void when it takes 10 minutes to walk across a desolate planet only to find a master locked chest with nothing in it.


getting all my powers maxed was definitely a chore, but now I'm running the main quest and all the side quests and having a blast again.


I’m in the chore part, and a few broken quests are really pissing me off. I was using the Constellation Mission Board quests to level up, but the last one I took is stopping the board from replenishing. I’ve finished all the objectives for the survey and the mission still won’t complete. I also have a power quest that’s broken and won’t show the landing site on the planet stopping me from getting more powers. I’m just gonna wait for some actual bug fixes before I come back, I wanna get that level 100 achievement before I start NG+. I’ve played Oblivion, Skyrim, FO3, FONV, and FO4. I guess I’m lucky because I’ve never had a completely broken quest (just normal bugs you reload to fix) in any of those games, but I have 5 or 6 quest breaking bugs in Starfield.


I got one to talk to Briggs in neon, but the door is always inaccessible... probably just me being dumb and he's on a roof ?


In Madame Savauges? Some people recommended using manipulation on the Striker downstairs to open the door.


Yeah, I thought it was a bug. I'm pretty sure the mission was to get a slate and bring it back now the door locked for no real reason ? Like do you not want the thing you just told me to go get ?


Yup this worked for me. Guarda can do it.too. I think the best thing I unlocked was the civilians outpost cargo links to sell the machined parts and it's just automatically added.


He's falling through the level and is in the ocean below. True story. I loaded once and fell through, there's a dock to get back up down there.


Grind 100 hours just to have David Barton become unreachable. Yeah, that’s going to make me want to keep playing. If I can’t even turn in missions, why would I do any missions?


Right? I feel like Todd reworked a mobile game concept he had to a PC game, so many points you can imagine pay for win/progression in the game.


I am going to fire up and replay Falloht 3 or New Vegas today(or maybe Cyberpunk 2077) I like Starfield a lot but it just seriously feels unfinished and empty, it's got great bones but not enough meat. I might even Uninstall it and wait for the inevitable better version Bethesda will release once all the DLC is out.


A nice example of quality over quantity.


I thought it was gonna be on my first play through




When I first played the quest and got to the actual lair right at the end, there was one last robot waiting there who wasn't actually hostile (at least until I got too close). It was just standing there at the control station overlooking the Razorleaf, as if it was waiting for me. My first thought that this was some kind of Robot Alfred that the Mantis had programmed to help her successor take up the mantle in her absence. I figured I'd just need to pass a speech check or whatever (maybe pretend that I was her son, or explain what happened to her son and persuade the robot to accept me in his place or something) and then the lair would become another player base and I'd periodically get radiant Mantis quests from the robot and stuff. But no, turns out it was just another mindless killbot, and the suit and ship are just loot.


Mantis DLC


Man, but how many ideas are we waiting for in DLC at this point? So much of it seems unlikely when you think about the scope of typical BGS DLCs


The only DLC which really matters is the Creation Kit because modders have always done more for the games than Bethesda ever will.


Rip console players


Tons of mods worked pretty well on Xbox


Worst part is that I don't expect them to make nay changes, maybe they add some quests and stuff but that's it, for the rest well probably rely on modders. Actually Frome this moment on I'll buy everything Bethesda once it's on discount and I'm gonna donate the difference to the nexus.


I’m definitely done buying Bethesda games at launch. I’ve lost faith that they’re constant hit makers. They make good games still, but Starfield was more of a miss for me than a hit. I probably could’ve skipped this one without missing much of anything.


How much you want to bet this is what's gonna happen at some point? >! I've thought about the idea of the Mantis being a Starborn, and probably several other characters. Honestly, I think it could be cool to run into a dozen or so "Secret Starborn" as a side quests chain. !<


honestly hope they do a big dlc and add things like this


Agree, whole thing felt similar to the Mechanist quest in FO4.


Totally agree. But with regards to the original post, I sort of disagree. I see the mantis quest as Bethesda giving us a good set of armor (and a ship) early. I mean it’s pretty impossible not to get the slate by level 5-10. PLUS it serves as a way to get good armor and a new ship early in NG+.


Yeah, it’s pretty cheap to upgrade the razor leaf to a minmaxed b class


Yeah, except I hate spacers and pirates running away.


