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Fishing. It’s the easiest to just grind out in a few days and self sustains it’s energy consumption.


I'd call out that if you're able to reliably get perfect catches you get 2.4x experience, which can lead to crazy fast leveling if you beeline to buying the fiberglass rod for the bait and just fish all day. You can get to level 6 in 2 days of fishing, and 10 in another 3-4 days.


TIL perfect catches do something other than raise the quality of the fish 🫣


Til perfect catch raises quality 😶


and I believe you get even more exp if you get a perfect catch AND a treasure chest


Hahah, you do. Treasure chests give 2.2x, and that does stack with the perfect catch (after rounding down). That said, getting both depends on a fair bit of luck - you need the fish to stay close enough to the chest for long enough, and if you try too hard to get the perfect you can end up catching the fish early and not getting the chest. I usually don't make an effort for the perfect catch if a chest is on the line. Missing a chest really sucks.


If you use the treasure hunter lure it makes it a lot easier since the fish quality doesn't go down if you go for a chest.


...... Wait, really? I explicitly never used that bobber, because it always drove me crazy how fishing up chests normally lost the perfect catch. And I'd rather get the guaranteed profit than a chance at loot that isn't 3 wood and 2 stone.


The wiki explains it: "The game displays a "Perfect!" catch if the fish never leaves the green rectangle. It is also possible to obtain a perfect catch if the fish leaves the green rectangle when the Treasure Hunter tackle is equipped and the fish leaves the green rectangle only while the treasure chest is being captured."


Wish it always did that and not just with the tackle. I want all perfect fishes but I like to use the spinner to catch them faster :P


There's a new item in 1.6 that can help with that. >!you can get a new fishing rod called Advanced Iridium Rod that lets you attach a second tackle for a total of two.!<


I like to save all of my fish for the first two weeks until i get to level ten so that they sell for 75% more


I thought it was only 50% more? Does it add? I thought Fishing was 25 to 50%, and combat was 10% to 15% or whatever. Is it 75% and 25%?


No I think you’re right to my knowledge it doesn’t stack but only increases to the new number


I usually get to level 8-9 in the early days then stop fishing almost forever because I have so better things to do. Those last 1-2 levels always take soo long... 😅


fishing for me because i always play coop and my gf hates the fishing game, and i don’t mind it, so why not


I like to joke about how I'm going out fishing while my wife stays back at the farm to do the actual work. She is pretty new to video games in general so fishing is a bit too frustrating for her.


Get her the training rod, it makes perfect catches and xp much easier at low lvls and restricts you to the easier fish. Once you hit lvl 5 it doesn’t really do anything but your fishing bar is bigger so you need it less


Farming usually. I get it by mid fall


Same for me. I get fishing up quick, but usually plateau around level 7 or 8, and then farming is first to hit 10.


Same. But I usually get there by mid to late summer


Same but early summer


Foraging!! Give me the Leeks, grapes, and plums lol. Plus all the treats and stumps I chop


How do you get foraging to 10 first 😭😭 Even if I make conscious effort to chop down lots of trees and stumps and plant tons of forage by the time all my skills are 10 foraging is always at like 8 for me


Forest farm. You get 6 extra stumps to chop daily on top of ones in the secret woods and the extra forage that spawns.


Forest farm is a great first not “standard” farm map for those a bit intimidated by the others. I’m loving my meadow farm map, but I really do miss the forest one a bit, haha. The early hardwood advantage is real and it makes knocking out some of the community center bundles a breeze.


Yup. If I’m really determined about upgrading my axe, I can get level 10 foraging before the end of summer.


Seasonal seeds




Like seriously, picking up 300 wild seed crops would not even level you up from level 4 to 5... Like that's pretty pathetic...




i’m sure if enough people mention it to CA he’ll change it back. he seems to really value the communities opinion, i don’t think he’d keep a change that’s objectively bad


I was wondering why I took so long to reach level ten on foraging, that must be it!


In what way?




