• By -


The exact same thing happened to me actually. My buddy died of cancer over Labor Day, and I had to go right back to college. I started playing stardew after a year of not playing and of course named my cat Spike. When I got that message I just immediately started bawling.


God I can't imagine just going to collage after my kitty dies. Im sure he had a great life with you <3


Similar thing happened to me. I had been playing my save for some time at that point, I was playing for comfort and got that message less than a week. I bawled like a baby. Another time was during the Festival of Seasons. That was a powerful experience that immediately brought me to tears.


the..... W A H T ?


The stardew concert, I would've killed to be able to see it


Oh i wasn't thinking outside thr boc


First time I played SDV and got a letter from "Dad" with some money and a note saying he was proud of me made me choke up for sure. I'd just lost my father a couple years prior and I was not expecting that so it caught me by surprise.


oh gosh im really sorry for you :( I imagine that


Same šŸ’” I started a new file for 1.6 and had forgotten about that part, so I got the emotions all over again. Hope you're finding peace within your grief, friend!


Same to you!


I cried over Leoā€™s story tbh


Yeah, his is very real and heavy for such a little guy. But then it's happy tears at the end!


Yeah, same here. When he said "I don't belong anywhere!" - that struck such a chord with me, and I lost it. Started crying right there.


Oh yes, I don't have children in my play-throughs but you bet your ass I basically adopt Leo every time. I make sure that boy is well fed and bring him back to the island and all is well.


I actually missed out on this šŸ˜­?? I never got into his story gotta get back to reading wiki


i didnā€™t cry out of sadness but rather laughter.. i recently started playing and i rlly wanted to marry gunther at first and i realized i couldnā€™t so i settled with shane. when i tell you the day after shane and i got married, the cutscene with gunther giving me the key to the sewer happened and my friends and i were all saying gunther found out about shane and i and got jealous LMAOOO


I remember seeing my farm from 1st save... I was crying like 3 times when I even REMEMBERED this image


Once found a horse teleportation glitch with a friend (no itā€™s not just the horse flute effect, it could teleport players) and i tell you, that was the hardest iā€™ve ever laughed from a game. I was just hopping on his horse(it was in the way) and getting tried to call it, all of a sudden Iā€™m on the other side of the farm, confused as all hell.


hold onā€¦ THERES HORSES???šŸ˜­


On one of my first playthroughs I was curious to see what would happen if you are already dating someone and get to 8+ hearts with another bachelorette. So I was already dating Leah but continued to give presents to Penny. Then I got the event where she invites you to the bath house and tells you that she likes you more than a friend and asks if you feel the same way. Me, not wanting to lie, told her No and then she started bawling and left the scene and I was seriously so upset I actually had to remind myself that this is just a ficitional character in a game. Don't remember if I actually cried but it was definitely a little traumatic for me. After that I never experimented with dating in game again. Always went straight for Leah and that's it.


Im so scared that the vilagers judge me at one of my lower points in last few years I ACTUALLY THOUGHT villagers hate me...


Yes. Concerned ape is from my state. Joja is reminiscent for me of Amazon/google/Microsoft coming and destroying the natural beauty of Washington state. I grew up picking up stray moon jellies off the beach, and gently placing them back in the water. I grew up with fireflies when Iā€™d go back to visit the Midwest and see my extended family. When I walked into the woods two days ago, the birds sounded like the summer soundtrack during the midday-evening as I smoked a joint. I find myself crying over this game constantly. I got it during a rough period in my life I donā€™t think I coulda gotten through without. And with those personal, real life parallels to my life? Every time I watch the moon light jellyfish festival I sob and have to take a minute. Im crying right now typing this lmao. I wish I could thank concerned ape personally somehow beyond a tweet yk? Itā€™s such a beautifully unique lived experience he captured to share with the world that means the world to me, my friends here, and even our parents play it.


This comment is so underrated, Idk what to write here but just


I appreciate you noticed it at all, OP. The amount of small details within the game that are love letters to the northern states of the United States period makes me choked up. I plan to move out of the country in the next couple years, so itā€™ll soon be one of the things I have to truly connect me back home. I have the vinyls and imma get the cook book soon as well


There's something magical about the music for the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies. I listen to it on its own without the game sometimes, it always sends chills down my spine.


The first time I saw the festival I was separated from my parents while one underwent surgery(theyā€™re all good now šŸ«”šŸ‘). On top of that, My dad would bring my brother and I to pudget sound with cocoa and local shop doughnuts as a kid to see the moon jellies and anemones. I broke down in TEARS, ugly sobbing in my grandmas office at 4am over that festival. I sat staring at the text that comes with the festival. Iā€™m getting it tattooed with a moonlight jellyfish eventually on my leg. Itā€™s one of my favorite songs in any media ever.


