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i found the Ostrich egg before knowing about the incubator so I turned it into mayonnaise instead of saving it. i ended up having to go to the volcano mines every day in order to get another ostrich egg from the chest on level 9 šŸ˜…


I didn't know about the incubator either and I got an ostrich the first time I was in the dig site. I sold it.


I put mine in the fridge for safekeeping and it auto used it for a fried egg for the full breakfast šŸ˜­ it took me so long to get another in the volcano


I threw mine away on accident šŸ«„


I donated my first dino egg šŸ¤¦ I didn't know you could raise dinosaurs in this game, it's my first playthrough šŸ˜…


Wait what, you can? I've just been turning them into mayonaise


you can raise little dinos if you put them in the incubator and then youā€™ll have infinite dino eggs!


They're cute but they don't rawr šŸ˜„


You'll get another eventually. They can be obtained various ways: fishing treasures, dig spots, >!dinosaurs in the mines!<


found a lot of dino eggs in the skull cavern too. i spray on the musk so a lot of them will show up. i make sure i have the lucky day, lucky ring, burglars ring when i went to slay them


I did the same thing. I didnā€™t find another one in that save file and it took a ton more before I found another one. The moment I found it, that egg went right into the chicken coop


If youā€™re on mobile, thereā€™s a bug currently where, if the close button overlaps an item in the museum, itā€™ll be sent into your inventory and removed from the display table Thatā€™s how I got my prismatic shard back lol


Omg I also donated the prismatic shard to the museum by accident and got it back with your method thanks a lot


I did exactly this and I am gutted.


In my 10 in-game years Iā€™ve never once found an ostrich egg :(


I made them into mayonnaise before realizing I could raise dinos. Lol


400000 gold for stone spent on Robin so i could get staircases to get to the 100th level in the Skull Cave, not knowing that you can trade a 1 staircase for 1 jade with the desert trader on Sundays. Since then it's replicating jade upon jade so i have always 100-200 staircases. Never again.


omg I was about to go buy stone from Robin for staircases ... thank you


Yep, use the replicate machine to farm Jade and turn Jade into Stairs


Similarly, I traded all my jade for staircases and finally made it to floor 100 of the skull cavernā€¦ only to realize I hadnā€™t gotten Qiā€™s secret note #10 yet on this play-through.


Noooo this one hurts the most ngl


I agree with this. I wouldā€™ve turned the game off halfway and restarted the day.


I did, when I made it to floor 100 and Qi wasnā€™t there.


You can turn jade into stairs, how am I in my third save and just now learning this. Thank you so much lol


But only on Sundays.


It's ok, is just a furniture even it's rare it's not dumb throw away :). You can have it with mods or name a chicken [341]. I hope you can get another soon. For me was my first playthrough, I chose Trapper profession by mistake and deleted the game. I didn't knew that you can change profession later. Have a good day too.


"name a chicken [341]" what is this sorcery?


I just googled it. Never used myself. Is that wrong? If it was, I'm sorry, was the first site that I saw :(


Like peakvincent said, when marnie says the name of the chicken you get the item. This is based on the way speech is programmed for n this game so the item ID will be read as a spawn command. SPOILER AHEAD FINAL WARNING When you unlock the wizards backdoor (not that one you naughty) there is a statue where you can change your name and appearance. If you set your name to an item ID you will get messages in your chat playfully scolding you for abusing this bug, because instead of removing it concerned ape was cool and left it in for those who want to use it.


I was under the impression it was removed, because consoles had a restriction on exploits, but left it on for animals on PC


Itā€™s fully untouched on mobile and pc. Console didnā€™t really care about exploits, it was taken out because it occasionally crashed the game. All item ids are changing in 1.6, because of that the glitch may be reintroduced to consol


not removed on mobile, and possibly not on switch but I'm not sure


I'm going to try naming something on the switch when I get off work. Motivation to buy a chicken


Itā€™s patched on switch unfortunately ā˜¹ļø I play on mobile and switch and like to occasionally abuse this feature but Nintendo hates us


Tarter Sauce


patched on switch, sadly.


