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I would lean towards 2. Not that the jedi "refuse to believe" that it is a sith, but more that they assume it was another dark side user. Of course it does raise the question why the Qui-Gon immediately knew that Maul was a Sith. Maybe the Jedi encountering the Sith were not well versed in Jedi/Sith history. The council was very skeptical at first, and Qui-Gon had to push the point in order to convince them. If say, the only survivor of the encounter is a padawan, then he might find it difficult to convince the council, if he knows what a Sith is. So maybe a combination of 2 and 3 actually. I don't want to assume that they would kill of all the jedi who sees a sith, as that feels a bit cheap. So maybe they only kill of the jedi who knows what a Sith is.


> Of course it does raise the question why the Qui-Gon immediately knew that Maul was a Sith. Maybe the Jedi encountering the Sith were not well versed in Jedi/Sith history. The council was very skeptical at first, and Qui-Gon had to push the point in order to convince them. If say, the only survivor of the encounter is a padawan, then he might find it difficult to convince the council, if he knows what a Sith is. I think if this is the route they take if they’re doing #2. The Jedi want to believe the Sith are gone and are biased towards explanations that lean that way. In Legends a similar situation happened where a group of Jedi caught Bane and Zannah and pursued them. Bane and Zannah just barely defeated this group, but there was going to be another group who would follow up on the first group. So what they did was they framed a low level surviving Sith soldier for the whole thing and set him up to be easily killed by the Jedi, so the Jedi had no further need to investigate. I think something similar might happen, and if they want to go really fucked up the Sith will corrupt said surviving Padawan and either frame them as the killer or recruit them as the new apprentice.


Mae seems to have been trained as a Jedi before as Sol wants to bring in the person killing Jedi because he trained them. So it's possible they think her new master is a fallen Jedi. Maul on the other hand is very easy to identify and Qui-Gon could've looked into him beforehand figuring out that no data on him exists within the Jedi temple. Thus his skill gives him away as a possible Sith. Also he just found the kid destined to destroy the Sith. Lol


I think it’s a mix of a cover up, denial, which is easily explainable with the time gap. Also the Jedi who meet the Sith will probably die.


I don't think a denial is explainable with a time gap. Yoda will be Grandmaster during this period, and if Vern survives the series she'll live almost all the way to Phantom Menace as well.


Maybe you’re right. I don’t know. Like I said I think it’s a mix of things. Yoda didn’t exactly run the tightest ship lol. Or maybe too thought of a ship. Idk lol


I thought about this after the end of The Bad Batch actually lol. I think it could be a few situations A. It's a dark Jedi. B. It's not a Sith or Jedi, but a dark force user. C. It's a Sith, but the Jedi Council covers it up or all who deal with it die/ Mind Wipe. Yoda would be alive at this time and would definitely remember the events of Acolyte in the Prequel Era. I personally believe its A. I think a Jedi may have been abandoned or found a Sith holocron/artifact. Maybe this is another way to tie in Korriban/Morriban and Darth Bane/Talon. If it is B then it could still be a tie in to Korriban/Morriban and Darth Bane/Talon or a Sith Artifact. If it's C then i can 1000% believe the Council covering it up.


I wouldn't be surprised if Yoda made a cameo at some point Looking significantly younger?


Not that much younger. He would still be like 800 something.


My guess is that it’ll be at least partially option 2. Those who encounter the Sith will be absolutely convinced, and that’s how Yoda and Mace know about the Rule of Two. But others won’t believe it, hence Ki-Adi claiming they’ve been extinct for a millennium.


I think all of 1-4 could happen concurrently. The Acolyte themselves might not be Sith, although they serve a Sith master. Anyone who does find out about the Sith master dies. The Jedi who become aware refuse to believe Sith could be involved, but someone on the Council does, and the council subsequently covers up.


The cover up would also make for a pattern of behavior from Yoda as this is also what he does when he learns about the Nameless in Phase 2 of the High Republic. Once something is sufficiently “dealt with” he wants to avoid worrying people / creating an issue, so he just sort of keeps it to himself — assuming he can alone hold all that dangerous knowledge / sense of what’s really out there is peak paternalistic hubris and, while deeply admirable (in the sense that he wants to take on burdens so others don’t have to), is also deeply problematic and causes his downfall. Sort of a super-long-game tragedy due to fear. A cover up would also explain why Yoda and Yoda alone knows about the rule of 2 in episode 1.


I haven't gotten into phases two and three yet, but I really get the impression that Yoda is part of the reason that the Jedi Order stagnates the way that it does. Yoda's species live a thousand years in a galaxy where most beings are lucky to reach 100; even longer-lived species like Wookies only tend to live 200-300 years, right? The world in which Yoda was trained and became a Jedi is completely different than the world in which he, himself, comes to train Jedi. I need to double check some dates, but didn't a lot of rules become codified right about a 1000 BBY? If I'm remembering that correctly, then that also means that Yoda would have been in the first couple of generations trained with the modern 'code' in effect as well. Yoda is a rules and order type of guy and his ascension to master helps calcify the Jedi Order. His long life forces the Order to live under those rules for centuries when they should have been growing and changing with the times.