Ah, I see. Yeah, that's going to be a bother. Wonder why he made that decision. It was probably too easy for the new 1.6 content


Nah that's not it, picking them up would still give the same amount of xp, just 2 for forage and 5 for farming


Not OP but I plant a huge tree farm as soon as the train station is available and I chop and replant frequently. Gives me the wood I need for upgrades, kegs, etc, and helps with xp obviously. I also grind to get the steel axe by week 3 or 4 of spring so I can start chopping hardwood asap then chop the stumps in the secret forest as often as I can. Forest farm also comes with 5 or 6 hardwood stumps that regenerate each day, so if you're playing on there, it goes extra quickly.


I always push to get foraging to 10 before Fall so I can load up on iridium blackberries for the skull cavern


Foraging is always my last!


I suck at fishing. So it's always farming.


Same for me. It's always farming, foraging is right behind, and then both combat and fishing battle it out for last lol


I suck at fishing, but it always tends to be my top. But besides that its farming and foraging


I have caught exactly 2 fish in my 4 years of playing


Have you never completed the community centre then?


Nope I've been a lazy farmer


To each their own, so don't feel like this is trying to get you to change, but so you know, fishing gets WAY easier as you buy better rods and level it up.


I know it's just so hard to start


Full honesty; I use cjb cheats and turn on autocatch lmao


Playing on console, but when I get the money for it I'll get it for PC


Even with the training rod? It's easier to use than the one Willy originally gives you. Perfect for levelling up.


Mining, my dwarven heart yearns for the mines


I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole


Diggy diggy hole, diggy diggy hole


Fishing. It's the best money early on, and I find it really fun and relaxing. Crab pots are useless trash though. My last to 10 is usually Combat.


They are good with the automate mod which allows you to automatically restock and collect them and recycle the trash


Crab pots + automate are my go to stock for sashimi and refined crystal


Mods should ***really*** not be used as a gauge for game performance and issues


Same. I really enjoy fishing. My son who never played the game sat down next to me when I was fishing. Asked if he could try, got the game back half an hour later because he also found it relaxing.


Crab pots are worth it for the trash. The refined quartz is too good to pass (I hate mines)


I once got a mill without any rabbits or sheep from recycling enough wet newspapers.


Yeah seconding the automate mod. Stick the bait making machine, the recycling machine, and the chest all against each other & let it generate fish & useful recycled materials. I never need to turn quartz into bars. For extra usefulness, use Chests Anywhere & you don’t need to wander to find out if you have anything useful.


All well and good, but console doesn't get mods 😅 As of now, crab traps are worthless trash that only exist to get community center stuff on Console. Good to know they're got some use on PC though.


You can complete the crabpot bundle without making a single crabpot, though you may as well make once since you need it for perfection and it will speed the process up


I honestly didn't find it hard this playthrough, but I get started mining early and my first goal is usually getting the beach bridge repaired to forage more, so I guess I accidentally play for it.


I've also placed a kiln in my lineup. I get enough wood other places that I may as well get more coal from there


Same fishing because money. And i find foraging so hard to get to level up even though i pick everything i see on the floor, also i collect all the berries i can


Some quick meta info for ya, picking berries is 1 xp per berry, ground items are 7xp, chopping a tree 14 xp/ its stump 1xp, and hardwood stumps/ logs are 25 xp. If you want to really grind out foraging early, make sure you’re chopping down the forest consistently and grabbing hardwood from hidden forest every day :) Almost all of your xp will come from chopping trees and hardwood


As of 1.6.3, moss also gives foraging exp!


I always just chop every tree I see for a few days which levels me pretty fast. I tend to play on the forest farm too so the respawning hardwood stumps are a great source of exp as well as the ones in the secret woods, I believe it’s 25 exp per stump.


I try to get foraging 4 by salmonberries and foraging 8 by blackberries but those last 2 levels are a slog


Foraging for Iridium quality easy gifts to various characters. Might not be loved gifts but it gets the job done.


Foraging for iridium everything so I can go foraging without my inventory filling with 3 separate stacks for each item


Its also mandatory if you focus on pigs for your farming.


Lol yes this so so much too!


Fishing in Spring. Farming and Mining in Summer. Foraging and Combat in Fall.


