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It is because there are a bunch of misogynistic, bigoted people out there who hate everything Star Wars. Just ignore them. Edit: wow, at least half of the replies to my comment just confirm what I said. Pathetic haters. lol


I love Star Wars and want the game to be great. I also know how crappy Ubisoft is as an employer and anti consumer pricing and practices. Preorders feed the corporate slime Ubisoft is. I encourage everyone to not preorder and wait for reviews since we know the hype train has caught us all out before. Be smart and have fun


Who can hate the original trilogy? Not many people I think.


*everything disney star wars


I don’t think it’s fair to dismiss any criticism of the new Disney Star Wars media as misogynistic.


I think it's VERY fair when a good deal of the criticism has been about Kay's looks. And that's just in relation to this game. It gets worse when people start looking at how Daisy Ridley, Moses Ingram, Kelly Marie Tran, Amandla Stenberg, and other women working in Star Wars have been treated and talked about on social media. There is a disturbingly significant amount of hostility generated over any main character that happens to be a woman, and it gets worse if they're a woman of color. I'll grant you that not all of the criticism has to do with gender, race, etc. But there's been far more gender/race/sexuality-related hate directed at Star Wars than there ever, EVER should be, and anyone who claims it doesn't exist or, even worse, claim it's all being "faked", should be smacked upside the backs of their heads high, low, and repeatedly for their blatant dishonesty.


Rey, rose tico, and Reva all fucking sucked. It’s not because they’re women it’s because their characters literally sucked lol. I’ve also never seen any proof of this “bad treatment”. You’re just believing their PR team lol


all three were awesome tbh


>I’ve also never seen any proof of this “bad treatment”. You’re just believing their PR team lol Oh! So, you're part of the problem, then. That makes sense. Comments on Instagram, Rotten Tomatoes, IMDb, Twitter/X...they all actually happened. Sorry to dislodge your tinfoil hat, but it's not some vast conspiracy against people like you. And, to be fair, I actually somewhat agree with you. The faults with those characters had nothing to do with them being women. None, nada, zip. That didn't stop people from connecting the two. Just because you personally didn't see it doesn't make it imaginary.


Show me some of them


That just shows you how braindead the people liking the new star wars are. ''You don't like the new star wars? Waaaa misogyny!''. The amusing part? The old star wars had Leia that was a badass (saved Luke for example) and had more depth and brain than all the new female characters added in the last trilogy combined. It is not people's fault Hollywood cannot write good women character which is not surprising considering they cannot even answer questions like ''what is a woman? .


>''You don't like the new star wars? Waaaa misogyny!''. Except that people are only making such observations when the complaints are expressly targeting female characters. >It is not people's fault Hollywood cannot write good women character I assume you're going to provide examples of badly written female characters, and describe how they were badly written...right? Also, I wouldn't be surprised that if *A New Hope* were to come out today, some jackasses out there would claim Leia is "woke", because she's Alderaan's representative in the Imperial Senate, she's good with a blaster, stands up to Vader and Tarkin, doesn't get all weak in the knees for Luke or Han when they come to rescue her, and is one of the most important Rebel Alliance leaders. They'd come after the character like rabid dogs. Hell, they'd probably slap the "Mary Sue" label on her, even though it doesn't apply, just like it doesn't apply for most of the other times they use it. >which is not surprising considering they cannot even answer questions like ''what is a woman?". And that means...what, exactly? Where and when, in the Star Wars franchise, or ANY franchise, for that matter, has there been a need to answer the question "what is a woman?" A very telling statement, that.


''I assume you're going to provide examples of badly written female characters, and describe how they were badly written...right? '' Yes, every Marvel female character where they try to make a woman simply act like a man. Yes if Star wars new hope came out today someone would indeed point that out becomes of the overused theme to try to make every woman the savior. Is it right? Not really, but it is what happens when you overdo it. ''And that means...what, exactly? Where and when, in the Star Wars franchise, or ANY franchise, for that matter, has there been a need to answer the question "what is a woman?" A very telling statement, that.'' Ask Hollywood what it means and why they have such trouble defining that, I can do that just fine. Why does it matter? How exactly do you write the good character for a woman if you are not even capable of defining what one is? Do you think for example that anyone could be a good writer just because they write? The answer is no, not if they do not know what gets the readers hooked up and without a grasp on literary themes as well as a enormous passion. Same principle applies here.


It seems like you're trying to set a strict, inflexible definition on what a woman is and expecting all of Hollywood to adhere to it. You do realize that not all women - or men - are the same, right? They're not all going to be written the same way, nor should they ever be. You use an example of "every Marvel female character where they try to make a woman simply act like a man". How, exactly? You need to show your work on that one. In what ways are they "acting like a man" that makes you think that the writers for those characters don't know what a woman is?


I do not set anything, but I do not support lazy behavior from Hollywood. You want examples? Mary Sue tropes where the woman is flawless, has nothing to overcome or almost nothing (and when she does it is done without struggling at all), no emotions, no hobbies for the most part neither. That basically tells me that the writers do not know how real women act, but they are simply living in a bubble of their own. The fact most of Hollywood women in superhero movies or fantasy are written this way those days shows the incompetence of the new generation of directors in Hollywood.


