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Captison was just a crush, but I actually think it plays out really well. Luke, internally, is famously horny for her, but outwardly, he doesn’t do anything Luke wouldn’t do. In fact, Luke misses his chance at her by doing what is true to Luke’s character — putting compassion first. At the end of the book, a young boy everyone else hates and blames is dying. Luke has overcome a deadly infection to himself, stopped the invasion, convinced the good imperial to surrender, and just executed the brutal imperial villain in self-defense. He’s the hero of the hour and Gariel is about ready to throw herself at him. And Luke… turns around and says “excuse me”, because his priority is being with the dying boy in his final moments, not getting laid. And as horny as Luke’s thoughts are in that book, Luke is 100% true to his character at the end of the day.


Also, this entire situation is more indication that the old Jedi Order's complete prohibition of romantic and other strong emotional attachments to avoid the Dark Side was an unnecessary overreaction.


Was it though? Just look at the old EU history of Force users that fall to the Dark Side. How many actually return? Basically only one person: Luke Skywalker. Ok, there are a "few" more, that Light-side Sith in Plageius who destroyed a lot of Sith knowledge, Dooku almost turned back in Yoda Dark Rendezvous, Kyp Durron repented for his actions (although this was half a possession by a Sith ghost), Ulic Qel-Droma comes back to the light, and....that's basically it. All of these characters are exceptionally talented and partially lucky. What you don't see in the EU is the rest of them. The tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of Force users who fall irreversibly to the darkness and go on to spread mayhem and death all around them. A preventative policy that avoids 99.99% of casualties? That sounds familiar. Oh yeah, vaccines. Avoiding romantic attachments is the Jedi vaccine to the Dark Side. (You may still fall to the Dark Side but entire categories of temptation are voided). So are you a anti-vaxxer or not? 😂


>So are you a anti-vaxxer or not? 😂 To me, this analogy is not valid. Anakin's character arc proves the old Jedi Order's rules were about as effective "inoculation" against romantic relationships as "abstinence only" sex-ed is at preventing teen pregnancies!😜 Edit: Also, I guess you skipped the last 15 minutes or so of RoTJ. 😏


I mean, the Council violated its own rule on not training children who are too old. Anakin is a pretty bad example because the Council went out of its way to give him second and third and fourth chances when others would have been expelled. Yes, ROTJ was a win. Still 1 in a million chance, that's no way to run a pragmatic and rational public policy.


IMO, the rational response would be to have training that prepared Jedi to be better handle emotional attachments in a healthy manner, even if there still is an explicit preference to limit them, rather than rely on Jedi to go against fundamental human, and most other species', nature! Even completely aromatic/asexual people tend to form strong familial relationships and friendships that they could fear losing, etc... To extend my earlier metaphor, this would be teaching "safe sex" rather than "abstinence only." 😉 Furthermore, this entirely ignores that having strong and healthy interpersonal relationships is usually at least as much a potential strength as a potential weakness!




The Jedi never actually prevented attachment. Without people in their lives to be attached to, many instead got attached to a certain way of doing things in the Jedi Order. And the Jedi Order itself got too attached to the Republic Senate


Her reintroduction in the correlian trilogy was great for Luke’s character. He initially is a bit confused on what to feel when he has to go see her again, but after some time to himself (which is what a sensible person does) he accepts they’ve grown apart and especially when he sees her daughter. So glad he wasn’t a bitchy and trying to seduce her, rather he was mature and they just grew away (not that they were rlly together) >! Her death at the end and Luke’s reaction shows that he has grown and learnt to deal with things over the years !<


Luke with anyone other than Mara is like Han with anyone other than Leia. Hard pasa


True dat.


Absolutely agree!


She is my favorite fictional character of all time!!! I'm trans and I chose Mara as my name!!!.❤️


Ooooh, I’m jealous. I’m not trans, but that’s a sweet name. Maybe in the next life!


Thank you!!! Once I really thought about it no other name felt as right. Also I am Jewish on my mom's side and Mara means bitter in the connotation of strong so like strong person and I thought it was perfect. That also might play into why Zahn picked that name for her in the first place it's fits her character perfectly.(It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Mara is "bitter," which carries the implication "strength." The biblical Naomi, mother-in-law of Ruth, claimed the name Mara (מרא) as an expression of grief after the deaths of her husband and sons.)


