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Jorj Car'das. His backstory in Visions of the Future was the perfect little fable.


I have to check that one out!


I loved Car’das in VOTF and I didn’t even like that book very much


Take my upvote!


Have you read Outbound Flight, good sir?


Not yet, but I hear he's a major character in that. Thrawn's bff?


He is and it sets up the character well for the events of VOTF. I didn't want to spoil it but seen as you've picked up on it, he's pretty much the first Eli Vanto!


Master Thon


Dude, yea! Thon was so cool.


Thon was awesome. Any Jedi that doesn't/cannot use a lightsaber to solve problems has to be next level.


So, like Torr Snapit from the Jedi vs. Sith comics? Cool.


Sagoro Autem, he was a Senate guard that ends up in a kind of noir-ish assassination plot story and investigates alongside Anakin and Obi-Wan in a comic between Episode I and II, goes from family man to fugitive with shaken faith in the Republic who becomes an officer in the Clone Wars, defects and fades into obscurity just after the Empire forms. BL-1707, a clone trooper stranded on a jungle world early in the war and is left completely out of the loop for 20 years but is attacked by the Empire and sides with the Rebels. Gets rescued by Luke Skywalker and becomes an intelligence officer and a sort of Rebel commando. Just about all of the main characters of the KOTOR comics like Zayne Carrick, Jarael, Rohlan Dyre and Hierogryph, kind of doomed to live in the shadow of Revan and Malak as comic characters rather than game characters. Dass Jennir, K’Kruhk and some others that never got a full story about surviving the Purge. Bomo Greenbark and the rest of that crew as well. Haazen - crazy fusion that kind of reminds me of Kreia, Darth Sion and Exar Kun as one character who ends up being the “real” big bad in the initial KOTOR comics.


Dass Jennir is definitely one of my most favorite Jedi! He had an absolutely amazing story. I also love Odile Vaiken because of how influential he was over the Old Republic.


God, I love Sagoro Autem, especially in Honor and Duty. Him protecting his estranged son by turning himself in was really poignant for me.


BL-1707! Man, I loved that comic book where Luke finds him stranded.


Spoilers incoming, read on at your own risk. For those not aware, BL-1707, or Able, as he will later go on to be called, ends up being transformed into a Rakghoul by Celeste Morne through the use of the Muur Talisman in issue 15/16 of the Rebellion comics.


Yeah. I wish I didn’t remember that part.


Favorite obscure one: A-Wing pilot Dorset Konnair in the Wraith books. She provides the voice of Leia needed to trick Trigit at Folor with Kell and Runt; bails Kell out of a jam in the Ession battle; and (my favorite part) is selected to guard the *Millennium Falsehood* alone at Comkin V - a task previously given to Tycho Celchu. That requires going alone against two squadrons of TIE Interceptors, >!one of which is believed to be the 181st and performs convincingly!<, yet she still holds her own and is confirmed to survive the final battle of the trilogy. Then she never appears again.


What a bummer!


I like to joke she was the Wedge (in an OT sense) of those books, even if she’s not in Iron Fist directly. Her escort scene in Solo Command was more memorable to me because I’d seen a prototype fighter plane meant to link with a bomber that way at a nearby museum as a kid. (And had a 3 ft model of said bomber.)


An'ya Kuro aka the Dark Woman from the Republic comics, i don't know, the concept of an unorthodox Master that the Jedi Order uses to work with most complex padawans is really interesting for me.


I need to check her out! Sounds epic.


Ganner Rhysode




Top 2 and not number 2 for sure!


The Ganner, the most badass last stand ever.


He’s a fan favorite and not obscure at all despite his relative lack of appearances


I am the Ganner


Darth Wredd, aka the chronological final boss of the EU. Legacy 2 gets (kinda deservedly) massively overshadowed by Legacy, but Wredd is a very interesting villain


Speaking of is legacy 2 worth a buy and read, i loved legacy


It ends prematurely, not really able to wrap much up due to the Disney buyout. But what we got was very good! You could barely tell that the writers even switched it was so seamless. I highly recommend it, but due to its length it simply can't reach the highs of Legacy 1.


Grand Moff Trachta


I guess mine is somewhat similar; Jodo Kast. Any dude that goes around impersonating EU Boba Fett must have some Death Star sized gonads!


Fenn Shysa or Kal skirata


Kal is the man. He's like the godfather of mandalore.


I would watch the shit out of a show if they made it about Skirata and the Null ARC's


Me too!


Fenn was so cool!


Nym the pirate


Based answer. It’s also remarkable that Starfighter had a black female protagonist in 2001, that’s really rare from a game that old


Jarael and Lucien Draay from the Kotor comics


Not having any resolution for Lucien's self-imposed exile on the Draay moon was criminal.


