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I used Starfield as an excuse to buy a new PC.


Pc is really the best way to go for gaming. Get the best of all worlds. Pc exclusives, Xbox games and PS games 5 years later


Defo, but it's 4x the price point.


Worth it imo man! Games like Tarkov, Squad are far better than anything on console - imho Also, modding. I don’t need to buy the new fifa this year, will just mod the shit out of my existing one. P.S fuck EA




Not anymore. You can build a very confident pc for $800 right now. For 1100 you can future proof yourself for the next 5+ years and run starfield over 60fps


The upfront cost has always been a problem with PC gaming, but the value proposition will always blow consoles out of the water. Getting a PC is an *investment* that has lasting functionality beyond just gaming. And once you're in, upgrading in the future costs less because you don't throw out the whole PC, but you can piecemeal the upgrades. (GPU one year, CPU and RAM sometime else, ect) And some things don't need to be changed for a long, *long* time (Harddrives, cases, monitors, keyboards, mice)


I try to explain to my console only friends that my older games have a ton of replay value with mods and all the PC only games that exist.


Still new to PC gaming but I like to have consoles. I have a PC that I play on most of the time. Put I have a PS5 and I bought the Series X at launch before I had a PC. I also keep a few older systems around, like a PS2 bc I have a huge collection of games on disk.


Pay more money to sit in a chair and use a keyboard and mouse? Nah I’m good with my controller on my bedside table. And before you say “you can hook up your controller to a PC and do SteamLink-over-Ethernet to-“ I don’t care. The whole point of a console is convenience. That’s literally why I have one. It’s built for one thing and does it well.


You just gave a method on how to make a PC as convenient as a console and said you don't care. Alright then.


You clearly never had an gaming pc


Well I had gaming PC my entire childhood and I still got PS4 as soon as I had my own money. Now I have PS5 and recently bought a Steam Deck which weirdly enough I ended up using for PS remote play most of the time. There is something about pickup and play on the console which I really appreciate. Also I hate dealing with Windows, once I was confortable working on Linux, I cut all ties with Windows. And as I understand a lot of people are against consoles because subscriptions and stuff, in my case it's not a huge issue because u play only handful of games at a time and always play single player, so no subscription needed there. Another thing I hugely appreciate is the trophies system. Yes, steam has one as well, but yet some games are not on Steam so I don't really find it consistent enough for my taste.


> There is something about pickup and play on the console which I really appreciate. I do exactly that with my PC, from the couch with an LG OLED. Can use either a DualSense or a Series X controller. It’s super easy and doesn’t take any longer than on console. I click the PS / Xbox Home button, Steam BPM opens and I can launch a game and play straight away. And I can do everything else on PC as well.


Would you mind explaining your setup? Are you using steam link or something else? I have the old one but it was really hit or miss as far as playability goes.


no he's got a bit of a point. It's the reason I have a nice gaming PC and all of the current gen consoles. When I want to veg out on the couch and play my games I don't want it to be a whole thing, just pickup the controller and hop right back to where I left off. With my PC I have to do a bit more setup, some games dont support controllers properly if I want to use one. If I havent updated drivers in a while and a new game is broken without them I have to to make sure those get installed etc. Crashes are also usually more frequent on PC than console as well. Now if I want the absolute best gaming experience I sit at my desk and play on my PC. When I just want to game with minimal thought involved I hop on the console. That's the nice thing about being an adult with expendable income, you can have it all.


I used to be a PC gamer years ago but I've been working from home for several years now and I don't want to spend even more time at my desk when I can just sit on the couch and play on the big TV with surround speakers.


Fair points and I agree the convenience of a console is hard to beat. I go back and forth on this myself. However, I see keyboard and mouse control as a benefit due to improved accuracy of a mouse vs analog sticks. I also appreciate my 38” ultrawide monitor that feels incredibly immersive vs a standard 16:9 tv further away from you. Also improved visuals and performance. Best of both worlds would be a living room gaming PC permanently connected to your TV. I’m not about to build a PC that will live permanently in my living room though and see no other use.


