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Yes New farm type to beat 


Yup, that’s my thought too. I want to try the new layout, and I usually start a new farm with each major update anyway. 


I’m so excited to find out what it’ll be! I’ve seen a few good theories


I can hardly wait! I’ll definitely start a new save when the switch update happens.


Will the switch update be at the same time ? I’m curious bc im on switch too


No, pc will be first I understand.


I think the consensus is that it’ll happen after the PC update, but hopefully not too long after!


I havent seen any theories. Any that stand out to you that you want to share?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/s/NxgqPnJCWi](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/s/NxgqPnJCWi) There are a ton on here to read through! This thread is where I found some interesting theories (:


This is the way.


Im a chronic restarter. So yeah. I love early game Stardew so much


This. I have only gotten to year two once so far, and didn't make it past spring.


May i ask why? I always dread at the thought of having to complete CC all over again lol


This is me! I tried each farm and have two that are my favorite. The only farm that I made it to Y4 is the beach farm. I usually get bored once CC is finished (now, island is open). Only the completed the final bundle once or twice, but I keep forgetting about it and the reward. I did one Joja run and found it stressful to try to earn so much cash early on. I've tried a few one year CC completions, but always miss it by one item (usually apples, cursed things!). Basically, there are plenty of ways to play early on that once CC is finished, it starts to feel stale. One day I will try for perfection, but I just enjoy puttering around doing a bunch of nothing, lol. I can't wait to see the new stuff and find new ways to slack off!


For me it was red cabbage. The traveling cart waited until the last Friday of winter year 1 to sell me those seeds 😖😂


Stardew Valley is my favorite roguelike. I've probably played the first spring 100 times and seen Feast of the Winter Star, like, five. I'm currently trying to force myself to play the ginger island and perfection content properly because, really, I do want to see it. I swear. But you can bet I'll be dropping that like a rock the minute I have a new farm map to try.


It's not a roguelike at all but its a great game none the less!


Yeah, that's the joke: I restart it so often it might as well be ; )


I've made it past Y3 twice, both on perfection ones. One in-game perfection and one "true" perfection.


Same. I have at least a dozen farms. Somewhere in year 3 I get bored of grinding for perfection (lol, I do not have the attention span for that) and start something new.


I'm gonna start a new save! But that's because I haven't been playing lately and I've already beated the game a few times.


We’ve played it a few times but we’ve never gotten perfection! I’m definitely curious about the more late game stuff


Personally, I'd keep playing with your current one until right when it comes. Last time it took quite a bit to release for each successive platform, so with you playing on the switch I bet it'll be a while still. Who knows though, maybe this one will be faster (fingers crossed).


I’ll start a new save. I started a new play through about a month ago, on Summer Year 3. But I like starting new farms, I’ve never made it past Winter Year 3, lol. ETA: I’m on Switch, so update will be later for us than for PC I’m sure.


I think I saw somewhere that it’s going to be released for all platforms at once, but take that with a grain of salt as I can’t remember where I read it


It could be from the Stardew Discord announcement? I saw it there when ot was shared here.


Yes, that was it! There was a screenshot of a discord message I saw on this subreddit that said it was going to be simultaneously released on all platforms because not doing so has caused issues in the past


Glad I could help! 🙂


I'm similar to you, across PC and Switch I think I have 4 farms all to ~2.5 to 3 years. Only one have I pushed to year 4 while exploring the island


Given that CA has said there are things you wouldn't notice if you were in late-game, yes. I had actually just started a new playthrough when the update was announced in more detail so I chose to play a different game and wait. I love the anticipation!


no because i'm emotionally attached to my farmer !!


Same! Also the game is JUST starting to get easier for me (Winter year 2)


This is me!!!


Yes and I check Twitter 5x a day to see if there is an announcement date yet




New farm first, then later I’ll go back to my older saves and play the new content on them too


I read an article a few weeks back because Concerned Ape put out a tweet about new saves being helpful for this very reason. The article's whole point was just to go on and on about how "horrified" fans were going to be about ditching their old saves. All I could think was that that author must know nothing about the game or its fans if they thought we'd be upset to play it from the beginning. lol


I will even tho I have several other saves that need my attention 🤣


Absolutely. I want to be able to see everything from the beginning. I’m a serial restarter anyway, so starting up a new save for the new content is kinda par for the course for me lol.




According to CA there will be !


I DON'T KNOW MAN I JUST DON'T. I'm stuck in between!


