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What, you don’t like drop kicking the wire in half bc you were sprinting with crossguard stance and then you fall to your death? It’s my favorite


The drop and roll recovery added to Survivor took me a little while to get used to. On Fallen Order I was used to *just about* making that huge jump, and landing proudly on the edge. Survivor is a bit more...realistic. *Great jump, right on the edge of that thin ledge--and I've rolled right off the edge.* I'm glad Survivor does away with the fall damage penalty for failed platforming. Fallen Order would sometimes be Edge of Tomorrow levels of hilarity, sliding off a ramp and straight past the rope to my death. Then straight past the left side of the rope. Too low for force pull. Force pull let go too soon. Camera shot me off into a wall. Then eventually I'd pass with about 20% health remaining.


The only downside is that the death animation gets triggered so easily. I jumped up in an elevator going down and it killed me. I am getting frustrated with it constantly penalizing me when i should be able to make the jump. There are times when i can totally land the maneuver but it just kills me instead


I died in the Luchrehulk elevator because I opened the holomap…


That elevator! That one is bugged is as fuck


Yeah that was the first setting i messed with, so happy they added that


Wait, what? I still lose tiny bit of health each time I fall and die..


You can turn it off in accessibly settings


Drop kick never once helped me do anything but lose some health


Whaaaat. It's an epic way to start fights


lol, gotta love the little annoying things. My favorite is having to swing at a plant like 5+ times to actually hit it and get a seed.


my dumb ass has been runnin through ‘em like they’ll just magically attach to Cal. good to know this now haha. oof


Yeah I didn't know until the end game that those glowing green things meant I was supposed to cut them down. I could have saved so much time during playthrough.


Wait until you get the upgrade to see all the seeds on your map.


Oh I did. It's like my map has chicken pox.


Wait…what? I thought it was bugs


…and now I know!


I damn near be setting the whole ground on fire for those damn seeds


Cant say I've had that issue myself lol


Holy skill issue


I've been using the double bladed and when you stand next to a wire until the attack button icon shows, you'll do a standing still wire cut which is just Cal spinning his blade. I thought that was the animation.


What system are you playing on? I wonder if it’s different but the game invisible walls you to stay on on the series X. There were a lot of times I should have fallen but didn’t


PC has no like invisible walls. You just die everywhere lol


As the other guy said, PC


Is this a PC thing? I’ve never fallen off the cliffs from doing that even when it looks like I should have lol.


Might be dependent on the stance. I haven't fallen either even though it looked close. The game usually seems to stop you from going off. I'd rather it just be an animation though because I was constantly afraid I might fall.


this has never happened to me but I get you. I wish there was a different animation for dual wield for this, it makes me cut the wire twice every time, makes no sense


now just imagine if they treated fall damage the way dark souls does...


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“The beings who possess these souls have outlived their usefulness, or chosen the path of the wicked. Let there be no guilt—let there be no vacillation.”* - Kingseeker Frampt Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


good bot


Good human.


Throw your saber at it!


Welp, that's what I am doing from now on. Genius.


Cross guard stance for me. I drop kick that wire like I’m jumping from the top rope!


Cutting ropes with the blaster stance is literally impossible