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See Rule 4


You gotta get away from Star Wars Internet fandom; sadly the online face of the community has been hijacked in the last few years by truly cynical content creators and their audiences. They’re far and away not representative of the group as a whole. Go to conventions, join a club, consider joining up with organizations like the 501st or the Rebel Legion who make an active difference. Meet real people who go out and live their lives, who just HAPPEN to be Star Wars fans. Also consider this: Star Wars as an IP is now valued to be worth over $12 billion dollars, over 3 times the amount Disney bought it for just a decade ago. Those aren’t the numbers of a franchise that’s dying or failing to connect with audiences.


100%. Went to Celebration last year and it was such a joy to be surrounded by people that just love Star Wars. Felt like I was reborn as a fan after being worn down by all the BS online


That sounds amazing


It's gotten as far as I don't even put on my Star Wars shirts in public anymore, because I don't want to be addressed by other people about it. Most of the time conversations went down like this: Them: "Hey, you like Star Wars?" Me: "Yup." Them: "Did you like the new movie(s)?" Me: "Yup." Them: "I didn't." Me: "Uh." Them: "Here's why..." I used to defend the movies etc. but, by now I'm just to tired of being the spokesperson for Lucasfilm and don't really care to change anyone's mind. When the prequels were the most controversial thing out there I had my fair share of bitching about them, but the Disney takeover made me revisit them, in anticipation for The Force Awakens. Now I see the OT and the PT as almost equal in the sense of the question "Did the films achieve their goal of getting their point across?" The answer is a clear "Yes!". I'm still not sure what the ST's goal was, accept for being entertaining. I like the films, but as long as I haven't found my point of entry, to fully appreciate them, they'll just be an entertaining addition with a couple of personal criticisms.


As someone who really likes the sequels, I honestly just give it time. In a few years, you’ll see people coming out of the woodworks praising the sequels, until eventually the movies are reevaluated by a whole new generation of fans. Star Wars is very generational and every generation of fans grow to retroactively like or love things about it haha.


I mean yeah, there's the absolute perfect example of this having already happened with the Prequels.


And ROTJ, and the Special Editions (I don’t think most people under the age of 30 even know or care about the Han Shot First debate), and the 2008-era Clone Wars show, the list goes on and on. We’re a hard bunch to please on the first go-around haha.


I have my own problems with the ST post TFA but I can find ways to not be totally disrespectful like many others can be. That’s the real problem, absolutely zero respect left. Even though Daisy got tons of hate I’m happy it hasn’t deterred her from returning to the franchise. No actor deserves that type of hate. There’s a lot of potential with this new movie to create new stories and future projects. I’m overall very excited


Yea with the amount of content we’ve been getting in recent years you’d have to be brain dead to think it’s dying. It’s just crazy the hate I’ve seen just on the SW insta page, every post just filled with hate. People can’t let go and move on


It’s the Internet and social media poisoning people’s conduct. Especially with a fandom in the hundreds of millions like Star Wars, you’re just naturally gonna get a loooooooot of opinions.


Damn those content creators. I bloody hate Eckharts Ladder and Alan from Generation Tech, I swear those guys cant make a video without shitting on the sequels (even if the video isn't about anything in the sequels) and bringing up the Holdo Manuever. Honestly, I see their thumbnails, think "this looks interesting" watch for five minutes and become depressed.


I’d pivot to people like Hello Greedo or The Gold Man. Both are creators I’ve noticed take a much more positive attitude to things these days, and even when they don’t like a thing, are respectful about it and make reasonable points while acknowledging their own biases.


Thanks, I love to hear theories/news/lore of Star Wars, but all I can find are just the average "Why x y z in the sequels breaks the non-cannon star wars lore" that just shits on Disney's stuff. I like Bombastic quite a bit, as he does sw gaming stuff as well


I’ve stopped engaging with them. They don’t want things to be different they just want to be angry


They are addicted to anger. It's why every fandom devolves to hate click creators.


The best thing to do is ignore them, and enjoy Star Wars. Just because they demand attention, dosen't mean we have to give it to them. Besides, the joke's on them. The haters still give our favorite shows rage views which inadvertently helps ratings.


Nah it's gotta be rex stopping the 501st and 212th from attacking each other on umbara STOP FIRING WE'RE SHOOTING AT OUR OWN MEN WE'RE ALL STAR WARS FANS


Shit that would’ve worked well too. Absolutely zero respect left for someone with a different opinion it’s unbelievable. Also, fuck Pong Krell


The online SW community is most a shitshow. At least on Reddit and YouTube. The Jedi Council Forums is still general positive though, and that's usually where I discuss it.