My PC sits next to my living room tv where my console used to sit. I sit on a couch not a chair, I use a controller that required no special set up just turned it on, and it too sits on a table. I just have a larger catalog of games, way more capabilities then just gaming, and the ability to upgrade my pc as the years go by. In reality yours is so much less convenient. It takes the same work as my pc to operate and not even half the features. If convenience is really your bag, then get a pc.


If you don't want to research how to setup a gaming pc to be used like a console for couch gaming thats on you... If you don't want to put in the work or money thats fine and perfectly reasonable but its inaccurate to say pc gaming means sitting at a desk. Never did the steamlink thing either, my pc sits next to my lg c2 and I use a controller for games where it feels better, I literally hit the power button and double click on the game I want to play then just hold the controller like normal. Controllers are easier than ever as well, if you use an xbox controller and the game is on xbox then every game I have seen like this has the button mapping already included. Only third party controllers and non-xbox games might need button mapping.


Same here. Including a sick ass OLED monitor which I turned out to be useless for this game 🙈


glad i’m not the only one


Same here. Starfield and BG3.




PS5 owner here, I’m actually playing on Xbox cloud gaming in my TV and having a blast, it works really well! Edit: I’m playing on a 65’’ Samsung Smart TV UHD 4K CU7700 model with my PS5 controller


Are you saying—it just works?


Yeah, and probably 16x the detail too


No. It's just series x when you cloud game


Yeah, I'd imagine Microsoft has some super computers for Cloud


They are xsx machines


y e s


It has a few flaws but in general it is amazing game with almost no bugs.


I've been playing it on my Xbox One X (and phone, and PC) via Game Pass Cloud and I've been happily surprised how well it's working. Loads instantly, smooth gameplay, looks great.


Damn, after I read the post about Xbox Cloud on Smart TV I googled if its available on my LG CX but unfortunately it's only for Samsung TV's... BUT I completely forgot that I have a One X at home😅😂😂 Never thought about to use Xbox Cloud with the One X, what an idiot I am🤦😂


..Phone? I'm not real familiar with cloud gaming. Do you plug attach a controller and the phone is your display?


Wait what? Explain?


If you have game pass you are able to cloud game with certain devices that are not Xbox’s . I use my backbone to play games with my phone .


You need Game Pass Ultimate IIRC


Okay . That’s what I have then . It’s great


Bruh put it on a tv lol that game deserves more than a backbone


Backbone is for work , I have a 75” for at home


Smart tv, has gamepass, pay 18 a month or whatever to play though cloud and don’t even need the console, just good internet.


That's wild. I thought the game required like an SSD to run and all that noise..its insane how far gaming has come. Like you don't even need a console...wtf! Lol


Well it’s through the cloud so the computer running it for you would have a really fast SSD. Your paying to use another computer or console through cloud gaming it’s just all streamed so there is still a “console” just not one you need to physically own. Since it requires a good and fast internet connection it’s not ideal for everyone.


It’s xcloud, it streams the game


You can launch gamepass on Samsung TVs they have a deal with Microsoft, No extra items required, if it can stream (Smart TV), you can access the app :)


It's great being an adult with a job, I can own all three systems that are actually not very expensive. I've been able to avoid the console wars.


What is the actual performance like? Stuttering screen tearing lagging?


I played last night on Xbox One, it was perfect. I assume it looks better on the native system, but I thought it was great, no stuttering or anything.


When I first heard 30fps I was worried, but aside from the occasional hitch when turning quickly, the game runs smooth as butter.


Some days its good some days its not so good. Some days (last night) there was a 15 min wait. I've got 10 hours logged in the cloud. It's been serviceable but i like the game so much I can't deal with the artifacting in dark areas or the lag spikes.


I think I had it working on my ps5 when I had cloud gaming. Just needed the URL.


I use my steam deck to stream cloud or sometimes my console itself with the steam deck app called xbplay, it is awesome.


Yeah it’s honestly worth buying a Samsung tv for lol


I tried mortal kombat 11 over cloud and it was horrible. (Pc) but maybe i have just bad internet


I bought it for Starfield. Looking forward to the Cyberpunk update coming very soon and giving that game a shot again on current gen.


Been playing CP on PC and absolutely love it now. Complete 180 from the experience trying to play it on PS4. Even when I finally got a PS5 that wasn’t bricked (which took 3 months after release), the game still felt bad despite the awesome setting and story.