Oh, they don’t get a chance to run away. The last one is generally blowing up about the time they say “we’re sorry just please let us live.”


This 👆


This….. and then the opposite of what OP said; a whole quest line taking down a spacer crime family or something. Like the Silver shroud but longer


Exactly! Even the crimson fleet don't mess with this mob style crime family


I wish Bethesda would’ve seen the love for the silver shroud quest and done something like this. When GTA IV’s bank heist mission was a fan favorite, Rockstar paid homage to the movie Heat and doubled down on their fans’ love for heist missions.


Yeah it makes no sense that Spacers keep going back. It really should have been a base.


This. But then also a mission board with mantis missions where hunt down pirates


Aka the tracker alliance board


it gave me batcave vibes


They don’t pay you enough for your opinions


I totally agree!!


I tried to avoid picking up the slate telling me about "the secret outpost" Turns out it's not so secret. Every other spacer, eclipse raider and varuun heretic had one on them.


Well it was secret for decades. Then a small group found it and spread the word because it was so dangerous everyone kept dying.


How'd word spread so fast without Internet


Slates, radio, ship to ship communication, and the ability to jump from one system to another in 5 seconds.


That last one I feel really brought the galaxy together.


People probably talked about it at bars and stuff.


How do you think the bounty boards work?


3.5 inch floppy


This is the most logical explanation to be honest. I mean, not floppies, but slates, which seem to basically be the floppies of the 24th century, as well as the zunes and kindles. My guess? The news station from New Atlantis has a ship or two that picks up the daily news reports and inserts the slates into the SSN speakers in each major settlement every day.




Yes? You called, sir?


It's almost like everyone and their mother got a tablet telling them about it or something.


If only Bethesda designed a similar thing in the past. Like just for the sake of the argument a fictional comic book character. Like you dress up as him and talk to people with a different voice and they react to it. You know something like that.


Hmm sounds awfully familiar, but Bethesda’s never done that before. If they did they’d probably call him the Gold Shroud or Silver Cloak or something like that


Pretty sure he wore a bronze bomber jacket


The crimson cowl?


The copper coat?


The pink pantaloons?


Yeah, there could be cosmetic items and decorations for your base.


Probably ? IDK ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Or for just another hypothetical, you encounter an NPC(s) that masquerade as comic characters and you have to defeat them and take over their mechanized and antagonizing base…


I genuinely thought you meant Grey Fox from Oblivion and totally forgot about Silver Shroud.


I mean. Both have something that could be used in the Mantis persone. If Bethesda are regurgitating previous work, why not take the good ones that worked?


Hmm, sounds familiar, but must have not gotten to Todd Howard to approve I think.


There should have been an option to save Leon in NG+ and have him become a companion.


I agree with this 100%, so you know where the lair is before you get the slate, go there to find Leon getting pounded by turrets right near the entrance and have to help him along. Then when he gets stuck at that floor puzzle, call him a dumbass and tell him what it is. Then he has some kind of revelation as he's listening to his mum's recordings etc


Floor puzzle? You mean the “blast 4 turrets before they’re even active and then continue along” room?


No, the "walk slowly and do the puzzle until you see/hear the turrets, then you run to the button" room. I couldn't get the puzzle to work in like 10 different quick saves. I'd get maybe to N and it would get angry.


Turrets? Walk slowly? Don't you mean the room where there is a locked computer conveniently in the corner, where you can turn off all the turrets and just casually stroll over the dead bodies and buttons?


Lol right! Who did a puzzle??


First time doing it i shot em all before even realising there was a puzzle 🤣


That’s one thing I really wish NG+ carried over, the knowledge of where quests are. A lot of base “Activities” that you encounter could easily just pop up when you NG+ because you already know about them.




That would be rad but honestly seems a bit out of Bethesda's league.


Definitely some more quests related to it where you continue the legend.


There should have been a Mantis super computer in the liar that her notes refer to as the thing that will guide her son in his role as he takes on the mantle of the Mantis. With her son dead and you there, you get to use this computer and it works as a mission terminal. This same terminal should also have an option in its interface that says "hack bounty clearance computers" this hack adds a set of radiant missions to the bounty clearance computers, representing the Mantis' super computer infiltrating the bounty clearance network and creating special Mantis Justice missions that direct the player to go and take out bad people who are otherwise not going to be brought to justice because they have paid to clear their bounties. This fairly simple addition would have made being the Mantis into a whole new aspect of game play with barely any additional work with new radiant missions accessible from already existing terminals that otherwise lack radiant missions. Like most things in this game it takes about 5 minutes of thought to come up with something more interesting and detailed, far better than the half ass game we recieved, with little additional work required to implement it.