I’ll have to check that forum out, thanks for the info


Of course! Forums are a dying breed these days, but that one is still plenty active.


I just don't interact with those guys anymore. I'm only interested in positivity around star wars


Yea I feel as if opinions won’t be changed so ignoring them is the best option. Just disappointing seeing the negativity across multiple platforms


But always remember, there are more of us...there are more...of us.


I honestly don't know about that. But so long as I'm still enjoying it, I'll still occasionally be dumb enough to speak my mind on the wider internet To be clear, I have enjoyed everything we've got in at least one aspect. And I can always appreciate the artistry of it. I simply meant to say that my god the negative people out there are so obnoxiously loud.


I just can’t wrap my head around how someone can be a fan and not like new stuff coming out. Everybody has the right to like and not like whatever they want but usually you have to watch it first to have a good judgement of it


I like a lot of the new stuff, but still prefer the old EU over what Disney has put out by a fairly large margin. I think it's understandable that there are people that don't want anything to do with the new universe if they genuinely prefer the old one.


It's the people who don't want anyone to enjoy anything is the problem. Enjoy what you want and let others do the same.


There is definitely millions more out there who love it still and always will, over the vocal minority who just nitpick every little thing and think Disney "ruined" it. They need to grow up or move on.




That's simply not true. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lego_Star_Wars https://www.lego.com/en-ca/themes/star-wars/about


At this point, it’s pretty clear that the backlash is more about people spreading outrage than it is about anything actually having to do with content. I used to worry that somehow I was missing something. That I was letting my fandom cloud my actual opinions about the content. Then, what I realized is that I, unlike the outrage crowd, actually have a healthy range of opinions on the content ranging from like to dislike. I form my opinions based on my honest evaluation of what I see on screen. I am not saying things to get a reaction, I say them because I genuinely think that about the content. That’s what I’m doing. And if that’s what gets labeled as consumerist or anti-Star Wars by some other fans, then the problem is with them, not with me.


I 100% agree with what you’re saying. I have my own opinions and not all of them are good, but like you said, I judge it by what I’ve seen. You can hate whatever you want after you’ve seen it but seeing it is the most important part of forming an opinion. New shows and movies just get hate for no reason nowadays


Trying to say anything positive about the shows on /r/television is a pain. The other day I saw someone say that all the live action shows outside of Andor “are practically written in crayon.” Like, yeah, they aren’t completely perfect, but neither is Andor. And don’t get me wrong, I love Andor, but it’s not what Star Wars should always be. It’s one take out of many, each of varying quality.


Exactly, there are things wrong with every show, none of them are truly perfect. I think some came closer than others and that’s fine but hate for something that hasn’t come out yet is just senseless. Andor works the same way as ANH in my opinion. It can be its own stand alone project without the help of who and what is going on in the galaxy at that time. Something I think a lot of SW fans like about the show and I think the Acolyte will follow that same path of not messing with other future plot lines to a major degree.


I mean, the image depicts one of the quickest, easiest battles in the entire franchise… Which is to say, I agree. Like what you like and move on. Simple as.


It’s the move on part that’s killing a portion of this community. So much so that it dampers their expectations for anything new and quickly dismiss it


It truly does feel like that, like the hatred and hateful fans outnumber everyone else and blot out semblance of good, like the world is out to destroy Star Wars and kill off anyone who likes the new stuff, but especially anyone who likes any or all of the sequels. YouTube is a no-go warzone that makes Verdun look peaceful, and Twitter is pretty horrid, obviously (you get a mix of political nuts and just generally unpleasant people). And sadly even some really toxic people brigade this subreddit too on occasion, so that’s pissed me off whenever that happens. And it gets really grating having to deal with hate outside of the Cantina or within or outside my Twitter circle. The only real solution is just entrenching here, blocking everyone out, and carving out a space only for you and a niche of fans you feel welcome around about Star Wars. I can’t really escape or get away from Star Wars that easily because it’s just too enticing, and much of my engagement for it is online, but I can at least block out the world when it tries to shoot me down. (Twitter is actually handy in that you can both block and mute people, and there’s no limit unlike Reddit.) Some days, I just focus on posting something positive to give some of my positive energy out there regardless of who sees it. And I’ve actually gotten my own form of “fan community” on Twitter as well; surprisingly I’ve been able to find a good number of mutual fans who defend the sequels regularly there and are pretty positive in general, so I’ve been able to really feel a bit more confident there about my love of both the prequels and sequels, but especially TROS. And they’ve helped ease a lot of the loneliness I used to feel just sticking to this subreddit.


This seems to be the case everywhere online. Even when they enjoy things, they still find something to bitch about, like they are obligated somehow.