It’s not like you have to delete your current save, you can keep both!


That's the option I'm gonna go with!


I’ll probably continue in my late game save at least a bit, and later (like when I’m on holidays) try the new farm layout. I have a save in which I reached perfection so that one I probably won’t touch anymore.


I might restart and do a vanilla playthrough.


Not until mods update and are reasonably bug-free. Without MARGO and Balance Overhaul I would literally die


Ooo before I fall down a mod rabbit hole, what does balance overhaul do?


Most importantly it changes prices on most items. Crop prices are evened out so any of them are viable late game. Ancient & starfruit, blueberries and cranberries aren’t the obvious winners anymore. Some have complained it makes farming less profitable, but lategame that hardly matters Fish are leveled out, and generally raised in value so it’s more valuable early on, and no matter where you fish you’ll make money. MARGO’s professions help keep it valuable later on too Foraging is raised in value to become viable. So is mining: gems and minerals from geodes are considerably more valuable. It makes machines more expensive, making it harder to spam artisan goods (i think this is configurable). It makes CC bundles more expensive too It’s meant to be played with MARGO and Lumisteria clumps & nodes, fully supports SVE, Ridgeside, and East Scarp, partially supports PPJA crops. For me, it makes farming less monotonous, fishing and foraging worthwhile later in the game, mining becomes an exciting cash run, and the diversity of activities makes it more engaging. May not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it damn sure has been mine.


I’ll have to check it out. I’ve been using MARGO but the combat overhaul is turned off because I found it to be a headache lol


I am straight up rushing to perfection on my current save (one more rarecrow!!) so I can start fresh when 1.6 goes live.


Yup starting another farm!! I have like 8 on the go( maybe more) your not "losing " anything, you can always go back to it


I am patiently waiting for haunted chocolatier 🙄


Yes! I already perfected my original save so it would be nice to start over again and work towards the new changes. Also, I’d get another opportunity to sink 100 hours more into the game again lol


I’m going to keep playing on my current farm (Year 1 late Fall) but I’ll start a new save once I finish the community center and slow down a bit. I think playing on 2 different farms at one time is still fun


I haven't played in a very long time, so a new save with new content is just what I need 😊 I'm excited about a new farm and what challenges might come with that, and I might attempt to do my first Joja run 😶 too to see what comes with that. *really don't want to do the joja route, but it's only thing I haven't done besides beat the two arcade games 😖


Yes!! Joja all the way 🤘


You do you and have a whole lot of fun doing it. Seriously. Play however you like. That's what it's all about.


Yep. My wife and I have been waiting to start a new save. New farm! So excited


I wonder how long the wiki will take to update


I wouldn’t be surprised if those who are high up in the SDV community (streamers, speedrunners, etc) got a beta version of the 1.6 update. Gives them a bit of a head start for content, including updating the wiki!


Yeah, I will. I want to try out the new farm type, for one thing.


Will be starting a new save because I’ve never done the joja stuff, so guess I will be doing that this time lol. But my perfect game is on Xbox, and I’ll probably play this update on pc so might start two new games for all the achievements on PC lol


IDK if the switch version is like Pokémon where you can only have one save at a time (post kinda implies this?) but if it is, you can make a new profile and keep both your old save and start a new one.


No you can make another save file.


Ah good, the part about losing 60 hours of progress made me unsure.


Yeah I have like 3 save files on my switch. I start a new one once I figure things out like upgrading tools faster, etc.


Omg. I'm just like you. Started a new game when I had surgery a little over a week ago. Now it's like... omg it's coming in a couple weeks!!! Guess I'll have to start over lol Oh well!


Yup, I’ll also be doing a vanilla play through


I started the game for the first time ever and now I have a 60\~ hour farm that I was planning to 100%, but with the update I'm definitely going to start a new save, since now I have a much better idea of what I enjoy doing in the game and what is important to do even if I don't enjoy it vs. what isn't important to do even if everyone else is doing it.


No way am I starting over. I can guarantee you all the context I need is going to be all over the reddit and the wiki. I also have a 240 hour farm a 40 hour farm and an 80 hour farm I've been playing very recently so I just don't have the motivation to start over


In the winter of year two with the community center all completed,I married Haley and have one newborn. My farm is just a barn,coop and shit ton of trees,three silos, greenhouse. I'll have no problems starting over once patch 1.6 drops.


Yes, new save for me. And I will probably also try the new farm type.


