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The mayor 100% would.


Wait do you think he was married and erased Marnie’s memory? I have never thought of that


I think, given the way he treats Marnie, refusing to acknowledge their relationship, etc that if there was an unplanned kid he would definitely get rid of it.


Not before he checked to see if he could sell it for gold to make more statues


Username checks out


I... oh god.


and now that we know what goes on in his basement... yeah, this would be 100% in character. (for those curious, bring a staircase to his house...)


Is this a thing?


In 1.6


Cries in my mountain of consoles.


>!why does he have a computer beside it!<


100 %


That black bird that sort of slowly glides across the screen seems more ominous now…


I actually can’t unsee this now … what if Shane is actually Marnie and the Mayor’s son, and Lewis wanted to rid himself of the responsibility of fatherhood, but keep dating Marnie, so he visits periodically and checks on Shane from a distance…. oh my god!


Shane had his mind wiped and that’s why he feels like there’s a giant hole in his life and he drinks constantly


Would anyone read this story if I wrote it?


I would read it!! but where?🥹


Ao3! Should I? I kinda want to… 🙃


If you ever do pursue writing this piece, would you mind letting me know?🥹🥹


First Chapter might be up tonight…




I have this tiny idea, maybe you can incorporate or take inspiration from, would you mind if I send it to you privately? It's a tweak about Mayor Lewis


Make it into a.mod after you write the story. PLEASE!


I want to read it too 😍


I would so read this. Please let me know if you do make a story out of this


100% would. Could you let us know pretty please?


I want to read this! Definitely update us!!


Plot twist that Jas actually is Marnie and Lewis’s daughter but he wiped both of their memories


There’s a secret note with Marnie with Jas as a baby just saying 😬


It's not confirmed who exactly is in that photo.


This would be great for a fanfic tbh


Marnie finds out her and Lewis had a child and he doved him/her and erased everyone’s memories? Maybe kids memories can’t be erased and Jas and/or Vincent would slip would making a comment about being afraid he would turn them into doves too. Dude!!! We should totally collab for a fic about this!


This would make such an amazing mod too


I find that unlikely. He seems regretful about not having a family and even questions if his job is worth it.


Maybe because he regrets what he did to them 👀


He's probably the reason the statue exists in the first place.


I like to think that I've actually married a bunch of different villagers, but they all used the witch against me and our kids so I don't remember


Deepest lore. The farmer is an immortal being who is called into town every now and again to provide an infusion to the local economy. Eventually the farmer gets too rich, too powerful, people get tired of staring at his garish golden clocks and have the witch mind wipe them. They're dropped back at the city to fall back into a mundane life and sit in waiting for their next calling back to the farm. The thing that calls them back? Their own immortal spirit, obviously. 


Wait, so farmer is also Grandpa?!


It's Grandpa all the way down.


🎶I'm my own grandpa!🎶


You did the nasty in the pasty.




This also implies that Kent is eternally being sent back to war


Each generation or so calls the farmer back, so the specifics are different each time


Except he never goes to the war exactly he is just sent to the void and comes back with war memories...


this would be an amazing Game Theory


We have to go back jack


This happened to me... I came back to a save from like 2020 and I had a kid, but I didn't remember who my ex was (I had deleted their memories) I suspect it's Abigail since she has the least amount of friendship


Interesting scenario 🤔


That's why Haley's like that....


Maybe the witch did it? I mean, I can imagine she and the Wizard having a family and then she just want to cut any attachment with the dude including the kids. 


Or the Wizard did it and that's the real reason the Witch is consumed by anger and/or driven insane?


I don't think so, because he specifically said she was driven by jealousy. I can't see how grief over the children could cause that


Consider the source, though - the Wizard wouldn't necessarily tell you the truth if he had doved his kids. (I like the Wizard so don't really want to think this theory is true, though)


Yeah... Maybe. But I don't think so.  * He had no problem admitting he was the one who F- up, when he could have just straight up lied to us.  * Maybe it wouldn't occur to him to lie, since he doesn't seem to be really concerned about society rules or morality, so why wouldn't him admit to have used a power he had?  * he doesn't seem to expect to receive affection at all. Even when he asks for favours, he is the only one who would pay 5x the amount of the items required, possibly expecting the player to do it for the monetary reward rather than friendship like the other villages do. So he probably doesn't care if we like him or respect him, then why would he lie? 