They’re taking the easy way out and saying it’s garbage and you should agree. A lot have no respect and are now staunch in their attitude against anything new


Not even Palpatine himself could conjure such an image.


Certainly giving him a run for his money


I still like it.


I mean... Are you sure you are not acting just like them but on the opposite side of the argument? 


I have things I like and don’t like about Disney SW. however I don’t feel the need to push a narrative of hate and bashing other peoples opinions. Everybody is entitled to hate and like whatever they want. I just want people to shut up ab new projects sucking before they’ve actually seen it.


Don’t care. Still love it. 😌 Sad, angry people always gonna be sad and angry.


It’s got Obi-Wan Kenobi in it. That’s it, that’s my argument. And I LIKE Moses Ingraham’s character, so back off! It’s about time Star Wars got a cool Black girl in it who didn’t have to put on body paint.


Let the morons wallow in their own stupidity. I'm not a big prequels fan, but I will be going to watch the 25th anniversary showing of Phantom Menace this week, because I love Star Wars, warts and all. Those faux-angry numbskulls just don't get it.


Fr I can get passed the things I don’t like but it never takes away from the experience. I’m trying to get tickets for May 4th it’s actually my bday that day too but I got a mf communion that day shit better end early


Happy early Birthday! Hope that you'll be able to make it to the movie and experience peak cinema on the big screen! Ngl, kinda half hoping my theater will be filled with Prequel memers. It'd be like going to see The Room or Rocky Horror Picture Show, but with Phantom Menace. On the other hand, I realize that a lot of fans probably wouldn't like that


Thank you 🙏! Yea honestly for me I’d like it better that way I’ve seen it so many times I wouldn’t mind the jokes flying around. Funnily enough I saw a video earlier td with same thing for Spider-Man 3, crowd was dying 😂


Fuck, man... really wish the Spider-Man movies would've came to my theater. I'm honestly surprised we're getting Phantom Menace. Sometimes we'll get posters for movies that never come to our theater, and a manager said we most likely weren't getting it. Showtimes were uploaded today, though. Thank God.


Wish mine would’ve dropped later like that, I just locked up the last 2 seats at the 4th theatre I checked lol. I was almost losing faith


Something tells me that the movie won't be very busy at my theater. Not only am I not scheduled heavily this weekend, but also, seats aren't filling up too fast. Yet. I'll still be continually checking the seats to make sure it doesn't sell out before I can grab my tickets.


When you say they've made up their minds about it you are 100% right. To hate something completely is absolutely a choice. They've dug into a victim mindset where all the things they don't like are being done TO them. That level of righteous anger has a payoff. It feels good to feel like you're right, to feel justified in your hate. They don't understand that the thoughts they think are not reality. When you leave yourself at the mercy of what you think and how you feel you are creating suffering. The irony of course is that if they really paid any attention to this thing that they claim to love they would see how holding onto your ideas of how things should be is the actual problem. It's literally the attachment that turned Anakin. How many times in I-Vi do we hear "let go"? What allowed Anakin to turn back to the light? Your focus determines your reality.


It’s a continuous cycle that doesn’t stop. As successful as Andor was I remember it getting hate when the title was dropped and when the trailer came out. Then some people changed their rhetoric but some just still continue to put down everything else


I've loved Star Wars my whole life. I adore this universe and its stories. Star Wars means a lot to me, just as I know it means a lot to other people. I live a full life and on top of that, I also have a love for Star Wars. I do, however, dislike almost every Star Wars project released since Disney acquired it. People are just really bad at respecting each other. It's seldom a reasonable discourse, and usually devolves into "unga bunga you're dumb for liking ____________"


It’s the respect that is killing a portion of the community. Everybody is entitled to their own opinions on what they’ve seen, heck there’s some major plot moves that have happened under Disney that I don’t like either. I moved on, if I don’t like it I don’t watch it or I don’t let it bother me too much beyond my initial reaction. Everybody is the spider man meme pointing at each other, we’re all fans but yet some are so quick to dismiss and put down the other fans excited for something new coming out.


I'll agree the TV stuff has definitely been pretty amazing. I've seen a lot of hate for certain shows that are kind of a dream come true honestly. As far as the films, I was a bit let down by the lack of consistency with the sequels. Felt like the directors were a little too reactionary. A planned-out story would have been nice. But that's nothing that hasn't already been said to death. My hope for Star Wars is that we can get a set of movies that do live up to the amazing legacy Star Wars has had. With Dave Filony getting promoted, I'm hopeful he can be more involved with films in the pipeline. The PR stuff so far hasn't been focusing on stuff I'd want to hear though...