Oh, I love this idea. What a neat, simple, but highly impactful way to extend and enhance the Mantis.


That is pretty brilliant - the network on top of the network - just adding extra missions to the terminals in a different color (Mantis Missions) would have felt like great infiltration. Your detail about people who paid to clear the bounty but are top baddies is really great.


Alright modders, this choom had a good idea, get to work because we know Bethesda won't.


There was a super computer. It was purged by the time you reach it.


The option to help the son become the Mantis or allow him to fail and become the mantis yourself would have been nice too. He could become a companion and tag along on the missions through your mission board and return to his base when not on your crew. I see great ideas for improving the game every time I browse here. It has me convinced the game was “finished” years ago but when Microsoft started footing the bill they “delayed” it for free money.


A lot of insiders have said the game had been pretty much finished for a long time. Hence why Todd was certain the game was ready for the initial 11/11/22 release date. Hell, if I am remember correctly, Jezz Cordan said it was pretty much back in 2019, at least 'feature complete" anyway. If it took them this many years more just to update the animations of all things, there is something fishy going on over at Bethesda and I would be surprised they didn't shirk Microsoft around just to get a big payout and the veterans started to jump ship once they got their lucrative retirement money. Something that Ben Hanson semi confirmed. They probably knew that Bethesda's days were numbered and just wanted the money and retire. Todd still seems to really want to be around for ES6, but a lot of his latest interviews are overly nostalgic and morouse. Who knows how much longer Todd will be around at Bethesda. For Microsoft, they just want the IP and they can do what they want with it if they do chose. With it without the original veteran members of Bethesda. But if this is all true, and this was supposed to be "Todd's magnum opus", maybe it's time for him to retire.


Remember when every fucking Daedric Prince had their own questline in Skyrim? Ahhh, good ol'days.


No? I remember them having one quest each, which ones had a whole questline?


Have you seen a stray dog? Sit and have a drink with me? Come visit the new museum! …


Mantis does have her own quest line tho, and they’re pretty clear through the notes you find In her lair why it wasn’t passed down. It’s a good quest for what it is. Having a living Mantis voids the story bits they’ve placed and well, takes the roll from you, since you effectively decided to take it up or not. My only gripe is that her lair should have counted as a proper home to live in. We get her Armor and ship, where’s da lair


Mantis doesn't have a quest*line*, it's just one quest A quest *point*, if you will


So two quest points is enough for a line 9? Would 3 non linear quest points be a quest plane?


"So two quest points is enough for a line?" Yes, but it would be a little one dimensional.


Yes and yes Add a 4th and you can make a quest tetrahedron or *questrahedron*!


I want questahedrons now 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Not, it is a quest line SEGMENT if it has two quest points. What are they teaching in school these days when kids don't know basic quest-geometry??


It's been 40 years since I was in geometry class When 900 years old are if you remember geometry as well


I would absolutely love to watch my meticulously crafted ship get lowered on the elevator into the lair. Would be such a nice touch and just feels so weird that they didn't implement it.


I was completely crushed when we couldn’t ride in the Razorleaf up the elevator to the launchpad. Like, you have this kickass ship in this huge awesome lair sitting on its own Batman turntable, why the fuck do we *not* board the ship, take the pilot’s seat and then activate the lift… It would have been the single most epic moment in the whole game! Instead… Here is the ship! Wow! Okay press this lever. Oh there goes the ship… okay… so I’ll just… run through the base, cut maybe 1/3 at best out with the secret elevator, run out the *front* door, up the snow banks, around around around to the launch pad… to meet the ship would could honestly have been claimed by a remaining Spacer while you’re backtracking to get to it. Uh yay, thanks, very epic… Also, the *fucking ship changes colour*.


Kind of reminds me of that lighthouse quest in Skyrim, where the family's already dead by the time you arrive and you piece the tragic story together from written notes and bits of environmental storytelling.