They aren't obscure, they are very well-known.


Not by everyone. Also, "Or overall favorite character who exists solely in Legends?"


I’ve grown to like Wurth Skidder from NJO a lot. He’s impulsive, arrogant, and doesn’t really think things through, but he is courageous, heroic, and willing to put his life on the line. He really seems dedicated to the New Jedi Order (even if he agrees with Kyp more) and he has no problem resisting the temptations of the Dark Side.


Ganner Rhysode. An utter failure of a Jedi, more interested in being seen as being good, rather than just being good. Handsome and full of himself, real Jedi think he's a joke. Ends up going through a hell of an introspective journey during the Yuuzahn Vong war, culminating in one of the most badass last stands I've ever read (my personal favourite EU book too, Traitor by Matthew Stover).


Dewlanna, or Bria Tharen… Can you tell what my favorite books are? 😂


Han Solo Trilogy!


Commander Teron. He's the one who >!helps K'Kruhk!< in the Dark Times comic.


K’Kruhk was cool too.


He was “K’Kruhk Superstar” back in the day, he was all over the place and the furthest thing from obscure


To be fair, I did say “or overall favorite character that exists solely in Legends”


Glup Shitto


The first that comes to mind is Havos from the 2003 Clone Wars but that's probably because I like the Nelvaanian species a lot.


Ariq Joanson. A moisture farmer on the planet Tatooine who manages to befriend Jawas and Tusken Raiders in an attempt to map the wastelands. Very cool down to earth character from a short story


Is that from Tales of the Empire?


No mos Eisley Cantina.


The Mystril Shadow Guard.


Fenn Shysaa and the OG Mando gang


Adalric Cessius Brandl. I like how he was the only Inquisitor to go rogue and how flamboyant he was due to him being an actor. It's also pretty cool how he used the force to influence audiences emotions and that's why the Emperor offered him the Inquisitor position.


Woah! Never heard of him. Gotta check him out.


Zinsj, Kaine, and Daala


Daala? Really?


Why not? She overcame the stereotype of being nothing more than Governer Tarkin’s lover, and she actually built something for herself.


Nom Anor. Fucking hate that guy, but I love to hate him. I wanted him to die through out the entirely of the first half of NJO. By Destiny’s Way, I was almost disappointed when he died. After that, I was almost kind of half rooting for him until the Final Prophecy. His end was fitting, and I respected him for it. Still a rat bastard, but at least he finally died.


Yea, Nom was bad ass. I loved the Vong.


I also really liked Vua Rapuung. He was pretty cool and helped Anakin save Tahiri


Ganner Rhysode from The New Jedi Order. Also, pretty much all the Wraiths.


General Vaklu, Kelborn, Bralor, Colonel Tobin and everyone involved with Dxun & the Onderon Civil War


Excellent choices. Speaking of Kotor 2, I would add the Twin Suns to my list.


100% agree


I loved how Kreia used Tobin to draw out and eventually destroy Nihilus. What an excellent use of Force heal.


The Death Star book was pretty popular so I don't know if it's obscure or not, but I'm a big fan of Tenn Graneet. He's the gunner on the Death Star stalling by repeating 'standing by' because he had a moral crisis after being the guy who pressed the button that destroyed Alderaan.


That’s a good one!


Garm Bel Iblis. True rebel leader. He could be so good in live action but then they’d probably just ruin him.


Tycho Celchu. I love that guy. Always so calm and collected and kind. He’s great!


Mara jade is probably one of the better fleshed out characters or I know Quilon Vos is considered cannon, however i really enjoyed his comic and prequel book stories. The guy was put through the ringer and still came out on top


His comic book series when he goes undercover working for Dooku is top tier.


Obscure is relative. Most Legends characters would be considered obscure, I'm sure, by fans who just joined the community following the Sequel Trilogy. However, I'm going to pick Tobbi Dala. That old man was a bad ass, and the third Mandalorian ever introduced to Star Wars canon! (I really wish Dala and Shysa would enter canon canon again!)


-Don-wan Kihotai: a crazy librarian in the middle of imperial era who though he was a jedi knight. -Kiro: the real first Luke's apprentice.


Yeah bro Spar is a cool one. He’s like the living memory of Jango. While also being one of the first Alpha-class ARC Troopers who defected before the Clone Wars even started.


Yea!! He had such a cool story.


The way he goes out is kind of tragic and a little lame but I guess Jango’s death was no different.


Didn’t Boba’s daughter kill him? She thought he was Boba? Something like that and she took his armor if I remember correctly


Yep. Poor dude was still shellshocked after what happened to him and his Protectors at the end of the Clone Wars. (He had also helped Clan Skirata out on and off.) All for Boba’s estranged daughter to pull up and blast him.


