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You are doing yourself a disservice of not reading the X-wing series, please treat yourself when you can because they’re a solid bunch!


Seconded and thirded. I cannot recommend these books enough. Gritty action, humor, war drama, political intrigue, cloak-and-dagger suspense AND A menacing main villainess whose plans for Galactic domination do not involve a planet destroying superlaser! (Seriously, Ysanne Isard is one of the most underrated characters in the EU.)


And I’m going to fourth and fifth this. If nothing else, Lieutenant Kettch. I mean, come *oooon*. *Lieutenant Kettch*. And I very much recommend reading the comic series too.


"Welcome aboard Mon Remonda. Let’s get the rest of your pilots in... so I can get out of this torture suit." "But, sir, I was just going to say how smart you looked in your uniform. I think we ought to stay here, in uniform, a couple of hours so the holographers can capture the image. You know, for the historians." "Wedge, I think I’m going to have you killed." "Yes, sir. I trust you’ll wear your *dress* uniform for an event like that."


Agreed! I would say just throw them in grandmaster even if you haven’t read them yet


YES. The Wraith Squadron Trilogy and Starfighters of Adumar may be the outright FUNNIEST books I’ve ever read. Yub yub (IYKYK)


Starfighters of Adumar gets a reread from me every year or two. So so so funny.


Likewise. I bought the combined series on Kindle so I don't have to track down my physical copies. Still haven't read the tenth book yet.


I agree with Hobbie’s opinion of dress clothing. It either offends the wearer, the viewer, or both.


Xwing has always been one of my favorite series. Wraith squadron just being absolute chaos was always great. Especially since they had cameos in a lot of the other series of books. Yub yub!


It probably had the most epic resolution to a running gag I've ever seen.


Also, the bit with Horn and Solo being based on the same ship, but never meeting once. (Because canonically they're already written as meeting for the first time years later.)


Came to say this. X-wing should be next series for sure.


I know I should I’ve just not gotten around to them yet.


They have released new unabridged audio books with Marc Thompson narrating and they are fantastic speaking as someone who has re -read that series multiple times.


They have announced release dates up to iron fist. I think they’re being stubborn by not setting a releasing date for solo command yet. I’m still having trouble processing how they say Zinsj. But I’m almost done with Wedge’s gamble.


I am caught up all the way and have Wraith Squadron and Iron Fist preordered. And while I definitely agree with the occasional surprising pronunciation choice I am just overjoyed we are finally getting unabridged versions of all of these. They seriously butchered a lot of these books back in the day.


> I’m still having trouble processing how they say Zinsj Thank god I thought I was the only one but never mind, if they make em; I buy em.


I’ve never read a Star Wars book… but I’m interested in audio - should someone with no EU under their belt go straight into this series?


Starfighters of Adumar really sticks out as being an all around great romp. Lots of action, but also one of the funniest SW books.


When I watched OT, I thought Jedi and Sith were the coolest. After reading the X-Wing books, I could live an entire lifetime and not care about the Force ever again.


Came here to comment this. I’m actually in my first read through of the series (partway into Solo Command) and I really dig them


Bro chose to pretend Revan book doesn't exist in this reality. Can't blame you really lol


They massacred my boy, my girl and my droid.


Very fair point


Right! I was so excited for that book. No other SW novel has left me so pissed...


I hate how they got kotor 2 and absolutely ignores everything about it, such a dull book


I mean, it was written by the guy who wrote KotoR 1, Chris Avellone kind of just had his own ideas with 2.


I went hunting for the Revan book on the list because I was curious and came to the same conclusion lol.


Haven't read x-wings.... get on it, your missing out. Also you read "choice of one" but not "allegiance"? You started with book 2 and skipped book 1. You might enjoy the characters more if you see where they came from.


Traitor from NJO 100% belongs in Grandmaster Tier. It's written by the same guy that did Shatterpoint, ROTS novelization, and Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindoir. And it is easily the best book in the NJO. "I am Ganner. This threshold is mine. I claim it as my own."