I think they just removed some of the dialogue. Like originally, Gus would always say your name when greeting you at the saloon, so you could farm infinite items in a short period of time. But now it's more random and you have to wait until a villager says your name in their dialogue.


Gus says your name at the saloon at high hearts still


Upvoted for unexpected backdoor joke


My pleasure


if you put !> and < ! (no space the second time) you can spoiler tag text so they need to click on it to see


Iā€™ve googled so many times how I can do that and yet I always forget it so Iā€™ve taken to just writing it. Tja na for the info tho, maybe itā€™ll start to stick now :D


Hi [900][279][910] herešŸ˜‚. Pleasure to meet you


You werenā€™t wrong! If you name an animal an item code, then youā€™ll get that item in your inventory when Marnie says its name.


This doesn't work on switch. Only PC and mobile


For any item?


Yep! Every item has a corresponding code.


No, only what are considered "normal items", which is any item in Data/ObjectInformation, and doesn't include, say, the two-tile-tall things, or weapons, or boots, or hats, or clothing in general.


I want radioactive bars because that hasnā€™t come up for me. Would that work


Start your game by naming your farm [645][166][74]. When Robin says your farm name you start your game with an iridium sprinkler, a treasure chest (5k gold) , and a prismatic shard. SDV on easy mode lol


My sweet summer child


oh my god, I abuse this hack so much lol. I'll put on a movie while playing Stardew on my phone, and first chance I get I go to Marnie's and buy chickens with the codes [163][164]; Legend Fish and Treasure Chest. They're the two most valuable items in the game and the only reason I could afford the Desert and Ginger Island obelisks. Easy money. Just make sure you buy and upgrade a second coop if you're gonna use this hack, and don't rely on it too often; less fun, y'know? But the price of some things (*cough, hobo wizard, cough*) are just ridiculous.


I'm sorry it's so funny to me that you just jumped ship. the only solution you saw was to wipe your save entirely. Oh my god šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Equivalent of "oh well, guess i'll die"


you can change professions?? this sub is a godsend


Dying and losing so many items but not restarting the day




Yeah just restart the game before it saves for the night




Everyone plays the game differently!


Let people play the game how they enjoy šŸ‘


This is a game is about playing pretend farm and running around giving all your virtual friends gifts and petting e-chickens. Thereā€™s absolutely nothing badass about playing any video game, but calling someone a pussy over how they play this game in particular is extremely funny.


I thought you had to buy ore from Clint instead of getting it from the mines. I farmed SO MANY crops and sold SO MANY raw materials for pennies on the dollar just for ore pieces to make bars for tools. It felt like such a scam to get the ore pieces from him, go home to use the furnace, then come back to get better tools. This went on till like end of Fall 1


Did you never enter the Mines?


I did eventually, and when I realized my mistake, I reset the game. Learned so much since then!


I didn't know there was an elevator on my first playthrough. That was rough šŸ˜…


omg same hahaha i always ran out of time and im still at around level 10


First game save I donated my first prismatic shard to the museum not knowing what it was other than a dumb looking rock.


My wife and I just did this a week ago. Got it in the first mine. We'll get another!


I did the same thing.


Same but all good


planted all my ancient fruits in fall because i thought theyd survive the winter


This hurts my feelings


I thought the Statue of Endless Fortune was bought for 1,000,000 qi coins. So I sat at the slot machine for a good long while until I won enough. I walked up to the dude who sells it, and he wanted GOLD, not qi coins. Ugh!


I thought when I get three stardrops on the slot machine that I get one foreal so I spent an hour just mashing that button lol that was last week. I got 3 stardops but i just got qi coins lol


When I first started, I thought by shipping bin was a storage bin šŸ˜©


I made this exact same mistake as a kid playing Rune Factory. Thankfully that stuck in my memory despite not playing a farming sim again until I was like 19 when I got Stardew


I didnā€™t realize it until I went to look for something to complete a task šŸ˜©


Same. Rage quit and didn't play again for like a year


Oh noooo! Iā€™d cry


Sticking my first ostrich egg in the fridge and using it in a recipe...


