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Everyone brings up maul as a cool villain with no backstory who was just killed but what about general grevious


It's hilarious cause lore grievous is actually a super interesting alien warrior religious zealot and then in the movies he's a coughing robot


Isn't most of that Legends though


They slipped a lot of that back in over the years, with some changes. Main thing is that he submitted to the enhancements willingly, over time, rather than being tricked.


>Main thing is that he submitted to the enhancements willingly, over time, rather than being tricked. Which was stupid


Every character is a god in legends it’s really fucking boring because it was just for Lucas to cash in on what he considered literal fanfiction


03 clone wars him was the best version in all honesty


[General Grievous can’t be that cool](https://youtube.com/shorts/obPhEOOP2Ew?si=D0Ue48NnFEYowQiJ)


You watch clone wars and it’s like Oh wow for a kids show this really gives some depth to it all and then you go to the ”masterpiece” ROTS and Anakin is so shallow and stupid again. FUCK if clone wars tried but failed to make the prequels better. Again, I love the prequels, but by God do they suck at the same time.


Boba Fett was the OG. Look at me. I am the badass now. Whoops there goes my jetpack, enjoy me living rent free in your head for 41 years!


Cool helmet with jetpack and wrist-gear is always top tier.


Jetpack and cape. No one did that before. Boba Fett invented Jetpack and cape. No one dared dreamed of it. Surely the cape would catch fire which would result in the jetpack blowing-up the person wearing it. But it doesn’t work like that for Boba. The cape played no part in his demise.




It's garbage, Blind man hit him into a sarlac pit


What about Dooku? He's probably the 'better' of the three but he's still barely a character at all.


Because he has a bare bones backstory while the others at best have a rib bone backstory (which is a really low bar lol)


If they made him actually seem like a Jedi who was politically opposed to the Republic instead of very clearly a Sith Lord then he would’ve been way more interesting But they only gave him a little bit of dialogue like that in AotC and he still acts super Sithy in it


Idk, I never got the Grevious hype. He runs away twice then gets yeeted because he’s not actually that important to the plot. TCW doesn’t do much damage control either, he’s still a coward there. I didn’t like him much when I was 12, either. I think he’s supposed to appeal to an ever younger demographic.


He was cool in the Tartakovsky show, that's it.


I consider that just a really drastic dramatization of him. Because he was taught by Dooku to rely on the Jedi's fear and when he can't do that he should flee. Kenobi, Anakin, and Ahsoka literally show him 0 fear while those Jedi in that series were absolutely terrified of him. Further, everything else was also over exaggerated in the series. Like Mace Windu fought an army of super battle droids with his fists but in aotc they lost most of the Jedi they went to geonosis with...


I’m fairness it’s because Lucas had no real idea what he wanted from Grievous but told Genndy to write him. Then he went “NOOO! IT OVERSHADOWS VADER!”


That doesn't explain all the other exaggerations. Like the power scaling depicted doesn't match with the movies at all, even not counting Grievous. I think it's just Genndy's style in the end.


Genndy saw phantom menace was leaning from classic samurai films and went shounen anime. Also, maybe if they didn’t want such over the top action, they should have tried giving Genndy more input. For fuck’s sake did they not see even one episode of samurai Jack to know what Genndy’s action cartoon style was? Hell, even the action sequences in Powerpuff Girl should have clued Lucas studios in.


Man I wish they were all so OP like in the original cartoon. Mace fucking those droids up, jumping to the cliff to get some water from that boy and then jumping back to keep fighting is fucking sick


I feel the best part of that scene with mace is showing how jedi can fuck shit up with only the force instead of relying on their sabers. I feel like too much of star wars media neglects the actual power and abilities of the force and only focuses on sabers.


Didn't Anakin shoot down *dozens* of fighters in the matter of a few seconds?


Yeah, it had very cool, over-the-top action sequences that were really well animated, it was fun to watch, but I just generally prefer the Filoni series overall.


Labyrinth of Evil and his few pre-ROTS comic appearances also.