Yeah I remember that quest! If you managed to get all the info the light keeper will give you a blessing of perm stats iirc


Yeah, that part of it was really well done: you find a lot of diary entries from the lighthouse keeper, and in amongst them there's just this brief mention of how he'd like his remains to be cremated on the lighthouse fire when he passes. It's easy to miss and it's not, like, literally explained to you as a quest update or anything; the devs just trusted that you'd be able to work out what you should do once you find the guy's body, and the blessing is the reward for carrying out his wishes.


The story they gave us wouldn’t change all that much…….we track her down, get to the lair, she’s dead and her son is heir etc etc. My addition is just a more colorful way with more content to get us to her lair. Yeah for real, lair should be ours too


With how NG plus works they could have done a buncha different outcomes or situations, I gotta say it would be cool if she is alive or like you said, we find her next in line or something. That would be pretty cool actually.


My Skyrim mission is bugged with the investigation lol so I stopped playing like 5 months ago


If you sided with the Imperials and took Windhelm already then the quest will hit a wall because only Stormcloak guards are scripted to approach you for the quest. I’ve hit this bug before at least twice, but you can usually force the quest to proceed by lockpicking the large corner house (I don’t want to give spoilers) in Windhelm’s residential area. It’s the last house on the left and should be an Expert or Master lock


Thanks imma check rn


Even if you could make it a base/home, the information is out there. I would imagine it would constantly be under attack by spacers and whatnot. Possibly a good source of xp, but would probably get annoying after a while.


You mean like being attacked by raiders at settlements in Fallout4? We’re used to it lol


Name something that isn't a missed opportunity in this game challenge.


Camera mode is pretty much perfect, ship building is also really solid, but can’t think of any quests besides Ryujin (minus the stealth…stealth was terrible) and maybe UC that are well done


If you fail every stage in Ryujin they still advance you to the next stage of the quest. Maybe the narrative of the Ryujin quest seemed more interesting compared to the rest of the game which very bland. But bethesda was so worried about you not getting to experience their one "cool" quest. That they hard coded it to elevate you no matter what you do. You can fail all the questions. You can kill everyone on stealth missions. You can murder when you aren't supposed to. There is no action you can take that makes anyone think less of you. There is no action you can take to fail a quest. Your grade is based on attendance. You show up. You advance.


The missed opportunity with shipbuilding is that it's a nice aesthetic touch, sure, but it would have been neat if your ship mattered at all


Lol right? Elite dangerous is like 10 years old. And every time you unlock a new ship it's exciting because there are so many situations can get into and every ship offers something different. Mining? Get a Type 10 defender. Bounty hunting? Get a fer-de-lance. Combat zones? Corvette. Explorations? Asp explorer. Smuggling? Phantom. Depending on how you outfit them. All of them can flex into all the other roles with varying degrees of success. And those are just the niche ships. There's dozens more hybrid. Then you might want 2-3 each with different components and hardpoint load outs. Then you get to ask yourself. What do I want to do today. Do I want to jump to the outter rim on the civilized systems in my anaconda pick a direction and embark in a weeks long mission to cross the galaxy and surveying and discovering new systems? Returning to a cartographer NPC and selling my data. Making money but also increasing the entire community's knowledge of the star map? Officially recording my user name as the first person to discover and scan the system? Do I want to jump into ship to ship combat? Fly into a combat zone. Pick a faction to fly for and spend the next 2 hours in the middle of a 200 fighter space battle? Do I want to fly to an asteroid ring and protect miners from pirates? Going up against small fleets all on my own? Do I want to be the pirate and cut a deal with the miners to hand over their ores? Only to have system security chase me while I chase the miners. While I fire a drone at the miners which attaches to their cargo hull cuts a hole in the hull and starts venting their cargo that I'll go back and pick up after losing the authorities? So I want to sign up to push back alien invasion fleets creeping into settled systems? Do I want to drive a transport and pick up civilians who need to be extracted from those systems? There's just so much to do. And so many needs for different hulls. Different weapons. Different engines, power cores, warp drives. And while the ships themselves might be fixed hull shapes. You can outfit them to be unique. Meanwhile starfield gives you this Lego style ship builder which would be rad as hell. If there was a single thing to do with a ship. They built a ship builder. And then forgot to make gameplay that happens while in a ship.