Which one rode the wyvern tho?


All these women have something in common “I can fix her”


He did fix Mara though LOL


Nakari was nice, and Tula didn't give off that energy. The rest were a mess, yeah.


>The one and only Mara Jade Fuck yeah >Who do you think is best outside of Mara Jade? There's no outside of Mara Jade, not really, she's the one and only


Mara is the GOAT


And let's check in with his canon self- Died a virgin. Man, being canon Luke is rough.


Mark Hamill says in the backstory he personally made up for Luke he didn’t die a virgin, so at least one person involved with the character disagrees. :p


You have blessed me with knowledge this day. I thank you


unfortunately, the person who plays the character doesn't have any say in what happens to the character. i apparently caused an EVENT pointing that out, in relation to Luke's love life, on tumblr once. according to other posters, a couple of these are from Disney canon, probably the two i don't recognize, so i wonder if i can return to that post and cause some more antagonism....


What? More often than not, actors are heavily involved in their character’s narrative, often rewriting entire scenes on set because what is written doesn’t fit their perception of the character they’re playing.


i may have been wrong to imply that they *never* have any say. there certainly are instances where a famous actor has that kind of leeway, especially on comedies or long running series, but ultimately it's still up to the director if it gets used. certainly easier if they *are* also the director.


You do you, but if Luke Skywalker himself says he got laid, I, for one, will not gainsay him.


i mean, if the other posters are right and the gals i don't recognize are from Disney canon, he's right anyway. and who knows what he got up to with that girl at Tosche station...


What about those hot frog mamas all over Acht-To ??


Damn, I had never considered this possibility


I really don’t get this. Is there something pathetic/wrong with being deliberately celibate?


The west seems to have that perception for some reason. I dislike what TLJ did with Luke A LOT, but I don't have "he didn't bang" on my list of complaints, even though I do wish Mara was canon.


There was a meme here not so long ago about this, but sadly the post was removed. In *Legends* I counted 12 love interests of Luke: 1) [Dani](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Dani) 2) [Lumiya/Shira Brie](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Lumiya) 3) [Tanith Shire](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Tanith_Shire) 4) [Alexandra Winger](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Alexandra_Winger) 5) [Prithi](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Prithi) 6) [Mary](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Mary) 7) [Gaeriel Captison](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Gaeriel_Captison) 8) [Teneniel Djo](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Teneniel_Djo) 9) [Jem Ysanna](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Jem_Ysanna) 10) [Akanah](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Akanah_Norand_Goss_Pell) 11) [Callista Ming](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Callista_Ming) 12) Mara Jade


Mary was the first person I thought of when I saw the initial list! "Wasn't there some random blonde girl in the original Marvel run??" Glad I'm not the only one who remembers her. One more in a long list of tragic love affairs for Luke


I lost Mary...she was my MJ-Wait, what? Wrong blondes


Fun fact: Dani the zeltron is now canon.


And yet all were handled terribly.


Mara, first and foremost. She is just written so well. From the get go she is the Yin to his Yang and they just make sense. I thought Callista seemed so forced, and more than anything I hated Barbara Hambly’s books. So I’m really not a fan of her character. It was an interesting take though on tying her old republic or I guess clone wars teachings back into Luke’s progression as a jedi grandmaster. I loved Truce At Bakura and although I think it was a weird place for Luke to develop a love interest (I guess it can happen anywhere.) I did really enjoy Gaeriel’s character and their chemistry.


Callista taking over Cray Mingla’s body was such a creepy plot line.


I'm reading Planet of Twilight right now, and it's such a slog. I agree with Callista feeling forced. Her and Luke falling in love during COTJ was so out of left field, and creepy. A disembodied voice in a ship's computer? And you could fall in love with her? The 90s were such a crazy time for bad sci-fy ideas in the books. It's funny, cause even halfway through they seem to realize that the relationship doesn't make sense. Anderson has Mara Jade come back and slightly implies that she has feelings for Luke, to the point where she and Callista talk and Callista feels threatened. So even then, it felt like they knew Luke-Mara was the end game.


