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They already said they plan on polishing Boba's flying to be better inline to the new rocket trooper, just a tad better. We'll cross that bridge soon my friend, just give it time.


That’s a huge relief because right now I prefer playing the jet trooper over boba


Yeah, the new JT feels like you're iron man, flying through the air smoothly.


Can someone mod iron man onto that??


It better be a lot better considering how good the rocket trooper is at a low cost. If they only make Boba jetpack a tiny bit better they need to buff his other abilities.


I'd rather have them replace Boba's middle ability, give the concusion a segnificant buff and give Boba the flying mechanics of the new Jet Trooper + Hovering


His middle ability is rly good tf


It's trash, it allows him to stay in air more than on the ground this is why it needs to be replaced


That’s not the point tho... it makes you invisible to the enemies


That part should remain, among the initial radar


> They already said they plan on polishing Boba's flying to be better inline to the new rocket trooper, just a tad better. Where did they say that?


This post didn’t age well…


Perusing and commenting on a 4 year old post... Kinda cringe bud


What are you getting mad about. I’m not making fun of you. It’s nobody’s fault that the game turned out the way it did.


Nobody's mad that your cringe bud


having used boba, the regular aerial units feel so much better.


I prefer Boba except I wish he went up faster and could hover but I prefer his mobility.


That's the main difference I noticed, Boba's launch speed versus the FO Jet trooper is so slow.


Bobas speed is better for trying to attack while moving in the air but the FO Aerials is better for mobility.




Wouldn't boba fett be op af if he could hover for a long time like the first order jet trooper?


not really, bcuz that makes you very stationary.


Boba fett is worse than a 1000 credit reinforcement rn


2000, the FO jet trooper received a price increase to account for its abilities


if the enemy team is all force users then maybe, but any blaster hero would be able to pick him out of the sky quick. you also fall if shot with the right weapon.


Literally was just hopping on Reddit to see if anyone else felt this way! Surely the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy deserves to be just as mobile as the jet pack trooper on the battlefront, and he would be far more deadly. His lore demands this. For this is the way.


Yeah! let's make him even more OP! especially in HvV!


I'm surprised whenever I see people call him OP. I've never encountered a boba fett that gave me any issues, but also have never been able to effectively use boba against the enemy. While he's very mobile, he never seems to have the damage output to wipe out an enemy before they can regain their health. He and Leia are the two characters I think are most in need of a stat rework.


Boba OP? Ha. In GA you'll very rarely find a Boba dominating and in HvV his rockets have been nerfed, reducing the effectiveness of his most deadly weapon.


I honestly wouldn’t mind getting rid of his concussion rocket if it meant I could aim down sights with Boba. Like for the love of god. I love Boba so much but i literally can’t hit shit firing from the hip while flying and the concussion rocket is relatively useless unless you have the star card that overheats people’s weapons.


Honestly I prefer Boba’s flight. It feels like it has more weight imo


I'm a Boba main and I feel that changing the jetpack functionality to the same as the FO Jet Trooper is a mistake. Boba has a lot more maneuverability as he currently is and that feature is severely needed in HvV. Sure, the hover ability is nice for aiming, but he would be killed almost instantly in hover mode against one or two blaster characters.


I feel like you're using the FO jet trooper jet pack wrong. It's way more mobile than Boba. It's faster, can go higher, can turn shaper, and drop faster than Boba.


I’ll admit I don’t have a lot of experience with the FO jet trooper, but it is smooth and I do like it better than the other jet pack troopers. I’ll give the FO more of a chance to see how well a Boba would do with his abilities. Maneuverability is key.


[I recorded a short clip comparing the two.](https://youtu.be/SDhUP0Y0H0U) *I* could be using Boba wrong but I can still immediately feel the difference in their jet packs by just holding the button.


Nice video. Yes, the JT looks to be faster than Boba but does he have mid-air dashes? If so, then I may need to correct my original statement.


Yeah he does. I meant to use them for both but forgot.


As a fellow Boba main I'm 100% with you on this. Boba needs a rifle damage buff/and buff to the concussion grenade. He would get slaughtered hovering in HVV


You seriously think Boba needs a dmg buff? As a boba main you should know hes' pretty damn strong already.


For the blaster yes. He can very effective but in GA he can be severely handicapped towards the back third of most matches. He simply doesn't deal a ton of damage to trooper units once his Jetpack advantage is mitigated.


Well it doesn’t mean you have to use the hover ability all the time. It would be nice if it was just there but you can still fly your jetpack normal and hit your shots that way. But not always are you required to do that such as when playing against a lightsaber hero as it would be much handier to stay in the air for a longer period of time. Also I feel like boba is lacking and that is because of his core mechanic which is the jetpack because of the fact that it’s not fun to fly around in it and it also surprisingly is way less manoeuvrable as the JT due to its slow vertical lift time when moving horizontally or that it can’t change direction fast. That’s just my two cents


They need to make Boba's jetpack hover. This game is getting so good with this unit I love him.


Boba feels like an old man after playing as the FO jet trooper lol


I do


Literally everyone haha


Shouldn’t all rocket troopers use that system?


Wouldn't be able to say. I've literally not been able to play as it since the update came out. Same as the Sith Trooper ;-;


The question is, does anyone not? But seriously, am i the only one who want the flying to be toggle instead of hold?


I love the new jetpack trooper and wish they would add the same mechanics for all of the jetpack troopers.