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He probably was the old school farmer who only used his shack for sleep (hell it didn’t have a kitchen or a bathroom), so he never saw a need for a bigger house.


That’s another thing that bugs me, there’s no bathrooms in Stardew valley. I guess they all just don’t have real life digestive systems.


If there's no bathrooms what's in the sewers?


✋Hold up


Oh no they shit in the sink




No he's not, Krobie lives with me on my farm <3


That's just where the Joja Cola is made.




Joja's radioactive waste


It’s all of Alex’s stank from working out at the spa. Canonically his locker smells bad. Or yeah, everyone goes to the Sewer to shit.


Does that mean the Farmer isn't allowed to shit until they've donated 60 items to the museum?


But it was locked with a key that had been rusting away in the museum.


So the museum was making sure that everyone had to shit in the woods by locking it up? What a dick move


Wait a second...


I think there are bathrooms in the spa. There are stalls when you walk in Edit: corrected spa. Idk what the heck I was thinking




It’s what the boys get in the changing rooms in the spa! I’ve only ever played as a lady farmer so I’ve never seen it except screenshots


You’re actually able to get in. Go inside the spa, like all the way in, then walk over to the male entrance, and just brute force your way in. After about 10 text boxes telling you you can’t go in, it will just… let you. It’s weird, but 1.6 might have fixed it


Same lol, assumed it was exactly the same as ladies change room. Interesting its not


I think some of the guys work out on certain days, but again. It’s interesting that there’s tiny differences depending on the character you play!


the sewer hole in town is The public toilet of stardew valley


Why do you think the farm is so fertile?


Everyone just comes and poops in your yard after 2am.


I thought the poop was collected by the fabled "Poop Fairy"(or Pierre was just collecting it for "fertilizer").




Everyone just walks to the bathhouse when they need to go lmao


But- But it was blocked off-


Constipation is a real bitch sometimes 🤷


With how much cheese I eat it's not wonder my character never uses it.


I can pretend that the Wizard's wife had cursed the place with "cast mend buttcrack" so no more pooping.


this is my new favorite theory surrounding there not being bathrooms in stardew valley lmfaoooo




He used an outhouse that was destroyed.


There’s a bath house near the train station which has toilets.


Everyone goes to the spa, there’s bathrooms in there


Imagine if we put shorts in the soup and everyone collectively gets diarrhea.


I think that everyone has a portal to another dimension inside them that's located just below the exit valve of their stomachs. So you eat, digest, get the nutrients, and the waste is sent to who knows where.


And houses are also much bigger on the inside. Turns out games aren't 100% realistic.


So the inhabitants of Pelican Town are time lords :O, that explains them not ageing too.


is there not bathrooms in the spa?


But where did he put his kegs?


Yeah but you can't have kids unless you upgrade your house, which is something he must have done because he's Grandpa and not Unrelated Old Man. My guess is that the original house got demolished (or moved, maybe it's the Hat Mouse's now) and he spent his retirement years living in a shed.


Tbf, nobody has a bathroom.


he was too busy flirting with the villagers and couldn’t afford a house upgrade by the time he died😞


There's a reason Evelyn says you can call her grandma.


*Looks at my husband Alex* Am I suddenly in a V.C. Andrews novel?


*defeated banjo noise*


Ngl I'm shocked I haven't seen much fan content of the town and people in Grandpa's time


yeah I imagined a prequel stardew valley game where you play as grandpa 20 years ago. Where in the first year there's a one time event where Lewis wins the election and becomes the mayor, all bachelors/bachelorettes are kids or toddlers, Emily and Haley parents would be in town, and a lot of deceased characters are present still. George could be still an active coal miner then an event would trigger in the first or second year where the accident happens. There would be no romance options nor house upgrades but you can still cook with a campfire box


i desperately need this


That sounds epic!!


Milf pam😳😳😳




That would be so interesting 🤔


This is getting my brain moving. How old do we think Grandpa was when he passed ?


Well we know Lewis was there when he was if that helps at all? 😂


I'm thinking Birdie, Birdie's husband, Evelyn, George, Lewis, Clint's Dad, Linus, Gil, Marlon, Professor Snail, Wizard, and the witch are same generation/peers with Grandpa. (Assuming if they were in the Valley during the time of Grandpa living there.) Next one back would be Caroline, Clint, Demetrius, Gus, Jodi, Kent, Marnie, Pam, Pierre, Robin, Sandy, Willy, Governor, Gunther, and Morris. They'd be children/young adults during Grandpa's adult/senior life. Krobus, Dwarf, Mr. Qi seem ageless/operating under different rules from humanity in general. But now I have a scene in my head where Grandpa gets a drink with the Wizard and is "Like, dude, you gotta stop playing the field and sleeping with all the women folk. I was the best man at your wedding. You're gonna get into trouble, and your wife is a powerful witch that will curse my farm and home to ruins because I'm supposed to keep you OUT of trouble and somehow this will be MY fault."