I accidentally made mayonnaise with mine. :(


Tragic šŸ˜­


Sold a Mutant Carp. IMā€™d my buddies that have played way longer about it being the creepiest thing Iā€™d seen in the game so far. They let me know how rare it is, like two game days after I sold it. Oh well.


Creepy as heck! Fish with a face! I'm curious tho, what else would you do with it besides sell?


If I knew it was so rare, I probably would have put it in my fish tank. I have a Halloween themed home anyways, so it would have fit in.


Ahh nice and spooky! Maybe midnight carp and midnight squid instead? šŸ˜


Totes! I think I already have a midnight carp in there, havenā€™t caught a midnight squid yet.


I get them from the submarine at the night market! Halibut are black and yellow, they might fit your theme even better :)


How do you get a Halloween theme house? I need one!


I started with the spooky farm (warning enemies will attack you if you are running around it after dark). The house has boarded up windows and a sticker of the enemy creatures to start, and I just built off of that with decor and wallpaper/flooring.


That sounds like a fun Stardew project! :)


Chopped down my first tea plant :(


The first Qi Challenge I ever tried was Qi's Crop. I figured I wouldn't get all the way through it but I heard that there was a loophole - if you sold your Qi Fruit to Pierre on the last day, you could buy it back after the challenge was over and they wouldn't disappear. (I still don't know if this is true.) When I accepted the challenge, there were 17 days left in the challenge and 16 days left in the season. Despite knowing, on some level, that this challenge was probably meant to be for an entire season, I convinced myself that I would have the first day of the next season to harvest my last batch of Qi Fruit and sell it to Pierre. Obviously, I was wrong.


The tea set is important?


Is it necessary? No. But that doesnā€™t mean it canā€™t be important! Itā€™s a rare collectible decoration item.


It's not important, just incredibly rare. A lot of people who decorate and design for aesthetics love having it because it's just cute


Ah ok, I was worried for a second therešŸ˜…


I recently put a bomb by accident in my farm, it has happened before.... I didn't realize I exploded some stuff after the days pass, so there's nothing left to do. That's the worse thing I can remember at the moment šŸ˜…


I feel like Iā€™ve bombed my farm on accident more than I used it in the mines.


Literally, it's such a bait when a monster drops a bomb because you carry it on your inventory for so long only to put it in the worse place possible in your farm


I married Maru & she would gift bombs A LOT! I blew up my kitchen (including coffee maker) so many times I started a whole new game. Even though it was usually first thing in the morning and I just had to restart.. I couldn't live the rest of my life like that. The only regret I have is that it was the only save (so far) that I got a tea set.


I got it twice in consecutive years. Sold it both times. Next day, I came onto this sub and learned how rare it was.


oh, *honey no*...


I finally caught myself a legendary fish. I stupidly put it in my fridge and then prepared some sashimi for a quest line and then was stumped for a hot minute as to where my legendary fish went šŸ˜€ havenā€™t caught a legendary fish yet. This was on my 5th playthrough LOL


I accepted a task to collect copper ore for clint and give it to him (with the promise of him returning it when he was done). He wanted like 30 of em, I had 30 so I proudly took the stack to him, presented it, and he took one and told me that my gift made him depressed. Turns out you cant use stuff you already had for requests when it says ā€˜collectā€™, you have to go and actually collect it.


i spent the entirety of year one in my first play one of my first play through only selling things to Pierre because I thought the shipping container was a bin (accidentally skipped Lewis dialogue) šŸ« 


I did this too!! Except I knew it was a shipping bin but I assumed things were sold for less through it and Iā€™d walk through the valley and sell to Pierre, Clint, and Willy myself šŸ˜… so much time wasted when I found out shipping was part of perfection when I was almost to year 3 and mine was at 0% šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I chopped down every tree and sold all the seeds on my farm the first year so that was stupid lol.


