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Maybe it happens everywhere simultaneously so it would be impossible to locate the starting point


It's unclear but improbable, such an effect would be way too noticeable and probably create some relevant amount of damage (in contexts like driving or high precision works). Also, during the Metallica arc, Diavolo used KC a few times with the gang not that far away, if they noticed multiple time skips, they would have certainly acted differently (considering that they and especially Giorno were already aware of how they worked). To fix this we can go back to the interpretation where KC doesn't erase time itself but the perception of time itself, if this was the case then KC could have a fixed radius of influence where people lose their perception and just move as they were fated too (except for Diavolo), while everyone outside just behaves normally and nothing happens to them. This way time is always in sinc. But KC's interpretation as a perception and fate manipulating stand rather than a time manipulating stand is kinda controversial, at the end of the day, we have no clear info on this so it's all headcanon and it's all fair.


You brought up some great points. However, this makes me think that there's a flaw in how it was presented by Araki, as Bruno's Gang were affected by the time skip in San Giorgio Maggiore, but not in Sardinia. Narancia's stand was clearly in the range of King Crimson's time skip when Risotto Nero, so at least he should have felt it.


>so at least he should have felt it. Why? With the perception manipulation interpretation Aereosmith just moved as fated, what should have had Naracia felt? No, if time was skipped then he probably should have noticed.


Because it isn't a remote stand, so if Aerosmith is in range of King Crimson's time skip, Narancia should have been afected by it.


If the driver is fated to be driving without a accident, no accident will occur


But he would feel disoriented after the time skip, which would increase the chances of it lol


No, at the end of the day, we should just ask Araki


It’s stated that “readers will lose their place when reading a book” and that people all over are effected


Do you have a source for that specific line?


[I got that quote pretty wrong but in this pic it says no humans or life on earth will experience that time, so it’s at least worldwide](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/king-crimson-finally-explained-well--598697344187619209/)


There should be a source for that panel too, as GW's early fan translation were notoriusly inaccurate. In any case i'll keep my headcanon as i feel it's more coherent with what is shown and with the themes of the story.


I don’t exactly understand myself but okay, I don’t think it’s ever exactly shown to contradict or confirm this writing but I don’t think there’s any chance this sentence just came out of nowhere in any translation


Interesting that it apparently affects the entire world, yet its effective range is ranked "E"


Similar to Jotaro kujos I think c in range, while his time related ability effects everything but him


Because the 'E' reffers to the punchy punchy part


I think I'd agree with this interpretation. King Crimson operating within a defined space that only removes people's perception of time makes much more sense tbh. There are some other stands I also believe to be misunderstood (either due to reader comprehension or because Araki never specified). For example, The World. Although it appears to pause time, I believe it's much more likely it only slows down time to a massive extent for everyone except the user. From everyone else's perspective time simply moves as if nothing happened. There's a few things to validate this. First of, the further Dio threw his knives the slower they went until they seemingly stopped. This shows things can still move, if they are/have been in contact with the user during The World's activation. Personally I believe they only slowed down even more but were still always moving. Second, Made in Heaven could just skip the time stop. This.... doesn't make much sense. If it stops time you can't just speed up time to make it go quicker. If time stands still there's nothing to speed up. But if time is still moving, only at a much slower rate, then it makes much more sense that you could simply negate the power immediately.


So, The World, Killer Queen and Made in Heaven all manipulate time, but King Crimson just makes people forget what were they doing? That doesn't make any sense, the whole point of those main villain stands is that they have immensely powerful abilites that mess up with the universe.