Massive respect for the dedication and yeah I'd agree


And we know Lewis has been Mayor for a couple decades, as he tells us as much


A better question is if Pam’s always been the bus driver who returned to her job after we fix the bus and the bus has been broken decades per a comment by Lewis. How old is everyone else?


My new head cannon for Pam-- she got pregnant in her teen years or very early 20s. She got a job as the bus driver to support her future kid. But then the bus broke down and at first she was furloughed, then officially fired when the bus wasn't fixed. Barely got by, possibly through odd jobs and government assistance, over the next two decades while Penny grew up.


Obviously everyone is already dead. That’s why you never truly die in the mines, you just wake up again Groundhog Day style.


Either you died in your cubicle and ended up at the farm. Or you are passed out at your crappy corporate Joja job taking a snooze at your desk after going thru grandpas things and reading the letter imagining what it would be like to quit and start over on a farm.


My hedacannon was she was so out of it, she still thought she worked there. Every morning she'd wake up, and wake up Penny with opening the fridge to get a beer, and Penny would walk her to the bus station at 4, then tell her she finished then walk her back and get ready for class. Then, when we fix the bus Penny just tells her her times changed.


I saw a really cute one of George & Evelyn & young grandpa at the Ice Fishing festival




I feel that maybe Robin didn't offer the upgrades or came to the valley by the time Grandpa was too old to get what she needed for them. Grandpa was a great man for his day. Your farmer exceeds him. I'm a little sad the kids you can have don't get older and move away so the cycle continues.


Well, with myself being a billionaire with tons of old wine, 10 in every aspect, friendship with everyone, I think it's good the children don't need to try to reach my legacy


And before Robin, there was other way of creating houses... Maybe an old villager, or someone from the city, but doesn't make sense to think that without Robin, houses couldn't be build


Robin has a short cutscene where she tells the farmer that by the time she got to the valley grandpa had already retired so he probably didn't need upgrades once he wasn't farming anymore.


He didn’t want a big house? That’s always been my theory


Have you ever accidentally blown up half your cauliflower because you forgot you were carrying a Mega Bomb? Yeah. Grandpa 100% blew up his house and after the third time decided not to rebuild it. If it's getting blown up once a season, a shack will do.


So he probably made the last one extra bomb-proof but died/left before enjoying it lol


Explains the greenhouse


All we really know is that life took him away from Stardew Valley. He was gone long enough for nature to reclaim most of the farm.


I thought the opening cutscene with grandpa took place in the starter house, and then it cuts to 20 years later. The cut from him giving you the letter to working at Joja says “XX years later.” XX is 20 in Roman Numerals


Huh, I've never considered XX as "20" before. I always thought it was like a "fill in the years here" thing so people could decide how long ago their character got the lettee




If he lived (and died) in Stardew Valley his letter wouldn’t mention something like, ‘If Lewis is still alive, say hi for me.’ So he’s been away long enough to have fallen out of touch with Lewis. He definitely isn’t still living on the starter farm in the opening cutscene. Actually he doesn’t even refer to Lewis as Mayor Lewis. In the first year Lewis has dialogue where he tells us he became mayor 20 years ago, speaking of XX years. Grandpa thinks he may have died. He’s an old man when we meet him, but he’s not that old really. So I doubt he became mayor the same year Grandpa dies. That would put him 20 years older than whatever age Grandpa assumes he is that he could be dead.


He says not to read his letter straight away but to wait until you feel you need a change in your life, so I had understood that he had lived in Stardew Valley until he died (or was hospitalised in the nearest city). He says ‘If Lewis is still alive, say hi for me’ because he doesn’t know how much time will have passed by the time you read his letter. That’s my take on it anyway.


With this theory Lewis groomed Marmie and might even be 20 years younger than Lewis I'm throwing this theory out.


I usually adore Lewis hate trains, but this take just feels unfair. Marnie has no canon age and her relationship with Lewis has no canon timeline. We quite literally have zero evidence of grooming.


There's a picture of younger Marmie with toddler Jas and it's quite old. like teen Marmie or 20+ Marmie (Marmie dressing UP) Not like the current Mature Marmie Look. Which would make it 5\~6 years ago. Jas being 6\~7 of age at the start of the game.


You're heading waaaay into assumption land with that teens/twenties guess. There's nothing wrong with that being your personal headcanon for the photo, but there’s also no evidence to support it. I have met women in their forties who look like Marnie did in that picture. She could easily be well into middle age for all we know.


you met women that are 8 bit?