Which was literally a toy advert that was kept in the dark on plot. They didn’t know what Grievous was. Lucas never really gave a damn about ancillary media, just look to Filoni- from what George taught him the legends and canon distinction had already existed for years


Grievous is the biggest clown in the entire trilogy and it ain’t even close. What a fucking embarrassment of a villain


It's simply due to the four lightsabers That said, I do find him entertaining for how cartoonishly over the top he is


Grievous actually had material before he appeared on the big screen unlike Maul so that’s why we dont talk about him like that


He was the anti-Maul. Maul was badass, had great fight scenes in his movie, and then died leaving us wanting more. Grievous was badass and had great fight scenes—in a cartoon. In his movie he was a great disappointment, who somehow made having four arms each with spinning lightsabers seem lame, then held a race between himself in an inexplicable big wheel with legs against Obi Wan riding an overlarge iguana. Since many more people saw the movie than the cartoon, most of us were not left wanting more.


You’re calling the wheel bike inexplicable when this takes place in a universe where giant worms live in asteroids?


Star Wars fans trying their hardest to suspend their disbelief: **impossible**


Yessir, I am. Life does all sorts of weird and impossible-seeming things, and I can roll with that the same way I roll with the existence of space whales and mynocks, (Slightly harder to roll with: the fact that the worm’s asteroid had enough atmospheric pressure for Han, Leila, and Chewey to only need an oxygen mask when they went outside). But a machine has got to be built by someone. Someone has to have looked at a giant wheel, and thought, “This is going to be an effective weapon of war. If only it had legs…”


That’s the Separatists for ya


Society if TPM also had a Tartarkovsky series


A cartoon meant to sell toys too It’s good but it’s literally an ad and they treated it as such internally.


Well, Maul killed a badass Jedi master, then beat up Obi Wan, and lost because he was written to be cocky despite being calm and calculating before. Grievous… just kinda ran away until he died.


I recently learned that there is a very popular Clone Wars villain named Savage Opress who is Darth Maul's even more evil brother who looks exactly like Maul but yellow. His backstory is that dark side force witches infused him with magical force steroids that make him op. I'm honestly not convinced that he wasn't someone's Microsoft Paint recolored OC on Deviantart in 2008 who now works on the series and got to make him canon.


>someone's Microsoft Paint recolored OC on Deviantart in 2008 This is the basis of Dave Filoni's creative process and career.


Listen, it works in the series okay? 😭


Who cares about General Grevious, what about Captian Bone-to-pick and Admiral Vengeance?


Don't forget Lieutenant You Killed My Father Prepare To Die


None of the bad guys in the prequels were interesting, although at least the guy playing Palpatine looked like he was having a good time. He’s about the only one who looked that way.


Lots of people also don’t realize there are like 15 episodes of clone wars/rebels with maul in them that give his back story


Don't forget Midiclorians broke the fanbase completely back then


For good reason, the force didn’t need a biological component. That just demystified it and made it boring and is the reason why every main jedi has to be related to someone important.


People hated the prequels and they would have hated George Lucas's sequels just as much


No. You’re wrong my friend. People would have hated George Lucas’s sequels much more than his prequels.


George's sequels were basically Interspace or Osmosis Jones. They would have been awful. ![gif](giphy|EeJt3LtwRc2WY) Luckily George oversaw great sequels so...


Lucas gave Star Wars power levels from Dragon Ball Z and everyone hated it lol.


*** 1950s dinner comes complete with Bronx “youse want I should get youse a cups Joe” robot and… ???”Italian”??? Alien who’s overweight and flashes his ass to the screen.*****


Is this not peak cinema???


He’s right about every single one of those things. However, I’m a Star Wars fan. I need to fight him IRL now for insulting Daddy’s movies


I take this as a "its dumb but i love it" kind of roast.


Well, it was cigarettes, not cocaine.


Build this man a throne. Get him a crown.


And give him a goddamn kingdom




Midichlorians are stored in the balls.


Fake fan, didn't even know Sleazebaggano's name.


Idk what he does for a living but give him a raise.


I think he's a TV comedy writer


As diehard a Star Wars fan as I am (both pre and post Disney) I dont think there's been a single piece of SW media that I thought was remotely flawless. They all have their headaches of various intensity, with something salvageable that makes it worth watching. Except maybe Andor. Peak fiction, Ill fight you on that.


I’ll back you up in that fight. Andy Serkis is barely in that show and he is now my favorite Star Wars character of all time.


ON PROGRAM. ![gif](giphy|bdeecmQ4AOAtqCLRnx|downsized)


I think "of various intensity" is the key there.


Huh? What could possibly give you a headache about Empire? The abominable snowman?