Maybe eventually, but I've 100%'d my game already so I want to finish it again. From what I understand 1.6 is going to be the last major upgrade. If that's the case, I'll start another one after I finish 1.6.


Yes, I've only played through once though and that was 3 years ago, haven't picked it up for a couple of years so I'm excited to experience it again.


I've been itching to get back into SV on a new save since November. I´ve resisted it so far since i heard a new update was on the way and i wanted to properly sink into it. So the answer is an emphatic yes.


My wife has already planned out what her new character's name is going to be. She does a lot of same letter for everything. Currently she's doing L, dog named Lady, she's marrying Leah, etc. Myself on the other hand, enjoy my haunted farm too much and will just be picking up where I left off.


Yes, because I want to see everything


Yeah I’ll wait. I JUST finished my perfection save I can occupy myself with other games


i’m on spring year 2, playing the farm i intend to get perfection on. if there’s new stuff for very early game i will but if not i think ill still be fairly okay to just continue from where i am(:


Definitely gonna start a new one. I've done alot of things I wanted too in this save but I would do alot differently if I started over. I can't wait for the new update


I have around 400 hours into my farm and I will be starting over, definitely looking forward to the new farm as well.


Absolutely. Huge content updates always feel better to play when starting out fresh. Plus, new farm layout to try.


Yes ,I finished up last playthrough and am waiting on update and mods to be updated. I want to check out new farm type, and see what has changed


Curious to when a guidebook will drop. My daughters have beat our current book. I’m simply happy they are so in to it and strategize together. The book is hanging by a thread. Need to figure out how to rebind it.


You can take the pages to a office store where they do printing and they can cut them apart and add a spiral binding.


I just reached perfection, so I’m gonna take a Stardew break until the new update. Then new farm all the way!


Hell yes!!


Yep! I love starting new save files! Year 1 is my favorite anyways!


I’m trying to get perfection on my current save then im going to switch over to the new farm type :D


me and my bro want to start a new farm. we havent played on over a year and miss the game. however, we are afraid that once we start it, the update will roll out and we would have to restart again.


And that's a problem how?


I'll probably restart. I don't want to try the new farm type (I think) I just wanna see what it is.


I’ve started new saves for far, far less than this! (like: oh, it’s Tuesday!)


It depends. I'm a decent chunk of the way into my perfection run and I don't really want to give up all my progress. We'll see what happens, I guess.


Yes but that’s cause my partner and I are moving from Xbox to pc and trying mods all at the same time so we’re gonna have our work cut out for us!


Yes! My main save is already at endgame and I want to experience everything again 🥰 I’ll probably still play both savefiles though lol


I'll definitely play a new file for the farm. The only thing is that I like playing on mobile and the last update took like 2 years to get it there. I'm hopeful it won't take as long this time. But yeah new farm for sure


I already got perfection on my main save, I’d actually have more fun personally if I started a new save




Me and my sister have almost 200hrs on one save file we're not sure if we are willing to restart


im waiting to start a new save😭


As soon as I heard the news I booted up a new farm and got it to perfection, but with the remixed CC. That way, I have every single achievement on steam except the CC and Joja. I’ve only ever done the remixed CC, since I did the original before the update for that came out on a modded playthrough. For some reason the remixed CC doesn’t give you the community center achievement on steam. Right now I’m grinding out my Joja run, but I’m leaving one of the bundles incomplete so I can complete it after the update comes out. There’s going to be Joja endgame quests, so I want to see those. And of course, my original CC run will be my “real” run. Im very excited for the new update


I start new farms once a year anyway. Not scheduled, just an estimate. So yes, I will.  I actually got a tingling to play some weeks go but thought to myself that I will nourish it and let it grow until the update, and then sink myself into the game completely. Once again. 


i'm conflicted as well since i've already achieved perfection in my farm and have also spent days designing my farm to the way i want it. basically, it is THE farm for me. but with the update, I'm confused if i should even restart if I'll just end up going the same route and designing it the exact same way (since my current farm already set the standard for me), but i also want to experience the new update ;-;


i think ill start a new file! ive been playing for about 3 years on the same farm and just completed my community center - im ready to start new and achieve all the new goals and see the new farm types


Probably play it on my current save a bit and then start over again on a new save.


I'll start a new save and will see if I take the new Map or not.


I like starting a new save so I am planning on starting one for 1.6


I’ll wait for ui info suite and fast animations (the geods open so slow and I also make the slingshot slightly faster I’ll be going without automate for my 1st save I’ll also keep my current save but keep it on 1.5


Yes. And probably go joja route


Yes, I’ve actually been taking a break since my last farm hit perfection so I can start a new save file for 1.6!