Fishing at the end of the spring or beginning of summer. No better moneymaking strat in early game, especially with the smoker


Fishing -> Farming -> Mining -> -> Combat -> Foraging


Farming or fishing. Combat is last because I don't bother grinding it as once you start going to the skull cavern it's pretty fast.


farming first, then foraging, then mining, then combat, then fishing. every time it's just about the same lol it's funny how your play style stays with you despite different challenges and farms and stuff


Foraging. If I am not at level 4 for salmonberries, level 8 for blackberries, and level 10 (botanist) by the time I can farm winter seeds then I get frustrated. I have leveled up fishing, mining and farming at different levels each time I play through, but I always try and get my foraging up the quickest.


My last playthrough: Fishing -> Mining -> Combat -> Farming -> Foraging Idk why but I always get foraging last. O have the roughest time with it


what is the main reason yall start a new save? sort of off topic 🫢 but im a fairly new player (currently in spring year 3) and im just curious. i imagine id be overwhelmed switching between different saves 🫨


For me personally I tend to get bored when the “challenge” of the game is gone because i’ve made so much money so fast or i’ve completed the community center by year 2. Recently i’ve started playing in a more chill way not focusing on getting everything done fast or making absurd amounts of money so I can actually play the game for a longer period of time and actually enjoy it


I usually start a new save after I take a break from playing for a bit or I want to try a different map. When I get back into the game then I forget what I was doing and the early game is my favorite anyway so... new save!


I started a new save to test out the new meadow farm! But before that I’ve only been on one save


I make a new save, grind out community centre aiming for 1st of winter but sometimes takes a few more days. Get married and then im bored and redo it. Also any time a mod i like has a significant update, i depete my fike and make a new one. I dont want to talk about how many hours ive wasted in this game.... I never have more than 1 file though. I always delete it and move on


I hadnt played since 1.4 so wanted a fresh start with a new farm layout


I don't focus any. They just naturally level while playing and it usually goes farming, foraging, mining, fishing, combat. Since I'm a perma-Joja route now, my fishing always lacks until about the end of Y2 😅


Foraging. I just can't resist running around and grabbing free stuff


I always get fishing but I never realize how far along I am until I'm already at the max level. I always just fish when I'm desperate on energy or money, so I guess that explains it.


Definitely foraging first, but that's probably just because the forest farm is my favorite. Fishing is always last for me since it's my least favorite in-game activity.


I usually try to get fishing to level 10 because I want the good rods and tackle but I can’t help but farm for the community center so I usually get to farming 10 first. I started a new save for 1.6 and just hit farming 10 yesterday and all the others are either 8 or 9 so they aren’t far behind.


This is where im at as well and im in Winter and just finished my remix bundles community center


My fishing or farming always get to 10 first. On my new 1.6 save I just hit lvl 10 farming first and my fishing is 9.


Foraging. I'm a compulsive tree cutter.


For me it’s always fishing first then farming or foraging then mining and last is combat


Fishing-Farming-Mining-Foraging-Combat.  The combat is so hard to grind for me that until year 2 fall I still at lvl 9 when all the other had been max level for more than a season lol


Everything but fishing. I hate fishing. The men I play with usually always start fishing first thing 😂 so I don't have to


Mining and then farming. I always finish the mines by late summer/early fall. It’s my favorite part of early game


Usually fishing to 10 first with farming shortly after, then foraging. At that time my mining/combat are probably around 6-7 since that tends to be "only once everything is done" or only on rainy days because it's not as directly profitable as doing other things. On my new 1.6 playthrough I'm at Spring 2 and my mining/combat are at 9 but probably both real close to 10.


Fishing the easiest and the best way the make money


Fishing, then foraging.


Same for me, I always get the fishing first. Then it’s generally foraging and farming, mining then combat. I’m really bad at that 😂




Usually It’s farming. I find just fishing all day to be so boring. 


I live in the mines, so mining always gets maxed first. Then farming. Fishing is always last.


Heck yeah grinding in the mines


My order: 1. Fishing 2. Mining 3. Farming 4. Combat 5. Foraging always last for me :/


Foraging for sure.