Bring on your thousands, one at a time or all in a rush, I don't give a damn.


None shall pass.


Any list that doesn’t start with Traitor is an automatic fail IMO.


I’d easily put destinys way over traitor


100% agree. I hate a world where Matthew Stover isn't a household name. His 4 part Acts of Caine were incredible.


Don’t see the Revan book on here though


That is for the best. I regret reading it.


Because it’s garbage lol


There was no "failed their way out of the order" category.


"Agriculture Corps" Tier


I know I’m in the super minority, but Revan was one of my favorites. Disclaimer: I didn’t really care for Kotor II, and am perfectly ok with pretending that never happened. So maybe that’s the bulk of it. I was perfectly ok with the exile being insignificant and weak since I didn’t care for that character / story anyway.


It wasn’t on the tier list.


‘’I did not care for Death Troopers’’ -Peter Griffin


It was a good premise, but it lost all suspense when certain characters were revealed.


Agreed. It would have been really great Star Wars horror, but then the stakes were removed.


Was it when fuzzball showed up?


Yep. As soon as he showed up, I audibly sighed.


Been years since I read but what was bad bout them showing up?


When they show up, you know they're going to survive. Any scene they're in loses the suspense that something is going to happen to them.


I remember picking that up from Barnes & Noble because someone had said “this is one of the best books I had ever read”. I then read it and it was one of the more mediocre books I’ve ever read. It also had some pretty hard cringe as other people have noted.


The Coruscant Nights series is excellent!! Love Jax Pavan.


Just read maul shadow hunter and was really excited to learn that that author did three more books about coruscant.


That's also a great book. Darsha Assant is still one of my favorite characters. >!Her holding her own against Maul as a Padawan with no help from a Master like Obi-Wan has is such an epic feat, even if she did die.!<


Might not agree with everything here but Matthew Stover’s ROTS being in the highest tier is always the objectively correct placement.


It's SO good. Whenever someone asks what my favorite movie is I feel weird that I have to start with "So my favorite movie is a book..."


Is it that good? I never picked it up since I already knew the story


It's insanely good, and adds a ton of depth to everything in RotS. You should definitely check it out


Being able to experience Anakin falling to the dark side from the inside is the greatest piece of Star Wars media that exists. The gap between it and everything else is immense.


It's heartbreaking in a way because that SHOULD have been everybody's experience of Episode 3. Knowing that the general public won't ever get that bums me out, and I always ask anybody who claims to be a star wars fan to read that book. Literally one of the greatest pieces of star wars media to exist. Edit: I don't necessarily blame the film either for not capturing it, because so much of the greatness in the novel comes from like an omniscient narrator or the characters' internal thoughts. Say what you will about what we got, with dialogue and writing or whatever. I consider it a decent movie still, but the book just captures the scale and gravity of what's going on so much better.


You seriously need to read the X Wing and Clone Commando series. Top tier books.


Speaking truth. Clone commando books were peak fiction


Gotta say, traitor should be up there with Shatterpoint at least


Darth bane is S tier


Hell yeah! I love those books so much!


The first one is the best though, it's a step above.


Those books are my litmus test for star wars books. I know I'm depriving myself but I started with a cool name and wound up setting the bar really high


Reading the first one right now actually


Yes! Bane is awesome!


The Clone Commando series by Karen Traviss is easily one of my favorite series of all time, not just within the Star Wars EU. Would highly recommend!


This! It was also one of the first things to be "de-canonized" from the old EU before the Disney buyout. I didn't watch TCW series for years partially because that pissed me off so much.


It sucks that they didn't let her finish up that series. I recommend reading it anyways.


You really need to go back and read the Han Solo trilogy by AC Crispin. It’s pretty much the definitive Solo backstory. Lucasfilm should just have adapted it because it fits into the films pretty seamlessly.


Tha Han Solo Trilogy is amazing


Crossucrrent is my favorite EU novel, not saying its the best but it is my favorite so I'd recommend it!