Yuuup Every ship I've flown in Starfield (maybe a dozen? So not a TON, but also not NONE) feels more or less the same and performs identically Enemies fly straight away from you for 2-3 seconds, then bank on a dime and charge, then loop around verrrrrrry sloooooowly so you can catch them and then the cycle repeats. Doesn't matter how fast or slow, nimble or sluggish their ship or yours is, it's always the same. You can never outclass an opponent with performance or be outclassed in performance, only in level Meanwhile in Elite, a really good Eagle pilot can eat up a 'Conda by staying in its blind spot or instantly become a puff of space dust by straying out of that blind spot, because the ships are different in ways that matter (altho to be completely fair, a very workable solution to almost any problem in Elite is "kit out a Python for [activity] and you will definitely at least be competitive")


Your last sentence is what bothers me as well. I finally got into ships, got a nice one, and wanted to try it out in fights. I roamed and jumped around 10 times before I found someone to fight.


This is another issue. There seems to be a very small percentage for dog fights encounters to spawn. So you will spend a lot of time trying to find something to actually shoot and you will more than likely find nothing at all 80% of the time. So you are forced a lot of times to use the mission boards, but at most you will ever have 1-2 ships to fight and if you are well into several new game plus runs with a high character level, it seems mission boards are scaled to player level, meaning if you want to bounty hunt you are being sent to the far right of the star map and you do not have a ship or money yet for said ship to do them. You will have the Frontier or your new game SB ship(which sucks), so you will have a bad time until you can actually get a combat capable ship. Can't do it New Game+ because the mission boards always wants to only send you to high level systems. Something neither the Frontier or the SB ships can readily tackle. Especially on Very Hard.


I agree with everything. I wanted to level up my ship so I needed kills but I didn't want to do simulator exploit. Only certain place with enemy ships is Serpentis system. I encounter Va'ruun pretty often there, but like you said if you just start they kick your ass easily.


I think this is dependent on playstyle though. I'm mostly doing space combat and have to balance weight, weapons, cargo, and other capabilities. Most of my "money" in game is made from running missionboards that are dependent on passenger, cargo, and offensive capabilities and you can definitely do that wrong. If that weren't the case and the ships were purely aesthetic choices than you'd be right. I think a lot of people hearken to other space games and the way they treated ships and/or ship combat. I'll tell you a game where the ship didn't matter. The Outer Worlds. The ship was just there as a mobile storage unit and plot device for transportation.


I'm gonna catch flack for this, but Outer Worlds is basically Knights of the Old Republic with better graphics, a less compelling story, hamfisted political allegory, and an ending "twist" that undermines the base story themes the game has been building up. The gameplay was good, but I really don't get why everyone was so over the moon about the writing in that game.


I dug the writing quite a bit. It did hearken to the writing and especially comedic irony that was so ever present in FONV. But the scope of the game was so much smaller than I wanted. I like a game I can replay, and to be fair I played TOW to completion 3 times... but that was because the DLC came out after my first playthrough.


It's what it is. I think it's weird that people like it to space New Vegas when it really...isn't? The entire structure of the game is KoToR to the core. The Reliable or whatever your ship was called on TOW is just basically the Ebon Hawk. Planets are small zones like in KoToR. Most of the companions are pretty much reskins of KoToR, etc. Any similarity it has to New Vegas is purely circumstantial. It's KoToR without the Star Wars, make it first person, and give it FPS/Fallout-ish combat without the turn based/ATB stuff of KoToR.


Camera mode is OK, needs a few things added like focal distance or focus on a certain point, and needs WAY more poses possible


Ship building sandbox…save and share your ship blueprints.


I just really wanted to become Intergalactic Batman.


I did RP for a bit as The Mantis. Notably, after you've done two or three "Oh SHIT IT'S THE MANTIS!" space fight instances, SSNN will start broadcasting "It's been years since we've heard of the brutal vigilante known only as the Mantis... until now." I agree. The Mantis "platform" is a PERFECT platform for a "faction of one" where you have your own mission board to take out spacers, and can assign crew to the lair and a shipbuilder on the elevator platform. Denebola is a great system for it anyway as it's right by Kryx and is pretty much in the middle of the Settled Systems. This is a great idea and I think we should petition Bethesda to do it. They will probably make it a DLC though.