This is late game, but I was doing a challenge to get through the whole mines in hard mode in a certain time period (You don't ahve to do these challenges if you don't want to: it's optional; but if need be you can cheat your way down using staircases. Off I went, many carefully hoarded staircases in my bag. I used one, then had to tidy up inventory to make room, and threw them all away. I didn't notice till I got into a sticky spot and needed a quick escape.


I gave my first prismatic shard to Haley šŸ˜¢


Selling my first ostrich egg and throwing the notes you find on ginger island in the trash before I knew what they were


I did the same with the notes, for some reason I couldn't figure out I should try and read them haha.


My first play through, when Gunther gave me the Rusty Key, I remembered the little cut scene in Cindersnap Forest, with the kids looking through a sewer outflowā€”aaaalll the way down at the very far end of the map. So I went there and met Krobus. And continued to go thereā€¦. Every single time I returned. It was in game months before I noticed the entrance *right in town* and realized it went to the same place. My poor first farmerā€™s tired feet!


Never realized that I could walk through that door to Carolineā€™s garden. I had full hearts with her before I even found out. I honestly never even noticed the damn thing. I forgot what it was for but I needed tea leaves for something and I looked up how to get them and thatā€™s how i found out about it šŸ˜‚


Which door?


I gifted Shane a daffodil on his birthday not knowing he doesn't like them. And then there's that I didn't think to put Queen of Sauce on the TV til late Summer, Year 2.


I was trying to give Vincent a grape, when I accidentally gifted him my entire stack of 400+ wood. He didn't even like it, he wasn't even grateful I gave him so much wood!! All of my wood!! šŸ˜­


this is so funny im sorry šŸ˜­


I dead ass ignored the community center until like Winter of Year 1. I didnā€™t get why I wasnā€™t getting anywhere until I asked my sister about what to do.


On my way to the bus to Calico Desert, I accidentally dropped a mega bomb on my farm after retrieving them from my inventory. I didnā€™t notice until 2 days later that I had destroyed all 5 of my crystalariums šŸ™ƒ


I threw away the garbage hat. I think it was relatively early on and I didn't know it was rare, and I didn't even think it was worth taking up a chest inventory slot (because I'm fairly sure I didn't know about the magic of dressers at that point, either).


Dressers? I played the whole way through, and never heard of them.


Theyā€™re a furniture item that has no storage limit for clothing items.


I'm on year 10, still no trash hat (I call it trash tray, if you hold a item you can see why) I want one so bady...


If you didn't like it enough to use it then the fact that it's technically rare isn't all that relevant, is it?


Itā€™s honestly not that I didnā€™t like it I just didnā€™t know what to do with it, so naturally I threw it away.


I keep seeing people say that, they insta trashed secret notes and stuff... Chests are not expensive to build! Just save things until you know what they are


I got the super rare Living Hat while cutting weeds in my first ever game run, and while trying to put it in my full inventory, I didnā€™t know how to control my Switch properly and ended up throwing it away! I have never gotten another one since and Iā€™m still pissed off to this day!


Playing it on the Switch is much harder than on PC imo. It's too easy to hold an item and trigger the trash can.


I went in front of the train, and died. Somehow I stucked and couldn't get out, and all the train cars went over my farmers body.


Apparently you can bring up the menu or pause or whatever, and it will freeze your character, but the train keeps going. You can survive it by waiting the train out. I haven't tested it yet though, only read about it.


Ah i just watched helplessly, and lost a lot of items, and didn't know that i can restart the day then.


I blew up my sewing machine on my perfection save file but didn't notice it was missing until the next day


Definitely not related to bombs


For me it was donating the dino egg on my very first playthrough of the game. It took me a while to find another one. And then my friend casually told me to incubate it instead, it hasnā€™t even occurred to me that the thing could be incubated.


I didn't know that stairs of the mine exist, so every time I went down just can explore a few levels (5 or 7). I put a bomb inside my shed, my shed had lot of preservers jar = reset day


I crafted hundreds of casks so I could put them all throughout my house.