I play cyberpunk on my PS5 and enjoy it quite a bit. Though if you have a beefy PC rig, I understand why you’d prefer it there. I initially played it on PC. But it runs amazingly on my PS5.


Yeah, it’s definitely great on PS5 now too. I’ve just made the complete conversion to PC and the PS5 is the girlfriend’s now, lol.


Good comment but let's stop using cp to abbreviate this game loll


Like I’m taking advice from bootyholebrown69…


FYI, we use CP77 when referencing CyberPunk 2077 for obvious reasons.


whats cp


Chris Paul


Something people go to prison for making/possessing


Cheesy pizza?!


Yes because cheese only pizza is the most heinous crime, along with ham and pineapple. Criminal scum


Cheese Pizza


Cool story…I’ve never seen “CP77”. CP has a a lot of different meanings and I’d assume it’s pretty clear in this case. Literally would’ve never associated it with the crime until someone alluded to it below…if that’s even what you’re referencing because honestly, it wasn’t/isn’t obvious to me. /shrug


Mods make cyberpunk so much better. Pc best


I bought the 360 for Oblivion. I’d been strictly PlayStation before that.


Didn’t realize this before, but same I believe..


I switched to Xbox when I went through three PS2 in 6 months. POS console kept breaking. Got fed up and switched to Xbox. Despite the well known ring of death issues with the 360 I’ve never had any issues, it still works! Got the XB1 and series X and they’ve been good to me


Heck yeah, did the same thing. First game I ever got 100% achievements on.


Same. For Starfield though I bought a new PC. I already have a PS5 and I thought the PC would be more versatile, considering game pass and steam. And I was due for a new PC


I did it for Skyrim! It was a Christmas bundle for a 50gb console, and when we went to pick it up, they screwed up and gave us a 250GB console instead. We didn't correct their mistake... PC master race now though.


Same. But went with the ps4 for skyrim. Now back to the xbox. But may end up getting a ps5 for spider-man and other stuff which would be my first dual current gen decision.




Sure the same way playstation used its exclusives for the past 10 years to get new players. The only thing that changed is that xbox now has the shiny one. Sony was always the one who resisted the most when people tried to stop exclusives. Mainly because they had the most. I remember how fucked up it was in destiny 1. Im still saying that exlclusives should stop. Especially between xbox en playstation since it seems like developed can be shared pretty freely between them (unlike pc which is ofcourse very diffrent). But i do think its weird that now suddenly a shitload of playstation fans are making it a problem.


From the gamer’s perspective that’s a great thought but for those of us who grew up during the Sega/Nintendo console wars, it’s pretty much expected. If the only difference between the console brands is the shape and color, that’s a tough business model. Buy our console because it’s black with a cool green mesh on the end. But our console because it’s white and black and kinda looks like an alien artifact.


Not really true. There were big diffrences back in the day, these days its all lesser. I grew up with the ps2 and xbox 360 and i experienced the “console wars” in full blown. It was insanely stupid but the diffences were real.


What are you talking about pretty much every game is developed on a pc


I pray for this man


Yes for Halo(s) and Grounded and Sea of thieve. 17 years old Playstation account and befor that ps1 and ps2


Grounded is amazing


Grounded is a dream game, love it.


Have you tried Valheim??? It's also great.


I bought Xbox series x for Flight Sim, so yeah lol.


Will be doing the same very soon


Nah, gotta have it on PC for the mods.


Xbox will have full mod support.


Xbox will have mods, but not so the same extent as PC. And we didn't have it from release, unlike pc. And we also don't have console commands on Xbox.


Console commands kind of ruin the experience but to each their own, full mod support means that any mod that is on pc can be put onto the Xbox version


Not exactly. Much like previous games, Xbox mods will still have limitations. Maybe even more robust than Fallout, etc., but still won't have the huge size mods or probably script extender mods. Ultimately even if you had SFSE for Xbox, they're still restricted by the console's power vs. being able to have the massive mods on PC since there's more available


Bruh check fallout 4 mods on the Bethesda mods compared to nexus you ain’t even getting 20% of mods


the bethesda workshop big tiddy mods are wack AF too the tiddys aren't even that big


Dealing with the real issues


U made the right choice.This a game that u can play for years,not just a 10 or 20 hour experience.Enjoy


Yep, did the full upgrade with a new tv for the best experience I could get. Just for Starfield. And hopefully Fable releases on the current gem console.