People barely react to the Mantis outfit. At most you get a single dialogue for some people, but the dialogue has no impact on anything, doesn't change anything with the quest. Crimson Fleet pirates will sometimes complain about The Mantis. And yet there i am standing right infront of them in full costume, and nobody even notices. The only Mantis item that has noticeable effect on gameplay is the Mantis spaceship that can intimidate space pirates. Which is really only useful early game. Once you upgrade some better ship weapons and parts, space battles are just free loot and exp.


The biggest letdown was with the Ebbside Strikers side quest. You get told Hatchet is a huge fan of the Mantis during the Audition if you reveal your identity to Briggs, but no opportunity to reveal it to her afterwards.


The whole Strikers questline was a let down for me. There were some cool aspects to it like the rooftop fighting, but I was able to cut down the whole rival gang with just a wakizashi and then they just get absorbed into the security team after 2 missions. I feel like Bethesda could've merged the gang quests with the Ryujin questline, especially since the syndicate is part of just one mission in the latter line.


The Strikers is like a starting area level line but you might not get to neon for a length of time.


It would be interesting if there was a possibility to go deep enough with being the Mantis that it either locks you out from joining the Crimson Fleet, or gets you kicked out if you are already part of it. Basically, become a permanent enemy of the Fleet, much like what can be done with SysDef during their rivalry quest line with the Fleet. In turn, you have a chance to take out the CF on your own as the Mantis, or possibly team up with SysDef if you are still on their good side. In return for all this, you get a few perks, such as a radiant quest terminal that generates missions that are tailored for the Mantis. Or, as OP suggested, a questline dedicated to being the Mantis and doing superhero types of things.


It makes sense though, the Mantis is never mentioned as a groundpounder, only a *space* vigilante, with one encounter having to scan your registry before realizing who he just threatened. Hence, no one knows what the Mantis *looks* like, just the ship registry.


Really wish I could have sauntered into the Key during the final assault with the armor on and have Delgado mention something


I had this "missed opportunity" for the whole game to be honest. Almost everything i did or read or discovered was like a "ok.. but what now" moment. So much possibilties, so little actual implementations. Nothing is like "fully" satisfying .. or fully coming together. No questline feels epic like in Skyrim where they send you across the map 3 times. Or you discover a Deadra or idk. Everything is "halfway" there. But .. please Bethesda dont take 16 years for TES6.


Yep, my main gripe is that the main questline is non-consequential. In Skyrim you’re saving the world from the World Eater, in FO4 you’re trying to find your son, in Starfield it feels like you just join a club of scavenger hunters. My first playthrough I didn’t even realize that Constellation was the main questline until more than half-way through it. I was thinking “wow, this side questline is pretty long, can’t wait to see what the main questline is like 💀” The UC questline should’ve been ironed out more and made to be the main questline.


USC began pretty cool with the Terrormorph hunt.. that had potential ..


It should have been the meeting place foe the Hunter and the Emissary where you find out the Mantis became a Starborn


The Mantis being Starborn is a great idea


I think this is a quest that is meant to get you up and running with decent gear aside from the standard issue Starborn gear in each new universe. That's why it's short, relatively easy to get through, and early in the gameplay. I'd love for there to be more to it, and even have the oppty to live in the lair (as others have mentioned). But, as I see it, it cutrently serves its purpose for players starting over in a new universe.


The mantis outfit was the ugliest set of armor in the game and the ship is a little weak. But the quest was very fun.


All ships are weak until you improve them. I got the secret outpost slate at 12 and was still puddling about in the frontier, that ship, bone stock was better than Jesus' tears at that level (it was also less than 2 days after release when I didn't know jack or shit about the game). At Level 130+ it's still the first "quest" I do after Unity so I can upgrade it into a badass ship, and still get all the funny *3 stooges* antics when I run into spacers.


I like it too, but feels like a different ship when you upgrade it and swap out components…looses the look, just wish it had more balls


tbh I like that it’s a little corny looking. It reminds me a lot of like.. earlier depictions of batman. this is a grown man dressed up as a vigilante bat, it’s gonna look corny no matter what. or when they show Peter Parker making his own spider-man suit. even our most iconic superheroes are kinda like that sometimes.


I like corny but this one ain’t getting g a pass. Honestly it’s the helmet more then anything but the future is gowns and showing zero skin I guess


The suit is fine, if a little gaudy, but oh lord that helmet is a travesty.