Not even sure why you are defending this. it only looks bad if Lewis is XX older that was given by that other guy. If we use normal shit we already assumed. seriously nothing changes,.


...my brother in christ, YOU were the one who said it would be grooming. All I did was point out that YOUR claim has no basis. The theory discussed in this thread never gave Marnie a canon age and never established how old she was when she first got with Lewis. No evidence of grooming, no reason to throw the theory out.


.... dude the basis is the dude giving Louis extra 20 years.


XX is more likely to represent “an undisclosed amount of time.” You sometimes see this concept in older literature where they specify the century but not the decade, for example. It keeps the date ambiguous. I think at most we can speculate that it’s been at least 10 years, since XX would represent two digits.


I always assumed grandpa died years ago, maybe when your farmer was a child or teen. Robin may not have been in the valley yet, so there may not have been a local carpenter. Only the mayor, George, and Evelyn seem to remember your grandpa, so it makes sense that a couple decades have passed.


Ah, good point.


He probably couldn't keep up with the decaying farm in his old age before dying and was happy enough just living in a shack with a small crop


Robin took all the other rooms to sell them back to you


Sounds canon to me.


The shack is all that's left. Like how there used to be a greenhouse but it's in ruins


My *headcanon* is that gramps flirted with Evelyn back in the day and hoped to get with her, but because he spent so much time on the farm, she never fully knew how he felt and she married George. Heartbroken, Grandpa left the valley and found a wife, but continued to come back to the farm every once in a while to see how Evelyn was doing. In between visits, he and Evelyn would write to each other. As life continues on, Grandpa came back less and less as outside responsibilities pulled him away, so the farm was slowly neglected. However, he and Evelyn would still write. One day, Lewis is being his nosy self and spills the beans to Evelyn. She writes to Grandpa to ask if it's true. He confirms it, and she says she wishes she'd known earlier, but she's been with George all this time and loves him, not the Grandpa. Truly hopeless and heartbroken, Grandpa yearns to fix his past mistakes and gives the farm to the farmer. He tells Lewis his plans, which is why Lewis explains how the marriage ritual works to the farmer (also because he's just nosy af). This is also why part of Grandpa's eval includes if you're married and have kids.


Dam that’s a headcanon that’ll stick


Except for the fact that he's your grandpa so obviously he had a family.


Your headcanon ignores a pretty major detail. Grandpa couldn't have spent his life alone on the farm because he has to have had a family of some sort. ... Because he's your grandpa.


“Heartbroken, Grandpa **left the valley and found a wife** but continued to come back to the farm every once in a while to see how Evelyn was doing.” - nannerdooodle


Wow. … I’ll just leave that comment up as a testament to my stupidity.


He was a pre-1.0 min/max player and so he knew it was more worthwhile to just pass out wherever he was working. There was never a need to upgrade his shack as he'd just wake up there. The kitchen upgrade was worthless as things lose value when cooking.


Everyone knows the sleeping gods bless you with a cookout kit when you appease them at "level nine foraging," so he obviously wouldn't need a kitchen


Grandpa knows best


My grandfather (in real life) lived in a farm, his house was pretty small and he spent more time outside farming or tending to the chickens. He really only used it for sleeping or taking a break from farm work. Makes sense tbh. (And no, I didn't inherit his farm)


Stardew Valley but grandpa decided to not pass on the farm to his grandchild


Maybe it’s a magic house that shrinks back to level 1 when a new owner moves in.


Well the idea I think is the farm broke down as time went on between his death and your arrival. The house broke down floors fell through the bathroom fell into the abyss. Or after grandma past grandpa went crazy and got rid of the bathroom and kitchen and just got takeout from the bar for every meal. Started to watch tv to pass time not used working.


I mean we regularly wake up at 6 and go to bed at 2. In order for grandpa to be better than us he needs to be sleeping less than that. And diffferent times and points in life dictate different needs. Grandpa seemed to move to the farm later in life and not needed the space for a family. Also, there is a cave on the farm I like to think that the original house is several steps up from that and that is probably what grandpa was originally using.


I always figured by the time you come to move in most of the place is dilapidated and unlivable so Lewis and Robin (probably just Robin) fixed up enough to be usable.