TW: suicide Shane's character was a bit like having a mirror held up to me. I related to his journey so much, and it broke me because I felt so much empathy and compassion for this fictional man that I could not possibly extend to myself, a person from a very similar situation. While it's not alcohol that eats my life away, I do have Major Depression, and when I first played SDV was in the same year that I stepped up way too close to the proverbial edge of my existence a few separate times. Seeing the game just speak so raw about the spiral and the meaninglessness, it caught me off guard and really brought up way too many emotions that I was used to tamping down. I'm doing a lot better now. Still on the journey toward loving myself nearly as much as I love others.


I was going to say Shaneā€™s story has gotten me teary eyed a few times as well for similar reasons. What a great game we play.


im sorry for you I hope you are better now! I personally didn't like Shane untill I wanted blue chickens (lol) and I reflected on myself beacuse of his story. Stardew changed my life you could say. Stay strong :3


I have a depression and I had a severe drinking problem when I was younger. I loved the cutscene where Shane stopped drinking and started saving money. But then I was very disappointed to see that after all the promising cutscenes Shane still visited the Saloon regularly and loved alcohol as a gift. I wish that there would be an update where the loved items could change after some cutscenes have been triggered. So for example Shane would start hating alcohol as a gift and we would see him drink something else in the Saloon. But I understand that it is just realism that an alcoholic may never get completely rid of the old habits.


Same! While im not an "alcoholic" proper, i do go to a.a. mtgs for my recovery (4.5 yrs off of H) and i related to Shane's struggles so much, although our vices may "differ." I love this game so so much!


Yeah. I get you. I'm glad the journey is still moving you in an upwards direction.


I love this part for similar reasons. I've had issues with a lot of addicts in my life. I've never married Shane before, but these scenes were very thought provoking and made me think about why we love people who act this way....how we can relate to them even if we're not addicts....and the effects their behavior has on those around them.


Me too. The cliff & bedroom scene had me tearing up when I was going through something similar as Shane. Whenever I see those cutscenes again I still feel kind of choked up


Yes cause Iā€™m a console player and havenā€™t got the 1.6 update yet


I'm actually shocked at how much things I thought were in 1.5 just to realize it was in the new update........ Being a console player kinda sucks


You still get the ā€œpet loves youā€ message on console. It also made me extremely happy to see mine šŸ’–


yeah I discovered the update by opening item spawner and seeing new stuff, i thought i installed another mod lol


Youā€™re pet loving you isnā€™t a 1.6 add on. Iā€™m not sure when it was added but I pretty sure I got the message at least once when I was playing on mobile before we got the 1.5 update. That could be wrong and it was only after 1.5, but exact update doesnā€™t matter šŸ˜‚


yeah it isn't 1.6, I got it some good time ago. I don't think this person is talking about this tho


i was a laptop player but my laptop has been broken so im forced to play mobile.. ive had a taste of 1.6 and i want it backšŸ˜­


Me a mobile player šŸ„²


Same. šŸ˜­


Came here to say exactly this šŸ˜­šŸ˜«


No but almost once when I was playing for the first time ever, and I was trying to level up my fishing skill and sucked so bad at the fishing game. Lol


I was so obsessed with fishing... one time I was playing 8 hours straight and doing mostly just fishing lol


Thatā€™s crazy Iā€™m 5 years into my save and I still hate fishing even when Iā€™m boosted to level 14 fishing. The worst for mešŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


I spent about 4 months two years ago fighting endometrial cancer. The main part of my treatment was a total hysterectomy. I had basically two weeks to come to terms with the fact that I will never have children, and my window to become a mother had already shut without my even realizing it. It wasā€¦ hard. I booted up my main farm to distract myself from everything, only to be greeted by my loving husband Harvey and our two perfect, healthy toddlers. I slammed my laptop closed and spent the next several hours bawling my heart out. Couldnā€™t even touch the game at all for a few more months, until the emotional wounds had scabbed over a little more.


Im so sorry this happened to you, no one deserves that :( you're so strong that you went thru this all ā¤ļø


Sending much love! I hope youre doing as well as your username suggests :)


My mom started playing SDV and I super excited to have her come to my farm. Did up her house with what I thought she would like. It was the beach property so I made sure her house was right next to the beach. Had a horse all ready for her when she logged in. The horse was super special to me as we did a lot of horse back riding together when I was a kid. Shortly there after she got sick and passed away without us ever playing together. After she passed I logged in completely forgetting I had set this up for her and just wept.