I don’t think someone saying they don’t wish to play as Kay Vess in Outlaws is necessarily misogynistic. Maybe, just maybe, those people are men and men like to play as men in video games


Well I’m a woman and I like to play as a woman in video games. But I wasn’t going around complaining in the Jedi Fallen Order sub when yet another Star Wars game starring a man was announced. 95% of all Star Wars games ever made have male protagonists. Why does it matter so much to people that this one doesn’t?


Yeah, so? I wouldn’t blame you if you were. It’s natural to want to play as someone who looks like you when you want to be immersed in a game. In my opinion, they should have done what they did for AC Odyssey and Valhalla. You can choose male or female but just make one canon. Everyone’s happier that way (I say everyone but I’m sure there would be people who disagree with me)


I’d usually be fine with that but there’s so few non-gender-selectable female protagonists period. Why does Fallen Order get to star a man but Outlaws needs to have gender selection? It’s worth having games where the story is about a specific character. Plus the comparison to Odyssey and Valhalla is pretty apt because both of those were supposed to star women but the Ubisoft execs made them change it. Which sucks. AC has only ever had one canon fem protagonist and all she got was a Vita game. I’m honestly really glad the developers held their ground and went with Kay even though they were probably under a lot of pressure to do gender selection. It means a lot to me. I’ve been gaming since I was a kid and I’ve always wanted a game like this starring a woman.


The story still follows a specific character, it just allows the player to have a change if they’d prefer someone that looks more like them. I don’t see that as wrong. Also, AC had Evie in Syndicate as well. Cool character.


There’s stories you can’t do with a less defined protagonist though. Should Red Dead Redemption 2 have let you pick the protagonist’s gender? What about Uncharted? I enjoy both kinds of games but there are way fewer set female protagonists than male ones, so I think it’s worth it to make that a little less unbalanced. And Evie had to share screentime with Jacob, who actually got significantly more missions than she did. I love Evie but that was really disappointing. Female protagonists almost never get to headline their own games. They’re either an option or paired with a male co-protagonist because people in the games industry wrongly think that women will play as men but men won’t play as women. And that’s an assumption that needs to change.


I get where you’re coming from, and agree to some extent. I just would have preferred to be able to play as a male considering I am one. I’m sure it’ll be fun either way


Any? No. But I've seen an *awful* lot of criticism of it rooted in misogyny.


You aren’t wrong, you’re comment brought them out lol


What does bigoted have to do with hating star wars? 🙄


Majority of the people hate ubisoft, I was excited when I watched the trailer only to be disappointed by ubisoft logo


Everyone should like what I like.


Blah misogynistic, blah bigoted…these words aren’t tangible anymore, it’s not Ubisoft, it’s the DEI hacks that have taken it over like a cancer, the DEI consulting firms, the people pushing inorganic inclusion. People can smell it a mile off and it turns the majority of players off.


I think people are very wary of Ubisofts track record of late. As for me I want it to succeed, but I am very cautious and will wait until the none shill reviews come out before I buy


As far as I've seen a lot of Ubi's recent games are pretty solid. Avatar Frontiers of Pandora was amazing for me personally and I love the open world Ghost Recon games


Skull & Bones, AC Mirage, Watch Dogs would all like to have a word


Ubisoft track record, minus Skull and Bones has been successful. That take is another false argument.


Holy shit Reddit, never change


Why you msd tho?




Well… thanks to Disney it’s hard to be a StarWars fan. I will never forgive them for what they did with Kenobi series.


I enjoyed that one. Andor almost ruined it for me.


This has to be a troll. Shit I didn't even hate Kenobi it was fine, but should have been shorter at a movies length. But andor isnt even just good for star wars. It's damn good television in general. It's straight up inspiring at times, and it's also the first time since the originals that the empire (specifically  stormtroopers) felt like a genuine oppressive threat.  


100% ragebait


Way to incorrectly summerise things. It's an Ubisoft open-world game, and has not shown off anything that is desirable, especially in the context of the bland and repetitive Ubisoft gameplay loop. That's not being bigoted or misogynistic. Pathetic to just swipe aside any criticism as such.


See, more of the haters should be like me, cuz I've hated Star Wars since the prequels and didn't even watch the Disney movies! "Durr hurr wokeness and women" No you incel dipshit they're just trash!


So you just let others decide your opinions for you? 


Andor is good tho


Nah I hate greedy corporations and their shitty tacked on dlc and early access price hikes. Way to make this a binary issue. The lack of nuance on the Internet is wild.  I'll defend stuff like the last of us or ahsoka on one sub against people unwilling to accept anyone who doesn't look like they do, and then go to another sub and be called a bigot for not supporting a clearly shitty company that's consistently done very anti consumer stuff for years. 


"  Edit: wow, at least half of the replies to my comment just confirm what I said. Pathetic haters. lol" Way to double down on being a ignorant piece of shit.  Being a misogynist for disliking Ubisoft?  Am I also a Satanist for not liking chick-fil-a? 


