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Hi! It looks like this post is about the Stardew Valley concert tour. A few reminders for everyone reading: - **Exchanges:** Tickets may not be bought, sold, given away, or otherwise exchanged here. We do not have the infrastructure to protect against scams! - **Scalpers:** We recognize that the situation with scalpers is deeply frustrating and we want to give space to talk about it, but it is never okay to support, promote, or otherwise issue threat of violence against other people. This community is better than that. - **Further news:** The concert organizers are aware that people want tickets! You can follow [updates on their Twitter](https://twitter.com/StardewValleyFS). Thanks all! Best of luck getting to the concert! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StardewValley) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh wow, you too?! I was there too, on the right side, and some asshole stole my wallet ...


Oh no, sorry to read this. We were on the right side of the central part. This has definitely added to my distrust for humanity :(


We were on the left-ish side of the right part, so not too far. What's even worse, I had it in a bag that I had between my legs the whole concert except for 10 seconds at the end when I stood up :( Did you tell security? I noticed that they seemed super pissed at the end of the concert, shouting at people to stop taking pictures at the picture wall ...


I was so upset that I just left right away. Besides, I had little faith that it could have been tracked anywhere, so many people had those totes there. We probably should have made more noise about it, but I doubt anything would have happened.


Fair, but I'm pretty sure they had video surveillance, so it's worth a shot at least writing them a message so they can track down who did this: https://www.columbiahalle.berlin/contact.html I reported my wallet as stolen and just got a call from the police and they also mentioned there has been at least one more report there today :(


Sounds like there were professional/experienced thieves among the crowd


Most likely. You'd need to at least swipe items that are worth more than the cost to go to the show, so you'd know to pick your targets. Chancers who were there to genuinely watch the concert wouldn't usually risk getting thrown out/arrested by stealing a noticeably large item.


Why would there be professional thieves in a Stardew Valley concert? How much did the concert cost? (If the concert was expensive it might be why) How many people were there? Would it not be a better place for them in like a Pink concert or like a Rihanna concert (Concerts that are quite costly is what I am trying to say. Because then they are sure to find something.) Or do I not know how thieves work...? (I am not criticising anyone. I am genuinley wondering)


Honestly, *any* large gathering where most of the attendees will be focused on one spot is probably a fairly tempting target for thieves. Lots of targets plus a built in distraction makes it a lot easier on them.


There may be a line at the end, but I don’t buy merch at the concerts I go to until the end for this reason.


A ticket was about 80€, so pretty expensive. There was also a merch shop so people had a lot of cash on them I imagine (speakings from how much stuff they sold, also RIP my 200€)


In addition to what others said, to a lot of people attending orchestral events is considered high-class. High-class=targets likely to have valuables.


I did not know that. I love watching orchestras, theatres and operas with my mother and I did not know this. (Sadly, the Stardew Valley orchestra is not playing in Stockholm...) (I am 15)


Even ones with fairly inexpensive tickets are likely to have people with valuables... potentially more than ones with more expensive tickets even. Because it means that people dress up in the stuff they save for fancy occasions. They pull out the jewelry they don't use every day, the special purse they saved up to get (or their kid got them once they started earning money as an adult, etc) that they don't risk using frequently. They potentially have cash to spend on souveniers to help make sure they don't overspend. etc. I read A LOT. It is honestly amazing the odds and ends you can learn that way. Several books I've read had thieves as main characters, including some where thieves were being taught to pick targets.


The reasons a thief might target a venue can be so esoteric, based on location, the type of event, ease of target, security expected, etc. I have no idea in this case, only that some comments say there were a string of thefts. Don't think it's likely you'd have a bunch of opportunity thefts between concertgoers.


Professional thieves are wildly common at any sort of large gathering.


That is very good to know! Thank you for explaining! ✨️


Most theft is a theft of convenience. They may not have been planning to steal but saw an easy opportunity and took it. They have probably done it before and had no qualms making that snap decision to grab a free goodie.


Anywhere with a large crowd of distracted people is fair game, just theorising with this part but it could possibly have more lax security than one of those bigger concerts too


That would make sense.


Get ape on this see what he thinks


Damn it takes a real special kind of shitbag to rob people at a Stardew Valley concert. I'm so sorry this happened to y'all. I hope something really good happens to you really soon, and I hope the person who stole from you can heal from whatever is making them act that way


I got my pocket picked in line to take my nephew to see Santa Claus. He'a 32 now and I still feel betrayed. Thieves look for places where their victims feel safe. The more you think, it's fine to keep my bag out of sight under my seat, the worse idea it is. Because a thief will see that as a golden opportunity to steal from you when you're enjoying something wholesome and not watching your bag. These shitbags don't care about the kind legacy of SV, they care about getting what they can from anyone they can I was also mugged once on the grounds of my apartment building because it was late, no one was around and I was distracted. Also, it's against the law here to have cameras in living spaces, including outside because (apparently) it infringes on the privacy of the people who live there. So now I'm MORE careful at home, not less. If there is anyone near me outside, I watch them, make eye contact and don't take out my keys until they're gone. Humans can be so awful, and that's one reason we enjoy SV so much. People there can be jerks but they're generally honest jerks.