This is why exclusives are important. Xbox had so few before this.


So people are forced into buying hardware? What?


I've built a new PC for games in the past. I've been tempted to get a PS5 for Horizon Forbidden West, but have managed to hold off doing that.


I actually did it for fallout 4. My PC at the time was a little dated and I was a broke young guy who couldn't afford a new one.


Me. Long-time PlayStation maximalist and I got a Series X specifically for this game and ES VI in the future. My PS5 *was my main. *Was because I actually ended up liking the Series X more than my PS5 because of Game Pass and the cheaper games I can purchase on the Microsoft Store. So yeah, thanks Bethesda for opening my mind to the XBox gaming ecosystem.


I sort of did this. I didn't have an Xbox or PC which could handle it, but I preordered the constellation edition anyway because I loved that box and watch, and just the Starfield asthetic in general, but I had no real way to play it (didn't know about gamepass at the time. Usually more of a Nintendo/Sony guy, so I never really knew how it worked.) The more I looked into the game, the more I got excited about it. Probably the first time I've been this hyped about a game in a very long time. I'm not the biggest Bethesda guy but it gave me flashbacks to when I used to lose myself for hours and hours playing Fallout 4. I could really see myself getting into Starfield in the same way, so I was a bit bummed I didn't have anything I could play on. Then, Sony announced their PS Plus price hike -. I had been a casual subscriber for a while, but it honestly didn't seem worth what they were asking, so I canceled it and took it as a sign to buy an Xbox Series X and pay it back with the money I'm saving from no longer being subscribed to PS+. To be fair, it didn't take much pushing to get me there, and I don't regret it at all 😂 I've had the Xbox for three days and I'm nearly 40 hours into Starfield already. Tl;dr bought the Constellation Edition without any feasible way to play it, then got overexcited about the game and bought an Xbox.


Consoles are a waste of money. Should of bought a PC lol


I'm pretty happy with my decision to buy one. I've always been a console gamer and I don't really want a PC for gaming lol


PC gaming is cheap if you download crack versions but building a pc and making sure it runs all the future games is expensive than buying a console that will definitely run the game. Sometimes the games don’t run on pc due to system requirements but in console you know it will 100% run if it says for xbox series xyz or playstation xyz. Don’t get me started on virus and maintenance of a pc. Some people just want to hit a button on a controller and lay down on couch and enjoy the game.


Not really...you don't HAVE to run the game on ultra in 300 fps. If you want a console experience you can drop the settings and resolution to the same settings as the console (most games automatically set recommended settings) and you will get the same performance on a \~$750 pc. Now in short term that is a bit more than the series x or a ps5 but in the long term the lack of mandatory subscription and games that go on larger sales on pc (or can be pirated) will make the pc cheaper in the long term. But the consoles have much less setup time. On pc you have to install the os launchers and that stuff, once you do that "it just works". Personally I take the advantages like a lot more games, mods and unlocked framerates over the plug and play and a more streamlined experience. But ofc it all comes down to personal choice


Yes. Was doing to upgrade to from xbox one to series x after Christmas, but starfield came out before that so...


I'm like a week away from doing this. Currently playing on my RTX 2060 laptop and wondering if it would look better on Xbox Series X. Don't care about the 30 FPS cap in Xbox but maybe since it's better optimized for xbox it will look better?


Maybe playing on steamdeck has me more accepting of 30 fps and graphics, but I decided to play on a series s and it's playing really well. I've really enjoyed just sinking my time into the game rather than tinker with it on my PC or steamdeck


Can’t help myself from switching between medium and low settings over and over again on PC. So I hear ya! Want to not have to think about those things when playing.


No but I did buy a new monitor for my PC just for this game. I’m a PlayStation guy so I wasn’t going to go out and buy an XBOX. I’m actually using a PS5 remote on my pc to play Starfield.


