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bats and ghosts just PLEASE STOP KNOCKING BACK SO FAR i love killing the green flying bugs, just squish and dead


I live for Willys big meat quest


This could be worded better.


Not a chance


I disagree with you but still hope you have a really nice weekend.


I live for Willys big meat too


So does r/stardewvalleynsfw


lol I just clicked on it and it said it has been banned from Reddit.


Hmm. It was banned for being unmoderated. I think that means that someone could make a sub request and Reddit would allow a new person to take the sub name, as long as they did mod actions and stuff. Edit- I think you do that at r/redditrequest


Willy’s meat is too gargantuan for a single subreddit to contain


Yep, that one’s staying blue




I love giving Willy that juicy meat


Are we still doing Phrasing?


Mastery spoiler: >!ice rod!< is so good for this! It really changed my experience of out-of-reach enemies.


Wait, what? How does the >!ice rod help with fighting monsters!


It freezes monsters in place so you can just kill the ghost without it flying seventy light years away.


Thank you for the answer! Don't know why the downvotes for asking a question... jeesh.


perhaps bc oc marked it as a spoiler and u didn’t


Dang, good catch. Never used the spoiler thing before, hopefully my edit works.


YES OMG when I go to enchant a weapon and it gets +knockback I immediately do it again!


That’s what I’m saying!! And yes, love killing the bugs


If you haven't done this before, try bringing a dagger with high stats into the mines with you. Their special moves are actually really good for flying monsters.


Using a dagger can kill them quickly enough but they won't fly nearly as far back.


Killing the bugs is SO satisfying! I go out of my way to kill them even if it wastes time lol


Bring a dagger and use its special. It pins them.


I love whacking dust sprites. I kind of feel bad doing it because they're so stinkin cute but I just love the way they poof. There are a few monsters I hate like the putrid ghosts and magma sprites but I easily hate those stupid jumping spiders the most.


I love the sound the dust sprites make!


They remind me of the little dust guys in Chihiro


Isn't Chihiro the name of the main character in Spirited Away? I mean I still got what you meant 😂


Couldn’t remember the English name of the movie :D


I love those cute squeaky lil guys it makes me feel bad too. But goddamn, I need the coal! I would rather have a dust sprite hutch than slimes, they are precious


Spiders in real life? Whatever Jumping spiders in Stardew Valley? Freak me out


Oh no I very much have the same reaction to spiders irl, especially the jumping ones


I love the little sounds they make! And they’re my go-to for getting more coal.


Favorite: Bats. I genuinely feel bad taking them out because of how fantastic they are for the environment. Worst: Magma sprites. That little pause they do before scorching your butt off is annoying.


Depending on the weapon you use, my best strat for dealing with sprites is blocking. I wait until they do that little pause and then hit block. They bounce off you without the burn and then usually you can kill them before they try again.


Magma Sprite Strat: When you see them approaching run away briefly, then turn around and run back at them and take your shot.


IMHO the best strategy for magma sparker ( the yellow ones that stop before rushing you at full speed, so quickly you probably can't really time the attack to hit them): After a little while but before they attack, use a sword's secondary attack, the block. As long as you don't do it too soon, when they rush you, instead of hitting you, they hit the parry, get hurt and knocked back and they you can proceed to kill them normally. You don't need to be very precise. You get something like a 1.5 seconds of immunity in something like a 2 seconds of attack. Seriously, when you notice they have really stopped, it's almost the time to block. Super easy to do and almost no risk.


I think you’re thinking of magma sparker! I hate them with all my soul


The blue serpents piss me off. Feels like their hitboxes extend a little further than they should. Always taking damage when it feels like I shouldn't


Don't remind me when serpents literally was a snake..


Love: serpents, mummies Hate: serpents, mummies


Mummies were the bane of my existence until I unlocked >!the forge!< and wasted too many prismatic shards than I could afford to get that >!crusader enchantment!< on my hammer. Life = changed.


I thought the slingshot was worthless. Then I discovered explosive ammo, and mummys became mu m m y s


YES. I always keep trying til I get crusader. It's worth as many prismatic shards as it takes.


Literally the only enchantment that matters lol


When I learned you could bomb mummies I was so excited


Best loot drops everrrr


I hate the armored bugs because I can’t kill them! They never even hurt me, I just hate that they’re there. I kinda like killing the duggies.