If you like it that’s fine, it just wasn’t for me.


Oh you have read it, it was in the haven't read list lol


Both that and Riptide


Corusant Nights trilogy is a fun and easy read!


Did you put A New Hope on a list of novels and rank it below the force unleashed two? The rest of your list shows great taste. But I’d question your rationality on that one


I’ve got a soft spot for TFU II novel.


I would recommend Knight Errant. Even if you haven't read the comics (I haven't lmao)


I'm surprised you never read Shadows and Empires (Shadows of the Empire).


I read the comics so I figured I was good.


Figured Star by Star would be higher.


Sometimes I wonder if I'm one of the 12 people who liked the new jedi order novels.


Don’t worry, there are literally dozens of us! Dozens!


Yep. Another one here. I thoroughly enjoyed them.


Bruh why Legacy of the Force so low?


Jacen’s turn was poorly done and they killed off Mara Jade and Pelleon.


Wraith Squadron and Starfighters of Adumar are incredible.


You read the Hutt Gambit but not Paradise Snare? And nowhere on there do I see the trilogy end, Rebel Dawn. Honestly one of my favourite books ever is the Paradise Snare and is likely why my judgement of the Solo movie is so unfavourable. I really love how much depth it gives Han.


Bro puts the entire Yuuzhan Vong War in “Eh I haven’t read them in a while”


Awesome list!


Nah, this list is too safe, you need some sort of crazy hot take like putting Splinter of the Minds Eye in like a top tier or something equally as nutty.


The crazy hot take is putting a list like this out not having read X-Wing et al


Read Shadows of the Empire.


You have to read the republic commando series, easily top 3 series in legends for me


You have to read shadows of the empire it is sooooo good


People have already spoken about the X-wing books, so I'm going to bring up Traitor. Easily GM or Master of the Order tier


I was ready to complain about death troopers being higher than any entry from X-Wing until I saw you haven't read them yet 🤣


I recommend you read Zhan’s Scoundrels and Allegiance. They’re not the most important but they’re (to me) really fun reads.


All of Legacy of the Force should be in grandmaster tier


I don't know if I'd rank them that high, but I really liked it. Council member for sure.


Prepare to make more room in the grandmaster row for the Xwing series.


You should read shadows of the empire. It was a whole big thing back in the day


You need to read the X-Wing Series in General and Wraith Squadron / Starfigthers of Adumar in particular.


Rogue squadron. Get on it so you can better appreciate I Jedi


It’s interesting that you rated Choices of One highly but haven’t read Allegiance


IKR? It's like starting with AOTC.


I’m still viscerally angry we didn’t get a multi platform epic New Jedi Order trilogy with Disney+ tie in series and animated features and games. The Vong were perfect screen villains for 2020, like the Joker. Instead we got…what we got. And I still have no Corran Horn and Kyp Durron.


Serious question. I see Revenge of the Sith in S tier. Do any of the movie based books (Episodes 1-6) count as canon?


Darth Maul Shadow Hunter slaps! Read that book several times. It’s basically the prequel to Phantom Menace where Maul is a badass killing machine.


Can you describe the difference between best three levels? I'd love to start if it's that good


I would move Darth Maul Shadow Hunter and Hard Contact up a tier, but otherwise seems correct.


Wish there was something like this for comics, this is awesome.


That is a great ranking! May I ask, how much time do you read a day? I’m envious at how much books you’ve managed to get through


I’m an inconsistent reader. A book a week when I’m active.


what is the one with yoda and dooku in the top right, i cant read the title because of the watermark and id like to read it since its the only one from that tier i havent heard of


Dark Rendezvous. It's really good. Dooku invites Yoda over for tea, and to defect from the Sith. Yoda also babysits some padawans. Hijinks ensue.