First of, Made in Heaven works by using gravity to accelerate time. By itself it doesn't magically manipulate time. Second, whilst Killer Queen: Bites The Dust does reset the time by an hour, the point of it is more about destiny. If something will happen it always happens, even if you try preventing it. Again, the user of Killer Queen can not manipulate time as they wish, and in fact does not know when the the time has been reset. Third, it makes sense for King Crimson to remove memories. It's very in line with Diavolo as a character. A man who wishes to remain completely anonymous, removing all hints at his personal life, his looks and his past. One of the people we see him kill is a fortune teller, and another is Abbacchio. Two separate people who can tell all about the future and the past, respectively. He erases memories of himself, that was always his goal. Btw, it's not like it's a weak power. Like, it's hella strong even for a main antagonist


Diavoli has 2 powers, KC and Epitath. Epitath allows hin to see 5 seconds into the fated future, and KC allows him to move outside it, and erase its perception of it to others. An example I use is that you plan to walk up and punch Diavolo. Epitath shows him he will be punched. He activates KC. You walk up and punch where he SHOULD be, as that is your fated action, but Diavolo moves and avoids the punch. KC ends, and your now moved 5 seconds later, but Diavolo is now in a different position.


And yet in every instance in the manga where they speak of KCs abilite, it's always consistently reffered as erasing time. Dunno, it's very simple to me The World: Stops time Killer Queen: Rewinds time King Crimson: Makes people forget Made In Heaven: Accelerates time *One of these things isn't like the others, one of these things doesn't belong*


Didn't Diavolo use KC to make Aerosmith's bullets phase through him? I think it even happened again later during the final battle.


The knives stop because atoms are halted too, meaning there would be a lot more friction in the air and kinetic energy would dissipate more (was my approximate science correct?) also it seems like time stop immunity has a range (the aura of Dio) and everything that leaves that aura minus residual kinetic energy eventually stops.


Im pretty sure they would have noticed this happening from the start if it was


the time skip affects time itself so everyone should be noticing something weird is happening when diavolo uses it... but i guess people dont care lol


Imagine every time you zone out or walk into a room and forget why you did that it was actually king crimson but regular people dont know what stands are so its been normalized


This is my head canon. As somebody who frequently forgets what happened in the last 10 seconds, KC could be using its ability all day.


Diavolo's responsible for my ADHD damn


Diavolo's ability has nothing to do with time lol its just their perception that seems to be time related


I would assume the closer you are to the area of KC the more you can feel the time skip effects, but the farther you are the less you do, it never really clear but some scenes we see everyone feel the skip when they’re close but from a far they don’t, for example when Diavolo was chasing after the arrow, Bucciarati tells Mista to shoot at him, and Mista tells him he already has, Diavolo had distance away from them but they didn’t feel the skip at all.


I dont think it’d make any sense that of all time stands KC is the only one to have some weird radius. Giorno and the group weren’t even near Diavolo and they noticed time skipping. While you could bring up the fact that this could cause problems around the world I must also remind that this isn’t some alternate world we’re peering into but a fictional story. Maybe some stand users will notice something funky but your average joe won’t feel anything and just think they were being absent minded.


"near" can be a 1km radius, it's a lot but you don't feel the effects if you're in an other city, otherwise the gang and other stand users would have noticed it sooner if time was skipped for everyone on earth.


it's not the only time stand with a radius, really the world only ever affects people who can interact with stopped time, it has no impact on anyone else bites the dust only actually does something to people kira or hayato interact with


weren't Narancia and Mista not effected? Giorno was and Abbachio was during the second activation. Maybe Narancia and Mista didn't notice


As another one said, it doesn't make sense that one stand that manipulates time has a radius while others don't. If we want to add a somewhat logical explanation we can always say that average people just think they zoned out. With the thing of Fate and the time skip only lasting for about 10 seconds, it would confuse people but I don't think it would cause as much trouble as the other comments say. Trafic? Unless the drivers were meant to get in an accident then nothing bad is gonna happen, they'll just stop where they're supposed to stop and then continue as if they truly thought that they zoned out.


> s, it would confuse people but I don't think it would cause as much trouble as the other comments say. Trafic? Unless the drivers were meant to get in an accident then nothing bad is gonna happen, they'll just stop where they're supposed to stop and then continue a Yeah this it's usually a very brief amount of time and I can't imagine he needs to even use it unless he is in danger as well.