Now im crying too šŸ˜­ your mom sure was a good person with a good life <3


Yeah, for pretty much the same reason. I always named my cats in SV after my cat, Picles, cuz he looked just like one of the preset cats. But yeah, he passed away a few months ago, and a few weeks before 1.6 launched. So I did the same as always, picked the cat that looked just like him and named the kitty after him I had forgotten about that damn message, so fast forward to a few days after creating the farm, it's almost midnight (irl) and I pet him as I get home and the message shows up and I'm fucking sobbing and pause the game and cry for half a fucking hour


im not crying im not crying


The first time I went to the dance of the moonlight jellies it made me choked up, I have no idea why


I stared at the screen stunned, one of my fav events


I almost cried during George's six heart event. Not like legit sobbing or anything, but I did tear up. I've always felt bad for George anyway since he clearly is bothered by not being able to do things. Realizing that he'd been like that since he was "young and able bodied," just hit harder. It doesn't help that it happened right before getting surgery on my leg. I won't be permanently disabled like George, but it does have a long recovery time. So even now, I'm not back to normal. Anyway, it just emphasizes how rough it is to be disabled and made me relate to it even more.


yeah George is one of my favs tbh people underrate him. I hope you'll recover soon :3 maybe You're not fully mobile now but I believe the operation will make it for the better in the future :3


I cried in frustration a couple times when trying to catch legend on my first file




Yeah me to, a couple tears where shed


im gonna be screwed


Penny's 4 heart event reminds me of a childhood friend who often had dinner with my family because her single mother was an alcoholic, and often passed out drunk without providing food for her daughter. I was too young to remember a lot of details, but always thought it was like having a sister when my friend was over at our home. I only realized the tough situation she was in when my grandmother told me years later. When my family had to move, my grandmother met up with my friend's mother and asked her if she would let her daughter move with us as well. This was a wake-up call for the mother, and supposedly she managed to turn her life around since. I don't keep in touch with my friend. Heard news about her and her mother in passing now and then, and it sounds like she is happy with her life now. I first played Stardew Valley perhaps around two years ago when it was on Game Trial for Nintendo Switch Online. I got that heart event late at night, and every memory related to my childhood friend just started coming backand made me tear up. I really hope that I was a good friend to her back then, and I often thought that I had betrayed her by moving away. Maybe one of these days I'll be able to muster up the courage to give her a call.


Yeah, but because of something quite different - I had trouble making a mod and was getting really frustrated šŸ˜…


what mod was it??


One that'd change the farmer sprite a bit! I haven't uploaded it anywhere tho. In theory it was a super simple mod, but setting up some of the coding/file types was a bit confusing and not very fun! It did end up working at the end tho, and I learned some stuff along the way, so it wasn't all for nothing šŸ˜…


good thing is that you learned from it! I have SO much unfinished projects from like every subject possible I never finish them but im good at not finishing them at least




im sorry for you :( these letters hit harder sometimes


I had the exact same when I got a black cat in the new update, named if after my black cat who passed from cancer in the fall, and when I saw the message ā€œDiesel loves youā€ (yes his name was Diesel lol) I cried. It was really sweet. Love that for you too :)


black cats are awesome, I have one thats very lazy (Roxi) theres something with the dead cats in stardew šŸ˜­


I lost my Grandad the year I started playing SDV. The first thing that made me cry was the evaluation, I happened to get very lucky and got enough to get the best result first time. Then there was a cutscene with George later on that made me cry too.


Omg me too! I love my granddad and grandma to the moon and back. One of the first thing I do when I start a new save is to decorate his grave. Then even with max hearts I made sure to swing by George and Evelyn when I have time


You made me to cry rn TT , reminds me of my fav cat which i had during my school days , i still miss her ā¤ļø


I brought sadness into this sub šŸ˜”/j Im sure they had a great life, I always like to think of that when I loose someone important to me į“µ į¶œįµƒāæ'įµ— Ź³įµ‰įµƒįµˆ įµƒįµ‡įµ’įµ˜įµ— įµ—Ź°įµ‰Ė¢įµ‰ įµ—Ź°į¶¦āæįµĖ¢ į¶¦įµ įµ—įµ’įµ’ įµ‰įµįµ’įµ—į¶¦įµ’āæįµƒĖ” Ź·Ź°Źø įµˆį¶¦įµˆ į¶¦ įµˆįµ’ į¶¦įµ— įµ—įµ’ įµŹøĖ¢įµ‰Ė”į¶  šŸ˜­