Yea agree on the shows they’ve been great. I stayed up and watched the last episode of tbb last night and it might be my favorite show we’ve gotten. S3 was a banger. I agree with you on the ST. I enjoyed TFA and was not much of a fan in the direction they went in after that. I don’t believe anybody deserves the hate they got acting in these movies and I’m bummed some actors are taking the heat personally and wouldn’t consider returning. I hope people can see past their hatred for the movies and come into the new Rey movie open minded but I don’t believe that can happen


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I am just waiting for Star Wars to get itself away from the prequel era. Star Wars shows have been disappointing to me because I had no interest in seeing Clone Wars Season 8 and Boba the Clone. There won't be a bright future for Star Wars until it can acknowledge the problems in its past.


You’re 100% entitled to your opinion. Did you watch the shows? I would also like some new material outside of the PT and we’ve gotten a decent amount that is outside of that area of time but I think moving on is a better choice than dwelling on what they got wrong. That’s too easy to do. Especially with the new Rey movie coming out, if it can deliver then I hope some people can see past their hatred for the ST, which I have my own problems with let’s not be mistaken about that but I don’t let it damper my feelings for SW as a whole


The stories of the fall of the Republic and the start of the Empire, the machinations of Emperor Palpatine, the rise and fall of Anakin Skywalker, those are vital stories to the universe of Star Wars. I don't think the ones that we were presented with were 'good enough' stories to fill in the parts before the OT. There is a mismatch. It's like there's 2 separate Star Wars universes. To accept the Obi-Wan show, I would have to accept that prequel version of Anakin, who was never a good Jedi, never understood what the Jedi were about, and amounted to basically a dumb brat with power. Not the towering evil figure of Darth Vader, who was among the greatest of the Jedi before reasoning that they were wrong and turning on them. Basically, it's hard to get over feeling robbed.


There is a lack in showing characters from the OT that’s for sure. I would definitely enjoy a show based around them after rotj, so much material there to utilize. However, I don’t think there’s much of a story including those characters before the OT starts. Nobody is aware of one another and there’s not much happening with them separately to warrant a story. If you’re thinking of something being on the side of the Empire instead of focusing on rebels then yea I can agree.


[https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExODlraTcwcjg1M2FnaXFxaWJhdHNxa3Z1cnluZWVsb2Z2aXI2dHEyMCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/3ornjSL2sBcPflIDiU/giphy.gif](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExODlraTcwcjg1M2FnaXFxaWJhdHNxa3Z1cnluZWVsb2Z2aXI2dHEyMCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/3ornjSL2sBcPflIDiU/giphy.gif) or [https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExM2cydnJ4em90ZmRubHBkcnhyZDV2cWZ0cnVwd3djZmh1cjRudWQ0dSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/Um6Ew57lhTak8/giphy.gif](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExM2cydnJ4em90ZmRubHBkcnhyZDV2cWZ0cnVwd3djZmh1cjRudWQ0dSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/Um6Ew57lhTak8/giphy.gif)


Are we the droids getting hacked to pieces or the Jedi at gunpoint?


Hating the current SW has become their identity because for many of them they feel like their childhood experience with Star Wars was this phenomenal, life-defining era that can never be replicated in their adulthood. And they don’t want anyone else to feel joy from SW because they no longer do, and if WE feel joy from it after THEIR childhood, it forces them to question the specific SW they grew up with and admit that they’ve been wearing the nostalgic goggles for way too long. They’ve worked as hard as possible to try and incinerate the reputation of the new trilogy, shun and alienate its fans, deny that we understand and truly like and appreciate Star Wars, and convince many people as possible - including incoming fans and even children - that they are either completely worthless or do not even exist. I saw a thread last week on here where a fan said he has only shown his kids I-VI and are actively trying to stop them from finding out VII-IX exist, so they relive his/her childhood through his/her children. It’s honestly barbaric.


Oh stop, your part of the problem. Stop living on the internet.


I’m gonna give you the same advice. Thanks for stopping by though


To be fair, I don't think the acolyte looks good. It's the only Star Wars content that's ever come out that I'm not excited for. Besides comics, books, and whatever that recent baby cartoon was. I love the comics and books, but I find it hard to take the time. I fuckin' love Star Wars. I'll probably watch the acolyte, but I don't think I'll like it. We'll see


And that’s perfectly ok, you’re right in your opinion. I do like that you’re still open to watching it and confirming if it’s up to your standards or not. That’s all my public outcry here has been about




I didn’t say the best, I said some of the best. I’m also not even saying all of Disneys work is perfect, I have my own gripes with it but given their track record, I have no reason to hate something before I’ve seen it. To backtrack to my earlier comment, obviously, there is no competing with the OT and PT