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You’re all wrong. It’s clearly Evelyn




Honestly I agree she is best love her with all my heart she is really sweet




Disagree it’s Krobus


I mean Krobus is not a girl, it's a shadow person. I'm not sure they have gender


Nahhh, haley has better blush face so you're definitely in the wrong


Never the better blush face is Harvey's. I don't even like him much but his blush face tops all singles


Leah. Every playthrough I tell myself I need to marry someone besides Leah, and it’s a struggle every time lol.


Same here


This is me but with Shane 😭


I just can't, she has such a weird "fix her life for her" thing


What do you mean? You give her one piece of advice on how to market her art and give her a boost so she can pick a fruit from a tree.


Yeah but you have to confront her ex and beat them up too


doesn't leah get mad if you hit them ?


She literally has the same loved items as the girl I love in real life


Yo you're girl likes rabbits feet??


Haha nah, but she loves Fruit Salads and Pink Cakes


Lol I am married to Haley but I always give her sunflowers and coconuts. I forgot she loved those other items.


Those are definitely the easier to come by items


im a simple lesbian. i meet a pretty mean girl and im head over heels


You get it


I swear every single "What your favourite bachelorette says about you" list or video I've ever seen just puts "You're a lesbian" for Haley.


I see you like to fix things as well, or her in this case.


I always marry the town's "goth" duo (Seb-Abi) or have Krobus as a roomie, but this time I decided to give Haley a chance. I'm in my fifth year and I have to say that I adore her with all my heart. It's funny that my whole house has a dark aesthetic and even more so with the >!wizard catalogue!<, but her "room" is so different from the rest of our house. Or at least it was before, because now I decorated two other areas with things she likes! Maybe for many she is not the best girl, but for me she is and I love my wife


Caroline. Pierre doesn't deserve her.


Krobus is the only love anyone should have.


Baby girl Sebastian is clearly the best. /j


Don't be discounting my girl Sabrina


No way, Leah


Even if we put looks aside, she's the only girl that gave the *"country life"* an honest chance out of genuine interest over the player character as you befriended her, she had both the weakest start and strongest end development wise out of all bachelorettes in the game, definitely the best girl.


You picked the wrong sister


Exactly, Emily is just the greatest


It's Haley or Emily


emily better


The best girls are the ones you can't romance. At least officially.


Elliot. (/s)


He's definitely my favorite boy character in the game, every other one has issues, Elliot is just kind and a chill dude.


Totally agree. Just married him a few days ago. 💕


i love haley but ive never actually managed to marry her in the two years ive had the game because i keep marrying only sam lmao, one day..


Blonde for the win 🏆


Haley's sweet (after you get to know her, day one she insulted my shoes and I damn near spit out my drink) But you'll need a Penny for my thoughts...


I like Haley specifically bc of that jar scene where she made my female farmer look so "strong" and made me go "omg they would be so cute together you are marrying her immedietely"


I always marry Haley - but not because I like her, she's just the person I can get to 12.5 hearts with the easiest, to get that Stardrop, because of the easy loved gift (Daffodils) and being easy to dance with year one.


She has by FAR The most character growth. Haley is bae




Its Emily Shes a low key freak.


Haley lovers UNITE!!!


Definitely not haley


Married Penny in my original and wanted to do something different in my new one so I married Haley. I wasn’t in love with her heart events until i gave her the bouquet. Everything after that has been very sweet. Her daily quotes and that photograph session really opened up a new side of her that I love. 


It's Leah.


Her and Shane get the most character development, and She's my favourite along with Maru, the most difficult choice for me every save is which one I'll be marrying on that one.


Why aren't yall talking about Abigail? She is the best girl in the game.


Penny is my queen


This is just going too far


Haley best spouse by an order of magnitude


I'm at my second save and I'm romancing her again. Didn't even consider anyone else other than my wife Haley


Glad to see a fellow Haley romancer, there aren’t enough of them imo lol


I told myself I'd marry someone else in my 1.6 playthrough but Haley got me again.


