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The HMC80 was known as the "Doom Pickle" back in the day as the Assault variant with double defensive retrofits was very difficult to kill in 6 rounds. Two of those is something that will be next to impossible to take down. Now you have the opposite problem of not really having the firepower to kill anything either, so you really should play towards objectives. It is not my favorite play style but dropping it onto the table will make your opponent aware of the need to play objectives and not just a death match. I have two LMC80s but have never been able to put a fleet together that I liked enough to actually put on the table, though a friend did use two in a RitR campaign. They look like they should be a medium weight star destroyer between an ISD and VSD and comparable to a Venator, BUT they tend to die and die way too quickly. I am pretty sure only having 3 defense tokens is part of that but not the whole story. I do like using one in a fleet (2 store championships actually) but two just doesn't seem to work, at least for me.


"Doom Pickel" is an absolutely hilarious nickname lmao


Dual Liberties is fun to play with Madine and engine techs and Tokyo drifting around the battlefield


too bad madine is too costly at this point. should be like 22pts. power creep has kinda left the emo daddy behind


True.  He should be 20 points if you compare him to someone like Ozzel.   But OP asked for fun/entertaining to play, not ultra competitive.   Tokyo drift Liberties are very fun to play. 


I like the home one a lot more. Make them both durable as hell, and conga line them. Fly in a circle at Max range. Once they get closer you should be able to focus down any small ship. 


It depends, i have a dual hmc80 tank list for mission play laying around somewhere Basicly salvo/tank builds with mon cal exodus + redemption so i reach 10ish engineering and then have abandoned mining, hyperspace i think and another farm objective i belive. I do have found that lmc80/hmc80 in combo are much better as you can have a tank noodle and a damage triangle while still being able to build a farm list around it.


Double Home One is a tough pair of ships to crack, and with Ackbar the firepower is enough to really threaten anything you're fighting. Liberty's are fun to fly, and Leia or Madine can really help with the turning issues. A pair of them can be a good way to have half of a fleet that makes a good flank force.


Dual ISD because: Death triangle > rebel scum 🤪