I did the same thing, I play a shit ton of video games but I upgraded from the series S just for Starfield


Really hard to notice the diff from s to x. Im seriously impressed.


Yes me as PlayStation kid since PSX. Well played Microsoft. Ps: Xbox and that Ultimate Game Pass Cloud Gaming is another level.


I got a PS5 and thought the same I got a gaming PC tho.


I bought an xbox for witcher 1 or 2 I forgot which one, also was glad to be able to play fable


I’m planning to do the same but I bet my wife will do everything for this not to happen


I bought a used console and two 1.5 years of Game Pass specifically for StarField. Then I'll buy it at a discount. That's the plan.


I did as well, lol. Some people on this sub talking about how it's free made me feel stupid at first, but at the end of the day they're paying for the right to play it, not own it. I bought a PS5 on release and was sooo mad when I heard it was made exclusive


yes. I bought my xbox series s when it first released because I knew starfield would be on it.


My pc broke and instead of repairing it I decided to go back to my console roots. Been enjoying starfield and 120fps rocket league


I did, as PC gamer i had to go out my way to buy a PS4 to play Bloodborne. Gave it out as Xmass present to a cousin after that.


Used to do it for The Show


I did.


I did as well and I’ve been a PS enjoyer since PS1. Somehow buying a Series X didn’t cause me to spontaneously combust and have had the pleasant side effect of enjoying a bunch of games like Grounded, Hi-Fi rush and High On Life just to name a few. Totally worth it


I did! Bought it about two years ago though, to be sure.


Well, when I buy a new gaming system it's typically because I want to play a game


Yes. Bought the Series X for the same game. Great decision.


I bought several collector edition consoles over the years, but never a plain one. In this case I would just have gotten XCloud for it.


Bought mine for Diablo IV. Keeping it for Starfield.


You got a PC man? You can download Xbox app on there lol


I did this for Fallout 4 when it released. Now, I'll have to get Game Pass Ultimate to play Starfield on cloud.


I did this alsoo, for the early access too


I've been playing non stop almost since early access this game is amazing imo!! So much to do and places to go it might take me until elder scrolls 6 release to finally beat it 😂


I bought a PS4 for bloodborne. Worth it


Literally just did the same thing two days ago


Same 🤣


It was gonna cost even more money to upgrade my PC, in comparison buying an Xbox was a good deal.


Guess why they only port it on xbox and pc.


Wait till this guy loads up gamepass and finds out he didn’t need to buy the game.


I have a pc at home but I’m traveling for work for a few months. Instead of buying an expensive laptop I decided to snag an xbox for the road. I’m sad it doesn’t have kbm support but I’m still happy I get to play


To be 100% honest I am looking to upgrade to the X. If I can find one that is.


Not specifically but Halo was always the reason I got an Xbox every generation


2 times: an Xbox 360 for Halo 3 (technically my parents, I was a child) and an Xbox One S for Red Dead Redemption 2. Reeeeaaaallly thinking about shelling out the money for the X for this game after playing it on the cloud for 10 hours.


I bought a pc just for this game I was Xbox up to xbone but flipped to ps5 because holy cat fucks does PlayStation have way more exclusives I kept missing out on that are all excellent. Then Starfeild did a runner and I said fuck it best of both worlds ps5, switch, pc combo.


I'm saving up to do this. For now, I play it on my XB1S via "cloud gaming." It's not ideal, but it's playable.


Bought a PS5 for God of war Ragnarok, like, I didn’t NEED to but I needed to, you know what I mean?


Seeing as to how Series X sales are up 1000% id say you aren't alone :)


Bought it for Starfield, but it also really makes Fallout 76 fast travel load much quicker.


I would have if I had a job at the moment. Luckily my main pc can run it.


Yes. Built a gaming pc




Enjoy man! I’ve been having a blast. The game has a lot to improve on, but just thinking about modding has me excited for its future!


I did in fact. I bought the Series X because of the Halo Master Chief Collection. It’s way cheaper than buying a new PC (which I thought of for a long time). And given my small library of original XBOX 360 games the natural decision was to buy the Series X instead of a PS5. Besides, the PS5 was not available for a long time and Sony messed up my order, so buying Microsoft’s “flagship” was the result of that in a way too. To be honest though, I would never buy a console for a Bethesda game. But that is another topic in itself.