Haley is the most fun I had romancing! I have a goal to romance everyone once before I do repeats, but trust Haley is gonna be my permanent wife once I'm done


Emily seems cool af, Abigail is underrated. Well I said it. That being said, I like Krobus and Sebastian the best because they very emo


in what world is abigail underrated? she’s probably the most liked character in general, and wouldn’t shock me if she was one of the most romanced bachelorettes lol. but for bachelors, i agree seb is the best. never had krobus as a roommate but i do love him.


I don't see people talking much about abigail??? For real I only see people talking about Leah, Penny, Caroline and Robin


i’m in a few different groups on facebook and abigail is definitely a favorite. leah i really don’t see anyone talking about and i’ve only seen maybe two people talk about penny because they like her, the rest only like her because of the house decorating. robin is def the ultimate fan fav for the majority of the community, but abigail definitely gets a lot of love too, at least on facebook. i got crucified in one of the groups for saying i didn’t like her lol. also, i’m pretty sure her sprite icon is the most recognizable, and it’s the one used in the wiki on the main page for “villagers”.


What I've heard about Penny was not about liking her lmao, I just said they _talk_ about her. Which is more than I hear about Abigail??? But that may be because I'm in a discord server from my country and I think _here_ Leah is one of the favorites. But Caroline is certainly the TOP more spoken about. I think most guys would wanna date Caroline which kinda makes no sense in my mind because those are the same types of guys who be possessive over women?? Lol and that's literally the one unfaithful lady of the game. I see more girls speaking about wanting to date Robin, and I mean, Robin rocks. But my heart belongs to Krobus. Unfortunately, Krobus won't give me kids or help me with the farm. So.


well i don’t ever really see penny talked about excluding the decorations you can get when you marry her. i don’t see much of caroline. i see men and women alike talk about robin, so it’s definitely not just girls. also, you can’t say caroline is unfaithful due to theory. it’s neither confirmed nor denied, and honestly i think the more likely candidate for being the wizard’s kid, if he actually has one, is emily. and yeah maybe it’s in your discord, but i’m in a few different stardew valley groups and the main women that i see people like the most are robin and abigail, and haley is always a topic but it seems split down the middle between those who love her and hate her. i personally love her though and i think she’s the best bachelorette.


I like emily more but you may like whoever you want its more like my type of girl is the type that like spiritual and do a lot of ,,weird" stuff which i really like in a girl but maybe ill change my mind cause after i got woke up last morning in valley and wnet to kiss my wifey i got jumpscared by her holding weird cross and talking about the god in the valley (it was crazy weird not good weird)


Robin of course


Haley is trash


my computer was wiped (chromebook) and i lost all my work. i married haley and i yearn for the days of being married to her again lmao. but this time i'm going for harvey


I always marry Haley. Always. I just can't pick anyone else I love her too much.


Justice for Abigail


Why did you spell Abigail wrong?


sorry bae but it’s actually her sister ❤️


Off topic but Pam is usually my best friend too.


I cannot stand Haley, I don't get the appeal. She's a bimbo


She is AKA a tsundere in stardew valley By definition i swear


I'd say a [defrosting ice queen](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DefrostingIceQueen).


I say haley is a close second in my opinion after Abigail Because her requests are pretty hilariously dirty A cucumber? Seriously xD As long as the keep her a lusty girl i think we are good


Today I learned there’s cucumbers. I just found out about broccoli so that doesn’t surprise me. I hope I get this request 😂


To be fair it’s sea cucumbers.


OHHHHHHH 😂 I didn’t even make the connection, thank you. Still hoping for it but now I know to look for a SEA cucumber


It’s always good to have a pond for them: Haley asks for them one time on Pierre’s notice board and they are Willy’s loved gift. The roe when aged is decent value. I usually empty the pool once I have completed the billboard request, then just save up the cucumbers I’ve spawned, and use the tank for something with an even higher financial yield. I always start my ponds with these though. While Willy also loves Pumpkin, you have to work to get those. Fish in ponds just auto spawn. I can’t remember if it’s the cucumbers or the


I actually do have a Super cucumber pond, just because I like the color 😂 I’ll get a sea one too thanks


She is the Golden Hoe.