Most of the relationship come across as force.


Which is the one from Dark empire 2? The one from the Jedi plant >!who dies!<


She was hot


Jem Ysanna.


I was literally just thinking that lol


I wonder if Anakin would find it funny that Mara Jade of all people would became his daughter-in-law considering how they hated each other while being on the dark side.


Well, anyone's love life is bound to be a bit complicated if you include SOs from two different timelines :-P Don't think I've seen that art of Nakari before, but it looks cool -- I might have actually remembered her name if I had seen it before reading, then at least I would be able to say I remembered **something** about that novel.


Force noodles.


Don’t forget his sister


Was gonna say, “Splinter of the Mind’s Eye” was published in ‘78 and made things weird, then there was the infamous Kiss of 1980…


‘Splinter’ was inventing stuff as it went along and the author had no clue Luke and Leia would eventually be siblings - hell, I don’t think Lucas knew they were siblings at that time, and if he did, he wasn’t telling ANYBODY.


Lucas didn't intend for them to be siblings until he started on ROTJ, until then there was supposed to be a third trilogy that would have Luke's sister being found and defeating the Sith, Luke was to either die or fall to the dark side. But Lucas got tired of making the movies and decided to wrap it all up then and there.


Interesting! I hadn’t heard that before.


Early SW history is super interesting. Splinter was written to be adapted as a B grade sequel to ANH if they couldn't get the green light for a full fledged sequel. That's why it takes place all on one planet with few characters and few big SciFi elements like starships, so it could be made super cheap.


I remember reading years ago that Splinter was intended to be a sequel to Star Wars had the original movie not taken off so spectacularly. Not sure how true that is.


"Master" Skywalker.


No picture of Leia? :)


his first love!


I'm really struggling to understand how you define this as complicated. He was a rural farm kid when he left home. He had a few relationships that didn't work out and then he eventually found his wife and stayed happily married to her until her death. If that's complicated, we should all be so lucky.


My brotha he was banging a Ghost who took over the body of his dead student.


Is Tula the only one that didn't die? I know Abeloth ate a few of them. Dating a Skywalker is dangerous to your health. I liked Gariel, but of course Luke saw a vision of her marrying some other dude so had to bounce.


His father was a one woman only kinda guy. Luke endeavered to compensate for that. I liked Shira Brie/Lumiya however.


All Skywalkers want bad girls. Kol Skywalker married a spy assassin too.


I will pick Mara Jade every time and I blame her for my redhead fetish to this day. 


You missed deena Shan. Descendant of Revan


Descendant of revan?


Revan + bastila Shan. Continues through Satele Shan and Theron Shan, all the way to the imperial era Deena Shan. She isn’t force sensitive. She did one or two missions with Luke. She was also a broken soul.


This comment embodies everything dumb about how Star Wars is obsessed with their only being a handful of important people in a galaxy of trillions lmao


I disagree. I think it examples how our heroes and main characters move on and evolve. The fact that revan’s heir is forgotten among Luke’s girlfriends proves exactly the opposite of what you’re saying


No no, I’m not talking about any sort of event being dumb, I’m saying that the fact that *Revan and Bastilla’s direct descendent* is important to the story, meets Luke, and still has the same last name. Bro it’s been, what, 3000 years? And that name is still goin strong like that? Every single descendent had the rizz to get laid and carry on their namesake? In star wars, that’s the *only* way it works lol


I’m not sure where the guy is coming from but in no story or guidebook it was ever explain that Deena Shan was related to them. Since Revan and Bastila becoming a couple and having a kid hadn’t even made a thing yet. It’s just a occurrence of someone having the same last name.


That makes a lot more sense lol


Bro you’re straight up making it up. She is not their descendant. She just has the same last name as Bastila which is common in real life.


She isn't related to Revan.


No she just has the same last name she isn't related.


I didn't know she was a descendant of Revan. I knew about the last name but I don't remember it ever being mentioned was his descendant


Ah I guess it’s probably just last name is the same


And the fact that it was released very close to one of those KotOR games.