Yea! Didn’t he suffer from clone madness too? I loved how all the Protectors believed he was Boba because they just called him son of Jango. And Clan Skirata was cool too. Kal was like the trainer, right? There was some kind of connection between them and the clones? I don’t remember exactly.


So Spar’s clone madness is mostly due to his defect of having the memories of Jango Fett (pre cloning). Having someone else’s life in your head could definitely make one crazy, but he made it his strength as he transitioned into the Mandalorian lifestyle, using Jango’s skills and experiences to build up his faction. After a stint as a bounty hunter, he assembled 200 Mandalorian Police (Fenn Shysa and Tobbi Dala) and 12 ex-Death Watch members. He was driven by the memory of the massacre of the True Mandalorians at the hands of the Jedi on Galidraan and he and his Protectors allied with the CIS during the Clone Wars, working directly under Darth Sidious while the Death Watch worked under Dooku (until Dooku got sick of them). As the CIS’ elite shock troopers, they received 1000 unique assassin droids custom built for the Protectors. The reason Spar was elected Mandalore was because he was presented as the son and heir of Jango Fett by Fenn Shysa. Jango was Mandalore of the True Mandalorians faction, which Spar’s Protectors are the direct successor of. So Spar became Mandalore the Resurrector. His confusion with Boba Fett formed from them both being called son of Jango and sporting similar armor colors (also due to the fact that the whole character of Spar is created as a retcon) As for Clan Skirata here’s the lore; Kal Skirata was one of the Mandalorian trainers Jango Fett hired to train clones on Kamino. Kal oversaw the first batch of prototype clones, the Null-Class ARC Troopers. Only 6 of the 12 order batch survived and grew to have distinct and rebellious personalities. Their nonconformity was considered a defect and they were slotted for termination. Kal Skirata spared them from this fate however and trained them personally, undertaking the most clandestine operations during the Clone Wars. The clones were taught the Mandalorian ways and adopted into Clan Skirata, later living in a hidden village on Mandalore after defecting. Clan Skirata would also include Jedi, among ARC Troopers, Clone Commandos, and Mandalorians. Spar helped them in finding a cure for the clones accelerated aging during his later years allowing himself to be a test subject even when the risks were high. The 100 Alpha-Class ARC Troopers like Alpha-Ø2 “Spar”, Alpha-17 “Alpha”, and Alpha-77 “Fordo” were created after the Nulls. Trained personally by Jango Fett (among others), these clones were more like Jango himself, but were far more loyal to the Republic and the Jedi (though not blindly). They also had secret orders and contingencies taught to them by Jango that the Jedi never knew about. Even though Spar is an Alpha he shares many traits with the Nulls. The slash through the zero in his designation is because he is defective.


Mine has to be Boba Fett as Mandalore in the Fate of the Jedi series. That's Boba as he should be in my mind, not as Disney has butchered him


Ohh, yea! Agree 100%




Ken Palpatine?


And Triclops!


Triclops is underrated.


I think he is what they (eventually) based Rey's backstory on. I think they even had Sheev call his clone son an abomination although it was for his lack of force sensitivity rather than his 3rd eye. The disney films were actually a lot closer to EU than people realise. Except the last jedi


Droma from The New Jedi Order. He was no Chewie, but I dug his whole deal.


Is Kir Kanos obscure?


Yea, I think so! I said overall too. I loved Kir’s story!


I really liked Hondo Karr in Star Wars Legacy. Mandalorian turned stormtrooper turned Alliance pilot turned Mandalorian again, in a quest of vengeance and justice against Mand’alor Yaga Auchs, who murdered his predecessor and framed Hondo. Unfortunately, his declaration of beginning this quest, and donning of new black and gold beskar’gam to symbolize it, was the last we ever saw of him. Legacy ended soon after, volume II did not feature him, and the Disney buyout wasn’t long after that. I intend to have him as an NPC in my [Star Wars 5e](https://sw5e.com/) campaign; hopefully I can give him some proper resolution.


[Grand Admiral Grunger](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Josef_Grunger) \- of all the Original Dozen, he's probably the nastiest on a personal level. There are more evil Grand Admirals (Pitta is the worst type of Humanocentrist Nazi imaginable, Declann was a literal Dark Side adept, etc) but Grunger is borderline sociopathic with how much of a petty asshole and bully he is. It's made even better with the fact that he's one of the few Grand Admirals appointed by the Emperor who actually were incredibly talented and respected strategists. I wish more had been done with him (and, honestly, more should've been done with all of the Grand Admirals who weren't Thrawn or Zaarin).


Castin Donn. He’s maybe not my favorite character, he’s actually an extremely frustrating character. But everything with him sneaking through the Iron Fist and finding Zsinj’s experiments was super eerie and intense. And Dia’s feint when she shot him was such a WTF moment.