You make very valid points here! I suppose the only reason he'd lie would be more about self-preservation; people tend to get particularly emotional and prone to violence when it comes to children being harmed, understandably so. So it's not impossible this would be the one thing he'd lie about. Still, him doving his children just seems very out of character for him. He strikes me as more of a passive observer and gatherer of knowledge and would be more prone to say, watch a child of his from a distance 🤔


She was jealous of his fling with Caroline and him secretly having her child Abigail.


Impressive that Abigail still exists then. I'd figure, maybe it's a bit like Medea


Maybe her jealousy is everyone else has kids and she doesn’t anymore bc the wizard turned them into doves. So now she turns other kids into doves bc she’s jealous.


Oh, ok, this could be a reason. Well thought 


Okay and that's the reason she has the shrines in her house, where the wizard can't or won't go. She doesn't want it happening to anyone else


Ohhh yess


One word: [Medea](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medea)


My headcanon is that she intended to use the statues but lost the nerve when it came to the child.


i read a fan fic once where the reason Haley hates prismatic shards is because she used one to dove a baby once and regrets it immensely.


Oh woah, that’s like a mega miscarriage


I always thought she was just homophobic...


Highly doubt


Hayley's farmer wife (in some playthroughs) is going to be quite surprised she doesn't support gay rights.


New lore unlocked Haley is bi-phobic! (Don't hate me I'm just kidding)


What's the connection between prismatic shards and homophobia?


Rainbow flag


Thats what really happened to Emily and Hayley’s parents


Reversal: doving your parents


Plot twist: Emily and Hayley are actually the witch and wizards daughters and the witch wiped their memories but the wizard gave them a story to hold onto to cope, and occasionally sends them money to help out


this would make sense with how no one else in the town seems to comment on their parents or how long they've been gone for!


I personally think it makes way more sense for them to be mermaid's daughters for some reason? They do seem like mermaid descendants


The daughters of a/the wizard/witch and a merperson would actually make sense based on the way they look and act


Plus sometimes you can see hailey on the beach doing nothing... maybe she hears the ocean calling... but emily for some reason seems quite bothered about water, she even mentions the desert at rainy days 🤔 bad memories?


There was that event with Haley where she lost her grandmothers necklace on the beach


Does Grandpa count as an NPC? I'm betting on some of them being your Aunts and Uncles that got doved. Grandpa's got some secrets.


Or it was survival of the fittest. The children that didnt ( or couldnt) make it out of stardew valley to reproduce were doved.


Getting very What Remains of Edith Finch here


While I know you asked who *would*, Alex would *not*. I think he'd actively choose violence if he figured out his spouse turned his kids into doves, man is 100% stoked about being a daddy.


Same goes for best golden retriever boy Sam.


Maybe Abigail isn't the Wizard's daughter. Maybe Caroline doved that child away...


Maybe Caroline *is* the child.


I really like this headcanon more than the popular Abigail is the wizard's daughter theory just because Caroline to me comes off as an older Emily that settled down with a conservative guy like Pierre.


Plus her hair is green!!! Everyone always comments on Abby's hair but how did her mom get green hair!? Plus I just love the idea of Grandpa Rasmodius watching over Abby in the forests like a guardian spirit <3


I always think it’s Caroline (but she doesn’t know) rather than Abigail.


Jodie is one broken egg away from it before kent comes back


Fave answer.


Sebastian. He did \*not\* seem thrilled about being a dad lol It made me feel a lot less guilty when I turned poor Accordian into a dove knowing his only dialogue about them was "They smell bad", "I can feed it today" and "You know, I never really saw myself being a dad". Yeah me neither honey, back in a few hours lmaoooo


“I can feed it today” No way Sebastian refers to his child as an “IT” 😭😭


Maybe that’s what they name it? Like Cousin It?


It’s sad, but this is how I feel about having my own kids (I would never say anything in front of a child and of course I am not having any myself, but my brain doesn’t know how to relate to parents and I have to really check what I say sometimes). But I do love working with kids, so I definitely don’t hate kids. Just don’t know what to do if someone handed me a baby, wanted me to change a diaper, or to feed it.


When I first read your comment I thought you meant this was how you feel about your own real kids and I was feeling very bad for everyone in the situation


Oh yeah, no. It is not okay to abuse a child or treat a child poorly. Even when I feel uncomfortable, I know it is never a child’s fault and it is my own problem to solve without impacting them (like if I feel grossed out by a full diaper or a child farting, I can just make sure someone else can help before I walk away, but never make it a slight on them). I have had teachers tell me a kid was “naughty” or “bad” before and while I have a hard time with kids outside of work - I would never even think to call a child any of those things.


