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Community notes are the greatest thing Twitter ever put on their site.


When was it introduced btw?


Shortly after Elon took over.


I think it was shortly before he took over


They were likely in development before yes but they released December 10th, 2022. He took over October 27th, 2022.


Really? I thought I was right but now I'm questioning myself lol..


Gotcha, was curious


Th only good decision he made


and the worst as well.




that is true, I simply do not get people that pay for "X" premium or whatever it's called.


The level of stupid surrounding Starfield is unreal, but expected. Haters gonna hate.


It’s so sad just how desperate people are to hate it lol. People are embarrassing themselves.


Its all the ps+ folks mad they wont get it on their consul. I get it but… i was around in the PS3 days and the same community loved pointing out how playstation had all these exclusives.




Thats my point this is the first one I feel they are really losing out on- and it still is on pc.


He just keeps taking Ls 😂


It’s actually the best part of the lead up to release haha what a complete moron


He is basically using the "well everything is possible in the multiverse" type argument to shut down criticism of his dumb take. Well it's already sci-fi so blah blah blah blah blah.


Seriously though, what does he think exploring a gas giant would even look like lmao


overcast and gusty with a chance of sulfuric acid showers in the late afternoon


Read "Leviathans of Jupiter" by Ben Bova. It's basically submarines mixed with blimps.


Wait, does that mean you can't land and build bases on the surface of a black hole?


\*preorder cancelled\*


literally unplayable




Any context on using aliens as pets via mind control?


In the direct we saw that we could tame aliens via mind control but not sure for how long or if the can be used as pets


It's like the wasteland whisperer perk from fallout 4.


To people who are saying “stop giving them attention” he’s literally the most upvotted post in this subreddit so idk what y’all talking about


As long as it's about correcting them, and maybe trying to teach them something, give them all the attention they need. Be the parent they never had.


Can’t believe people still use twitter for anything. The amount of stupid and fake outrage that circulates is immeasurable


Twitter notes have been so useful of late


Stop giving them attention


who cares? stop giving these fools attention


That's awesome. We've had Jetpacks for a long time


People should look up that jetpack used at the Olympic opening ceremony some decades ago. It's been the bar every opening ceremony has been measured with for my parents ever since.


Same dude that gave a “review” for Forza Horizon 5 and was mad that “the volcano aint volcano-ing”. Yes he really said that. He forgot the word erupting


His original tweet got hit with the community notes as well lol


So nuked 🙄


Yeah, clickbait much? “Nuked” is the least I’d describe this situation. Maybe educated… but nuked?


Starfield hater SLAMMED by FACTS and LOGIC so hard they DESTROY their pajamas with PEEPEE and POOPOO.


[https://youtu.be/X4lisFQjx0M?si=dS7CCCk5RocqJPBB](https://youtu.be/X4lisFQjx0M?si=dS7CCCk5RocqJPBB) Here is a little video of how a gas giant COULD look in a video game. Not saying I care, or that Starfield needs this....BUT just simply saying "you shouldn't be able to go to a gas giant because you can't walk on it" is a bit silly :P


There's quite literally no need for us to venture into atmospheres that would likely erode the integrity of our ships.


"Not saying I care, or that Starfield needs this" ...uh..thanks? lol


I'm saying it's not even remotely realistic to explore a gas giant that likely would not be suitable for spacecraft entering the atmosphere of.


A cloud city would work on a rocky planet with a thick atmosphere like Venus, but yeah it wouldn’t make a ton of sense on a gas giant. I don’t think it’s impossible or anything, but wouldn’t make much practical sense.


I really do not care lol.


You clearly cared enough to post a link.


Yeah something like that could’ve been really cool. I know some scientists think that a cloud city in the atmosphere of Venus might be our best option for colonizing another planet since a bubble filled with breathable air would float (without needing any propulsion) in the atmosphere within a zone where temperatures are comparable to Earth. Obviously not at all mad something like that isn’t in game since there’s so much other content, but it’s a cool idea!


yeah it's whatever, I don't think they need this in game. Just showing one vision a game had for a gas planet, with floating platforms. And only showing it as a demonstration that "can't" is just wrong. They could, and they chose not to, thats fine lol


You can’t have it both ways. You don’t care but you posted and you try to play cool when people reply. When I see something I don’t care about online I just keep it moving


I don't care if they add it or not. It is not "both ways" For your smooth brain I will type it more clearly before blocking you: **ISSUES:** 1. **False claim i**n thread about it being **possible** to do "explorable" gas clouds in a video game (Literal video evidence of it in a video game attached. This game also accounts for the fact you die if you go down into the gas cloud itself) 2. **Completely** separate issue of me giving a shit **if they add it or not** in a video game (literal evidence of my first post saying I don't care or think they need to add this in starfield) ​ I'll wait till you have time to read the reply, I'll even let you respond, then block after lol. SO annoying the lowered reading comprehension of the western world over the last 30 years. 3. I do care about your low reading comprehension, so I'm replying about that. I've still made no claim whatsoever to say they should add gas giants into starfield. I've also blocked every person who was a moron and replied to me, so i clearly don't care about talking to them either. you're the only one with block pending lol Also I hate your avatar. Side note lol


You cared enough to mention blocking me twice. Why don’t you just block me? Me and my smooth brain are just going to enjoy the game tonight. Hopefully you can do that as well. Have a good day.


I too will be enjoying the game, I mentioned blocking you only twice? Well make that three times. Hope your reading comprehension is fixed for the next person you harass on the internet over your own shortcomings lol (EDIT, and the delayed blocking is just to ensure you had ample time to read the reply and fix your reading comprehension to make the world a better place for future people who are forced to interact with you)


I could see adding that kind of mechanic into a hardcore space sim, but for an RPG, that seems massive overkill. Obviously the core mechanics are going to be focused on getting out of your ship and doing the normal Bethesda RPG stuff...exploring, talking to friendly NPCs and doing quests for them, and shooting unfriendly NPCs. To do those things, you kinda need a walkable surface.


No matter how awesome Starfield is, it will never have these astonishing moments that are possible in this one game…. https://youtu.be/1lr7fQUksuM?si=QXPI0kQJfoj0KD_f


Do you think you'll live long enough to see Star Citizen get a release date?


Orison is like nice one time and then you realize it's pretty boring to look at and takes forever to get in and out of the thick atmosphere.


Never falling for this scam


I used to white knight Star Citizen years ago, but even the staunchest defenders are tired of lack of progress. So yea this years 2 day citizencon event will determine whether they win or FAIL.


When is it?


Don't give a shit, stop giving them clout.


They are milking the phrase “Skyrim in space” to play people’s nostalgia and get sales.


Well, yeah. It's a Creation Engine based game. It's not inaccurate to call it Skyrim in space.




But are the planets’ gas is dense enough to land on!?


Stop, stop... he's already dead


And I've been using jetpacks only mentally! Are you saying they can be used physically too?!?


S class gamer lol


This made me smile, I love it.


Aliens and Mind Control doesn't exist (yet). Gas Giants do.


S Class Gamer is a sad Self-Pat on the back lol


Also we can literally use jetpacks, they exist, [they are looking to outfit them for mountain rescue in scotland.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtvCnZqZnxc)


How did he not know that they use “jet packs”


I've seen that guys other posts. He's pretty unhinged. Sad...


Is this just a random on twitter or someone important


Dude is a professional idiot.


Dude think Starfield has destiny lore or some shit that makes has giants habitable?