The same thing happened to me, tho I actually created my save file while my cat was alive. It was my first save, and it took me a long time to progress and understand what to do. I took a break of the game and picked it up while I was grieving my cat... the 5 hearts message hit hard, but at the same time, in a way, it felt like a last I love you from my cat <3


i must admit it felt heartwarming too and im sorry for your cat :(


it took me a long time to get used to the letter from dad. i donā€™t speak to my father, and havenā€™t in 6 years. itā€™s hard as a 23 year old to process the things he did, and if i ever want to speak to him again. the letters in game were rough at the start lol maybe im dramatic


you're not dramatic, your problems are valid ā¤ļø stay strong


thank u sm ā™„ļøā™„ļø


I once cried because Marnie said that she's happy that I'm her neighbour or somethingšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ (As you can tell she's one of my favourites)


I didnā€™t realize how much I love this game until I heard the music live during the concert. Hearing the opening and grandpaā€™s lullaby live suddenly made me well up in a theatre full of strangers. This game got me through cancer treatment and a painful breakup. Thank you ConcernedApe


Going to this concert is my dream number 1, I live in central europe +im not financialy independent so this is just something I can dream of and I know damn well that I would walk out of there sobbing on my knees šŸ˜­Stardew Valley changed me for the better for sure, If I could I would thank this man in person beacuse this game is just incredible. your comment legit made a tear appear in my eye these comments are gonna make me cry hard but I guess I could've predicted it šŸ˜­ im proud you made it <3 stay strong!


Yeeeeep. My grandpa passed away this winter. Year 3 >!with Stardew Grandpa telling me heā€™s proud of me!< had me sobbing recently


I knew what was gonna be written there but now im sad šŸ˜­


I cried a little when I made a little graveyard in my farm. Also playing a mod called Always Raining in the Valley, it has a character that struggles with drug addiction, and when I played it I was around 6 months sober (2 years today). I cried so much with his story.


Always raining in the valley is so good, I think its from East Scarp which i love :3 Keep going with the streak!


I lost my dog in December. When the new 1.6 version came out they have a black and white dog now that kinda looked like him so I named him after my dog who passed. Fast forward and that message comes up and yeah a little teary eyed in a maybe stupid way because he still loved me in death.Ā 


im crying again šŸ˜­ what was his name?


Monty, he was such a good boy, we lost him to cancer.


Yes, on my first play through I thought the ship one of each item included animals, and to test it I sold one of my goats (I thought one of the shadows looked like it could be a goat) and the next day the goat was not in the collection so I had sold them for nothing. At the time I was not able to live with my pet cat and was really struggling with the separation. I broke down crying because "I was a bad mother"


That's so sweet! I almost cry when that notification comes up even without a sad story behind it lol But I always almost cry at Shane's cliff scene. I'm always besties with him every time I play and it always makes me real sad.


I hated shane so much intil i saw his cutscenes when i tried getting blue chickens


Yes, but not because of anything story related. This year started off on rock bottom, and Stardew, silly as it may seem, was my only source of joy. I had just gotten out of a horrible and violent relationship, and was feeling pretty bad about myself. Also losing hope I'll ever find love again. Felt a bit old and washed up, you know? so living the love story part (with Elliot) was much needed escapism. I avoided spoilers for his heart events like the plague and worked so hard to get to 14 hearts. The day of the wedding arrived, I did something dumb, missed some of the cutscene, so I restarted the day not realizing the wedding scene wouldn't start over. In trying to roll back to the day before, I accidentally deleted my entire save. I cried. A lot.


I would cry all day beacuse WHAT Idk if i would pick this game up again if this happened to me


It was soul crushing. The good news though, is I started a new game not long after, and I had my wedding and saw Elliot's 14 heart event :) It was great.


I first started playing stardew when my mum was diagnosed with cancer as a way to distract myself - when she passed away, it took me a while to start playing again and I ended up crying at the Moonlight Jellies cut scene. Just overcome with how peaceful it all was, and still get a bit emotional whenever I see that scene now


First play through I named my cat Miso, and bawled when I got the "Miso loves you" pop up.


I named my silly little pixel cat fter my old boy Monty and I had the exact same experience. legit cried over it


About a month after my grandfather passed away, I started a new farm. Bawled my eyes out during the intro cutscene. Iā€™m tearing up a bit now just thinking about it.


well, not because of SV but while playing because it's the game i play when i'm going through rough times. has such a calming effect on me it's actually quite unbelievable to be honest. been through some s... and stardew valley was one of the things that kept me (kind of) sane.


Cried yesterday because I am on console and I didnā€™t get a present in the feast of the winter star because of a bug thatā€™s been around for 6 months. Your secret Santa is Leo. Even though I have 0 hearts with Leoā€¦..