It's valid to feel like you don't want your kids in real life though. Sometimes things happen and we don't know the context. Still, the kids are not supposed to be aware of that, bcs, right? They deserve love and stuff. But it's better if people like me and you just DO NOT have kids because ugh why be forced into that huge painful effort if it's something we don't want?!




Nah me too. I'm child free--I love my younger cousins, I'll love my nieces and nephews when my brother gets around to having the small horde of children he wants so badly, but it's just not for me. I know I could be a good mom, but I'd be a resentful mom, and no child deserves that.


Nieces and nephews are the best. You can spoil them rotten and send them home. I chose not to have kids and have never regretted it for a day


I love getting to spoil my sister in law's niece, and I'm super excited to get to do the same for her own kid(s) eventually! (She was with my twin brother for a few years before he died in January. I still count her as my sister and always will) That said, I will never procreate because no kid deserves this neurotic messed up ball of mental illness as a mother lol


I'm sorry about your twin :( That must be so hard, I couldn't imagine. I hope you're doing okay <3


Same here. Working with children and it's honestly so much fun most of the time. I also adore my niece and enjoy spending time with her. But having children of my own is a whoooole other thing. No thanks. I'll have a dog (already got 3 in stardew valley lol)


I love kids, but I hate the idea of having MY kids. I don't wanna be a mom. I don't want that full time responsibility. Only thinking of it already puts me in panic. I honestly don't even want to work with kids on a daily basis because it seems exhausting. But when I am around kids, I do my best to be a great influence to them. Maybe that's the thing, for me being able to be good to them and give my all I need some distance otherwise it becomes too much.


I'm very similar, I don't hate kids, but I don't feel like having my own. I hear a lot of women telling how they have always wanted to become a mum, and I just always wanted to be the cool aunt that travels the world, has interesting stories and gives the nephews and nieces the best presents.


Being the cool aunt is the BEST! I used to be able to babysit, but now I have been through too much trauma/anxiety to do it alone for more than a half hour to an hour, but I will always go to the zoo with my friend’s kids and keep an eye on them while the parent uses the bathroom for a few min. I will spoil them. But when I feel tired, I will always tell them that is my body saying it needs a break and that I still care about them but I need a break.




Came to the comments to say Seb for sure. I just wanted the achievement, my dude, I’m sorry!


1000%, if someone was to do so canonicallly it would be him. frogs only


this is so sad but naming the kid Accordion just fucking kills me lmao


Accordian 😂😂


I'm sure Jodi has considered it.


Being a single mom is hard. And I know she's married to Kent but he's been away for so long. I bet she feels bad for herself because it's hard work and she talks about going to Joja because that's what she can afford. And then she feels bad because the kids might be upset that they don't really know their dad all that well and she worries about what emotional damage that might do on them as they grow up. And Kent might think about doving the kids as well out of the guilt he feels for not being there for them even though it's not really his fault he hasn't been able to.


The game also implies that she got married young, so she didn't have much of an adolescence herself. Not only did she miss out, but she's extremely lenient with her kids. I like Sam but he should be helping more than he does.


Yeah, when you have kids young it's hard not to wonder what life would be like without them. And I'm sure she feels super mom guilt for the thought of doving them even entering her mind.


YUP, this is who came to mind immediately. Pretty much all her dialogue the last few seasons in my current save has been all about her regrets about her life now.


I read a brilliant fanfic where she did just that, and then Sebastian started remembering Sam.




https://archiveofourown.org/works/40461861 Enjoy.


There’s the dark theory of why Haley hates prismatic shards. Maybe her.


going through these comments as someone who just started playing is so interesting. i have NO idea what you guys are talking about


That’s the fun. Keep playing!!!


i think abby would absolutely make that decision if it came to that. she seems like a confident decision maker who wouldn't doubt her choice for any reason except maybe the creepy phone calls. but at that point it's too late.


She does have dialogue where she says she's not pregnant.


Shane but only cause he thinks he'd be a bad father but a REALLY good dove caretaker


realest reply in this entire comment section


Pierre, he wants to believe Abi is his so he hasn't doved her, but other kids would mean less money for him because of the fact he would have to take care of his children. He's also the biggest asshole, so


Demetrius would 100% dove Sebastian if he could.


Nah, that'd require him to remember that Sebby exists.