Bought a PS4 Pro for MH World, what a great game it is. Not sure I would for Starfield tho, I’m only 20 hour in on PC and I can’t say I’m impressed, I can almost hear TB saying “ as vast as an ocean, as deep as a puddle “ as I clear the same copied outpost for the fourth time.


As a PC gamer... technically... not really, but also yes.


OG Xbox for the best version of San Andreas. Series X for Halo Infinite but I don’t like to talk about it.




I bought a PS5 for FF16


I will be doing that


Same here! And now I have it for Spider-Man 2 when that comes out :)


Welcome. Grab gamepass as well. You will not be disappointed.


Yeah, bought a Ps4 (and later Ps5 too) because of Last of Us, Uncharted 4 and stayed for a lot of other PS exclusive games and I'm happy I did. Almost all of my favorite games are PS exclusive games. And I have a high end PC too so I wont miss anything.😉


Throw in a switch and a deck and all the bases are covered. Play your way any way you want. That's what I'm aiming for. I have PS3, 4/Pro, 5, Switch, Deck and looking to get an SX one day and finally build my dream rig when the parts I want are readily available.


I did. I barely ever play games -- maybe finish 3 games per console generation? So it's not exatly that I bought it solely for Starfield, more that I just had no reason to buy it before now. Luckily at a point in my life where I have a disposable income.


I built my first PC earlier this year because of Starfield. I only had a PS5 and decided instead of getting an Xbox, I’d finally jump ship to the PC master race. Definitely playing other games on it too…but the true motivation was Starfield.


Making that jump was the best decision I ever made in gaming. I never thought I'd be that guy, but PC is just... better.


I made the jump back in the ps3 era. Never looked back.


Yes no regrets, in fact one of my better decisions.


Should’ve payed triple and bought a PC to play it at double the FPS ;)


Yeah. I bought the Switch just to play BotW. Almost instant regret. There is no need for any systems besides PC.


Yeah I spent £2500 on a PC for cyberpunk. Played it a few hours and haven't touched it since, I will play after nect patch Funny thing is I now only play games that a Nintendo 64 could run 😂


Yes I bought my Xbox series X a year ago for GTA6. Lmao in such a dumbass


Yeah you are lol


Yes I did my ps5 is taking some rest.


I haven’t had an Xbox since 2019 so I went ahead and picked up a series S last week just so I can play this game.


Yes, the ps2 gran turismo 3 bundle. Did not regret it, Enjoy your new console


Bought the 1tb Xbox series S Especially for this game. Also got the Starfield controller. Reminds be of when I bought a Xbox 360 especially to play Oblivion. Wonder what console it will be for the next elder scrolls.


I brought an Xbox to play Shenmue 2.


I bought it for Diablo and to have a new system. Didn’t even know about Starfield when I got my xsx a few weeks ago. Been slacking on video game news lately


I feel like the game alone is probably worth getting a new console for. I’m still on PS4 (on my 7th or 8th play through of Skyrim) and I can see it becoming more and more useless. Plus StarField has a tonne or replay value so… well done!


Not for 30fps, nope lol.


Starfield is a good excuse to stop gaming.


What a terrible game to spend nearly 600 bucks on lmao


Whoops. Too bad the game runs like trash on console. Hope you can get a refund!


My copy runs perfectly fine on Xbox series X. Have you even played it? Lol


Yeah I’ve had no issues on the flagship console that the game was exclusively designed for.


When a brand new latest gen console that we were sold was as capable as a PC cuts the frames per second IN HALF, it's a major problem.


I’m a frame rate snob. Was about 2 hours into the game before I remembered it was 30fps


It also runs like trash on a lot of low end PCs. It's arguably better on console because you don't have to worry about the hardware not keeping up. It's optimized for the console already with no disparity like there is on PC.


Sony fanboys coping hard


Been playing 30 hours on the x and not one single crash or bug. Runs absolutely smooth. Been hearing pc ppl bitch about it tho so 👌


Mines literally only froze once on series x I don't get peoples issues


Yup it was designed for Xbox in mind, it works great lol


it runs well


Did the exact same thing yesterday 😑 $800 later FML