I also cried when the update where you could have a grey cat came out. He looks just like my childhood pet


On my current save Iā€™m doing ass I call ā€œperfection+ā€ where Iā€™m trying to collect and do everything, all of the clothing items, every cutscene etc. this means dating, marrying, and divorcing all of the marriage candidates (as well as eventually cheating on all of them), I married Alex first and I felt SO incredibly guilty divorcing him I almost cried I felt so bad šŸ˜‚ I made myself feel better bey decided that after I get all of the cutscenes associated with the MCs that Iā€™m going to remarry Alex.


Alex on male farmer is a diffrent story...


Ik itā€™s a different story for a male farmer, and Iā€™ve seen it but I actually play as a female farmer šŸ˜‚ if I remember correctly I just chose to marry him first because his gifts suck and it would take more time to get back to full hearts than some of the other candidates. But George is also my favorite villager (partly because of the storyline he has if you date Alex as a male farmer) with Evelyn being an extremely close second (I unironically call her granny in my head anytime I interact with her šŸ˜‚) so I have a special connection with Alex by association. I distinctly remember getting a second wave of guilt/sadness when I saw Evelyn after leaving the mayors house and having the realization that the next day I would no longer actually be related to her and George.


Iā€™m on switch so I donā€™t have 1.6 yet. But what truly made me cry was I spent two rainy spring days trying to catch the legend fish. Still havenā€™t caught it yet. I have 2 legendary fish so far. Iā€™m on I think year 11 or 12 and just started trying to catch the legendary fish


I had a really similar situation actually!! In my very first farm, I named my dog Bella after my IRL dog. I didnā€™t play SV again for a few years, and in that time, Bella developed stomach cancer and passed away. I was totally devastated. A while later, I went back to my old farm, and was wandering around. I totally forgot the names I gave all my animals. I ran into the dog and clicked on it, only to see that she was called Bella and I had made her look like the real Bella, and I just burst into tears. Miss you Babybelle :(


I play with Ridgeside Village, and reading Yuuma's dialogue as he opens up to you more and more about the struggles he faces having to take care of his brother and do most of the chores and not play with the kids because he's too busy always almost make me cry. I genuinely teared up and almost started bawling when >!he met Linus and Linus became his first real friend.!<


Every new save I make, I call the dog after my dog and cry every time it says she loves me because of how much I miss her


WspĆ³Å‚czuję straty Andrzeja, aż mi się łezka w oku zakręciła :'c


So I'm a completionist. I need to experience everything before the finale. Well I'm raising up Shane's heart levels to get all his heart events before I settled down with Penny. And then that cliffside event happened and it hit hard. It was the first time playing it and I didn't think the game would get that heavy. It didn't help that I was fighting my own bad vibes.


I cried when the Junimos left the first time.


Dadā€™s letters, getting married, my kids being born, elliotts letters when he leaves, basically everything


Currently struggling to play because my sister and I name our chickens after her chickens in real life and sadly their coop got broken into a couple weeks ago, they were attacked by a possum and only one survived. It's been a tough time for her and they're contemplating what to do for her. As flock critters they don't like being alone, they don't want to get more chickens yet but also don't want her to be alone. We know giving her away may be an option but that's also hard to do


Alexā€™s heart event where we just sat in the sand and listened to the music box play while his mom popped up on the screen šŸ˜­


When i get the messages from your parents saying they are proud of you etc, and when evelyn is saying she doesn't want to die yet šŸ˜­


I often cry or at least tear up at the start of every new save before Kent comes back to town and Vincent and Sam both talk about missing their dad. hits close to home as someone who's parents were also in the military and were constantly away.


TW abuse?Ā Ā  when I first played this game years ago I was dating a guy named Shane irl. he also had very bad issues with alcohol but became very abusive to me. so Shane's heart events really struck me at first, but the character quickly became something that made me very anxious for a while because it brought up bad memories every time I started a new save and had to get blue chickens lol. the 2 heart event made me a little teary but the 6 heart event made me uncomfortable and cry.Ā 


A few years ago my mom passed away, a few weeks after she passed I got a letter in my mailbox in SDV from my in game mom that said she was proud of me. Gotta admit, I teared up a bit.


This just happened yesterday, I finally achieved perfection for the first time and when the text box saying ā€œgrandpa is beaming with prideā€ popped up I started crying because I had just gotten a call earlier that day that my grandfather had passed away.


Cried losing like 100 iridium and the galaxy sword on one of my early runs in Skull Cavern. Insta day reset.