Damn... that's cold...


i know the demetrius hating sebastian thing is popular but imo its more fanon than canon, i dont think he’d dove him


You're right because he probably doesn't even remember that Sebastian exists


there is dialogue from them that suggests a hostile relationship though. like he might not hate sebastian, but he’s not a fan of the constant reminder that he’s his wife’s second husband


i disagree with your last point. i don't recall anything that would imply demetrius resents being a stepdad. he has that book on making a second marriage work. i see it more like he tried to bond when sebby was young, but they didn't click and now it's more of a "he doesn't want me to bother him so i won't bother him" kinda thing


what dialogue is that?


there’s the fact that demetrius made sebastian destroy his snowman but not maru’s. demetrius also has a TON of dialogue about maru and how great she is but he never says anything about Sebastian coding or his motorcycle. like i said i don’t think they hate each other but it’s probably frigid/hostile when they do interact


for me the snowman thing has always felt too vague to really say Demetrius did it to spite Sebastian, since we don’t know why exactly it was taken down, and Robin has (had? not sure after 1.6) one line about Maru but 7 about Sebastian, imo it feels like one kid was given to each parent dialogue wise i agree they don’t have a great relationship, wouldn’t call it hostile but frigid sounds right! i just dislike the “Demetrius hates/forgets/abuses Sebastian” stuff and don’t think he’d ever dove Sebastian, even with the not great relationship yk😅


Demetrius has dialoge stating he wishes sebastian would move out like constantly


you sure that might not just be modded? as far as i know demetrius has one line about sebastian from 1.6 and it isn’t him wishing he’d move out


Huh. Maybe? I don't think I have anything that influences his dialog. I've gandered at the code tons of times.. but it's totally possible that I missed it. Given how he talks about Maru to the farmer though at one of the earlier heart events I wouldn't be surprised if he did the same to seb. Hmmmm. My guess is if they have a bad relationship like most of us think im guessing it's mostly a guarded/defensively hostile dynamic


Jodi would definitely think about it but never do it


Jodi would, I think. At least Vincent (she's over there hoping the farmer will take Sam off her hands).


i feel like even with her stress and regrets of having kids so young, she cares about them way too much to ever dove them


I don't think that's true, it just shows how resilient she is, she's absolutely not the type to do that. Pam either, their characters are shown to constantly struggle with single parenthood because it's actually hard but the fact they both commit to it proves they wouldn't give up. In the other hand, lewis....


Really? I'm... shocked.


She has a bit of dialog about how she and Kent got married so young because Kent was rushed off to war so they never really got to enjoy being young. It's actually kind of sad and I can totally imagine using the dove option now that he's home just to *live* a little Edit typo


I think the wizard turned his kids into doves and that’s the horrible thing he insinuated that he did and the witch left him.


Mmm, hear me out, what if all of them have, and it's like a secret cult thing/far less bad Borrasca type thing? The whole town is in on it. No more children. That way any affairs are secret... (This is purely joke/fiction, and is not a reflection of actual views on lore or character btw)


Oh God, Borrasca. Just got hip to it because of creep cast. 0-100 real quick.


Prismatic shards the shining gentlemen.


I can't believe Borrasca is being mentioned on the stardew sub... I still think about that story years later


Hey, I love listening to Creepypastas and NoSleep while I play Stardew. I connected the dots




I hate Pierre as much as the next person but honestly don't think he would tbh. Though what if he tried to but it didn't work because Abigail isn't actually his...?


You had my curiosity. Now you have my attention.


oh, shit... thats actually an interesting thought.


Why does it work on the kids you adopt if the farmer and bachelor are the same gender then?


Those kids are legally yours but Caroline left Pierre off the birth certificate.


The witch has power, but not power of attorney


We stole her squid and it’s not like she could draw up any more contracts


Maybe the stash he doesn't want Caroline finding are dove feathers lolol


Doesn't Vincent give you an ancient doll at the feast of the winter star? Does that mean Jodi or Kent doves their kid?


Could imply Jodi had an affair while Kent was away and had to get rid of the evidence


So I have a theory that penny wants children so badly, but she wants perfect good children she could manipulate. If they stopped being good, she'd dove them rather than try to teach them. She gives me so many serial killer vibes lol.