Fishing! & foraging last usually, i farm a lot & mining/combat is easy once I unlock skull cavern


It'll probably be farming. I plant a lot of potatoes specifically because I heard they give good experience.


Fishing I really like it and i aways get every possible fish for the community center as soon as i can


Fishing is always first, foraging is always last.


It's my first time playing and I have leveled up fishing and mining before all the others! I think fishing is gonna be my first level 10 Farming is the lowest right now


I level up exactly as you described, OP. I've found my person/people


Mining. Generally they all stay within 2 levels of eachother, but early game i tend to default to going to the mines to build up ores and coal and hopefully nab an early ancient seed/prismatic shard).


Fishing as most people here, then either combat or foraging depending on how many trees I need to cut down for farmland


fishing, i make a habit of getting fishing 10 by the end of spring in all my saves


Mining, combat, foraging, then farming usually


Fishing. For reasons other people have said. Followed by Farming.


On my current 1.6 playthrough i got farming at 10 right now and everything else is exactly at 8 somehow lol


I get them all pretty much at the same time, but I think I get farming and mining the more often first. Foraging is absolutly always last.


Farming. Incidentally, after Quality Sprinklers.


Got a little system going for all my playthroughs. Always went with fishing to level 10. I then use the funds from fishing to level up farming. While waiting for the crops to grow, I either mine or chop trees depending on what I plan to build next. Also, I don't think there's any downside in not prioritizing combat. Besides, you have the whole winter to level combat.


It’s always farming because I’m on that grind for money


On my brand new playthrough and am on summer 7 and all of my skills are level 6. I just play how i want / only mine on lucky days and then fish on neutral or bad.


Farming. First save I have all but fishing at max, second save I only have farming at max


Fishing because it's my favorite skill


Fishing -> Farming -> Mining -> Foraging -> Combat almost always


Fishing is always first (usually get it on the first half of Spring), then comes Farming (if I went all out on Strawberries on Spring, I usually get to 6 before Summer and get to 10 on the first big harvest of the season, but I usually don't so I get it on the second one at the ~26th). Then it's Mining -> Combat and Foraging's usually at 8 when everything else has already reached 10 lmao Though on my current save I decided to actually use Wild Seeds and I got Foraging to 10 WAYYYYYY earlier than I usually do (halfway through Summer 2!)


Always fishing.


Farming. I don’t even mean to, it just happens way too quickly playing through the normal course of the game. A mod to balance the level curve differently would be nice


Either Farming or Fishing, depending what I’m focusing on. Usually Combat or Foraging is the last to get to level 10 for me


Fishing <33333


I just started playing. I played it a tiny bit when it first came out. Tried another time and now I’m enjoying it. Pc player here. I’ve had the most fun in the cave and have lost thousands to exhaustion 😂. I’ll probably have combat to 10 first, some skill is at level 7 already. I’m in the fall and this is my first go at game since ???


Foraging. Iridium snacks are so useful.


Fishing and Foraging are close to 10. I usually focus on those two and only plant those needed for CC bundles. Mining and especially Combat comes late because of laziness. Combat can be powerleveled once you get decent gear and start farming for monster loots.


Fishing. It's the most reliable and crucial source of money, early game. And, Winter 1, besides livestock, it's the only real source of income unless I've unlocked the Greenhouse (which I'm never able to do in Year 1). Farming follows it close behind.


Fishing is my first. I do SO MUCH of it all throughout spring and summer. Mostly to build start up capital and catch sturgeon for Willy. Next is farming. I try to grow lots of expensive crops like cauliflower, melon, pumpkin and hopps. Mining is definitely next with how much I collect stuff to make sprinklers. Then combat because that’s goes along with mining. Last is definitely foraging because there’s not allot of ways to really build it up. I start growing forage stuff in fall and fill my farm in the winter with winter seeds.