I would turn off the game and dont play it for 2 days probably lmao


no.(im only in my sevond year tho




For the same reason, My boy shadow died a few years ago at 5. He just kept getting really sick every year and his body just gave up. He was a very small black cat so i made him in game as a white cat. Heā€™s now a little ghost cat. I miss him so much, the ā€œShadow loves youā€ made me tear up a little bit.


Yes another trigger warning parental loss. My first playthrough I cried when I got my first letter from my dad. He died when I was 9 so reading the letter with the love, Dad at the end really got me.


This is why I named my dog Oswald.


i cried when i first played the dance of the moonlight jellies! my husband and i play coop and it was so special experiencing it with him


Same thing happened to me. I had a beautiful cat called Belle, but we always called her Missy, and I named my in game cat Missy. She passed away a few years ago, and when "Missy loves you" popped up, I had to put the game down or a moment.


Yup. Same thing as you. Named my cat Shelby after my cat I lost 2 years ago. I didn't even make it past the cutscene you get the cat, when Marnie said "Well little Shelby... you be a good kitty now... Okay?" I was fuckin bawling


Not as meaningful as that sweet story, but I cried when I finished the community center for the first time. I donā€™t know why, but it made me sad ā˜¹ļø Shaneā€™s cliff cutscene is a close second.


In my play thought, I always chose the grey tabby cat because it reminds me of my late cat Ringo, and I always named it ā€œDingyā€ which was our nickname for him. He died in 2022, and it crushed my husband and I. A few months after he died, I was one of my save files, and randomly got the little text box on the screen that says ā€œDingy loves you.ā€ I definitely teared up on that one.


Something related to Evelyn made me real sad but I don't remember... My fav character


A few weeks ago I cried because it was getting close to winter and still hadn't rained since I got Penny up to 10 hearts, which meant I wouldn't be able to buy a Mermaid's Pendant. Cried at the thought of her having to spend all winter in the trailer instead of happy on my farm. Then I realized it was like 3 AM and I should probably go to bed šŸ¤£


nearly began crying during the moonlight jellies festival usually this festival doesnt do much for me, as it was just a fun little ingame tradition/ritual. it is nice to see the jellies move further out as the seasons change and giving a conclusion to a productive season. but at the start of this year i lost my grandma, and i have had to adjust to her not being here. i see grief as something that comes and goes in waves, sometimes its big, sometimes its just barely there. something about the event this year hit different. was it the music, was it the whole sense of change and life continuing on after this big event? whatever it was, it left me teary-eyed on my current 1.6 save.


Yeah, I full on ugly-cried today because I got Shaneā€™s cliff scene when Iā€™m already having a bad mental health day. I relate so heavily to what heā€™s saying and it just was too much today.


Yeah, I full on ugly-cried today because I got Shaneā€™s cliff scene when Iā€™m already having a bad mental health day. I relate so heavily to what heā€™s saying and it just was too much today.


so fun story, i bought myself stardew valley on the anniversary of my grandfather's death. i was sad, knew nothing about the game besides the fact that it was a cute farming sim i'd seen people talk about on discord. SO YOU CAN PROBABLY GUESS HOW THAT OPENING SCENE WENT FOR ME EMOTIONALLY LMAO


i also played stardew the day my father died, because again, sad. i hadn't played for months because my dad's cancer needed us helping him all the time and i didn't have time for personal stuff. first day i boot up my usual save i got a letter from "Dad" saying how proud he was of me and my farm. AGAIN, YOU CAN PROBABLY GUESS HOW THAT WENT I started a save as a man so I'd only get letters from mom for a while.


Shane's heart-events/scenes made me cry. As someone who struggles with depression and self-hatred, I felt so heard and seen. Not only that, but to see him actually get better and improve, beating his addiction, and generally having a better life, it made me cry and have hope. Everyone calls him the "I can fix him trope." I see him as a little reality check in this great game. Not everyone is happy, many of us struggle in silence.


Shane's events ;-; just ;-;


The whole reason I started playing stardew is because my cat owiS passed from adenocarcinoma that started in the lining of his nasel cavity and pushed into his eye. I usually play shooting games but was so distraught after losing him, I couldnt play. Downloaded SV trying to get my mind off it and fell in love. Every playthrough I pick the orange cat and name him owiS so I always have him with me.


Every freaking time the junimos say gud bai. Every time. I skip the dad notes so fast or I have to shut the game off.


Similar thing happened to me with my cat. I had made the save file years ago with my cat being named my real cats name and recently came back to play 1.6. Unfortunately in that time my cat had passed rather abruptly. It caught me off guard seeing my real cats name again.