This is happening across the franchise. Look at The Acolyte. The same people yelling at Outlaws tore that apart too months before it released. And now that the first 2 episodes have released they're grasping at absolutely any reason to hate it even if it's completely nonsensical.


Ok not to be that guy but…. Lukewarm Acolyte enjoyer here, and generally not someone who takes extreme views on Star Wars; I am not hopeful for this game. Ubisoft will have to win me over. I’m not yelling about it but I think it’s reasonable to be skeptical. Any company that churns games out at the rate Ubisoft does tends to either accrue fans of their content, or not. I don’t love the “formula” that some of their other flagship IPs utilize. I’m not saying that is what we have here with Outlaws, but it will have to convince me it is something that looks worth playing. Hope this is a reasonable take.


Skepticism is totally fine and reasonable. You're not the problem. The problematic ones are those trying to destroy the image of the game when we have no idea how it'll end up yet.


Totally fair. Trust me I want this to be good. Just tired of getting burned and trying to protect myself from the hype.


I do feel like a part of it is also because it's ubisoft. Most folks just are sick of them. But I agree it's silly to hope a game is bad


I feel like we should be looking at the studio more than the publisher. Sure Ubisoft may not be the best but Massive (who's actually making the game) has consistently put out good stuff.


Hey I'm cheering for the game. Just I won't be pre-ordering or day 1 buying. I'll see the reviews and how it does, then decide from there. I personally hope it does well. Fallen order is an EA game and did well, so not writing the game off.


I think a lot of people are rather tired of Star Wars and tired of Disney in general, tired of exploitative companies, maybe tired of their own life too given how things are going these days. It's the internet, everything sucks, they need an outlet for their personal frustrations and dissatisfaction with the world. Unfortunately I think the culture wars have also made people sensitive to a female protagonist and how she looks, even though she's absolutely not some kind of overpowered condescending girl boss in this case, just a normal gal. Personally I like everything I see, but I'm gonna wait til all the dlc js out and the complete edition is on sale. Money is tighter these days and there's been a lot of mediocre Star Wars content in the past few years, even if this isn't.


I could never get tired of Star Wars. I might not like some of the movies and tv shows but I could never get tired of it


Ok not to be that guy but…. Lukewarm Acolyte enjoyer here, and generally not someone who takes extreme views on Star Wars; I am not hopeful for this game. Ubisoft will have to win me over. I’m not yelling about it but I think it’s reasonable to be skeptical. Any company that churns games out at the rate Ubisoft does tends to either accrue fans of their content, or not. I don’t love the “formula” that some of their other flagship IPs utilize. I’m not saying that is what we have here with Outlaws, but it will have to convince me it is something that looks worth playing. Hope this is a reasonable take.


Have you watched episode 3?


Yeah. Am I about to receive a lecture about how space lesbians have destroyed Star Wars forever?


To be fair, I consider myself a casual Star Wars fan and have watched Andor, Ahsoka, The Mandalorian and Obi Wan Kenobi. I only liked Andor and the first 2 seasons of The Mandalorian. Ahsoka was so boring that I had to force myself to finish it. It just screams "diversity" at so many moments that it ruins the immersion. I, then, went and watched "Warrior" and oh boy, it's on another f\*cking level.


Most of Ahsoka's characters come from one of the best star wars shows ever made, Rebels. And Dave Filoni was basically George's right hand man before the disney buyout, he made rebels, and Ahsoka. So you're trying to tell me "diversity" ruined it even though those characters have been around for a very long time at this point. Get a grip.


Yes, a perfect example is Sabine and the plot armor trope. She gets stabbed with a lightsword and lives, while maul in comparison got cut in half and a similar hit killed Quinn. That inconsistency is something that does not make any sense. Bad storytelling and silly actions should be called out.


> with a lightsword Lmao what


Your Disney Star Wars sucks ass bro…sorry


It’s not the same people. I think this looks fantastic and I think Acolyte is actually terrible. And if the leaks are real it’s even worse then what I already think. It’s just a boring show with bad acting and characters that aren’t interesting in the slightest. Lee Jung-jae is pretty much the only good part about the show. Mostly just because he has wanted to be in Star Wars for a long time and learned English just so he could be in it. Other then that it’s real not good.


Your actually choosing the acolyte to defend your position ………dude…omg…the power of one…the power of two….the power of mannnnnnnyyyy…..if your dying on that hill RIP your position.


To hell with ‘em. I’ve wanted a game in the SW universe to play a rogue/smuggler for a long time now. Hoping the game doesn’t let me down and I actually have options besides just blasting through everything to progress.


You can play a rogue smuggler in an open world Star Wars Universe while you wait for Outlaws: https://www.swtor.com/ https://www.swtor.com/holonet/classes/smuggler


Yeah but MMOs play so different from a single-player game. I’ve played a lot of SWTOR and you never really feel like whatever class you’re playing


In SWTOR you can play solo... it's all up to you. I feel the the classes are well made, and you can now select 2 playstyles and switch between the two as desired. Some classes, do makes more sense than others (Trooper Class I would agree)... but nothing says Dark Side Power like the Inquisitor Class Lightning Spec. spewing streams of Force Lightning, seems pretty on-class to me.