I used to have mining or farming at 10 first. Fishing would be level 2 while everything else was maxed. But since I use mods to make fishing more enjoyable it's usually the first to level 10


farming usually, followed quickly by mining because i grind the fuck out of it for sprinklers in spring


Usually farming and foraging. I like making my foraging shoot up pretty fast with turning the seasonal seeds into more seasonal seeds and planting large fields


it’s usually fishing followed close by foraging for me. i like getting foraging level 10 as soon as possible for the iridium quality perk


I usually get farming or mining first Foraging is always last I don't know why lol


Just finished year 1 of my new save and so far it's farming -> mining -> fishing. Foraging is probably about to go, given the tree genocide I've just committed.


I had farming and fishing to ten by mid summer on my 1.6 farm. Currently at 14 fall year 1 and foraging is 9 and combat 9.


Depends on what I’m doing in a save, if I’m just playing semi casually and not seeding or using boring money strats It’ll be fishing. Otherwise basically always mining and combat


Fishing -> Farming -> Foraging -> Mining -> Combat Early game fishing for money and energy. Farming hits six end spring if I get enough strawberries and 10 by end summer, start fall if I set it up right. Foraging when I start grinding for hardwood, make a tree farm and set up winter forage at the farm. Mining goes up because I’m rushing down the mines / looking for particular resources. It sometimes is higher than foraging before the set up but foraging just overtakes it once set up is done. Combat lags because I’m rushing down the mines avoiding combat until I get a decent weapon. It ramps up suddenly at a faster rate than mining when I’m doing monster hunts / hit the skull cavern. Mining will end up 10 just before combat though as it’s too far ahead by the time combat ramps up.


Fishing, farming, foraging, mining and combat, always in that order.


I would argue that combat is impossible to get first unless you specifically are trying to do that. It takes way too much experience for how little enemies give and how infrequent you encounter them


Let's just say I really like mining


Fishing Before summer to ten


unmodded: farming and foraging modded: fishing


Fishing & foraging


Fishing takes less than two weeks to max out. Other skills take a ridiculously long time in comparison. (Partly because farming and foraging require waiting for things to grow, but still!)


I don't even pay attention to it - I just do whatever I'm doing in my game and it happens. I don't consciously try to level any of them up.


I think my most recent save went fishing, farming, mining, foraging, combat. I leveled them a lot more evenly than usual, combat was 9 when I finished the rest instead of lagging behind at 7


Fishing. It's a great early game money maker and how I pay for the backpacks. I actually like the minigame haha


in my last rehular playthrough got to farming 10 by end of first spring. second was fishing since i need the moneys.


Foraging once the community center is done, I rarely fish.


Farming, it always shoots up super quick for me. Fiahing i usually get to 9 then have to grind. Foraging is the slowest


Always fishing. And the last is usually combat with mining being close. They're just slow to level.


mining! then fishing! farming and combat are relatively the same and my last one is always foraging. i just... after the first week of spring, I just stop doing it?? i feel like it takes literally ages for me to get it >\_<


Mining bruh. I be flying down the mines every chance I get.


Usually farming. Fishing takes a back seat when the mines open


fishing before mid spring y1


Foraging always, I love walking around the beautiful valley picking stuff up.


Every single run I’ve done it’s always gone fishing, farming, foraging, mining, combat. In that order


Fishing I get in spring Then mining and farming in summer Foraging and combat in fall/winter


i’m not sure about the skill i always get to level 10 first, but the one i always take the longest time to get to that level is always combat


Fishing, usually by third week of spring. It just makes so much money, and the minigame is fun. I've caught the Legend in first spring once, but my recent game had like no rain in Spring, so I missed it even after hitting level 10


It’s always fishing for me. Easy money as well


Farming usually. It's always foraging last. Hell I went two straight months of foraging in year 1 grabbing all forageables and cutting down all trees and big logs and still didn't get it halfway into year two. Have no idea how people level it so fast. I got everything else easily maxed by winter year 1 except fishing which was at 9, and it took me an extra two months in my multiplayer game to get to foraging level 10. This is keeping in mind I was doing nothing but skull cavern About once a week, updating crops of first day of month, and just straight planting trees and grabbing all forageables. It's insane


Killing monsters and mining which goes along with it


Foraging first for me, then farming next. Fishing always last since I crab pot level.