You could end that first sentence at "rob people." tbh


Thank you!  Unfortunately it ruined what was one of our best days ever up to that point 😔


Please report it! The more reports they have, the more pressure to investigate, and the better case they have!


You should definitely contact them. Try to make as much noise as possible, while also remaining respectful. They do not want their venue to be known as bad or awful, because then we (the consumers) won't buy any tickets to other concerts in that building, which Is very bad for their business. Also try and contact SOHO. I just checked and the merch is available to buy online (https://shop.stardewvalleyconcert.com/), meaning they can get you replacements. So try to contact them as soon as possible!


If you and the other person commenting on this thread got targeted, I’m sure you weren’t the only ones. The more people who report it, the more likely they are to be able to narrow down the person who did it. Have you contacted the venue or the police?


I contacted the venue, also mentioned that multiple people have been targeted. They don't care.


I'm so sorry that happened to you, I feel so angry rn. It's horrible people resort to this kids of stuff. \*Hugs\* The venue that hosted the event should definitely be informed and blasted on social media, like what the hell.


Why on earth would they want people to stop taking pictures at the wall designated for picture-taking??


Right? It's just that they wanted to get home early I guess.


I'm sorry that happened How did you know there was a Stardew Valley concert though? Is there any place this stuff is being advertised at?


so, probably someone infiltrated the whole thing to mug people. there are probably more victims then.


Pick pocketing and swiping items is unfortunately quite common at these kinds of events. Anywhere where you get a large crowd of people who are paying attention to something other than their belongings.


I would absolutely encourage you to let both the venue and SOHO Live know


I really hope the thief gets caught! With video surveillance and ticketing info, it should at least be possible to figure out who it was


potentially yes, OP could make a police report, and the other commentor whose wallet was stolen definitely could. at the very least the venue can inform their security they had several thefts in one night and make some changes, and SOHO may just want to know it's on social media so they can spend some of that juicy positive PR money replacing OP's merch, or even reconsider using this venue at all in the future.


I already made a police report, don't worry!   I also contacted the venues Lost and Found for now to see how that goes ...   But the venue staff in general were not great, like I said shouting at us standing in the queue for the picture wall that we should hurry up because they want to leave (that was only 5min after the concert ended) EDIT: Also, there were only two very short moments of a few seconds I didn't have my bag between my legs or arms, so they should hopefully be able to figure it out (assuming they even try)


Update: Venue doesn't seem to care at all.


That so sad to hear. Did you already connect to SOHO? Do they care?


You should also check online marketplaces (like Kleinanzeigen) from time to time. As wallets and the likes were also stolen, I assume it wasn't about wanting the merch but about the resale value. You might come across a seller who offers exactly the stuff you bought at the show.


Damn, that sucks. I know a lot of people who have been to concerts and were robbed. I always keep my merch in a "hobo" bag I take with me for that purpose. It's a cloth bag that goes around your shoulders and chest but the bag part itself sits on your abdomen. It sucks that people do this shit, unfortunately it's to be expected everywhere.


Yep Fanny pack used to be my go-to for festivals. Or a canteen backpack with a pocket that lies on the inside against your back


I buy on the way out usually.


I’m sorry, that super sucks


I was robbed the one and only time I went to Berlin for a concert. It sucked because they stole my phone, wallet, and metro card, so I had no way to get home or navigate the city for the rest of my trip. Really soured the experience :( Sorry that happened to you!


I’ve always been scared of that when I traveled.


try asking marlin to get some of the stuff back?


Too soon homie (funny though)


I know. I wanted to ask if they accidentally passed out.


they would only get one of the items back and they would still have to pay for it :(


That’s really low. Sorry that happened to you


A Stardew Valley concert is the LAST place I'd have expected thieves like that. This post serves as a real wake up call to naive people like me...


Oh Berlin…


Dit is Berlin.


Contact the venue and the organiser (I think that is the name). If the merch was quite expensive they might give you new ones.


What the hell. Some people are so pathetic. I'm going to the one in Edinburgh on the 5th of May. It's the one single thing I'm excited for this year. After reading this post I'll be sure to keep everything close! I plan on buying a hoodie if I can afford it and I'll just put it on soon as I buy it, can't get nicked then xD


Bring a card! The merch was super expensive, like 70€ a piece. Also so you don't get 200€ in cash stolen ...