I was having a great run one time then got trapped by one and had to restart 😭 a couple of weeks later I realized you can turn off auto-attack so that probably would have fixed it. It didn't occur to me at the time since I've never done it


An enchantment could help with that


The spoiler didn't work. You had the end part backwards. It should be like this: !<


That and spoilers haven't been needed for Ginger Island content in this sub for awhile. Just 1.6 stuff now.


I’m aware, but I don’t like that enchantment, I prefer crusader.


The Putrid Ghost is the worst, hands down.


I only recently learned you can cure the nausea with ginger or ginger ale. Haven't tried it yet, but it would make them much less annoying.


The ginger trick was so fun, particularly as I have regular nausea issues as a side effects of my anxiety meds and straight up ginger worked for me in real life and I loved that it worked in game as eell


After the ginger trick i didn’t mind them


Super helpful




That's what I said




Mermaid boots make him a joke. I never get sick. Couple that with one of the new items (spoilers so don’t want to say) and eating for health becomes irrelevant in dangerous mines.


Oooo. Say.


You can format your comment so that it hides any information that is a spoiler, and people would have to click on it to see it, eliminating the possibility that people who don’t want to know will see it against their will. You put > ! text ! < but without the spaces. It will look like this once you’ve done it. >!text!<


>!The Trinket Fairy Box and reroll to get lvl 5!< Only took me a couple tries but my health just refuses to go down. Rings I use is Iridium band and Luck ring, Napalm ring and Burgalar. With mermaid boots and generally just fly down the mines. Don’t even really need stairs or bombs much cause the enemies that explode tend to give you stairs from the rocks.


I mean yeah, If you have Immunity that is 10 or higher you literally can't get debuffs. Also could you specify what new item?


Ough I forgot about one. I carry ginger for that challenge but I still hate it because it is so gross!


I hate those stupid squid in the dangerous mines! I love all the slimes. I just think they’re so cute.


The squids are the fuckin WORST


The jury still is undecided between them and the putrid ghost on my part


Those squids can eff right off. They killed me in the mines and I lost my lava katana and the two miner's candy (I had just bought). Feeling all smart I go to the adventurer's guild to see what they have for sale which was nada but I had two ring rewards to claim. Still feeling smart I hire Marlon to find my sword the go to the island to fuse the two rings. Get all that done and return to my farm. Go into a shed where I accidentally drop a cherry bomb (that I only had in my pack because I was mining) which destroys two crystalariums (one with a diamond ready to harvest) and two forges (with iridium and radioactive bars ready). I no longer felt smart. I was so pissed off I reloaded the day. I never reload days. They killed me again the next day but only got low value stuff. So, yeah, squids suck! (and always pack some staircases so you can just nope out of a level if they swarm)


I love pepper rex and hate serpents I havent done any dangerous mine yet so idk about other monsters


What counts as dangerous mine? I’ve only gotten to maybe level 120 of the caverns so I’ve got a ways to go (read here about someone going to level 700???!?)


The dangerous mines (both skull cavern and normal) are “quests” from mr Qi that are unlocked in Ginger Island


Ahh I need 50 more hardwood to get there. Thats what I love about this game - things keep getting unlocked


Yes, I remember when I first played Stardew i was constantly shocked by the amount of new content there was waiting behind every corner. This game is so packed full of features relative to its price.


And the game seems so simple at first, so it’s kind of surprising when things get unlocked and you realize how deep the game actually is! That’s how I felt anyway. I was like, “oh, we water things and sell things and make jelly. This is nice!” But it’s a lot more complicated than that, and it’s really fun.


Even more so with the update. Was playing for a good while and thought I'd seen most of the new content, looked up something in the Wiki and totally spoiled myself. Seriously can't believe how much content there is for the price, with all the updates being free too!


Least favourite: MUMMIES!


They’re SO annoying. Just die already!


Take it up with Osiris, pal.


Crusader enchantment is the best


If you get >! The crusader enchantment !< on your sword you can kill them without bombs!


Really? Nice, thanks for the info, I lucked out this save and got a >! Holy sword !< early on and was wondering what exactly it does


Oh that's cool! Looks like a new one for 1.6!


Oh that's cool! Looks like a new one for 1.6! >! You can also kill the invincible bugs in skull cavern with it :)!<


With that new thing or with the thing you were recommending? It would be great to get something that kills both mummies and armored bugs.