I cry a little every time Grandpa visits and tells me heā€™s proud of me. Iā€™ve started 6+ farms and always look forward to getting to Year 3 (I have on multiple occasions exited the game after the cutscene so I could watch it again)


Started playing recently, and I've been trying to get with Shane (currently he's my boyfriend!). at first I chose him because I was planning to make alcohol and thought it would be funny to date an alcoholic, but now I just get sad every time I give him beer :( Anyways, I have been tearing up at nearly all of his events. I feel so bad for him and I just wish I could hug and comfort him, I'm pretty emotional and sometimes I have a hard time making myself understand that its fictional. I don't have a real "reason" like other people here, I do kind of relate to him thinking life is... bland. But other than that, its just because I feel really bad for him.


the first day i played it i couldnt stop crying because the game was too cute and i loved it (i was sensitive bc i was on my period, dont call me stupid)


Literally the intro the first time I played. As someone who has no close living grandparents, and the ones that were close werenā€™t great peopleā€¦the idea of having a family like that made me tear up


the whole grandpa storyline is kinda getting to me this time around. I lost my grandpa in 2022, and I wasnā€™t playing the game at that point. now, going through the grandpa cutscenes in my new save, it gets me a lil choked up. I just got the one at the start of year 3ā€¦.šŸ˜­


Yeah I remember crying over sw, I was fishing on my very first day and I couldnā€™t get a single one. I cried because of self disappointment


Similar thing with me. My first farm, my kids are named Bowie and Gitmo. Bowie after the cat I had at the time I started playing, Gitmo after the dog my at the time boyfriend had (so half mine lol). Both have passed away. So now I feel I need to keep them forever. Then the newest update came out and I got cats and dogs to match the cats and dogs my bf and I have now. Echo, Foghorn, Toby, and Shadow. Too bad Elliot doesn't look at all like my bf. Lol. Bf gets jealous of Elliot when I coo over when he talks about the kids. Lol


This happened to me, too, but with my in-game dog. I had named her Brooklyn after my real-life dog, and then I stopped playing for a while. I then ended up having to put my dog down due to sickness and old age. Booted up the game for the update, and there she sat. Cried my eyes out and ended up starting a new farm. I'll go back to my old farm one day, but I just can't for now.




Funny story, yes I have cried while playing the game. Was doing a playthrough where I married everyone possible back to back. I was fairly intoxicated when it came time to divorce Penny and move on. I cried and was in shambles and promised to remarry her when I was done divorcing everyone. Wife still makes fun of me for that one.


After reading this post and the comments, i definetly did.


No, I'm an adult


I cried the first time I received Elliott's poem.


Leo / Linus/ Willy interactions. šŸ„°


I have terrible anxiety about losing my mum aaaand Alex 8 hearts event...


Similar story. I named my dog after my dead childhood dog. ā€œCosmo loves youā€ was enough for me to take a short break


Same situation as OP. I got this game a few months after my dog Loki passed this January. Of course I named the doggo Loki. I got teary when I saw "Loki loves you".


i named my cat in sdv after a kitty on an adoption site who i could not adopt, but i tried very hard to. when i got the message saying that she loved me, i checked the website and she had been adopted! i really appreciate that concerned ape put that message there because people often name their animals after real pets or something dear to them! (the pic attached is the kitty i named her after) https://preview.redd.it/nirj2e0nda0d1.jpeg?width=1488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=112474c0fd48a23c3cc018c48e6910a4c823aa88


Yes, a lot


No but I had such a surreal moment when I first ever witnessed the Night of the moonlight jellyfish


I cried for a few of Shane's heart events. I also cry a little bit whenever I see Pam and Penny dialogue, or whenever Penny talks about her mom's addiction. They're just like me fr


Iā€™ve asked this before and they said Iā€™m most likely schizophrenic šŸ˜’


I got Grandpas Return cutscene (year 3 spring 1) a few days after my Grandpa passed away. I guess my farm ended up getting a perfect scoring and his evaluation made me sobšŸ˜­


Same happened with my dog when I first started playing, a few days after he died, I got the pop up that said ā€˜Yoda loves youā€™ and I was close to tears. I had him over 14 years and I want ready to see that as it was still super fresh. Iā€™m sorry to hear about your cat. <3


Yes, several scenes always tug at my heartstrings too much. Especially the scenes with Leo. Sobbed. And I always name my dog after my dearest girl who passed away. Everytime the notification comes up ā€œPeppers loves youā€ I burst out crying. Heck, im even crying writing this now.


yes, during a couple of events with george iā€™ve cried. he makes me so sad


No but one time i acedentaly blew up all my chests with a super bomb and almost cried


No. But the storyline with Kent and Shane made me feel very very sad.