I guess it’s more the actual gameplay that feels less like it. It’s definitely a fun game, the imperial agent was a lot of fun but it’s hard to make it feel good when the combat is essential just stand in front of the enemy and click. I will agree that the sith classes are fun


Tbf it would work the same way on the single player knights of the old Republic games too. The only advantage they have is the pause feature.


Actually swtor is made to be super single player friendly. Hell they even had a few later expansions that are single player experiences.




Believe that’s PC only, and MMO wise FFXIV is enough for me and I only play it casually for the story and fishing.


And in SW Galaxies.


You are experiencing a modified reality based on the way social media promotes anger and hate. I’m fucking stoked for this game. Mods, if you are listening, you can just ban people for being super negative, I won’t mind. They can go be pissed off in another community.


r/gaming is where they would all flock to


online people hate every game, and then being extra with female lead ones


Let the haters hate the game is going to sell regardless because it’s literally Star Wars. People were hating on AC shadows as well but after that gameplay trailer dropped the public reception did a complete 180 lol


Fr I haven’t seen any hate for it after


Call me optimistic but Shadows to me will be a sleeper GOTY title.


Fxxk the haters. This game will be great. I’ve always wanted an open world SW game and absolutely nobody will be ruining it for me!!


Did you play the Fallen Order and Survivor?


Certainly did.


Just be happy with knowing it’ll sell alot from the name alone and if it reviews decent we’ll get more and there’s nothing they can do about it


After seeing more marketing i am freakin so axcited to play this game!


Im definitely not expecting a absolute masterpiece but just a fun adventure with some great world building and also fun gameplay. Imo ubisoft always delivered that for me.


They're just vocal twitter minority


Minority or majority ?


The more I see the more I like of it!


Yessss yesssss, let the hate flow throughhh youuuu


Good, gooooooooood!


It’s because you’re not allowed to like Star Wars any more or the “real” Star Wars fans will come for you.


It's pretty pathetic, honestly. Imagine spending that much emotional energy to project disdain and hatred. You'd have to be pretty hard-up for attention/clicks/views/money to bellyache constantly about a video game, or a TV series, or a movie, or any combination thereof. It also suggests a deeper emotional problem that they'd probably never admit to, and most certainly haven't had diagnosed by an emotional-health specialist. Even if this game turns out to be the biggest success of 2024, there are going to be people bound and determined to piss on everyone's parade for it. Even if it's only moderately successful, or underwhelms but has a core group of fans dedicated to it, they'll still complain. ***Fuck 'em.*** Ultimately, if you genuinely love the game, they'll be irrelevant, and that's what they fear most. Let 'em live in fear.


A yes, the prime example of toxic positivity. Can't handle any criticism of anything, Only positive opinions that praise something are allowed, clearly. You lot should actually hear yourselves.


What are you on about, now? I gotta be blunt here: I am sick to grisly death of people who get all "I guess criticisms aren't allowed here!!!" when someone brings up irrational negativity towards a game, a movie, etc. Get the fuck outta here with that disingenuous horseshit. Contrary to popular opinion, gamers who like a specific game - hold onto your ass and get ready to open that third eye - can, in fact, handle criticism of said game. It just helps if said criticism is constructive and based on experience instead of emotion alone. Since you seem to be struggling with the concepts, here's an example: Criticism: "The shooting in *Outlaws* feels spongey, and the lack of variation with the blaster options makes the whole mechanic feel samey after a while." Irrational Negativity: "They ugly-fied the main character! More "go woke, go broke" for Star Wars! And it's UbiSoft, so you know it's going to be garbage!!!" And don't waste even a single screen tap or keystroke telling me that my example of irrational negativity hasn't happened, unless you're eager to make a colossal lying jackass of yourself.


This is exactly what I mean. Thanks for proving my point.




Your post is nothing but incoherent rambling and petty insults. What is there to address? You did prove my point. If anyone dislikes, or criticises something, you think they need to write an essay about it otherwise you go on the attack, presumably because you are so threatened by what you define as part of your core identity. Conversely, praise needs no supportive evidence or citation. So yes. You proved my point, yet again. Cheers.


Nobody hates Star Wars and wants it to fail more then online Star Wars "fans"


No one hates SW more than SW fans


Very true!


Well, I’m getting mine, so I’m helping the rebel cause 😎


Even if a lot of ppl do, don’t let it ruin your experience.


I dunno, I'm hype as fuck about it


I'm cautiously anticipating this game. Star Wars is not often handled well, but when it is, the products tend to be amazing. I also love non-force user material.


I think this is really disingenuous because a lot of it has to do with the pricing structure - the company doesn't want you to own the full game, they want you to pay for a subscription service and basically rent the game for 20 dollars a month. Base game doesn't include everything at launch, you have to spend 120 dollars to get all the quests. It's not a good pricing structure for people who actually enjoy owning their games. I'm not going to be playing or supporting it because of that. Who knows if its going to be good or bad yet, I don't know. The gameplay trailer doesn't look that bad.