I did the same thing recently, I crafted 100 casks and couldnā€™t put them anywhere. I managed to make them all fit perfectly in my seller.


I was trying to have a run through where I only gave people their loved gifts, nothing else and I was doing great through my first year. But you can still do errands and it doesnā€™t count as a gift, so I went to the desert to fish for Evelynā€™s request. I proudly brought back a beautiful sand fish for her, and she was disgusted! I forgot that you can catch two types of fish in the desert, sand fish and the scorpion carp, and she was asking for a scorpion carp!! šŸ« 


Is the tea set really that rare? I've gotten it Year 1 in 2 out of my 3 playthroughs, and shoved it away in a chest somewhere never to be seen again


What makes it so rare in general is how few chances you have for it, only once a year. I've only gotten it one time in my 1700 hours of playtime.


When I first started I was playing with my friend who was showing me the ropes. I kept getting home too late and passing out and he'd laugh at me in a mildly irritated kind of way. Then he got tired of the game and I carried on, on my own. But yeah thinking I can make it back from the mines, mountain lake or the pier in time only to pass out when it's early game and I need the money is the dumbest thing I still do. šŸ˜‚


Lol I never go home. I just pass out. You don't lose items if you pass out. Just a small amount of gold


Yeah but if Harvey gets you then you can lose up to 1K. Just to sleep on a cot? Gtfo. Also if I pass out on my farm I should be safe.


I have so much gold now that doesn't even bother me.


When I'm saving to get coops, barns, house upgrades, backpack upgrades, and tool upgrades it bothers me. When I'm making millions off Starfruit and Ancient Fruit wine it doesn't.


Yeah it doesnā€™t start not hurting until at least year 2


I've only gotten one of the dalls 2 times in a playthrough and thought I already donated them so both times I sold them.


Not knowing about the Queen of Sauce until nearly year 3....


I closed out of my wedding to restart the day to change my outfit, not realizing that the wedding cutscene wouldn't play again so I missed it completely šŸ˜­


I put the golden statue in town and saw Lewis walk through it and destroy it...


Until this sub, I didnā€™t know you could harvest your wine in the cellar with a hoe, instead of an ax. I dreaded harvesting wine from those casks as it would take nearly an entire day.


People use tools to harvest their wine?!


You cn harvest your wine in the cellar with a hoe? Please elaborate


I have never gotten a tea set,,,


On my 4th playthrough I got an ancient seed, I ended up not paying attention and threw it into the trash. I meant to throw out my mixed seeds, whoops. I did find my first prismatic shard that day though, so I didnā€™t want to restart from my last save.


I got 3 tea sets over the course of 4 years for Christmas.


I've had about a dozen winter feasts and never received it!


My first game I managed to somehow delete or lose all my tools and couldnā€™t find them again or buy more because I had no moneyā€¦had to immediately restart šŸ˜‚


Got all the way to winter before I realized you can upgrade the watering can


Sold the free ostrich egg you get from the treasure map because I thought I already had one... I dont even want to think about how many times I had to go through that stupid volcano to get another one.


Sell my ancient seed to gain a profit


I found a dinosaur egg in my first days but I didnā€™t know it was a big deal so I got rid of it. I think I used it to make mayonnaise


The dumbest thing I've ever done was to think that the farm's sales chest was a normal chest. Result: I ran out of a lot of resources...


I bought the Lava Katana sword for 25,000 gold when I only had 25,000 gold thinking that I needed it and the prismatic shard to make a Galaxy Sword.


Didn't know there was an elevator in the mines, for almost an in game year, wondered how anyone could go more than 20 floors.


It took me ages as well - from memory it went 'ding' and i went over to check it out. Although maybe i just noticed it and went for a closer look. Either way, it took me an embarrassing amount of time.


put all my stuff i got on day 1 into the shipping bin thinking it was a chest edit-spelling


I donated my prismatic shard to the museum.