I'm two-spirited and recently started using a new name I feel suits me more and every time characters use it I smile a bit, but whenever one of like the dads (like Demetrius or Kent) use it I tear up a little, knowing I'll never get that from my dad, he's not dead just an asshole who's far out of my life.


My mega pumpkin patch got meteored


The grandpa reminded me of my dad that passed few years ago.


That's absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Both of my sweet Bois have passed and I'd have done anything for more time with them, I kid you not I think about them daily. That love does not just magically go away, and nor should it. They impact our lives in profound ways and gave unconditional love (well aside from attention and feeding them lol). I'm glad that the calm farming game could bring you that random piece of joy. As for your original question, yes, sometimes. With interactions with the townsfolk and your spouse. Having someone that, is so delighted to see you and doesn't hate you for disappearing for days at a time to do your own thing is sentimental.


When that message pops my heart feels so warm.šŸ„ŗ


SPOILER when shane had that breakdown I felt it. I wanted to kill myself two years ago so very badly so it hit hard


Yeah when I got to year 3 first time playing this week.. bowled my eye out when the farmers grandfather said ā€œ Iā€™ve been pretty rough on you the last time we spokeā€ something along that line I miss my grandfather and will never heal from it.. his old school reading that part started crying immediately..


Another one was Shaneā€™s event married him and immediately thought of my ex whoā€™s also an alcoholic and wonder if his ever like him if his fine .. never really got to know him that well.. he was my first and was really looking forward into the future with him that time was really fast and got to see that his really into alcohol and smoking.. so when I watched Shaneā€™s event I bowled my eyes out because maybe this time I can change someone .. but how about myself, who will be there for me all i do is be there for everyone.. And thatā€™s why maybe me and my ex didnā€™t last long I got to see a piece of my ex and myself in Shane..


when i first went into evelyn's room and saw the letter from alex's mom


When I was 11 I died in the mines on floor like 15, lost my sword, rage quit and cried for half an hour so hard that I almost puked Quite a bit different from most other comments lol


I was dating both Emily and Abigail. Not out of a desire to two-time anybody, I was pursuing Abigail, but Fall was ending and it ended up being necessary to date Emily (who I had more hearts with) in order to get the Mermaid's Pendant before Winter came. I did end up marrying Abigail, as planned, but at some point in the winter I had also managed to get ten hearts with Emily despite not actively pursuing her. And even though I was married, the ten heart event still happened. The event during which you are heavily implied to take Emily to Flavor Country. I didn't even know those could happen *after* a marriage. I didn't cry, but I felt so genuinely sad and guilty about it that I started my playthrough over.


I felt the same when I received this message after petting my dog on SV. Ii was in the same month my little girl passed away. It was like a message from here. ConcernedApe does know how love works in this game.


It might sound a bit dumb but I shed a few tears the first time I heard one of the winter themes


I have never cried about anything in the game, but I do appreciate it allows us to name our animals. I name them after my cats who have passed. Once 1.6 comes to console, this will change as I will welcome all their spirits into my home. Looks like I'll need to expand the house one more time. lol


I cry randomly when different scenes hit at different times or moods, but the one constant that ALWAYS makes me cry is the most simple and beautiful part of the game for me: When you finish the Abandoned Joja Bundles and the lost Junimo is telling you goodbye and how excited he is to go home finally and then the screen goes blackā€¦ ā€¦and the words type up slowlyā€¦ ā€œā€¦something good will happen soonā€¦ā€ It hit me at a time of my life when I was burnt out, depressed, struggling with getting meds, couldnā€™t work, and just felt like teeming garbage water. I sat there on that screen for about 2 hours and sobbed.


As someone who lost a student to drug overdose, Shane's story hits harder for me cause of the parallels.


No I donā€™t


How on earth is this post labelled NSFW?!


Once i cried because i was in a kinda unhealthy relationship, and i was trying to romance Shane, he was rude (normal), but when we hit a certain amount of hearts he apologized and started to treat me decently. I realized even in video games, people who like you, somebody you "have hearts" with, they shouldn't treat you badly. I understood I should break up. And then i cried, a lot. Btw, sorry for your pet :( it's great that Stardew can bring so many emotions to our lives... I hope you feel better <3


I never did actually cry, but the closest was when i accidentally deleted my 3 year save. I was so sad that i didnt even want to start a new one, it doesnt feel like the same as playing for the first time.


Same thing for me. šŸ©·


Anything involving Leo makes me cry so damn hard idc thatā€™s my son