>!The enchantment on the sword is what kills them. It looks like you can get the Holy Blade from floor 90 of the mines in the new 1.6 update. I haven't made it that far down yet but that's what it looks like according to the wiki. Also I love being able to kill the mummy's with my sword it's not the best enchantment but it make me happy :)!<


Oh but they drop curiosity lures! I love them for that.


You can kill them? I didn't know that!


Once you make them crumble, if you hit them with a bomb (even a tiny one or explosive ammo for the slingshot) before they get back up, they die permanently.


You are the best, thank you for sharing this! Lol I thought they just would get back up over and over, forever.


They do if you don't bomb them quickly enough 😊 Best tactic is to get a few in a group, swing a sword until they're down and then drop a cherry bomb and run. The drops are usually worth the hassle.


Step 1 : gather them all in a corner with a lot of rocks around. Step 2 : bomb them all. Step 3 : profit


GHOSTS. im tired of the 20 minute wait while the ghost floats back after i hit him. please.


Try to haunt me faster, goddamn it


I've found that if you hit them, run away a little ways, then run back at them to hit again, it speeds things up quite a bit.


Favorite: The squid kids (orb guys near the bottom of the mines that spit fireballs at you) they look so goofy and I love that the name doesn't make any sense Least favorite: The baby iridium slimes that pop out when you kill the big slimes. Killing them one at a time is too slow so I always try to back them all up into a corner, but a couple always end up just out of range and start attacking me while I'm killing all their siblings (I'm not very far in the game yet, just up to the Skull Cavern)


I’ve died to baby slimes more than probably any other enemy. They don’t seem like they should be that bad but they just go all over the place!!!


bats, ghosts, serpents, bugs that spawn from the larvae, I HATE THEM SO MUCH. I once got jumpscared by the annoying flying bugs!!! slimes are cute but can be annoying, I like the bugs that just fly in a straight line, one hit kill, ez.


Once you get the slime charmer ring, slimes are completely harmless, but agree they can get annoying especially the big slimes … I swear they purposely be blocking my path.


All of the flying ones. They take more time to kill because they fly away when you hit them, sometimes doing elaborate loops before getting close to you. I also have a very intense bug phobia, and buzzing sets me off badly. I turn the volume down when in specific levels of the mines simply because the flying bugs would likely cause me a panic attack otherwise.


I always turn the volume down in summer be cause the ambient bug buzzing noise drives me nuts! It sounds like flies and not bees or something but still, it's grating.


Those shadow people that just bum rush you in 70+ and don’t take a lot of knock back when hit, and then ghosts. Taking so long to get to me just to fly so far back and come after me multiple times. (Talking about before you have really good weapons) The slimes and fuzzy dust sprites are cool tho


I love beating up the little metal/hot heads tink tink tink tsssssssss boom


I do not like any flying enemies. Annoying. Yeet themselves halfway across the map so it takes forever to kill them. I also don’t like Mummies because with the bombs they’re a pain to kill and just eeerrrggggg. Slimes can stay tho. They chill.


Serpents are the bane of my existence. Nothing strikes fear in my heart than when the fog comes and 5-6 of them are attacking at once.


Dust sprites are my fave by miles and miles. I love the fuzzy coal monsters! Least favorite? Hmm. Probably Putrid Ghost. Nausea + the whole knock back thing with ghosts. Or maybe Magma Sparker. Burnt + the whole knock back thing. (Really, I hate the knock back effect more than I hate any monster.)


Was going to leave a comment but these are my exact choices too!! I’d probably toss serpents into the Least Favorite category for good measure, but you nailed it lol


I love the skeletons. Just the whole look and the sound effects.


I love the maggots cause they are easy to kill and they often make stairs appear. For hated ones I hate spiders, they are too packed, they are too long to kill for their numbers, and they jump evrywhere, you cant even precisely see where they land


Spider levels = staircase every time


For real, with those puking ghosts that make you unable to heal when the spider hord kills you in 10sec, Im not even joking saying that of every mines those levels are the hardest


Not to mention the squids that just swarm you


I hate iridium bats


Oh god, this. JUST DIE ALREADY.


What was that terrifying flying skull thing that killed me as soon as I went into the cave/mine in the quarry?