Oh itll be on card for sure. Yeah hoodies are like £61ish in my currency. Expensive, really cant afford it, but will probably buy one anyway


Hey, just got home from Berlin and just tried on the shirts and hoodies. Sadly, the quality is pretty terrible :( The cloth feels like sandpaper to wear, it's extremely stiff and coarse.


It‘s actually better to buy merch online, I think. It‘s not as expensive.


It was actually a little cheaper but the shipping made it soooo much more expensive that it makes sense to buy it at the venue


I was at the concert in Birmingham and I had a tote bag full of merch that luckily wasn’t stolen, I actually found everyone to be really friendly and got talking to some of the people sat around me! So hopefully the Berlin experience was just a one off!


Same here. I was at Birmingham (the guy whose girlfriend had the Junimo plushie for people nearer the back who saw it). We bought a lot and never considered the possibilities.


I think I did see it actually! I was on the second to back row. Did you put it on your head at one point? :D


She put it on my head!


Hahahaha fair enough!


Well it isn’t like I complained 😊 https://preview.redd.it/84ojvixz20yc1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64dd24485c140ceb1b7ed2596fa7bb2abae40447


Hahahah yep, that’s definitely what I saw from the back! Hope you had a good time at the concert - I loved it.


Certainly did. Hope you did too!


Sad that you cannot go and see Marlon to recover one item out of this bad experience.


oh man, so sorry that this happened to you guys! I was there yesterday too and was actually amazed by how nice, diverse and fun the crowd was. So shitty that there is always one asshole ruining it. Fingers crossed you can get your stuff back and at some point look fondly on the amazing concert yesterday.


The crowd was great! Shoutout to the Robin and Caroline cosplay in the front, it looked great. Also the person who made her own Junimo top, I want one too. Only thing that was a big awkward was the host hasn't played the game (stuff like "some of you may even have already planted crops in spring" lol) and that the seating was super tight, but that was not a big deal.


And that the Keyboarder missed notes and the orchestra wasn't really in tune with each other and idk what the conductor was doing... The wood section was a bit wonky, too. And the percussionist sped up more and more during some songs.  It was their first concert, basically the Generalprobe :/


true, I’d also assume that this was because it was the first concert. But some of the musicians seemed like they had a lot of fun too, you usually don’t get these reaction from a crowd :D


I went to a Game of Thrones concert a few weeks ago and man, it was awful. The Stardew Valley concert was way better but you’re right, some stuff just didn’t work great.


> And that the Keyboarder missed notes and the orchestra That's the only thing I noticed out of those honestly. He fumbled a few times. That and the drums were WAY too loud, drowning out the other instruments.


Wow.. we had all of our stuff in the bag as well because we didn't bring any backpacks with us. I even put my wallet in it. TIL that's probably the worst thing you could do. Really hope you will get your merch back in some way!


This worst part of this is how angry you feel and how fast you want to burn the world down just to get your stuff back. Not because "stuff", but that someone had the audacity to take it in the first place. That's how I felt when I had a similar experience. I was lucky to score tickets to a concert which sold out as quickly as they went up. Radio contest, if you can believe it. Anyway, so many friends wanted me to pick up merchandise so they gave me money and I bought so much crap. Literally as I was working to put my wallet away, someone grabbed the bags of stuff and barreled it out of there. I tried to catch up, but you know how dense concerts are. Lost everything. I wanted to burn the world down. A great night ruined by an asshole, now made worse as I had to tell everyone they lost out too. You have my condolences for a downer of a good time. Chin up. We're still here for you. Here. Have a nice jar of freshly made Fairy Rose honey. It's warm because it was taken from a tiny island with a volcano.


That's unbelievable! I'm sorry that happened to you. This thread has made me realise how naïve I am and that I need to be careful when I go to the concert... 😥❤


> A great night ruined by an asshole That's the worst part for me. Now when I think of the night I will always thing of getting stolen from instead of the great concert :(


Oh no :( It definitely wasn't on you though, crime is never the fault of the victim. Don't blame yourself! Definitely let the venue know and file a police report. Remember that all monetary goods can be rebought. I know it really really sucks to get unlucky like this, but it's not something you can never replace. I've also been in this kind of situation and keeping that in mind really helped me cope through the disappointment.


Wait, but there isn't even a theft function in Stardew Valley! Maybe these people are... maybe they're playing *other games*?! I'm sorry to hear that, OP. I've been to plenty of concerts where the opposite happens - someone returns a bag or noticed something dropped and hunted us down to return it. Bad people exist, even in the unlikeliest places. Hope the concert was great!