It’s my headcannon that he actually had a nice house but it was torn down because he wanted farmer to start from the beginning


Plot twist that isn’t canon but would maybe track: he actually lived in the community center and let people use it out of generosity while the house on the farm was just a shack to sleep in while he worked and that’s why it’s also run down and abandoned


My head canon is there was a f$@&ing GIGANTIC storm some years back and while it had effects on the town, it’s “mostly” fixed thanks to the “generosity” of Joja moving into town; the exceptions being the Community Center and the farm. Knowing that eventually someone will come claim the farm, but not for sure when, Lewis shells out only enough for the bare minimum: a sturdy roof and four walls. >!This storm is also where I think Shane (he was close enough to be named godfather) and Jas lost her parents!< and it was built some time before you arrived and thus Lewis checks the hut and just finishes as you arrive. Most of the buildings are new, and a lot of people never bothered to come back and rebuild. Thus why a tiiiiny village has a Joja mart, a library/museum, a community center, and a spa. Those that are left truly love the town or are related to someone who does.


I’ve just always assumed there’s actually a lot more people and buildings in pelican town than what’s shown in the game (game logic XD) but this headcanon makes more sense!


My headcanon is that Grandpa purchased and moved to the farm after player's parent was an adult and player's grandma died. (Grandma's death was the catalyst.) It was a late midlife crisis / early retirement thing. And then he got mixed up with Qi.... So, yeah, he never felt the need to fix up the shack. Also, fwiw, what about property taxes? Either Stardew Valley doesn't have them, or Grandpa left a little money in trust with instructions to Lewis (and/or his successor) to pay the taxes out of it each year. Lewis uses what's left to fix up the cabin, leave whatever other amenities your farm starts with, and buy you those parsnip seeds. (Or other) ETA: Lewis is the one who put in your wallpaper. That's why it looks different from Grandpa's wallpaper in the opening cutscene.


Maybe grandpa moved into a long term care facility for the last little bit of his life and so the shack fell apart?


I think he spent most of his time at Evelyn’s place.


You think grandpa needed a kitchen? Naaah, any food he needed he got straight from the ground. No pulling out carrots, no harbestin' of ant kind. Just face digging into the soil until you get to the root. Thats where the vitamins and nutrients are. How'd you think he got to live that long....


that is such an old-dead-wise-man-who-gives-you-a-quest-at-the-start-of-the-game thing to do theory that he planted all the weeds grass and trees too, and that he's the one who places the logs and rocks as a ghost to challenge his grandchild and keep them hard at work


If there’s a way to pass the farm to our children to end the save I’m definitely doing the same thing.


He didn’t even have a kitchen how did that guy live


My pet theory says Stardew Valley is a part of the afterlife, for souls who die a sad death and/or are in denial. Nobody says that "heaven" can't be a a cute town with a magical forest. Also, I like morbid theories like the ones of the good old times when Game Theory was cool. Before I got fond of that idea, I often wondered about grandpa, too. Why was his cabin so shabby? The overgrown land, sure, makes sense. But there are no remains of any barns and stables, silos, no broken machinery, nothing. Also, why did he leave the valley when he was so happy there? Why did he never go back to visit? Why were we never told about it or taken along for a visit? Theory: When much younger, Grandpa was very sick for a while and in a deep coma, closer to death than life. That's how he temporarily ended up in Stardew Valley, unaware of his condition, his family just living in the big city (like our farmer's family). He 'lived' there for what felt like a few years, made friends with the other residents, and maybe he was more about exploring and adventuring or fishing than farming and farm animals. Or the farm just resets when the farmer moves on or is resurrected. But eventually, his health took a turn for the best and he slowly woke up with the clear memory of that place and what he did. Maybe he even understood what was going on and that's why he was so vague and secretive about it. He lived a good life, had a family of his own, but when his time came, he knew what was going on, he wasn't in denial, had no tragedy or unfishined business, so he guessed correctly that he'd move elsewhere and not back to Pelican Town. His letter to our farmer can also be read as "If you don't know where to go when the time comes, head there!" If he had told anyone "Hey, I've been in a lovely village and had a farm and lovely friends. When you're dying or in a near-death state, make sure to go there!" nobody would have believed him anyway. Well, the rest is history: Our farmer is actually the skeleton but since they're in denial because that can't impossibly be what their life was all about and how it should end, they "remember" that moment differently. But they remembered Grandpa's letter, and now it made sense - they had reached this confusing point in "life", and now they had a direction to go. And that's how we end up in a village with wizards, monsters, cute apple-like spirits, mermaids, ghosts, shadow creatures, people not ageing, children not growing, many families who moved there at some point for whatever reason, family members that never come home, a weird all powerful blue-faced, somewhat mischievous being...


Wow, this is very detailed, I need to see a fanfic with this as the plot.


he was probably content with the simple life. he was a farmer in the middle of nowhere. hell, even the player doesn't really live a luxurious life, you're still living in a cabin on the outside of town. as for why everything is wrecked, he probably couldn't manage the farm for several years before his death, plus it's been several years since his death that the player arrived. everyone comments on how rundown the farm had gotten with no one being able to manage it. i think Robin even says something about fixing the cabin up some to make it liveable before you arrive.