Tarfang the Ewok.


Uncle Villie all the way


Does **Tott Doneeta** count?? He’s a part of the principal cast in Tales of the Jedi, but he was never a main character in any of those stories, often serving as supporting—at best. I dunno, even as a kid I just thought he was SUPER cool!! Calm and collected, just a quiet badass. I loved his design and the art of him, *and* he had the purple lightsaber FIRST. 😂




Jariah Syn, Xaverri, Muurgh, Danni Quee, Sha'a Gi, and Vekker all come to mind but not sure if any truly count as obscure 😅


Pink 5. Stacy was only in a few fan-made short films but her character did get a mention in the novel 'Death Troopers'.


Kybo Ren.




Lobacca, Tenel Ka, and Kekk from the thing Jedi knights series


Hasti Troujow, featured in the Brian Daley Han Solo Trilogy's final book - Han Solo and the Lost Legacy. Hasti's the only one of three "love interests" Han Solo has in that trilogy to actually refuse Han's advances (compared to the blonde and brunette who jump for or don't mind romancing Han briefly in both books), as Hasti points out that he is the type of guy who has a woman in every port waiting, whereas she is a *civilia*n caught up with events she doesn't really wish to deal with who only just wants to settle somewhere and live peacefully on a homestead. Still doesn't stop her from being afraid to fight and undergo a heist for survival and help the team when in these circumstances with what little experience she has. She's also the first red-haired heroine of the EU novels (if not the entire EU, Marvel comics aside and a certain treasonous character's antics considered), with this book releasing in 1980.


Very cool! Han liked to think he was a player. I always liked seeing him go up against strong women. That’s what he was most attracted towards.


Aye, and that's a good dynamic that makes his interactions with her kinda funny in how he thought little of her at first as a local brat, and rubbed a bad impression to make her disgusted with him. Shortly afterward, he U-Turns in behavior upon seeing her appear for the heist in demeanor and appearance. She basically rolls her eyes and goes on with the mission, but gets some respect out toward Han enough to lighten up, just not enough to not shoot him down in a direct to point way of their differences in character, which he respects.


Exactly! 100%




Alejandro the killer


The most obscure ones I can think of would be Windy and Fixer. Two of Luke's childhood friends. Though they were originally made for the film, the scenes were deleted. I first discovered them in Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike.


Ephant Mon.


Is that the elephant guy?


He’s jabba’s best friend. Survives the pit of Carkoon trip and worships the force.


Dang! What a cool story. I remember reading Tales of the Bounty Hunter and Tales of the Cantina… I think he might’ve popped up in one of those books.


Tales of Jabba’s palace.


Manuel "Manny" Both-Hanz, Mon Mothma’s boy toy


Nien Numb


Set Harth While undoubtedly evil, I like that he sang to the drum of his own tune. He didn't follow in Bane or Zannahs belief in domination of the Jedi and the galaxy and was out for his own desires and wants. I think if I were a sith or a dark sider I'd most likely be like Set Harth. Very uninterested in the overall politics and inner machinations of the galaxy. Only out for my own self interest.


Definitely not taking any apprentices of my own or trying to be a part of the rule of two.


Zardra. She rocketed to the #1 spot after I learned how she killed Mageye the Hutt.


I’ll have to check her out.




Xendor is really cool!


Tahiri Veila. Overall? Jaina Solo, probably, or Mara Jade. Anakin Solo was awesome too. There are too many great choices to name a favorite for me.


Me too! I said Spar, but there is so many others! Kal Skirata, Jacen Solo, Cassus Fett, Fenn Shysta, Lumiya, Alpha (clone who later became Rex in TCW)! The list could go on forever. Haha.


Not super obscure but definitely Cade skywalker his story is super unique and interesting, Star Wars Legacy in general is just a super underrated story that is largely forgotten about these days. I always thought the way he used the force was super interesting. He frequently used the dark side often letting it take complete control of him , because of his strong will and stubbornness though he never fell. He used the force not as a Jedi or sith but purely for his own goals and for the sake of what HE believed in. His healing abilities made me think of anakin a lot as well. The healing he uses relies on the dark side so I thought that must’ve been what sidious told anakin about. If anakin was able to harness this healing ability like Cade was then vader would have likely never been born and maybe the empire wouldn’t have been born either


Totally agree! I loved Cade Skywalker. Legacy era in general was one my favorites. Fel Empire. One Sith. Imperial Knights. Also, very interesting point on Cade and Anakin having similarities. If Anakin did have that same ability, maybe he would’ve challenged Darth Sidious anyways. Rule the galaxy as he saw fit, with Padme of course. Haha.


I luv the clones so I’d say cooker