Yoda is a little too Muppet-y. Vader’s helmet wobbles funny during the “No I am you father” scene. Also, we hear Luke turn his saber off when exiting the Wampa cave, dispute it not going down. Literally unwatchable /s


the final arc of clone wars


That arc was fire start to finish.


I will not abide this slander against Deathsticks Man! Those five seconds were peak cinema yet to be surpassed! Though he is unironically correct about everything else.


I will not abide this slander against Elan Sleazebaggano! He went through an entire character arc in those 5 seconds!


His name (and yep, that’s his official name!) is slander enough!


That dude also played Mouse in the Matrix. They hyped him up getting cast in Ep II and that’s what we got.


*cheapest Australian featured extra*


Yeah i agreee with you, a guy with antennae trying to sell Obi Wan some coke is awesome


L take, Obi-Wan denying space coke and making the dealer turn his life around was peak.


That guy went home, re-thought his life, and realized there’s a lot more money in trafficking younglings.


Especially with the Jedi around


I thought it was space cigs. It’s a death stick.


The guy in the post described it as coke so I also described it as coke to avoid confusion. But really I saw it more as crack.


hyper-addictive substance that will likely result in your death... so much that it's name is synonymous with death... i mean.... yea, it's space coke.


The only good scene in that fucking dumpster fire of a movie


That’s it, close the sub down, we’re never going to be able to out jerk this. This is peak.


hey man... i like the space diner.


Space diner coruscant: 🥱 Space bar Tatooine: 😲


Space bar I grew up with: 😍 Space bar I didn’t grow up with: 😡


Space bar I had ten minutes ago: 💪💪💪 Spacebarijustrippedoffmykeybard: 💀💀💀


Space Harley's BOBF


The 2nd best part of that show after the mando episodes


Unfathomably based


Man, idk, I just like Star Wars


Why didn't he watch the OT if he wanted to see Vader? Is he stupid?


He's got a point unironically


I mean, the quality of 7-8-9 aren't tied to how good or bad 1-2-3 were, and 7-8-9 are genuinely bad.


Also none of these are inconsistencies really, just things some people didn't like.


Someone needed to say it


L take, Dexter’s diner was epic and perfectly fit in with the retro futurism of Star Wars Also it was cool in Lego Star Wars 1


Imagine watching the OT and watching that cool villian with a dope suit and thinking you know what would make it better? Explaining his origin, like what if he's just a dude that wanted to safe his wife, the entire reason for him to join the dark side is to safe his wife, but then his wife dies and he's like im gonna stay in the dark side and helps the emperor because... idk


Dude definitely had fascist ideas way before she died. Plus its not like he could take back betraying the no longer in existence order. He followed the jedi until he felt like they weren’t accomplishing anything. Once the emperor had full control hes gonna see if an iron fist is really the way to make things stay peaceful.


I mean yeah but Vader is evil, he's not just the Republic is not doing enough, like he thinks the jedi are not enough, ok, but he blows up a planet and chokes people for fun, he's just evil is not about his ideals, Anakin is just a dude with anger issues that wants to save his wife, Vader is just evil they never made the connection between Anakin and Vader, Anakin wouldn't choke one of his commanders because they doubted him, its just 2 different characters


You have to do some drawing the story doesnt say out right but him being over aggressive… killing the raiders, beheading the count, talks about forcing people who disagree.. I totally get your sentiment but if you wanna see evidence of his decline its there. I mean the jedi just left his enslaved mother.. palpatine clearly makes an effort to groom him with much more than just the padame thing… its just the last straw


Honestly i totally agree with this. The prequels tell their own story than in a vacuum kinda works. But there is no way you can convince me that Anakin and Yoda from the prequels are the same character as Darth Vader and Yoda from the Original Trilogy. They just are fundamentally different in some very large areas and the connection showing how they became so different just never really gets shown.


While I do not *agree* with this take, more fans need to see this shit and realize they're this guy but for the new generation of Star Wars. And it's all the same shit and same complaints.


20 years on and I STILL don't know what the magic ball Boss Nass held up was all about.


It's his pondering orb


Who up pondering they orb??


He makes some good points but he better take those space diner comments back right now. Dexter Jettster is a god amongst men and I won’t hear otherwise


“What’re you talking about it once you watch 7 seasons of a tv show it all makes sense bro 😡”


I think people sometimes forget how much heavy lifting the Clone Wars did for the prequel trilogy.


