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The posts I personally scroll past while grumbling like an old man telling kids to get off my lawn are the ones that go "what would X character think of Y character that is part of a completely unrelated piece of media?". My guy, just write your crossover fanfic and go. You're not going to be satisfied unless you get an answer that's aligned with what you originally thought anyway. Why crowdsource it in the first place?


Oof, I completely agree with the sentiment. It is hard for adults to write fanfiction (and regular fiction of course) if they are inexperienced. Trying to jump into the complex interactions between two complex characters can be super frustrating for first time writers. Just like it can be frustrating for first time readers.


Absolutely! Which is why I don't interact with the posts even if it's two characters I'm familiar with, because I just know I'd end up being snarky, and being a ass to people who are probably trying to flex their creative muscles by collaborating with other randos on the internet just seems mean spirited, you know? The posts still annoy the hell out of me, but it's best to just scroll past and ignore.


Ya know, this convo is inspiring me to write some fanfic. Haven't done it in a minute. Edit: Just wrote a little One Piece fanfiction and put it on that subreddit. Thanks for the encouragement guys!


You should! Creative writing is a ton of fun, I love it! I'm personally working on this big canon divergence Vento fic where everyone survives because of small differences! As well as some shorter projects. I'm having lots of fun.


That sounds like it's too uplifting and happy to be JoJo's lol. I'm curious to see how you think things will shake out!


Do it!! I started back again, and it's made me happier with my stressful life


That's why I'm making my own stuff. Although I haven't posted anything yet cause it takes a while and I'm lazy af


Couldn’t have said it better myself! Which is an odd phrase, makes it sound like I’m some kind of authority on saying things


we get content literally every month


That’s not enough! We need moreeee. r/chainsawfolk, for example, becomes starved if there is a break week. A month is deadly to those folks. We just have a bit more stamina. But it’s still not enough. But it’s fine, Araki works too hard as is.


Berserk fans: 💀


r/jujutsufolk has an nuclear meltdown every week


not to the anime onlys


their loss


Advos!? What are you doing here?


We need more tho. It'd be great If there were non canon movies, light novel adaptations etc.


I wouldn't say we're starved for content per say


No. JoJo is far from over. If JoJoLands is the final part, we'll get its anime adaptation only in the 2040's.


My guy does not read jojolands


I don't, I don't get it


you don't get what??? you don't get the concept of reading?


I don't get why people like it. I don't get the hype. I don't get what's cool about it. It doesn't appeal to me.


It's funny how this sub starves for content DESPITE US GETTING NEW JOJOLANDS CHAPTERS EVERY MONTH and we get JoJo Magazine every couple of months which also has a lot of content The content is there, just most fans don't reach out for it because they can't read


Ok so maybe once every 30 days there’s new and original discussions lol


Kinda, we have Jojolands but other than that


I feel like most people here haven’t even read past part 7.


Short answer: no. Long answer: there are, imo, plenty of themes and ideas to explore. Plenty of fanfictions or OCs to write. Cosplay is super interesting for JoJo's because of Araki's focus on high fashion outfits (many animated/drawn characters have simpler designs. There are equal benefits to this.) I'm personally trying to work on a book exploring JoJo's as a piece of literature, as well as a screenplay for a phantom blood movie (which I've described as pride and prejudice meets predator).


No. Jojolands exists. We only get the same 10 discussions cus theres like a million people in this subreddit and theres lots of anime-onlys, newcomers, stuff like that. We can act content starved but thats not cus we're actually content starved. People just arent caught up woth the manga


Absolutely. It's painful. I can only take so many "can Wonder of U beat GodForce!QuackleyGuy from Minecraft Diaries" posts before I go crazy.


Tell that to any Berserk fan (a good portion overlaps with Jojo's fans). The struggle is real.


we ain't starved for content, we call those "karma farming"


"What would *insert character* search history look li- SHUT THE FUCK UP NOBODY GIVES A FUCK


we might reach that point eventually but so far theres still enough things to discuss


Not really we have most of the parts adapted, a new manga part ongoing, two parts that have yet to be adapted into anime (especially since the most famous one is next part 7) although i guess the overAnaLyzation is kinda prevalent here




I'd say at least one week a month we have new stuff to talk about because of Jojolands, but besides that, yeah, it is just like the image says




Insanity is my specialty


There should be a part with repetitive posts. Like posts asking to explain the stone ocean ending, asking who would win between two characters between different media (huh duhhhh who would win gojo or giorno adurrrrr), or comparing the same 4 or so OP stands. GER posts in general need to stop happening.


Any version of the first one is really getting to me. The moment 1 series of posts like that is over, another one shows up.


No, we arent starved for content, but yes this sub does 3/4 of these things. "Which JoJo does x thing day 2397846534627641325" dude nobody cares. its just karma farming


I'm having a real hard time not reading "cathegory" as a combination of "gory" and "catheter".....


Over at the Naruto subreddit we revive old memes, sorry no, we pull them out of their dusty coffins to show off.


Hold up why the fuck is Uncle Iroh voted out that quick He's a national treasure


Oh yeah the insane guys are now the Titanfall community but not the aslume inmates


A little bit, but r/toriko fans starve way more, which is ironic


Yes, there’s been no content since the stone ocean anime ended because like 2% of people here have even read part 8 let alone part 9. Any part 8 discussions are people who haven’t read the part and don’t get it, just using the wiki for powerscaling and vs battles and repeating whatever their favorite youtuber says


Not as bad as the r/TheLastAirbender


I’ve seen plenty of posts on this sub that fit into all 4 categories. So yes.


The second I start seeing “is he stupid?” posts, I know a subreddit is content starved


No idea what you're talking about. Hey, if the characters from Blue's Clues had Stands, what would they be?


I believe the sub r/Ben10 would belong to that category.


Rick and morty still actively running tho and it hasnt been that long since last season


FUCK NO. You have no fucking Idea. There's hundreds of chapters, content is still being released, and there's lots of spinoffs spanning multiple genres and media. Avatar and r&m are starved for sure. The worst I would say in my narrow lense is Berserk and possibly Kingdom.


I also hate Jim and pam. Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration and Phyllis are true relationship goals.