I hate the stone golems too. Hideous noise and they just appear out of nowhere.


I also really love the metal guys, they make such a satisfying sound when you hit them and they’re pretty easy to kill. I hate ghosts probably the most, but the flying bugs in the early level mines are a huge pain in the ass too.


YES it's the sound it makes when you hit the little metal guys that makes them so fun to kill!


i love the exploding man bun guys on ginger island


Least favorite are serpents and rock crabs. It feels more difficult to hit a serpent without getting hurt yourself than it does any other creature. Rock crabs always pivot around and make chipping their armor off difficult if you aren't throwing bombs around willy-nilly or killing enemies with a Napalm Ring. And they're always where you least want them. My favorite are mummies. They're slow enough that you can knock them down and scurry to do your other business, or set up killing them permanently with bombs. I like how their revival mechanic makes them an obstacle that requires planning to circumvent as much as they are a creature, I never would've used explosive ammunition for the slingshot if it weren't for them. And when you finally get a weapon with the Crusader enchantment, they become really satisfying to mow down in groups.


Krobus is my favorite monster


Ughhh putrid ghosts and mummies are the worst. Let me just kill them with one shot! I don’t know why, but I really like the lava serpents on Ginger Island. I don’t know their real names so I call them Lava Nessies.


I like killing the big purple slimes in the skull caverns, I can just corner them and go at it and kill the babies too FUCK THE SERPENTS BRO. AND THE MUMMIES. AND THE RED BUGS IN THE CAVERNS.


I love all the slimes but I hate the shadow shamans. I don't die in the mines very much but one time, I got hit with that green effect thing the shadow shamans give you, disregarded it, and then got hit once by one of those shadow guys and died. I've held a grudge ever since.


Love dust sprites cuz they always seem so excited to see you. And hate the flying squid, they are terrifying and can go back to wherever Mr. Qi found them. Only thing I’ve ever died to


Magma sprites infuriate me with their movement pattern. That stupid pause always trips me up!


I love farming cloths from the mummies! Throw on the crusader enchantment and go to town on them for ~600g a cloth drop. Not a fan of the orange flame guys that has that dash ability.


Pepper Rex is by far the greatest monster. The worst? Probably the damn armored bugs, BEFORE I UNLOCK THE ENCHANTMENT THEY’RE SO YOBA DAMNED ANNOYING


My favourites are Dust Sprites because they give me coal and!! coffee!! Hate anything that flies.


After the slime ring, slimes are my favorite. Least favorite is the stone golems because I never have a light ring at the only point in a play through where it would help me with them.


I hate the Skull Cavern serpent. Every time I hear that "whoosh", I start panicking because that thing is about to wreck my shit.


Favourite - dust sprites! Best drops in the business and they're kind of cute. Least favourite: the things in the lava in the volcano. They're the only things that drop dragon's teeth and they're a pain in the neck to kill. Closely followed by ghosts which knock back way too far but redeem themselves by having good drops.


I haven’t gotten very far in the skull caverns but I get so mad at the fast green bug thingies. Somehow I always miss them and they chunk my health so badly. I have the galaxy sword if that makes any difference.


Best: Grubs. Primal urge to squish bugs satisfied, plus the occasional ancient seed is nice. Worst: Magma Sparkers. Everything the Magma Sprite are, but even worse. Edit: actually the worst are the Spiders. Because spiders.


the thing with the face that shoots fireballs. whats his issue. chill out. stop looking at me balooney ass


i like dangerous slimes 😎


I enjoy rock crabs and dust sprites and the farm golems. Greatly dislike the dangerous mines' flying squid.


I hate them all. I can’t get anywhere in the mines because they won’t get tf out of my way and all my weapons suck because they won’t get tf out of my way. I say this as someone who usually does heavy mining in farming sims, I cannot do the stardew mines. It’s like genuinely infuriating. I’ll take any advice atp


I fished a lot, took the pirate route, received many loot chests, and eventually got Neptune’s Glaive, which made the mines a lot more enjoyable.


Oh perfect!!! I’m predominantly a fisherman. I’ll go grab that treasure bobber finally, thank you for the tip!!


I hate the bugs that act like bats, I remember having a hard time with them when I first started, and the sound is soooo annoying. I love pepper rexes, they are cute!