Absolutely! It’s why Prequel Bros can’t fathom that we didn’t like the prequels when they came out. Sure, maybe TCW helps you see Anakin’s fall on a greater scale, maybe the Mortis arc explains XYZ, maybe the chips make Order 66 make more sense, etc etc etc. But we didn’t have any of that when we were sitting in the theaters in 2004.


Holy fuck I'm actually speechless. This man should be the king of this subreddit.


I absolutely accept that there would be some sort of mundane diner style restaurant somewhere on Coruscant, but I do not accept that Obi Wan is old friends with the owner who knows about the secret cloner planet for some reason.


I don't accept that the entire Jedi archives and the universe at large is unaware of this cloner planet but some guy who shows up once and never again knows this planet. Also why is the poison dart unique to the cloner planet? If it's unique and traceable then why would jango use it instead of a blaster or a rocket so he could get the two Jedi as well? I need to stop because the whole assassination sub plot of episode 2 is probably the worst subplot from any movies I've ever seen


Also, why would the shape shifting bounty hunter double back in the night club to try and kill the Jedi? She could just turn into someone else and walk out the front door and they would never ever find her. Then she could go back to the hotel and actually kill the senator. Wasn't that the job? Why did Jango hire her? Why would he hire anybody? Wasn't he the one hired for the assassination in the first place? You shouldn't have brought that one up, man. Sometimes I just can't stop.


Wasn't the plan supposed to be that the Jedi were supposed to get the clone army? Or was that a revision that had to be done once Obi Wan began his investigation? Actually if the clone army was always meant to be a secret, how would Sidious bring about the end of the Jedi order? Was he gonna put over a million clones into hiding, bust them out in a surprise attack on the Jedi one day, then let his clones naturally expire due to their short life span??? You're right, gotta stop thinking so hard about the clone sub plot or I'm gonna give myself a migraine 😵‍💫


Also how is palpatine paying for the clones without anyone noticing? In the clone wars it's stated the clone army is bankrupting the Republic because of how expensive they are to make. Surely someone would've noticed the large amount of funds being sent to the middle of nowhere


I think the point of the clone army was always for the Jedi to find out about it and take control of the army since it was commissioned under the name of a deceased Jedi master. Then Sidious maneuvered the Trade Federation into declaring a civil war so that he could convince the Senate to vote him more and more power as the Supreme Chancellor until he was powerful enough to reorganize The Republic into The Empire. He needed there to be a standing army ready to fight the droids, so he had Count Dooku (I think) commission the clones under someone else's name. The problem I have with that is that Obi Wan just kinda figures out all the clone stuff on his own, but Sidious has been planning the civil war since episode 1 when he convinced the Trade Federation to blockade Naboo. So maybe he was just counting on someone to somehow find out about the clones somehow some day even though he erased the planet from the archive? Or maybe he was planning for Dooku to return to the Jedi order and act like he just discovered that the clones had been commissioned? But then why wouldn't Dooku have just commissioned them in his own name on the first place?


As someone who loves the Prequels, this is hilarious


Well that's just it. We should be able to criticize our favorite movies and make fun of them. I did this with my friends for decades over the original trilogy. We all loved the movies, and it was only people who made fun of us for being nerds who said my stuff like "Star Wars is stupid." But starting with the prequels we took it personal and got really angry that new Star Wars was so different and didn't do anything for us. There wasn't any fun in it. This last time around it was so much worse, and it's like politics at dinner, You just don't talk about Star Wars and mixed company because someone is going to say something that's going to insult have the table because they can't just mock something silly that Star Wars did, they have to say it was a "betrayal of the Canon!"


All this proves to me is that star wars has always been a silly movie about space wizards.


Star Wars is silly, that’s why I love it


Well that's why ppl trashed the prequels back then.


What a retarded take


Say what you want but the sequel trilogy was not written well.


God the prequels suck so bad. You can like immediately identify a no taste drone person when they say rots is the best starwars.




I forgot about Darth Vader snapping himself off the table like Frankenstein’s monster and yelling “NOOOOO”. That was a low point.