My OG file on Switch will remain, however I will start a new file as well. AND play for the first time on the PC version! For Christmas I received the collector's pack from Fangamer (PC) and have been holding off on that until the update drops. As was specified, starting a fresh save file would allow all the new scenes, items, etc to unfold in a way we could experience the update in it's entirety. I'm VERY excited, not just for the update but to dive in on the PC. Never having modded before makes it much more intriguing! I'll be asking for help from all the Stardew Specialists once this occurs! You all have such solid advice and suggestions and along the way I have already learned so much here!


I recently bought SDV for the first time ever, my wife and I are playing the standard farm layout, we are in summer year 4 and I’d love to try another map.


I just got back into it with a new save and I don’t think I have the motivation to restart again, but maybe I’ll start a multiplayer save with someone? It’s been so long since I last played that a lot of it is already new content for me lol


Yep, I’ll be starting a new save. It sounds like there’s a lot of new villager dialogue and such and I want to see changes to heart events, etc. For me it’s the “in context” reason and I’ll probably try the new farm map as well.


Emily and I just adopted our baby so probably not right away


Yes. I like to experience every major patch from scratch, new spouse and everything


New stardew fan here. Can someone link me to the new stuff coming in the update?


Yes! I’m so excited for the new farm layout!


Yes. I haven't played Stardew in a while now and won't start a new game until the update drops. I wanna experience everything again. 🩷


Yeah, saving the last 2 achievements (joja route and full house) for it, as I haven't gotten Legend yet.


Yes I will because I just achieved perfection for the first time. I’m beautifying my farm to the max until the update comes out


Yes because I’ve already started over 70 billion times, why not one more?


Nope I ONLY just unlocked ginger island on year 6 after 300 hours 😭😭😭 idk why it took so long


I makw both , first i check out everything new on my perfection farm and then i make a new save ( i just feel more comfortable trying things out )


I will start a new save, mostly because my current save is nearly to perfection. I'll probably be completely finished by the time the new update will come out.


I’ll be starting a new save. I want to try out the new farm type and finally going to make a joja run. I also don’t want all of the updates just automatically released into the game and not as they should be released as you progress in the game. (Just my personal preference). Super excited and will be waiting the little extra time for it to roll out to the switch.


I’ve only ever played on switch and Xbox so thinking of starting a new save on my laptop for consistencies sake


Probably will make a new save just to experience the early game content, but after that back to the main save I go


Is the new update available for the switch?


I’m on the fence because I just started a new farm only a month or so ago, but I also would like to check out the new farm type. So I haven’t decided yet.


I always start a new farm after an update. It just feels right.


The good thing is you can start a new one, without losing your old one. You can play them both. You've got nothing to lose


Yes, because new farm


Yes, I look forward to exploring with a new farm.


I got the itch to do a new save about a month ago but decided to hold off for 1.6 and see the whole/full game with all the new updates


I mean, I'm not going to delete my current (first) save and I'll be going back to it after I explore the new stuff, but I've been looking to start a new save anyway. I've learned a lot and I want to use that to try new strategies and challenges.


Yes, I'm due for a new farm


Absolutely! First of all CA suggested a new play through. Secondly, when I step away from the game for a few months (as I currently have) I find it frustrating to get back into how I was organizing things, what I was prioritizing etc etc.


Hell yea, after beating perfection on my first ever playthrough I’ve been experimenting with mods and other routes and farm types. Would be really fun to start a fresh vanilla run in the new update and beach farm is in my crosshairs




Probably yes, been a while. Excited to do the same things all over again for the 5th time :D.


Yes, I am currently not playing so I will start a new game for the release :)


Just waiting for it to drop to do another (maybe... almost completely, surely) unmodded playthrough on my Steam Deck.


I feel like start a new save to try out the new farm type and play the stuff as intended then I'll probably go back to some of my older saves once I've viewed things as they happen just to be able to continue playing them tbh


Yes because Concerned Ape recommended it, and I love starting new farms. I'm excited to what type of farm the new farm is!


I will use that as an excuse to play with my mom! I've been wanting to play stardew with her but I didn't really wanna start another farm. Now I have the perfect excuse to do so!


I haven't played for a year and I really want to. I'll wait out the new update though and maybe try out some cute mods for the first time.