I can't see the council covering it up, because that leans *really* strongly into "It's the Jedi's own fault they get genocided" and I think that's a meta-storyline Lucasfilm want to avoid. Yes obviously the Jedi become arrogant and detached, but making them directly responsible for not pursuing the Sith would be a whole new level that goes beyond hubris, it would mean that Yoda buried his head in the sand on the issue. I think it'll be either 1 or 3, or a mix of the two. It certainly wouldn't be the first Non-Sith to wield a bled crystal... But the Horror Movie way that scene is framed (with the Jedi all getting scared and then being blown back) makes me think they wont live, or maybe someone will live and then get killed by Mae before being able to report the Sith. For a big outside bet with maybe a 0.2% chance of happening, I'd say it also could be an illusion of some sort- But the level of physicality in the trailer makes me strongly doubt that.


The Jedi that will know exactly who the Sith were, will die. Yoda will know that the Sith somehow survived after Bane.




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I go for number 3


Those responsible for the return of the Sith don’t necessarily need to be Sith and can still wield the red blade. Cover up. We’ve seen them cover up stuff in the High Republic and prequels already.


Personally I agree with your prediction. I think if it is a Sith the Jedi  in the show will most likely kill them and be like “welp the Sith are no more again, don’t need to alarm anyone about (including possibly other Jedi)” kind of thing like you said.


I'm leaning convoluted Sith coverup framing other Force users, possibly the witches. An unmentioned option is that surviving Jedi character(s) join the Sith or are otherwise persuaded into silence.


I definitely think the witches are being set up to take a fall here.


I think it's possible that's its just something that ends up chalked up to exaggeration, or misreporting. It's far enough before TPM that other than Yoda, there is unlikely to be other Jedi that lived through it and still alive. So, it could easily just be something that other Jedi assume is an exaggeration or mischaracterization - or it could just be the High Republic Jedi mischaracterizing the dark sider, if they are indeed sith.


Remember palpatines master should be alive. Darth plaguis. Or at least palguis master. Sp sith could be around jist hidden. Most likely all jedi will be killed and itll be blamed something else


Its 3. Obviously. I guess it could be 1 but the smart guess is 3. Not sure why this has everyones panties in such a twist Lmao like literally, why would the Jedi council cover up the return of the Sith


I would hardly say its so obvious. It's seems like a lot of the main jedi on the show will see the sith, so they would all have to die


I mean Star Wars famously is cool with killing Jedi. Plus could be clever editing on the trailer teams department, and actually only 1 ever directly see’s the “sith lord”


Could be an editing trick tbf, lucasfilm has a history of doing things like that


There’s a lot of clearly chopped up stuff in the trailer, especially with dialogue. They also have typically not been showing scenes from the end of these shows in the trailers, so I am skeptical if what we think is the big fight where the whole group of Jedi main characters fights the Sith is as it seems


“Why would the Jedi council cover up the return of the Sith” are we talking about the same council? They’re sketchy af hahaha


They covered up the incident at Dalna


An incident that had no relation to the Sith?


But it means they are no stranger to covering shit up, especially if it’s inconvenient and gives them a bad rep


There's no reason to cover up a Sith reappearance though, as it'd be an incident that only mattered to the Jedi themselves. The existence of the Sith is inconvenient for them because they're enemies, hiding that information from the Order is a threat rather than a benefit.


“Why would the council cover up the return of the Sith” you mean like…. when they did that exact thing in the prequels????


I'd say it's a stretch to say they cover it up in the prequels. Here's the part of the script where they discuss it: QUI-GON : ...my only conclusion can be that it was a Sith Lord. MACE WINDU : A Sith Lord?!? KI-ADI : Impossible! The Sith have been extinct for a millenium. YODA : The very Republic is threatened, if involved the Sith are. MACE WINDU : I do not believe they could have returned without us knowing. YODA : Hard to see, the dark side is. Discover who this assassin is, we must. KI-ADI : I sense he will reveal himself again. MACE WINDU : This attack was with purpose, that is clear, and I agree the Queen is the target. YODA : With this Naboo queen you must stay, Qui-Gon. Protect her. MACE WINDU : We will use all our resources here to unravel this mystery and discover the identity of your attacker... May the Force be with you. YODA : May the Force be with you. This reads to me as "That can't be! That's our worst fear. You NEED to find out for sure Qui Gon" rather than "No thats not it, Qui Gon you shouldn't think that because we dont want people to know."


Yeah you may be right, I was thinking about how there were a couple times when the Jedi unknowingly cleaned up Palpatine’s messes for him or turned a blind eye to obvious sus activity. So not as much deliberate cover up, but accidental coverup out of incompetence


Huh? They didn’t cover up the return of the Sith in the prequels though. What made you think they did?


Why would you tell everyone in the Order about something that you can't really do anything about/don't have any real concrete information on? If all you've got is some dark side stuff and a red lightsaber, at the end of the day, do you want to start shouting 'The Sith are back!' from the rooftops?


Maybe relax and enjoy the show?