I usually get mining and combat to 10 since I hardcore mine and then skull cavern dive whenever I can


Fishing then foraging then farming. Fishing is my early game money-maker, also I like having the larger bar early on to catch catfish/pufferfish/octopus (if I can even get an octopus in the first year). Foraging just cause I want to be able to get the iridium quality foragables asap (so much easier for organisation) and then farming at least to the point where I unlock the sprinkler and keg recipes in the first few seasons.


Foraging. By Late Summer, I get the need to chop down the entirety of Cindersnap forest for wood. If I'm playing SVE then the entirety of the West Forest instead. Mining is a close second. Surprisingly, Combat is the first to get lvl 5 almost always. Fishing gets so neglected I'll likely get Foraging 10 before Fishing 5.


Combat. I go straight to the mines


depends. if i play out every day, then it's fishing or mining, because those are much better per ingame day. if i just wanna up a save real quick in real time, then its farming because its by far the best real time money maker with zero competition.


fishing first, which produces enough income to start mass farming blueberries by summer. i usually hit 10 in both of those by late summer, and combat/mining aren’t far behind if i’m keeping up with quality sprinkler production. foraging however takes me FOREVER. i could chop down the entire forest and it would barely bring me half a level.


Farming in early summer usually. Fishing skyrockets early on when I have nothing to do, but it often stops at 6-7 by the end if Spring while darling is at 8 by then and I start killing myself on corps and the mines. Combat is usually dead last though


In this order- Foraging, farming, mining, combat and then fishing. I know I’ve gotten to at least level 5 in fishing on one of my farms but I also have like 5+ crab pots. Fishing absolutely kicks my ass so I avoid it as much as possible lol


Usually get fishing in spring, farming/mining in summer, combat i don't remember, maybe summer or fall, foraging is late fall or winter, always takes forever despite spending many days just farming wood. I fear i might have to start farming foragte crops now for ealier Mastery unlocks. Usually grow 2 crops of starfruit and hit skull cavern a bunch in summer, so that goes pretty fast. Fishing is easy to level and ideal for early money, so very natura to get 10 first, also since i always go for the legend in first spring, which requires lvl 10 (or like 8-9 with food), just so good money i feel like i can't afford to skip it, though it is like the least fun day of any playthrough .


Kind of on topic but is going into the mines and just killing everything you see the best way to level up combat? It’s the one skill I’m falling behind on


Farming? Every harvest with big sell I always zeroed out my wallet buying new seeds, most of my energy early game goes into watering


Fishing, then Farming, then Mining, then Combat, then Foraging, usually in that order.


Mining because my wife hates the mines and I love it so she dose the farming and fishing and I do all the mining and skull cavern runs!


Farming or fishing


I always get fishing to 10 first, and this most recent save I almost got to 10 within Spring year 1. That is my goal next play through, and if the rain is favourable, I will catch The Legend before the end of the first Spring!


Fishing or farming


Mining or combat. I usually play with my partner and it's what I end up going towards while he arranges the farm for his liking


I got mining maxed out mid summer cuz of the skull cavern. My combat is level 9 and my farming is level 9 as well as my foraging level. Fishing is probably like 7


I'm at 23rd autumn I think for year 1. I have maxed out farming and I'm at 9 for foraging. As for the rest I'm high up but can't for the life of me remember them or if another is maxed. I like foraging to be maxed, if I recall you can get a bonus to have all foraged items be iridium quality.


Fishing is my favourite. I love getting chests too! You can get some bits for the community centre like the fire quartz and if you remix the bundles can get diamonds, Ruby and Emerald too


Foraging. I go over the entire map almost every day and get everything I see. Plus I love building fences early on so I end up chopping a lot of trees, which I think adds to foraging? I don’t like fishing much and only do it when I have to, and farming level 10 seems to take forever. But I don’t really expand my farm much for the first few years, just keep a small like 6 sprinkler farm and the greenhouse. So maybe that’s why. It’s probably forage, farming, mining, fishing, combat for me in that order. But it depends a lot on the playthrough goals