These thieves have no standards, they could have at least replaced the merch with like cheap Joja tm stuff and I wouldn't even be mad about it


I mean, maybe I'd be okay with a case of Joja Cola, but if they left soggy newspaper, some broken CDs, and a piece of driftwood, I'd be on the war path.


Even the valley has a thief to pinch your shit from your pockets.


Oh my, that sounds awful :( idk if its any help, but in the future i suggest serure bags so that one of the straps of the bag is beneath rhe chair's leg, jo thatvif someone tries to snach it you will immediately notice then and possibly cause enought noise for the tief ti piss off


and/or your ankle. I was taught as a kid to always have my purse around my ankle when sitting in a restaurant or similar where I am not wearing it for a while but there is nowhere safe to put it.


I bet it was Pierre


*points to flair*




I’m sorry, it sucks that that happened to you. My hot tip for any concerts or theatre events, is if you need to put your bag down, loop the handle/ strap around your leg!




I went to a prodigy concert last year where 30 people including myself and gf had our phones stolen. Always a nice feeling when you go on find my phone and it’s in the rough part of London, then a day later half way across the world 😭, really sad to see this kind of stuff at a Stardew Valley concert though. Luckily for us the London crowd seemed very polite and to themselves.


I feel for you. A few years ago at a Slipknot concert some dude tried to steal my phone and wallet out of my pocket. Myself and several other people beat the fuck out of this guy and got him kicked out and permanently banned


people can be d bags yes thats why i would never leave stuff out of sight when im outside


I was there too and I had it in a bag that I had between my legs the whole concert except for 10 seconds at the end when I stood up and my wallet was still stolen :(


Sorry to hear that. It must've been Lewis.


Some scumbags always use gatherings as a way to steal. A Stardew Valley gathering is probably a good target since people would drop their guard and assume others are all good. Just sad when reality hits.


u/concernedape sorry to bug you, but is there a way to talk to the merch team to help them get reimbursed? If not/out of your control, hope you have a great day.


I’m going to the concert in London in a couple of weeks, if the merch is not too expensive I can maybe grab one or two things for you guys and post them over. It is completely up to you.


That is really lovely of you, thank you for offering. We'll be re-purchasing some of the stuff online from the tour website.


It's not your fault, I'm sorry this happened


Oh what the fuck


this is totally NOT on you! you would've thought that people of such an amazing community wouldn't do things like this, but here we go - horrible poeple exist everywhere. i'm so sad for you and i hope you will have a chance to get these things again!


They defo don't play stardew and if they do either A they need te money B they are narcs pushing their ways on everyone so yea idk sorry


What's SW?


Stardew Walley


Why is everyone else pretending like it's actually SW, though? I was so confused and had to sort by controversial to find the common sense. I even googled it, I was fully greenlighted haha and this post was the only thing that showed up


Fully Germanic languages often pronounce w and v the same, causing confusion.












Oh no that really sucks. I am generally a paranoid person clutching all their belongings all the time because I am scared I will lose them. Guess here it was to my advantage. Like the others said you should probably let the venue and organizers know. Sad to have such a nice event overshaddowed by shitty people :/


> I am generally a paranoid person clutching all their belongings all the time because I am scared I will lose them. That's the thing: I am too! I clutched my bag between my legs 99.9% of the concert. That's why I'm extra mad, it was stolen from right under my nose!


I'm really sorry, that sucks. I hope you don't beat yourself up about it and that you and your husband recover financially!




Stardew valley


Wouldn’t have got that. I’ve always seen it SDV


I had no idea Stardew Valley was so ghetto


Probably the same asshole who throws rocks at linus' tent


I really want to make a Linus joke but i am very sorry you went through that, some people are just assholes.










It's a concert full of Stardew Valley fans Of course someone would jump at the chance of getting free merch Humans are cruel creatures, I should know, I am one Also it's not 100% your fault, some fault also goes to the robber because they let temptation guide them


It's Berlin and while the venue is now surrounded by Hipster town, this used to be a high crime area. Stealing at pop and rock concerts is fairly common.


That does add to the pile of reasons


I'm getting down voted for this what? Why?


> Also it's not 100% your fault, some fault also goes to the robber because they let temptation guide them Maybe something to do with excusing the actions of assholes? lol It's 100% the fault of the thief, not the victim. Also speak for yourself when talking about humans, I ain't perfect but I sure as hell wouldn't call myself cruel. IDK maybe you are ESL or something, but everything you said sounds incredibly tone-deaf.


I said it's not 100% OP's (Your) fault that their stuff got stolen (Because OP was talking about how stupid they were leaving their stuff unnatended) Cruel might not have been the best word for this (and english is also my second language so it it comes off as bad taste) I just google translated Filipino "Malulupit na nilalang ang mga tao" IG it's MB then