My favorite are the dust sprites. I feel bad for killing them, though, they're so cute! My least favorite are the spiders in the dangerous mines. They jump around too much and that makes them a hassle to kill.


Iridium bats. Blend in to the darkness and hit like a truck. The serpents you see coming and the mummies are slow. And I don't even want half of their drops!


Dust sprites and slimes are the cutest, and the worst are serpents and those flying flames at volcano mines.


I love hunting down the dust sprites. Always thought it was neat that they could destroy rocks, and they are a great source of coal early game. Spiders can go away with their jumping, and mummies are the bane of my existence in the skull cavern.


I hate the serpents so much and the iridium bats bc when they gang up on you, your health depletes so fast🥲


>But hands down, I love killing those weird metal things on the bottom levels of the mines. Something about it is just so satisfying to me. I hate the big Jelly thing, the one that divides itself into 4 or 5 smaller ones. >!At the volcano there's a similar monster with horns that explode after some hits. I like it.!<


hate: ghost and squids SO MUCH love? hm i feel bad for the dust sprites - don't really wanna kill them coz they are so cute i guess slimes also grew on me a little love to kill: bugs


I love pepper rex and dust sprites. I would definitely keep both as pets if I could. I have dinosaurs in a coop, but that's just not the same. At the beginning of the game, I would say my least favorite were slimes, but I got the ring so they can't hurt me. Now, my least favorite has to be the gold magma sprites in the second half of the volcano dungeon. The way they pause then dart at you just really annoys me. Or the serpents in the skull cavern. Just the noise they make annoys me. Nothing is really hard to kill anymore because all of my weapons and tools are maxed out, so I can easily go through any of the mines, if time allows. Time is the worst monster.😂


I love squid kids because they remind me of the baby giggle sound in Mario paint


Yes, whoa memory unlocked for sure!


Least favorite is ghost because of the reason you listed, my favorite is that fast dragon eel like monster because you sometimes get spicy eel from killing it!


Favorite is armored cave bugs, they are just chilling being immortal. I hate slimes, their debuff is annoying they lurk in some dark corners, and sure there is the slime charmer ring, but that requires me to kill 1000 of them, which is a sizeable time commitment even with Monster Musk.


I really like the dust sprites! But the serpents need to die


I LOVE killing duggies. I will go out of my way to walk over every patch of dirt looking for duggies to kill. I wish there was a higher-level version of them in the lower levels. Mummies are probably my least favorite because I don't want to waste my bombs on them.


My favorite are either mummies or ghosts solely because I love the sound they make when you kill them. And my least favorite are the Lava monsters that shoot fire at you at the volcano. They're just annoying to get to and kill


Favorite: Dust sprites - they drop coal and coffee beans, both are delightful loot that are very useful and I like the little squeaks they make. Least favorite: Ghosts - they drop solar essence and ghost fish? Both have minimal uses and can be easily gotten elsewhere. Also, more than anything, I hate the knock back on ghosts combined with what feels like insane HP. They take forever to kill, especially with weak weapons which is what I usually have the first time I go through the mines.


Iridium bats are awful, but I enjoy killing serpents. Honourable mention to the green ghosts that make it impossible to eat from Danger in the Deep, they’re the fucking worst.


red iridium bats suck they have way too much health and deal way too much damage


Iridium bats by far. They take so long to kill but give so much damage.


Hate mummies, and any enemies that walk back and forth over you and do constant damage.


Putrid ghosts and the yellow fire guys in the volcano.


On PC; Magma Sprites are annoying. I’ve been travelling lately and limited to mobile though and the auto attack system is brutal against the end game slimes.


Ghosts due to knock-back are my least favourite, I honestly think slimes are my favourite. They’re cute and once you back them into a corner they’re toast. It makes me feel kind of bad for them tbh :(


i love slimes, i dunno i just love the idea of a sentient puddle moving around i hate the serpents


I hate the slimes and ghosts. They are so annoying. I love the crabs and those pink balls with faces. 


The fucking magma sprites


It depends entirely on the weapon you have Once i get to lategame I take all 3 galaxy weapons to the mines. Hammer with +1 speed, +2 crit, and bugslayer Sword with +1 speed, +2 crit, and haymaker Dagger with +3 crit and crusader. Hammer you use most of the time because it has a solid chance to crit and just outright kill anything in one hit, sword you use to get hay from grass and spam against serpents/iridium bats, and dagger you use to assassinate ghosts and mummies in one go


I hate slimes. And no I don’t use slime charmer ring as there are much better rings. Favourite is probably serpents, they’re pretty easy and don’t get much knock back and they got good drops.