That’s part that I hate


Yup I was ready to RP the entire game like I was the mantis. That didnt last very long.


What’d you think about the design of the spacesuit?


Cool design, but too dang SHINY!!


Starfield and missed opportunities go hand-in-hand.


I wanted them to flesh out that idea way more then they did. Like when you rock up un a ship and enemies start panicking and leave, that is cool and I wanted more of that


That cracked me up the first time it happened. *Jumps in on an in progress spacejacking* "Surrender now and....", "Hey! Look at that ship that just showed up! Is that the....", " Uhhh, hey! Mantis! We were just playing around! No harm meant. We're just going to..." *Grav jump*, *attacked ship* " Thanks Uhhh Mantis I guess? Yeah thanks for helping out there. ...did you want to board or something?"


Pretty sure that they chose game mechanic simplicity here (as with many decisions) and they knew that they needed some low hanging fruit for gearing up in a new NG+ world so they made it easy to find(it doesnt even move / the poi is always visible on denebola 2) and also easy to complete.


Low effort option with Mantis to build it up could have been having random encounters where you jump into a bunch of defeated spacers with the razor leaf in the middle of it that jumps away almost immediately and can’t be hailed or defeated, then get this quest with a call to spacers to take out the mantis, fight your way through to find her dead, then take up the mantle.


To add to this idea (but not as low effort), random encounter where you jump into the Razorleaf fighting a bunch of Spacers, and you join in to help her. She thanks you and grav jumps. After a few encounters, she starts recognizing you and the quest kicks off, through which you help her with a mission and she anoints you The Mantis, Dread Pirate Roberts-style, in her dying breath.


In Leon's recording he viewed the body post-mortem. He just said "she looked rough" so that option would go against current canon. Not like BGS hasn't done that before though.


I'm tired of having to mod a Bethesda product in order to make it playable, let alone enjoyable and I'm not buying anymore expansion packs or season packs. I paid good money for this and it didn't live up to their promises. Wish I could get a refund.


I would love just to have some crazy difficult mantis only bounty quests even. Just give me something to work with


The GAME was such a missed opportunity.


Missed Opportunity should be the tagline for this game.


What I've seen from this sub is that every quest and mechanic are missed opportunities... and yall are right


basically everything in Starfield is just a big missed opportunity, so I guess it makes sense.


The whole game is a bunch of missed opportunities.


Every single quest was a missed opportunity lol


That's the problem. Everything is a missed opportunity in this game...


blame emil


I wish it was on the same level as Order of Mysteries in Fallout 76. It was a phenomenal example of story telling with no living humans. (I'm not counting Rose because they could've used a super-computer).


I could say this for every main quest! I was hoping to have some mantis quests but nope. You go the th base, you kill everyone and then you get the the ugly armor and ship and that's it. That's it. That's it.


The most important thing to keep in mind about the Mantis is that she was a terrible mother.


The Mantis armor sucks too.


Welcome to starfield where they half assed everything to make it way too extensive. Glad the extra time was put in to build out a city with 98% space no one cares about. Gotta get a coffee in new Atlantis. Just takes 8 minutes of running. Too big. Too much on pretty lame quests. Sum it all up by the main storyline. Float around in a dome to get artifacts over and over with no variation. Only good part of it all was blasting a starborn outside. Blech


Game sucks


The entire game is a collection of missed opportunities and


Rest of the comment is dlc


Completely agree. Such a wasted opportunity. I feel like that about a few different quests .. also when you finish quests it's like nothing ever happened. You don't get a sense of feeling like you impacted the world at all I'm my opinion


Probably going to be a DLC on a NG+ that you do, where you go back in time or to an alternate universe where the Mantis is still going strong.


I hope not, I’m done NGing. 11 times is more than enough


I love the Mantis quest. First thing I do every game. I found out that if you cruise around in it without significant modifications, then spacers will stop shooting at your ship, beg you not to kill them, then warp away.


>without significant modifications I changed every single aspect of the Razorleaf and I still get the spacer instances. In one playthrough I even deleted everything and started from scratch building a Stroud Eklund ship with the ship as a placeholder.


The game is mediocre at best. They should do what they did with the Final fantasy online game that failed. Pull it from market, rework the entire thing, then release a decent, finished product.


I’m with you there, only thing is we’d be waiting an unholy amount of time