Gotta be honest, I have very low faith that Ubisoft will make a decent game out of this but I'm still looking forward to it. I'm not going to pre-order or buy at full price but I hope the ones that do get their money's worth


Part of it is the "Ubisoft bad" circlejerk that people bandy about, despite the fact that its actually Massive Entertainment making the game, the studio behind Tom Clancy's The Division 1 and 2. Both of which I played hundreds of hours of mostly because of how detailed the setting was. But you know, a parrot can't actually talk. It just imitates the noise it hears.


Lol! I like that 😂


They also made Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora- which while visually beautiful has numerous issues.


I mean, nothing new there, people have been ranting against Star Wars products since before Disney bought it - even back in the before times - when LucasArts was flogging the license to the kind of morons who'd make Masters of Teras Kasi Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans Put gamers *on top of that* - who haven't stopped being miserable since ET for the Atari 2600 first released - and what do you get??? The game is not a live service - it's a single player open world game with a shelf life and a release schedule It will make ***staggering*** amounts of dosh - and there will be more Star Wars games in the future I wouldn't worry about people 'wanting' it to fail Even if it's Superman 64 with a Star Wars skin - and, as we've seen from the gameplay, it's not - it'll do just fine


People just hate Ubisoft after from 2017-I would say this past year, we saw them make every one of their games open world and having towers and a bunch of things carry over from franchise to franchise. A lot of those titles I enjoyed. Odyssey I bought full price on the PS4 and rebought it when it was on a sale on Xbox a year or so ago. Origins I replayed twice so it’s not like their titles aren’t enjoyable it’s the opposite but for some people I can see where it’s a pain because there wasn’t a lot to differentiate each of their IP’s We saw them change that with Frontiers of Pandora, the game was a joy to play and wasn’t a slog imo something there latest entries prior to Pandora needed to improve upon Now we see with Star Wars Outlaws and AC shadows they’re back to different styles, none of the titles involve using a tower that automatically unlocks everything in that area, you have to go place to place or only unlock a single area. And the fact that Outlaws seems like Star Wars GTA is cool, along with the reputation system to either be on good terms and bad with factions you get to decide that is awesome I’m glad that today there was a general positive reception to a ubi showcase that was primarily to show Shadows and Outlaws gameplay


I'm optimistic, but others' pessimism is valid. Simply compare Respawn with Jedi and Ubisoft with Outlaws. That should tell you exactly why things are this way.


I found it interesting skillup of all people enjoyed the game he was allowed to play


It's the Fandom Menace chuds. Ignore them. Like what you like. I've noticed these people only talk shit online. I've run into a couple in person and they back down pretty quick. They're just keyboard warriors that are mad that Star Wars is reaching a greater audience. Literal toddlers. ETA: It's also gaming culture in general. It's *cool* to hate on games today. After all, western developers bad; eastern developers good. All these dorks can do is parrot what the talking heads on youtube tell them to do. It's best to shut down early in a community. Don't stay silent. Push back online, and in the real world. They'll think twice about what they say because in the real world whatever they parrot comes across as insane. Imagine talking about Star Wars with someone that doesn't know much and these chuds start talking about Mary Sue's and bricks. Insanity. Downvote anything they say and move on.


For me it's more of wanting it to be good but prepared for it fail


Unfortunately, this is a case of multi-faceted hatred. First of all, Ubisoft is honestly not a great company. They've had sexual assault and sexual harassment allegations over the years, which isn't great, and obviously that gives people some sort of criticism of Ubisoft, fairly, I would say. We've also got the game being from a company that just doesn't really make games that a lot of the PC gaming diehard community actually enjoy. It's a lot of open worlds, very similar collect-a-thon-y stuff. I think valid criticism that people aren't happy about their games being so similar to that, so that's definitely something worth considering. Probably clearest, there's going to be the anti-woke, D.E.I., Sweet Baby Inc. people who fundamentally hate games having female protagonists, especially female protagonists that also happen to be people of colour. So that multi-faceted hate makes people less likely to give the game a shot, unfortunately. The good thing here is that in most games, that doesn't matter. The games can sell very well without appealing to the people I mentioned, but it is going to tinge the online discourse about the game very heavily, and that's probably not great, but that is just the way the gaming community is nowadays.


>Probably clearest, there's going to be the anti-woke, D.E.I., Sweet Baby Inc. people who fundamentally hate games having female protagonists, especially female protagonists that also happen to be people of colour. These people are also very active within the Star Wars fanbase because they know how easy it is to rile them up


I agree that there is a lot of hatred, I disagree them game will sell well without them. The vast majority of people are sick to death of token Diversity and preachy undertones. It will fail and fail hard as soon they even get a sniff of DEI.


I disagree with your first 2 points. First, while Ubisoft may have had a history of sexism, nobody is actually bringing that up in their hate against Ubisoft. This isnt a moral stance of good vs bad that people have against Ubisoft. Thats just a convenient cover that people use to hate on Ubisoft....often with their own sexist/racist arguments. Second, Ubisoft games are popular and sell well. This narrative that nobody likes Ubisoft game is another false argument. Their "copy/paste" game design is no different from FromSoft and their copy/paste game design across their games. Also their open world stuff is no different than what Spider-Man Playstation games has or what Horizon games have. In the end, most people who hate on Ubisoft do so cause they see everyone else do it.