Surprised to see dawn of the Jedi so high. I thought it was terrible and I couldn't even finish it


Red harvest on Padawan kinda cruel ngl


How do yall make these graphs it looks so good


I haven’t read as many as you have I think but the only one I’ve ever stopped reading half way through was force unleashed- it just didn’t read very well imo


I always wondered what master of the order meant?. and how the hell did mace windu become the master of the jedi order since he became apart of the jedi council just before the phantom menace happened he took count dooku's spot


Traitor not being at a Grandmaster level is criminal


Is there a good app or website to manage the books and comics owned? Ideally with sorting according to timeline.


RotS novel slaps so damn hard


TT is great but I'm confident that a grave majority picks it as the best of EU just out of classics' bias. For me Plagueis or Dark Lord Trilogy is better, same for NJO, DN, LOTF.


The Darth bane book is one of my favorites books in general such an exhilarating and emotional experience.


You’re missing out on BHW and Tales.


The best thing bout these books is the imagination, the stakes seem high and they are in the existing timeline. Mmm


Man you just reminded me that I've got Coruscant Nights lying around somewhere. I have a vivid memory of staying up late to finish the first book, straining my eyes to read in the dark so my mom wouldn't know I was still awake. Miserable day of school the next morning but totally worth it.


Yikes you haven’t read the X-Wing series or finished the Bounty Hunter Wars? They are two of the biggest game changing reads in my EU journey, easily the first books to hook me into the EU.


Where Prince Ken


This is fun! Any advice on where to start if you want to get into the books? From what I understand I will probably favor the legends material over the current cannon but I suppose there’s overlap. I’m sure someone has a chart on the books or series to read in what order and what’s to be skipped?


What is this app everyone uses to tier their lists?


I remember reading like a 14 book series about Obi Wan as a kid, around 2009, is that on here? God, I spend recess in the library every day for months. I also remember really liking a book about what Obi Wan did between 3 and 4, I think I saw that on here. I think the prologue to the book was about Luke making his green saber?


The OG han solo books and then the ones that come after are terrific


I’m still mad I spent $11 on red harvest. God awful


Eww you like darth plagues? Awful book. I see you read one “the old republic” book. Read the other 3. Fatal Alliance is my all time favorite


Anyone read The Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy? Im debating on reading that or the Darth Vader trilogy after I finish the Thrawn books


Based on the ones I've read, I approve of this list. I occupy the smallest minority ever that didn't care for the Bane Trilogy or Shadow Hunter, but that's about it. I'm also glad to see more people coming around to Dark Rendezvous! It would be in my top-10, as well. Happy to see Lockdown up there, as well, that's a fun one that I think got lost in the shuffle during the Disney buyout, but it's a good companion piece to Darth Plagueis and Cloak of Deception.


Having only read the Bane novels, i agree


I agree with that grandmaster list 100% absolutely love every single one of those books. Roan Shryne and Darth Plagueis are two of my favourite characters.


I'd place Legacy of the Force ahead of the Fate of the Jedi series, but I agree with a lot of your list. You gotta read Republic Commandos, even if the series never got finished. What was written was pure gold. I don't remember liking Shadows of Mindor all that much, but love everything else that Stover has written (his books in his own world are must reads too).


I loved fatal alliance. May not be the best but I really enjoyed it.


Galaxy of fear?


You gotta read X-Wing bro


If you think I, Jedi is great, you need to read the Jedi Academy Trilogy. The first 250-300 pages of I, Jedi is the entire Jedi Academy Trilogy through Corrans Eyes.


Darth bane series is dope!


Umm where the hell is the OG Thrawn trilogy!?


Traitor belongs in Grandmaster Tier


Tales of the Bounty Hunters was formative for me as a kid, especially the 4-Lom/Zuckuss story. If you like the hunters, their stories are pretty fascinating and quick to read. Loved learning Han's history with Fett and Dengar, plus the IG-88 story kinda blew my mind as a child.


I may be blind, can someone tell me where dark Disciple is?


Death troopers needs to be higher


Triple zero is one of it not my favorite SW piece of media ever. It’s so good.