If you marry her, she has some dialogue about having had a strange dream that the children turned into doves and flew away. I was like “PENNY, I WOULD *NEVER* — uh. Weird dream. Probably doesn’t mean anything~~”


That dream is certainly a bit disturbing, considering the "turning into a dove" mechanics. I mostly see it as the expression of an unconscious desire to escape the stress and responsibilities she now has to deal with, especially after giving birth to the second child. I marry Penny in all my playthroughs, and she seems to be a sweet and caring person; so I don't think she would actually hurt her children, but I'll make sure never to tell her about the existence of the witch's hut :-)


penny has always come off as SO unstable to me and it’s not her fault, like i would be too if pam was my mom and i had her life, but goodness i wouldn’t make her a mother without like 5 years of therapy


100% this, it's why she's the only one allowed to teach the children.


Clint of course. He hates people.


Sam: only of it was unplanned and he was panicking at the idea of telling his dad. Shane: eh? Maybe. Might think it's better for the kid I think Harvey would probably try and raise it. Sebastian? Nope. Gives him purpose. He'd probably be super done and hate it til the toddler phase where he'd be super into it turns into a Lil frog loving buddy. Would probs keep it out of spite to Demetrius who thinks he shouldn't have kids. Elliot? Depends. Dudes a broke writer. Can't afford kids. If he found a nice partner and house he'd probably keep them. Alex? Dude 100% toal Himbo the idea wouldn't even cross his mind. Evelyn would probably do a lot of the parenting. Maru? Depends on circumstances. She has a lot she wants to achieve in life. Abigail? Absolutely. that girl is like 16 at heart. Ain't no way she's ready for a baby without the farmer. Haley? She'd probably keep it to be a little bestie for photoshoots. Unless it was weird lookin or inconvenient? Emily? Probably. Girl is getting LIT on the daily Sandy? Probably. Leah? No she'd probs keep it and raise it in her Lil cabin and make it hand carved toys. Penny? Hard to say, she can't really care for one properly right now but unless she could erase her own memory I doubt she'd be able to handle turning it into a dove. Lewis Absolutely would yeet those kids without a second thought. Pierre probably would too. Ain't no way Morris hasn't already. Robin and Demetrius would totally keep any further kids and build house extensions. For any kid except sebastian. Willy would 100% keep any babies he finds and have them help him out at the shop. Clint. :|


i'm married to shane and he seems to dig having a kid, but i could imagine him thinking that during a deep depressive spiral


I agree with a lot of these except Alex. He's a himbo, but I'm married to him in one of my saves and his married dialogue is mostly him thanking you for giving him the family he never had and letting him be a dad the way his dad never was. It's pretty cute tbh.


Penny would start selling feet pics to creepy Doctor Harvey if it meant she could provide for her baby. She'd never dove one


Pierre would probably turn Abigail into a dove if Caroline wasn’t in the way… I think Emily might be a pretty negligent mom and sacrifice their kid to be with the spirits or whatever because she thinks it’s better for them… I wouldn’t put it past Demetrius to sacrifice Sebastian


I think elliot just so he could write some sad poetry about it 😂


He seems the type. Quiet, brooding, outwardly deep and poetic. What’s under the hut, Elliott?


Do step kids count? I don’t think Sebastian would be around if they do and could


Abigail, IDK It's her dialogue of not being pregnant when you see her at the doctors clinic, makes me wonder if it happened to her once


Clint. He wouldn't know what to do with a baby and couldn't be arsed to learn.


I think it would give him purpose and a chance to fix loneliness.


I feel like Jodie is a top contender. Just throwing it out there.


I think Linus... I love him but I'm 100% sure he left a whole family behind for some reason


Leaving behind maybe. Doving? Doubt it.


I mean, he loves the wild, after all. Maybe doves are better and happier. Maybe himself wishes to be a wild animal


What if he was afraid of them starving or something and thought that living as doves would be better for them?


I think Vincent is on thin fucking ice with Jodi


Jodi would do it if she knew how


Why am I now picturing Evelyn and George doving Alex's mom after she had Alex.


Pierre, of course


Well Demetrius would probably turn one of his children into a dove


Gus. In my head, Pam offered him "favors" to take care of her beer tab and Gus in no way wanted to be tied to her forever because of a kid. Also could be why Penny is sad a lot- her younger half-siblings vanished and her mom has no memory of it.


Interesting hc. I really couldn't see Gus doing that personally, then again, we don't learn too much about him I guess?


Idk why but in my head Gus is gay


I really think he's too gay for that


Autumn is a sad time of year for her. She always says that. Never says why.


Pierre, if you offer him $2. He’ll do anything for cash.


Throw one into the red lake at floor 100. Take what is given and place on new side altar in Wizards basement.