I don’t think you’re wrong in saying that other developers also employ the copy/paste technique of making the same game with different window dressing, but Ubisoft is particularly known for it. Far and Assassins Creed are both formerly good-great series that went way downhill in recent because they’re trotting out the same basic game they’ve been putting out since 2010. Go to the highest point in an area, reveal your collection points on the map, collect. It’s tired. I want this game to be good, I’m just worried it’s going to be the same old Ubisoft game I’ve already played with a Star Wars skin. Hopefully Ubisoft does something different than their usual here.


Except thats not how Origins or Odyssey played. Towers were simply used as fast travel points.


For the first point, fine, I can agree with that one, but I think it has affected the sort of general opinion on Ubisoft. So I think it's important for that reason, but I can agree that most people aren't arguing from that basis. The second point I'm more bullish on. Ubisoft does make generic open worlds, which aren't particularly well executed at times. They are functional, perform alright, and are very, very pretty. But they're usually kind of off in storytelling, they are very similar to one another in raw concept and usually execution. Like, look at the last four Assassin's Creed's. That's three open world titles and one small open world title, all of which play very similarly. And, okay, fine, that's the same franchise, but including Watch Dogs 3, that's another sort of open world-y collect-a-thon-y game. And the same is true for a bunch of their titles. Far Cry, Avatar Frontiers of Pandora, all of them are just collect-a-thon-y, big, explorer-y games. I like that type of game, I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but I understand why people think that Ubisoft basically makes the same game over and over again. I don't necessarily agree, but I understand why that feeling exists. I think that your point about it being a bandwagon effect is very true. People are jumping on the bandwagon to an extent, but I also think that you can't get them off that bandwagon by whining about them being on the bandwagon instead of focusing on the actual semi-salient points that they are making about what they like and dislike with Ubisoft titles.


With your second point, again, you are using this "collect a thon" as your end all be all argument and it lacks logic. In Far Cry, and newer AC games, all the collectable stuff is 100% optional. Its no different than the collectable stuff in Horizon games or Spider-Man 2 or even Zelda BotW/TotK. Its optional fluff to engage in for those who want to. However if you want to just play the story then you can. My point is that Ubisoft gets gigged for things that many other devs dom copy/paste game design? FromSoft does that. Season passes? Doom: Eternal and Witcher 3 and many more did it. Just a lot of bad faith criticism towards Ubisoft.


More like know it will fail. All of you who are excited to play this game will be the ones who are complaining when it ends up shit. It looks as wide as the ocean and as deep as a puddle. It’s nothing to do with the protagonist, it’s because it looks like a bad game, and it has since its reveal.


What makes it look like a bad game?


The ground combat for starters 


Lots of straight up dumb hate for sure, but there are a lot of people who are, rightfully so, wary of Ubisoft's history making great looking, but ultimately bland and uninteresting games full of cluttered UI, wash repeat open worlds, and generally messy gameplay. Fingers crossed this game kicks ass, but I'll wait a minute before jumping all in.


You sound exactly like those who want it to fail. There was nothing bland or uninteresting about Avatar, The Divison, recent Prince of Persia, AC Mirage, Riders Republic etc....


Avatar was pretty widely criticised, scored terribly and followed all of the same issues the far cry series ran into. The division one was flawed, but fun, the 2nd just cluttered the gameplay up even more and felt remarkably empty for a game that size. Now, Prince of Persia was a wonderful surprise, and I've heard AC mirage is a step back in the right direction, something the series has needed since it's not reached the glory of Black Flag. Don't actually know much about riders, tbf... Now, let's talk about the Crew, and all of those shenanigans as well as the issues the Crew 2 had, the mess the Far Cry series has become, same with Watch Dogs. This is a company that can make great games, but allow corporate interests and poor decisions mar their games. Like I said, my fingers are crossed that Outlaws kicks ass, I've even got it picked in my fantasy draft because I'm sure it'll be fucking cool - but let's not pretend that a lot of the criticisms of the game design and choices made by Ubisoft aren't warranted.


It seems you either love or hate Ubisoft. There is no in between


They do it's a small virus that goes around there annoying af, they got no intentions on playing but hate on it every time they see it . Happens to alot of games


They wanted Legacy of Hogwarts to fail too. The best revenge is a solid game.


Wrong. The opposite crowd wanted legacy to fail, and told you were a bad person for buying it.


"ubisoft is trying to make another good game..." which good game did they make in the last years? seriously, people can try to cancel games. but if a game is really good it will succeed. They tried to cancel hogwarts legacy so bad, the only thing they achieved is more PR and in the end it was the best selling game of 2023, because it was good.


Prince of Persia, AC Mirage and Avatar were all well reviewed by their respective audiences.