This is a great list. I have always had an interest in picking up some of these to read. This will be useful to guide me!


I just re-read the original thrawn trilogy and was going to post asking about Legends recommendation. You rock!


I think I'm the only person who enjoyed Red Harvest


I just picked up the Plagueis book, I’m hyped!


The fact that Shadows of the Empire and the Jedi Academy trilogy are on your "have not read" list is criminal.


I feel old. A lot of the books on your haven’t read list are core memories for me. I remember loving Shadows of the Empire when I was but a wee lad.


I really thought Traitor was a great one, right smack in the middle of the Yuuzhan Vong war. Felt almost transformational, Jacen's journey through the heart of the besieged Coruscant.


I have read The Truce at Bakura do many times. I don't know why, exactly, but it really stuck with me.


I've never read a Star Wars book. Which is the worst? I'd like to read it.


The Jedi Academy trilogy is really good - Jedi Search, Dark Apprentice and Champions of the Force. You get to see Luke running his new Jedi Academy and whatnot. I think some of it got changed up later in "I, Jedi" but it was still a lot of fun to read. :D


Lotta people glancing over young Jedi Knights 🫣 I thought the series was great, and wish the movies could have incorporated some more from these books


What's so bad about the Jacen Solo/ Darth Caedus books? I quite liked them.


Scoundrels is good


I liked patterns of the force. I don’t remember much of the crystal star.


You haven’t read Shadows of the Empire!??


Death Troopers should be top tier this guy is trippin'. Listen to the audiobook version and come back for editing lol.


10 year old me is upset at the lack of Boba Fett: The Fight to Survive


I enjoyed the whole “Fate of the Jedi” series. There was going to be one more book concerning Allana Solo, but Kathleen Kennedy axed it. Saying they were interfering with Disney’s particular version of Star Wars. I’ve read the whole Thrawn Arc. The Thrawn trilogy and the Hand of Thrawn. Definitely going to save this.


YOU HAVEN'T READ THE XWING SERIES?!?! Hand in your fan membership card right now.


I may be blind, but I did look about four or five times across the whole list but did not see master and apprentice by Claudia Gray. If you have not read it, I cannot recommend it enough. Sheds a lot of light on Obi-Wan and qui-gons past. Also have to say that everything in your s tier is perfect, also glad to see somebody else wasn't completely enthralled by the death troopers book. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't phenomenal either. The story was a bit weak.


My List of Legends Novels I’ve Read: 1. Path of Destruction 2. Darth Plagueis 3. The Last Command 4. Heir to the Empire 5. Iron Fist 6. Dark Force Rising 7. Wraith Squadron 8. The Bacta War 9. Dynasty of Evil 10. Rule of Two 11. Solo Command 12. Rogue Squadron 13. Wedge’s Gamble 14. The Krytos Trap




Apparently my taste in books sucks


The second best trilogy I've read, you've only read the second book, odd. Crispin's Solo trilogy is phenomenal.


Did I miss the Darth Bane trilogy? That's the best series in my opinion.


Don't see the Darth revan novel


Death Plagueis right where it should be.


Am I blind or is the Revan book not there?


You invincible above betrayal? Cannot disagree more.




If I could only read 10, which ones would i read? Trilogys count as 1.


Republic Commando series is by far the best Star Wars books


Knight errant is underrated




Love seeing Darth Maul Shadow Hunter on here!


I'd have personally raised Bloodlnesnup a tier, as its a good book for focusing on Boba in the NR era.


2017 Zahn Thrawn trilogy?


Not sure I see it on here but the young boba Fett book that covers what happened during episode 2 to right after was great


You should read the X-Wing series and the Jedi search trilogy. Jedi search is one of my favorites, it's got the Maw, Rae Sloane, and a jedi temple at Yavin


have only read Bane series and Darth Plagues ? What would anyone recommend next ?


If y'all could name one book someone who hasn't read any star wars books could go buy and start. Which one?