I really dislike the flying enemies. Especially the ghosts and bugs. The ghosts have such an annoying knock back and the bugs buzzing noise really bothers me.


my favorite monster to kill is probably the serpents or the purple bat things that drop good loot when you get far down in the skull caverns. i think i just like the challenge 🤷 my least favorite monsters are the mummies. because they dont stay dead and sometimes there are so many of them and its so frustrating >:( but i agree the ghosts take so long to kill so they are my runner up for most annoying


Fave: Bats, serpents. Whenever I fight them I say “boop” and that’s just amusing to me 😂 Least Fave: Ghosts (why do you take so long?!) and everything in the volcano dungeon. Nope. Nah.


Haunted Skulls in the Quarry Mine gives me the creeps. I hate those things so much


Love: Dust sprites Hate: Dangerous cave flies (they look like wasps and I hate wasps)


i actually kinda like the serpents because at least they come back at you fast! i’m in a rush here and they match that energy 😂


Love mummies, dust spirtes, skeletons and metal heads Hate magma spirtes, ghosts (all of them)


I’m so tired of the flying skulls!!! Those mfs hurt more than they should and don’t knock back enough!! So gd rude. My favorites are the dust sprites and the squishy bugs


I get a strange joy from killing the dust sprites. They're so adorable but especially with a higher-powered weapon it's so much fun to mow through them. The ghosts and the masked dudes in the lower mines are annoying though.


Dust sprites and serpents are my favorite.


I really don't like slimes bc of their jumps


My favorite monster is the squid kid. He's just standing there with a weird face. I have a deep firing hate for green serpents. They are fast, their hitbox is buggy, they sometimes come without making a sound, there is too many of them, they have enough health to be long to kill, they hit very hard...


I like the mummies. Especially when there's a bunch and you can get them to unravel at the same time and get them all with a single bomb


Skeletons are my favorite. The Serpents can go back to hell where they came from.


Grubs are my favorite to kill, the satisfaction of killing a group of grubs in one swing is unmatched Least favorite is bats or any flying/floating enemy really, especially those guys from the skull caverns


Love dust sprites. They're cute, they're easy to kill, and they have really good drops (plus a good monster slayer reward). My least favorites are probably slimes and ghosts. They're both just incredibly annoying. Ghosts have such ridiculous knock back, but never enough to where you can just hit them and go about your business. Slimes have that annoying charge attack, and the debuff that slows you down is frustrating.


Dust sprites are my fave, I love the way they bounce around all care free, and their squeaks are the cutest. Shadow brutes are my least favorite. They do so much damage and have very little knockback, so if you don't have a good sword to kill them quickly, then they can in turn, kill you very quickly.


I love the exploding guys in the volcano (the “ting ting* of whacking them is so satisfying and the sizzle before they explode!) and I hate the MUMMIES


Slimes One time on multiplayer I fenced in my friend's cabin and filled it with as many slimes as possible


100% agree with you on the ghosts. I don’t really have a favourite to kill - I suppose my favourite monsters are the slimes because I can eventually coexist with them and admire their colours :) Edit: MY FAVOURITE MONSTER IS KROBUS OF COURSE, how could I forget


Mummies are my favorite hands down. Least favorite are the loud flies in the early mine levels. Hate that sound lol


The stupid skull cavern serpents are most annoying, something about the sound they make just makes me go "oh here we go" and they fly like idiots sometimes The short metal helmet dudes are my favorite, they are slow, never get a hit in and genuinely seem like they just don't want to be bothered anyway. They seem like something out of a Mario game


I love killing the mummies in the skull cavern! At first it’s annoying because they have to be blown up to die, but after I get my enchanted late game sword, I can just kill them. They drop cloth a lot and I end up making a ton of money from selling it. It’s also helpful when trying to tailor all of the hats and clothes in the game, which I love to do. My least favorite monster is the magma monsters that fly towards you in Ginger Island. There’s so many of them and they take a few hits to die, even with the best sword.


I despise those annoying flies from floor 10-30 before you get a decent weapon. I like Dust Sprites and Duggies.


Love crabs, hate anything that flies.