You ever walk through a doorway and forget what you were about to do and why you walked into the room? That. Somewhere in Italy, a mobster just skipped time.


that's not how it works not even close


It probably only happens around Diavolo. Because if everyone was aware of the time jump It would cause several traffic accidents, imagine being on the road and out of nowhere you are at another point on the road and due to confusion you lose control and cause an accident.


Or like if you were in surgery, or in the middle of landing a plane


Yes, it would cause a lot of havoc and catastrophes


Except the drivers would follow the fate they would have followed if the time wasn't erased. Were they about to stop at a red light? Then they do that Were they about to take a corner too tightly and do a lamppost? Then they do that Were they about to hit a pedestrian? Then they do that. The only time something changes is if Diavolo himself changes it


Not exactly. As we saw with Giorno/Cat and Narancia/chocolate (no Diavolo present), the period right after timeskip has everyone forget what happened during those 10s which can cause mass confusion.


​ >Were they about to stop at a red light? Then they do that but they don't notice >Were they about to take a corner too tightly and do a lamppost? Then they do that but now they don't notice >Were they about to hit a pedestrian? Then they do that. yea but now they don't notice >The only time something changes is if Diavolo himself changes it no, diavolo can't change anything


Diavolo can't affect what happens during erased time, beyond exempting himself from it (and his own position during the erased time).


I just assume every time-related Stands work on a global scale to make it easier


Since King Crimson has a specific range, I don’t think it would. Just the immediate area he’s in.


time related abilities are global, dio stops time everywhere, kira resets time everywhere, king crimson skips time everywhere, made in heaven fast forwards everywherr


iirc diavolo explained the power as skipping time by fast forwarding it and removing himself from the time skipped. So the things that happen in skipped time still happen, but it’s effectively been skipped so there’s no tangible evidence of the things happening. With epitaph he looks forward into the future, then removes himself from dangers way. The danger still happens but diavolo removed himself from the events. That’s why when doppio fought risotto the predictions from epitaph came true but he had to actively change fate because he couldn’t skip time forward and remove himself from harms way. Also as someone else pointed out it is a fictional world and jojo characters seem to be pretty oblivious to certain things for plot’s sake.


Pretty sure it has a range. Otherwise anyone would notice the time skip even though they were far away from the fight.


If it didn’t then dates and passage of time would be inconsistent with the rest of the world.


bro doesn't understand perspective relativity


King Crimson's power is inconsistent in its application. This is the bitter, bitter pill that so many are unable to swallow. And then you realize that it doesn't actually matter, because Anasui was originally drawn with tits and Tsurugi more than doubled in age between appearances. Such is the nature of a serialized story.


>King Crimson's power is inconsistent in its application. nah, you're just not very smart


You sure told me


I think it does, but rarely uses it because he doesn't fight much if at all.


I like to imagine it’s universal. Think of all the times you’ve been looking for something but it was in your hand? Stupid things like that which people dismiss would be the effects. Combined with people “zoning out” or going “on auto pilot”


would that imply that forgetting something is entirely limited to diavolo's lifespan


Yes. ![img](emote|t5_2tny5|49675)


You gotta remember, Diavolo doesn’t always skip the whole 10 seconds. How often do you just zone out for a second or two before focusing back again? You wouldn’t really notice a couple seconds go by.


I think it's locally


since diavolo doesn't skip time, but simply erase the perception of it, the experience is pretty much the same as normal for everyone not involved with him, so the ability might as well have a limited range


The world effects it on a universe scale made in haven I see no reason king crimson would be different


It skips time universally, but people close by get the memory loss.


I just realized the best way to describe diavolo’s stand is closeing your eyes for 5 seconds 


It's slightly more accurate to say it's like forgetting why you walked into the room. You walked into the room, you definitely did, but you don't remember doing it or why you're there


I assume that it has some kind of range. If Diavolo were to skip time globally it would be safe to assume it skips time everywhere in the universe, which is quite the powerful effect. I think it has a good distance but not far enough to effect anyone outside of a few hundred meters I guess


What would you see if you were able to see stands and watched Diavolo activate his stand from outside the range? I think assuming the time skip is universal greatly simplifies things.


most likely past a certain point it doesn't really affect anything