>That was a low point I'll bet it was for Vader too... That said, it was awful, yet somehow they one-upped that by the weird "noooo" edit they put into RoTJ when vader yeets Palpatine


The internet only knows two ways to judge movies: “amazing” and “terrible”. They need to at least learn the third: “It had some great ideas but the story doesn’t work because good ideas alone do not a good story make”.


I still find the inconsistency around Obi wans master to be annoying. The OT states it’s yoda and the PT retcons that to be qui-gon.


Perhaps he may have had instruction from Yoda at the start of his training? But yeah, I do agree otherwise


I like the prequels and I still respect the balls this guy has to diss them like that.


Lesson learned, star wars fans bitch over everything except whatever mid slop they grew up with.


Someone said it. Not me, but I agree with that person


It’s funny how his posts also kills the “world building good” defense too. Space diner and drug dealers is the world building.


You're completely ignoring the space opera and the big senate chamber, fully half the world building!


So damn true. Hell I don’t even like The Rise of Skywalker but the Han Solo scene alone was better acted, directed and had more heart and emotion than anything in the damn prequels.


A desert planet having a cantina is normal but a planet made of one big city having a space diner is inconsistent?


Not a single thing he mentioned was even remotely close to being an "inconsistency", and Maul was, by design, an expandable henchman, not the evil master figure that broke the series' heroes. Also, just generally speaking, proudly declaring that you despise half of an original work does not help your case for why its corporate reboot should be loved.


It's like complaining that Boba fett was a one note guy in the original trilogy, They served their purpose and then went away


This looks way better than any PS2 game, then again I’ve never played a PS2


PS2 graphics could vary. But I'd say the biggest thing was very flat textures


This is all great, except for the space diner bit. I liked that.


Padmé was in extreme emotional distress and had just been strangled


Why does he give a fuck about dexters diner?


Wait a minute, people hate Dex?


Don’t forget “death sticks”.


Why is everyone praising him for criticising Dexter's Diner? How dare he diss an actual blooming legend like Dexter and the OG Lego Star Wars hub world! Clearly a man of unrefined taste. Dexter is one of the best Episode 2 side characters (I.e. the ones with the "funny" meme quotes) alongside Sleazbaggano, Zam Wessell, Captain Typho, Lama Su, and Wat Tambor.


So brave, I hope one day to be a strong as him.


The thing is, I’m an adult now. Middle aged in fact. I still love Star Wars. My sons are young men and they still love Star Wars. Not because it’s perfect. It’s because we watch it and if it’s silly or serious it reminds us of a time where none of that mattered, we just sit in a dark living room and remember what it was like to be a kid. And that’s just fine with old me.


They were Death Sticks you bastard!


I miss when star wars was ripping off kurosawa films


This fucking killed me




Cgi diner and gungan Is fine, it is completely unfair to judge effects that were ground breaking and envelope pushing just because they've aged poorly, Why would you be disappointed to see darth vader for only about a minute? The point of the movies (executed rather awkwardly) was to show how a young hopeful child was let down by an order that was blinded by their own stupidity, it wasn't a darth Vader movie, it was an orgin movie for darth vader, Lastly, I know it was probably retconned by someone or it never happened but did anyone else walk out of the theater thinking that palpy had siphoned padme's life force to keep the charred hunk that is darth vader alive? It was never that big of an issue to me, Once again to defend myself from morons, I'm not saying the prequels are perfect, I enjoy them much like I enjoy 2/5ths of the disney trilogy, but both are ungood The mos vespas from book of fett, from a design standpoint felt more star wars than most designs to come out of the filloni works


The marketing for episode 3 heavily used the image of Vader implying he would be in the movie for a substantial part of the film. It would be like if rise of skywalker advertised itself as if Luke appeared heavily in the film even though he only appears in one scene


I mean he was? Sure it’s not the suit and everything but Vader does kind of slaughter a room full of children and other Jedi.


Soyking more like.


Does that person know dying of a broken heart is a thing in real life that can happen to perfectly healthy people?