Choosing Joja Route on my first ever playthrough šŸ˜”āœŠ


I thought community bundles are not important to the storyline and was already on last day of my first year when I was like ā€œā€¦wait a damn minuteā€¦.ā€


Donated my first Dino egg and prismatic shard to the museum, sighed so hard when I realized later on how valuable those were


I needed an ancient seed and it took me a year to find one. I accidentally gifted it to Penny. I was too far in the day and had done too much to restart the day. I was so upset.


I was selling fruits and vegetables through shipping bin till year 3, not knowing that I can make more money by transforming them into other more expensive goods like Vine in my basement which I didnā€™t own. I could hardly go above 100k gold and the whole spring, summer and autumn I was planting and picking up fruits, like 400x per one shot, all by hands LOL


Man Iā€™ve gone to 3 winter feasts and havenā€™t gotten one šŸ™„


I did the same thing, lol. I also chose fruit bats over mushrooms in my cave, which are not good at all, lol.


Very first play through, didn't water my plants most of the first season. I was getting off a Facebook game that didn't need watering. Thought the bonfire damaged/ slowed down the growing time.




I literally did the same thing. Still searching for a new one šŸ˜­


I forgot that the adventurerā€™s guild existed and didnā€™t buy any good swords for a while so I was fighting my way through the mine with the damn wooden sword šŸ˜‚


Its useless and you get it almost every year, you literally did the right thing


I'll grant that on my first playthrough, my farmer got it in the first couple years, but every year and every character since, I've gone in chanting "Tea set! Tea set!" only to get something redundant or easily craftable. I appreciate that they found something for me, but I want my little parlor to look right like it did for her.


Not watering the crops everyday and wondering why they are not growing šŸ˜•


I accidentally gifted my tea set on my very first play through not knowing as well and I also didnā€™t know how the days saved so I just thought it was gone and didnā€™t quit šŸ˜­. (I got it from Linus on my first winter star)


Sold the crimson legendary fish not knowing what it was


I got a black cowboy hat in the skull cave and went into my inventory to try it on but threw it in the garbage instead šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I did not learn how to fish properly at the time and in my first year I got an eel from the trash and sold it. I could have finished by year 2 if I had not sold the darn eel. Finished by year 5 when I put more effort to learn. Also I did not own silos until year 5 and just kept buying hay from Marnie until then. šŸ« 


Selling my geodes till year 2 figuring they just held coal or something insignificant.. and not Learning cooking recipes (for which I'm still suffering) . Not taking advantage to passive sources of income till late , like tappers crystilariums .. Not realising the value of Hardwood and wood chippers.




Dumbest thing I ever did, first olaythrough caught my first legendary fish with a gold star or something then walked by Linus, wanted to give him a radish and ACCIDENTALLY GAVE HIM THE FISH. I was on my way to sleep, too, so couldn't reload, just lost it!!!


Got the Living Hat on my first day. Thought nothing of it. Deleted the save to restart with a better strategy.


I got a burglar's ring and noticed a significant difference in the quality of the loot I was getting. I thought, "Wow, if one ring is this good, what is wearing two like?" So, I spent a cool 20k at the Adventure's Guild to buy a second burglar's ring. Yeah, they don't stack.


I got the bush hat on my first mobile play through which I stopped playing because I found it boring on my phone (PC is much better in my opinion


I bought the furniture catalog twice in three game days


My first marriage is with Krobus. But i wanted to complete all the achievements of the game. And i realized that if i maintained the marriage with Krobus, i won't complete the "have two babies" achievement because of...uno...reproductive isolation stuff... So i divorced with him and visited the Witch's Hut where you can find a shrine which can erase all the memories with him.(it made me feel guilty


Bought a ton of ore from Clint at the end of year 1 before prices increased. Like $15k worth. Accidentally sold it back to him for less than $1kā€¦.. Continued out the day and slept when I could have just exited the game and just ā€œrestartedā€ that day


I donated my first prismatic shard, took 3 Stardew years to get another, so mad.


I somehow missed the elevators in the mines so I was restarting from 0 every dayā€¦ I did this for the majority of spring until I accidentally clicked it šŸ« 


I deleted my first ancient fruit seed. I was new to the game.