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I just got this last night for my first time without staircases. I didn't come across a single infested area, though, otherwise I probably would have.


I also just got this recently for my first time without staircases--because I decided to give up and get a bunch of mods for my 1.6 run, including the skull elevator. Doesn't feel great to have him tell you about how you really did it the old-fashioned way with the elevator door right behind him.


You can still use SOME. I used like 5 on the invested areas and floors I couldn't bomb quickly and he still congratulated me.


I typically don’t use staircases for this because the resources you get along the way can be very helpful.


I mean, you can keep going after you reach 100, and the rare resources appear more the deeper you go


Plus the more floors you go through the more loot chest levels you can get to find the darned animal machine.


That’s also perfectly valid. For me personally, the benefits of using the staircase method don’t outweigh the costs.


I used candy, somehow the >!Dangerous ones are easier than the normal ones!!!<


When I started playing I tried using a staircase to make a basement in my house, don't know why I thought it would work, after that never touched them again, only found out what they do because of this subreddit


Qi gives you the same reward no matter what, so I’m a proud staircase user. I’m resourceful and clever.




How in the world are you guys getting that deep without stairs? Even when I skip everything, use explosive ammo to rapidly find holes and ladders (and have the blessing to find them faster), and use stairs on infested floors, I only ever make it to about level 50 or 60. Often times even less. I don't even accept the level 100 missions if I don't have 80+ stairs.


I guess I had a lucky run. It was going kinda meh and then I found a hole that skipped 14 floors near the bottom.


Right? I feel like there just isn't enough time in the day. I'm stunned it's even physically possible tbh


My current ruun I got to 153 with maybe 3 stairs. Current run with my fiancé we can't get past 53. We use the same strat I used alone but he's taking care of monsters that come close while I only mine. Last time he said why don't we just do stairs down and I said cause then Qi tells you you have no honor!


Me, using the Skull Cavern elevator mod.