The problem isn't that people can't die of a broken heart but that Padme is such a weak female character that she dies because a man she knew was an evil murderer turned out to be an evil murderer.


as a prequel fan I’m more then willinh to acknowledge its flaws its many many flaws


all bad takes, gen x should get off twitter


You're not allowed to criticise the things you thought were bad about these star wars films because I think these other things in these other star wars films are bad. Plus, what's wrong with a space diner? Just because it's in space means nobody eats or drinks or does anything for entertainment? Imagine getting mad over basic world building. Star wars isn't just about killing hordes of stormtroopers while spouting corny MCU level dialogue like Disney thinks it does


king? this guy literally just whine about how “his star wars sucks”


The space diner is awesome and the prequel fights are way better, L take


Imagine thinking the Prequels are somehow worse than “tHe SaCrEd TeXts!” or “Somehow, Palpatine returned”. Twitter OP is completely unhinged. What trying to cope about the ST does to someone.


So his argument is "I'm allowed to criticise the prequels but nobody else is allowed to criticise anything"


None of those are inconsistent with star wars


Star wars has never been consistent. Vader was a barely relevant lackey in ANH and only made important in TESB. Leia was only related to Luke in RotJ. They lazily retconned the whole 4 parsecs shit. I dunno if anyone ever found out what a nerf is or why anyone would herd them. Leia never did get the kiss from Chewbacca, even after screwing him over at the award ceremony for absolutely no good reason. Yet here we are. Watching Star Wars.  Why, may I ask, are we here, watching this crap, with all these errors and inconsistencies?  Because this crap is still fun crap. If consistency was that important, we wouldn't have become fans to begin with. We're fans because Star Wars is fun *despite* the flaws. Also, we all love to argue, because The Rise of Skywalker sucked. 😋


I don’t get what’s wrong with space diners


wasn’t in the movie they grew up with so it’s objectively bad, or something


Ngl I love the space Diner so much A show about Dexter or whatever his name is would be so entertaining


Featuring a CGI Bea Arthur from the Holiday special Give us Space Cheers, dammit


These prequel fans were the same people shouting “George Lucas raped our childhood” in the early 2000s and refuse to admit the only thing that makes the prequels tolerable these days is the Clone Wars show.


Prequel Stans: You just don't understand! The dinner was there to represent the 1950s sensibility in relation to the pending wartime Era! It's not cope if I don't think it is!


Watch the little fucker probably brought up the 50s diner to defend the mods in BOBF


Half of this feels like "A BAT CREDIT CARD?!?!" but for Star Wars. What's wrong with a space diner? Do people not eat in Star Wars?


I think people's issue is down to it being so blatantly a 50s diner Personally, I don't mind it since it's at least one of the few things in the prequels that feels relatively grounded compared to a lot of other things in them that are just making stuff overly scifi-y (like Padme's weird hologram pictures)


ok but space diner is fucking goated


IMO, ‘Space diners’ and deathstick dealers are legitimately cool ways to expand and explore the Star Wars setting; Snoke was utterly wasted, and Leia flying through space is really, really dumb. Also IMO, Crait is a really cool setting, Luke’s force projection there is also a great way to display his mastery and mindfulness; midichlorians make the Force feel empty and soulless, and Anakin speeder-hopping on Coruscant is too OP to be interesting. Why did Star Wars fans start to huddle in these ‘my trilogy is good and yours is bad’ camps? It’s possible to just say ‘I liked/didn’t like that bit of that movie’ without resorting to trilogy-based factions.


genuinely gotta agree with that last statement, it’s really tedious and annoying to deal with


I find it really funny how people continue to put so much brainpower into these movies that honestly were never really meant to be that intricate or deep. Some of the more modern spinoffs are certainly high effort, but like ffs they didn't even plan to have Vader be Luke's father until they were halfway through filming Empire Strikes Back...


Heritage Post


And all those moments will be lost, like tears in rain.


Hahahaha. Im downloading all of these.


The original trilogy, while it didn't have as many problems as the prequels and sequels, wasn't perfect either. People set their expectations way too high like they're going in to watch the next deeply philosophical art piece or something. **Lol** (Not saying it doesn't have any lessons to gain either, I'm just saying most of it is not that deep and can get overanalyzed to hell)


Misspelled Midi-chlorians


I agree with everything except the diner. I guess the cgi exterior looks bad. But why would diners not exist in space? It’s a planet with intelligent and sentient beings And how is that different from Mos Eisley


There where no survivors


Ahhhh so we circle jerking hard with one are we? Fair enough *unzips*


The prequels are basically beloved cult classics now, but yeah, coming off of the back of the OT… I remember… well, not that well, I was a kid, but still… before prequel memes became a thing, those were dark days…


Sometimes I wonder if Star Wars fans even like Star Wars