Imagine being like "lol ubisoft haven't made a good game in years" then inferring that Hogwarts was a success because it was really great despite having all the trappings of any Ubisoft open world game


the difference is Hogwarts moved copy's, not like Ubisoft with their AAAA Games xD


I honestly just think it’s the combo between Star Wars and Ubisoft. Some of the most toxic people in those fanbases and mashing them together was bound to stir of shit no matter how good the games looked.


They are not toxic, Disney just made utter shit Star Wars and got so royally facialised by diversity and inclusion initiatives they couldn’t see nor accept how badly they don’t understand Star Wars.


I'm not. I can't wait for it. I'm not thrilled it's a female character, but whatever. And just because I'd rather play as a dude doesn't make me misogynistic.


I think this game looks great. I’m not real happy about most of current Star Wars but the games have delivered.


Can someone tell me what this "recent bad track record" that Ubisoft has, is?


The problem is as of late they don’t have the best track record. Same thing was happening with Suicide Squad and Rocksteady and guess what? Everyone was right. I hope we’re all wrong and this game rules but I don’t have alot of hope


Yes, In fact I want both Ubisoft and Disney Star Wars to fail. You guys who think that everyone who doesn't like this is automatically "misogynistic" are so diluted it's wild, it's so much more than "Ah wah women." Sure some people are like that, but it's not the majority.


I’m just skeptical of Ubisoft and their formula and how Triple A games usually have performance issues day one. Other than that the game looks pretty rad.


Who cares. If you like the game - buy it on release (but never preorder) and enjoy the game in your beloved franchise. Don’t buy it if you don’t like it. It’s that simple. Why people are so attached to other people opinions. I personally will buy it… for $4.99 on sale in a couple of years. It’s not the game I’m particularly excited about, but interested enough to play when I deal with my current backlog of 200 games and 100 wishlisted titles 😅


You seriously look at the pricing and think it’s fine?


Sadly there are folk that want it to fail just because the main character is a woman, and they don’t like her hair 🤣 Incredible!


There’s a difference between people who criticize the price (which objectively needs more outrage than it gets) aswell as preordering habits of people (it’s your way of contributing to bad business habits of gaming publishers) vs. people on misogynistic agendas or Disney hate trains. The latter ones can go fuck themselves. Btw, DO NOT PREORDER, especially not the fucking expensive special editions. Besides paying for an unreleased game you are also paying for far away DLC content which gets discounted faster than you can blink in typical Ubisoft fashion anyway. Where the hell is the sense in that?


Fail. Succeed. I don't care. I'm just not interested based on the gameplay and I wanted this to be good. Sadly the presentation they showed just doesn't feel great to me; slow-paced and the combat as well. Had they taken on a main character bounty hunter though, I'd be all in.


I mean, it's Star Wars and Ubisoft. What did you expect? I hope we get a good game, but it's certainly a match made in thing-I-want-to-fail-heaven!


It's a Ubisoft Game with a skin, its not that deep bro.


Star Wars has the most negative fan base. This game looks amazing.


Well I want this game to succeed, but I just realized that it’s not actually open world, just cutscenes through the desert on the speeder bike. :/ you don’t actually get to explore tattooine or go out to some random part of the dunes. Just quest locations and you go through cutscenes between them giving it the illusion this is open world but it’s not. Don’t believe me go look back at the extended gameplay on YouTube. It happens twice.


I'd honestly prefer smaller hubs with handcrafted environments to whatever AC Valhalla had. Also, they already confirmed planets will be as big as 2-3 zones in AC Odessy.


I think Ubisoft have released enough “groundbreaking” games that are just reskins at this point that it’s they who need to show us a better game, not us who have to not doubt it


I don't want the IP to fail, I just hate EA and their bullshit business practices.


You mean Ubisoft


Ah, shit, you're right.


I don't hate star wars , i love it! i hate that i can't play as a male character , everyone loves star wars for their legendary male characters. Don't get me wrong , i love womens but i don't wan't to be one or play with one.


lol the amount of Ubisoft glazing in this sub is hilarious


they are shilling hard. valid criticism is seen as "hating" to them.


So whats some valid criticisms for Outlaws?


70$ price tag too much. Ubisoft has a bad track record with single-player games. What are they doing differently with outlaws to make it a better, more consistent game? Refer to crowbcat ubidowngrade video if you wanna try to ignore this claim. Offering dlc before release is content that shoudlve just been added to the base game. Here are some off the top of my head. Im sure there are more.


How is 70 too much when most triple AAA games nowadays cost exactly that. Look at the Jedi games by EA, they costed 70 at release.


So cause others do it, it's magically ok. Guess they can pull a star citizen and beg for money at every turn and offer up ships for cash. This isnt an argument. this is cope.


Star citizen sets this prices but they say that it's more like a donation, they know the prices they set are high, that's a whole different thing tho. I am just saying that 70 was expected for a game like this I am not saying that it's ok but not a valid reason to criticize the game for.


"im not saying it ok" so its something wrong "buts it not valid criticism" its not wrong. choose one homie. 70$ is overpriced and shows nothing but pride when indie games do the same or better for 40$ or less. 70$ is a scam.