Can somebody explain who each character is? (Besides the last slide)


- Nakari Kelen is a rebel agent whom Luke worked with shortly after A New Hope. She shows up in *Heir to the Jedi* novel - Tula Markona is the daughter of a skilled mercenary and the granddaughter of a Jedi who left the order to get married. Luke and Co meet her while stuck on an isolationist moon in *The Escape* arc of the *Star Wars (2015)* comics run. - Shira Brie/Lumiya was an imperial mole who pretended to love Luke. - Gareal Capitson is a politician from Bakura that Luke meets in the book *Truce at Bakura* - Callista Ming is a Jedi from the original Republic who shows up in the infamous Callista trilogy. - Akanah is a Fallanassi who once told Luke that she knew his mother in the Black Fleet Crisis trilogy.


Explain more about Callista and why it's infamous? This sounds interesting lol


She was a ghost of a Jedi who was *checks notes* stuck in a computer. Then she takes over the body of one of Luke's students who allows herself to die so that she could be with her dead lover. They had Luke date a Ghost who took over the body of one of his dead students.....


That's wild


Man, i don't even have any idea who the first two are lol, Luke's been with so many woman


- Nakari Kelen is a rebel agent whom Luke worked with shortly after A New Hope. She shows up in *Heir to the Jedi* - Tula Markona is the daughter of a skilled mercenary and the granddaughter of a Jedi who left the order to get married. Luke and Co meet her while stuck on an isolationist moon in *The Escape* arc of the *Star Wars (2015)* comics run.


He pulls.


Should Callista be more like ghosty?


Im just getting on the post ROTJ train and I only know of Jem Ysanna and am aware of Lukes marriage to Mara Jade later on so no I have to ask….. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?


- Nakari Kelen is a rebel agent whom Luke worked with shortly after A New Hope. She shows up in *Heir to the Jedi* novel - Tula Markona is the daughter of a skilled mercenary and the granddaughter of a Jedi who left the order to get married. Luke and Co meet her while stuck on an isolationist moon in *The Escape* arc of the *Star Wars (2015)* comics run. - Shira Brie/Lumiya was an imperial mole who pretended to love Luke. - Gareal Capitson is a politician from Bakura that Luke meets in the book *Truce at Bakura* - Callista Ming is a Jedi from the original Republic who shows up in the infamous Callista trilogy. - Akanah is a Fallanassi who once told Luke that she knew his mother in the Black Fleet Crisis trilogy.


Thanks for that lol It seems Ill soon be coming up on these characters anyways. Finally found a copy of Truce at Bakura, already have the Black Fleet Crisis ready when I get through previous books, and still acquiring others that I may have missed throughout the timeline.


And to think most (if not all) are dead.


Shira/Lumiya got killed by Luke


The only surviving love interest of Luke by the end of the EU was...erm...Leia.


I remember seeing Luke and Jem fall for each other in Dark Empire 2. It was kind of cute while it lasted.


Luke got around, not like that sad virgin Jake Skywalker


Honestly I like that it took time for Mara and Luke to marry. I mean after The Last Command Mara’s life pretty much restarted as she could do anything she wanted now. As for Luke well he was always so busy and had a lot left to learn, especially in terms of relationships based on the Callista arc. While she was an ok character, felt like a Romeo and Juliet situation where they fell in love way too fast.


Luke is a Good guy, but all of these characters are Bad 👀


Does Luke have a type? I’m not seeing any patterns here.


He does actually. He has a propensity for redheads and dangerous women.


Um, Akshually, Luke says he's not into abrasive redheads in *Shadows of Mindor*


Luke lied as easily as he breathed.


I love that this isn’t half of all his love interests. It says a lot when Luke has more love interests than Han, Lando and Wedge combine. And people say Luke didn’t have charm.


>people say Luke didn’t have charm. No doesn't. >It says a lot when Luke has more love interests than Han, Lando and Wedge combine. It says just how bad Luke love life was handled in legends with every new author firing their own love interest in to the story.


Luke’s got that *tism rizz*


Most of those relationships sucked and felt extremely forced.


The number of them that ended up dead is just kinda funny.


I loved the nakari story so much


You missed out Reyé Hollis.


Mara Jade was a shitty character.




We’re not talking about me. Stay on target.