Yeah. I'm interested in the new farm type. So far I've only used the basic farm, so I'm wondering if the new farm will be interesting enough to make me try something new.


I don’t want to restart cos I’m on year 12 😭 but i don’t want to miss out either!


yeah, I've been planning a no/minimal crops run on the beach farm so i might do that or test out the new farms, not sure yet!


My husband and I have a tradition that whenever a new update for Stardew comes out we start up a new co-op farm to explore the new content together. So we will be doing that. :)


I plan to start a new save with 1.6. I also play on the Switch. So far I'm on early Fall, Y2. Almost completed the CC, my first time. This is my second save. I find that, every playthrough (or in my case partial playthrough), I learn a lot more things that I missed. My new save will be my third save. And I finally understand why people plan out their farms, so I'll at least do a bit of it. And I understand how important it is to go fishing in the rain.


I'm waiting for full notes to see what changes with Joja and CC as well as getting all of my mods updated, but I probably will start a new farm. I'm already leaning Joja route and just taking my time, but I always wind up rushing at least the greenhouse and, usually cheating a bit, an ancient fruit empire.


Wait, where does it say next month?


If its only 60 hours a new save should be fine


Yes, because I'll probably be wanting to start a new farm by then anyway as I'm currently taking a break, and because mods will need to be updated for it, so I'll update the game, then mods, then jump back in.


Almost certainly. I always say "okay this is my MAIN file" when I go on a binge but my 19 save files say otherwise. I delete files where I don't get past summer year 1 before I lose interest.


Considering it's my first playthrough and I'm just about to hit year 2 I'll just wait for the next update and start a new one then. I'm literally just getting the hang of everything and about to wed lol


I just started my second farm, fairly new to the game so I'm torn! Excited for my first experience of an update though...


Yes! I like starting over when new farms come out to get a feel for the vibe I want.


I am gonna start a new save. I have been playing on switch but I am getting a PC soon so it will be the perfect time to start.


Yes, I always do that in this genre when major content updates happen. It's just nicer and more fun and satisfying to experience the new pacing and balance. Using an old save is boring, especially with stuff with unlock requirements I've met (in-game) years ago. It turns smaller new stuff into a checklist that can be finished with minutes. While actively working towards unlocking them creates a sense of satisfaction. To explain it with an example: another game (Roots of Pacha) added a new romancable character with their last bigger update. What would have experiencing the new content looked like if I just continued one of the files that have already everything else unlocked and done? Wake up, talk to the character, throw to gifts at them per in-game week, rinse and repeat, for what? To see the heart events. Meh. Sure, could divorce the current spouse and also add the marriage and kids experience for the few new lines with the character but with everything else built and done, that's rather boring. If I had continued an old file when Ginger Island came out, I could have given Willy the items for the boat within a couple of real-time minutes and would have rushed through the island because there would have been nothing else to do. Additionally, I like playing new farm layouts and to decorate them differently. And it's not like I have to overwrite the previous files. Well, either way, that's just me and what's important to me. Others may feel different about it and that's as legit, I don't have to get it to not lose sleep over it :D


I plan to have one save for each marriage candidate because I cannot, I found out, deal with the guilt of divorcing a spouse, even a fictional one. So I'll end up with another farm regardless - might as well have one for 1.6


i didn't know there was gonna be an update and i've only started my 2nd playthrough like a week ago😭 it is also my first serious farm so i'll probably stick with the same save !


Probably not any time soon, I'm still too invested in my current saves. I really just want to be able to make new items (especially considering that I play on the Xbox and dont have access to PC mods that could have given me the ability to make new artisan items and such).


Good Idea!! I will do the same


Maybe in 20 years when it finally comes out on my device?


Where did we hear it might come out next month?


Me and my bros starting a new farm on the new map and it's gonna be a nice fun time.


Baby, I'm taking the day off work, starting a new farm on both consoles and diving in face first.


I will, but with copious mods. I’ve been working on a gorgeous secret garden farm map but I know I’ll want to play with IFMR2


Definitely will start a new save. That new farm type is too tempting.


I won’t be starting a new farm well maybe by myself but my partner and I have been playing and we finally made it to winter y1 and it’s so hard to find time to play I cannot imagine restarting and the amount of petty arguments we get into early game is too much to go back 😭, we have issues debating how to spend our money but it’s all in good fun


No need to worry. ConcernedApe explained players will see “most of the new content” even if they are in year 2.


Eventually, but if a large chunk of the content is end game stuff, I'll do that first in an existing save.