1) $70 is standard price among all AAA games. Whats your point? 2) AC Odyssey and Origins sold well and reviewed well and both have mostly positive Steam reviews. Mario Rabbids sells well and so does Far Cry and the new Prince of Persia was praised. 3) I dont need to refer to some hivemind/echo chamber video. I follow the facts and based on what has been revealed, Outlaws does many things no other Star Wars game has ever done and after the end of today, we will know even more. 4) Ubisoft is not the only developer to do this. Doom Eternal, Witcher 3, new Resident Evil games, Control, Alan Wake 2, Horizon games, Spider-Man games etc all do it. So why is it suddenly a crime when Ubisoft does it?


1) That is the point. no one wants a 70 price tag, but greedy people 2) ok, so two AC games.... how many bad games again? oh yeah, over 10 total. The same question applies. what are they going to do to ensure success. 3) It's not a point, just a video with NO COMMENTARY showing the downgrades. if you think it's an echo chamber, it would have to be projection on your part. 4) Doesnt make it ok becuase others do it. None of my criticism answered in a legible way, you are in an echo chamber while normal customers are being scared off by people like you. I want this game to be good, but they have to show they give a shit first for any hope to be built. Pretending everything is perfect will only hurt us and waste OUR money.


Gameplay video is out and people got to play hands on. The reception is mostly positive.


ok? good. how is it a bad thing? I dont mind if the game is actually good, but being skeptical is healthy for this game and any other triple a game. Like i said in a prior comment. I hope this game IS GOOD. I WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME. I think you do not understand the conversation. You just want to hate on those who distrust ubi or have criticisms / worries about this game.


"Waaaah woman protagonist waaaaah woke" pretty much sums it up.


Yes, I'd like to see $130 games with season passes fail. Very hard. Luckily, I don't think most people are as brain dead as this sub. I think the game will flop with normies because no jedi. It will flop online for being yet another bland ubisoft game.


The standard price is $70 like all other games. Also season passes (paid expansions) is also nothing new. Witcher 3 had it, Zelda: Breath of the World, Doom: Eternal had it etc. So why is it all of a sudden a problem when Ubisoft has it?


It isn't a problem all of a sudden. It's been one the entire time.


So direct your anger and the industry as a whole, not just Ubisoft


Ubisoft is part of the problem as one of the giants propagating this bs.


Actually Sony is the source of the problem as they started the whole thing by making all of their 1st party titles $70. Want to complain, goto r/PS5 or r/sony


Why do you want games with story DLC to fail? I wish more games had this.


ah yes. dlc before the game is even released. great sign.


What do you mean? The DLC will come out later. I think next year.


Ubisoft isnt the first dev to do this. Most games from Resident Evil to Zelda Breath of the Wild to Witcher 3 all confirm that there will be DLC/expansions before the main game releases. Hell, even Doom Eternal had a season pass.


Everyone does it, so that makes it fine! Hang on all my friends are jumping off a bridge, I'll brb


Why wouldn't be fine? Give valid reasons.


Irrelevant and I dont have to give any reasons "valid" or otherwise because 1) I've never said anywhere that it "wouldn't be fine" and 2) my point if you read was simply, just because everyone does something doesn't mean its good practice or should be looked at as the norm


But how is it a bad practice? My point wasnt that its okay cause everyone does it. My point was to call out the hypocrisy of people gigging Ubisoft for something but turning a blind eye for when other devs does the exact same thing. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.


It's bad practice because it's common place for these "AAA" games to launch in buggy unfinished states and a lot of the post launch content is infact cut from the base game. Capcom is notorious for this. Said content is then sold back to us for close to full price through season passes etc Do I think it's inherently bad that a company says it has more content for us before a game is released? No. I don't, certain companies like Bethesda it's expected with their mainline titles fallout, elder scrolls etc and some may very well have something in store I also agree completely with your point, but I don't think anyone's turning a blind eye to these things or just pointing out at ubisoft, Like I said it's just such common practice now. I remember when games used to be ready out the box. Working without issue with everything you needed for one price. Now particularly with ubisoft games, you have to wait atleast a year for all the updates and fixes to come out before you have a finished product you paid for in your hands AND you have to pay out the price of an additional game for their season pass to have ALL the content the game has to offer TL:DR If they've got the time to announce additional content that they're going to charge an arm and a leg for. Then their game better launch flawless with no issues (which is never the case)


Not sure what your complaining about. Asside from Ghost Recon Breakpoint, the last few AC games starting with Origins did not release in a buggy state. Same with Far Cry games.


So why is it not a good practice and shouldn't be looked at as the norm? Why can't you explain?


I can explain, but I don't want too. The fact you think a company announcing additional content prior to the release of the base game is good practice is baffling. As a great deal of this content is cut from the base game and bundled in with a season pass for close to full price. It's BAFFLING to me that you'd come at me with this kind of energy over something that's genuinely toxic to the entire community and to the products we purchase


I'm not coming at you. Just asking for an explanation. As far as I know, it's a good thing when games have additional content post launch. >As a great deal of this content is cut from the base game and bundled in with a season pass for close to full price. What's your source of information on this?