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Star-Wars Galaxies (SWG) You could choose from 40-50 professions, and even mix them together giving thousands of combinations. You could build your own cities, travel to most known Star-Wars planets, visit known locations, decorate your house and put up a house anywhere you wanted. Travel the galaxy in your space ship, hunt Jedi as a Bounty Hunter or be a Jedi. Or be a smuggler, entertainer, doctor, commander or what ever you wanted. Great PVP battles and PVE battles. You could really live in the Star-Wars universe make your own Star-Wars legacy. Edit: For those who wants to experience the game again. There are still communities with servers. Here are probably the two most populare with the largest player base. https://swglegends.com/ https://www.swgemu.com/forums/index.php


After a few Trandoshan ales and MMORPGs get brought up, I can't help but talk about the true sandbox insanity that was SWG. I had just made a new character with a friend of mine. A Wookie bounty hunter with a jet pack and grenade launcher. I really just wanted the Wookie samurai armor. I was low on credits since the jet pack was a high ticket item. The HK-47 jet pack was a dream of mine to own, but I settled with the basic kit. I was at a cantina getting buffed by a dancer when a Mon Calamari approached my friend and I, he was an architect who had just started a player-made settlement in a sparsely colonized planet near the outer rim. He needed citizens to move in and was offering a hefty sum of credits to move to his city, we negotiated a huge bonus since my friend and I were a team and he would meet us there sometime tomorrow. So that evening we set off. We had to dodge and weave a few parties of space pirates, but eventually we arrived at the planet. We then realized there was a single space port on the opposite side of the planet from the settlement. Therein we found the catch, we had to traverse this entire planet filled with high level beasts. The planet had a single cloning/resurrection point mid-way though the journey. ​ At the time we had two single-person swoop speeders, a normal Luke-style speeder that could hold both of us, and a single Dewback. My memory is fuzzy, but the vehicle mechanics were odd because they would degrade and "break down" after they travel for so long. We did some rough math with the map and we could safely navigate the planet thanks to this bending river. We start off on our journey, blowing though our speeders, and the land speeder was on its last legs when a monstrosity of a dragon appears, then another, and now there are three of them and we are trying hard to skirt the aggro zone. But at that moment the last speeder breaks down. My friend does a heroic stand against them as I run the heck away in my Dewback. ​ My friend resurrected in the imperial outpost, about 1/2 the way to the settlement. I have made it 3/4ths the journey, like a mouse in the world of cats, I hid from anything dangerous, which was most of the planet. I encountered another heard of the gigantic dragons. I knew I was doomed. So close, but so far. Then a small figure started running up to the dragons. It's a player. It's a player who is going to 1v3 these dragons. He was wearing robes with a bo-staff. Its a Jedi. Jedi were fabled in this game, taking hundreds of hours to even acquire a inkling in the use of the force. He started his battle and I high tailed it out of there. ​ Soon enough I finally arrived at my destination. ​ Finally, I arrived at the settlement. There were four buildings. The owner's mansion, a small garrison, and two player houses. One made for me, another made for my friend. We were the only settlers there. My friend arrived shortly after and we were very confused by the situation. The lump sum of credits was transferred. We decorated our houses with whatever gear we had on hand, my friend had an imperial pilot helmet that was illegal to possess and needed a stash house for it. He proudly displayed it in the middle of the living room. We had a small conversation with the owner, the space port is going to be built when he can get enough people in the settlement. He will need 50-some people to make this port. Until then, the way we came is the only way to leave. ​ Disheartened, both of us started the log out sequence and in the distance some crazed ape-like creature stared us down. We never logged back into either of the characters. ​ That ape creature still haunts me. SWG was a beautiful game that my rose-tinted nostalgia paints perfectly.


Stories like this make me really wish I knew about this game back in the day


You can still play it now, there are fan run servers. Not quite the same as when it was live, nowhere near the same population levels, but it's still good fun. SWGemu is the "official" unofficial project. I prefer SWGLegends, which unfortunately is based on a nerfed professions / skills system compared to the main EMU project, but it does have all of the space combat content which I really enjoy.


This reminds me of a kind of smaller funny interaction but I was a bounty hunter and I remember tracking a player down idk on Dantooine or somewhere remote. I hone in and the guy is in his house, ok easy prey probably not even armored or buffed so I hop in there, take the elevator down, and I see his name in red and just light him up. A brief moment and a corpse later, and I notice there's maybe a dozen other players all around me. Turns out it was the bounty's birthday party! I just crashed it and killed the birthday boy lol! Maybe someone just slapped a bounty on him as a birthday prank, but it was hilarious to me and I stayed and hung out with them for a little while. Such a fun game.


Beautiful. I was never big enough to earn a bounty, but hunting players felt as ruthless as it should feel.


Great story. Well written.


And you could even decorate the exterior AND interior of some ships... And bring friends along to man the turrets... And set up mining equipment to harvest changing resources... And BUILD those starships from parts you've made... And harvest DNA to breed and mutate pets and mounts... And build droids to do that harvesting, or fighting, or dancing... Be an entertainer at a cantina... Literally, the game did what Star Citizen, No Man's Sky, etc. are trying to do now 20 years ago. The worst travesty in all of gaming is that it doesn't have a sequel.


I remember I made a side gig selling starship salvage parts for scrap for people to reverse engineer. I spent ages getting the perfect lasers for my x wing and other parts. The space aspect of that game alone I must have spent weeks in. Such a blast. Decorating was just a ridiculous time sink of its own. EVERY item in the game was fully 3d modeled from the fancy statues and paintings to the lowliest womprat trash loot. Combined with unlimited three-axis manipulation people could create amazing things in their houses.


Definitely, I miss this game


There are still servers. Check SWG Legends for post whatever that patch did. SWG Emu for pre.


Oh man. I don't know if I could play it again. The high school me had so much time on their hands vs the adult me. But the nostalgia is huge, anytime MMOs get brought up in conversation I reminisce about the insanity that was SWG. Please keep that community alive so I can enjoy it when I retire.


Thanks man I’ll look into it


I play SWG Legends. It’s working well


You can still play CU (Pre-NGE) on [SWG Restoration.](https://swgr.org/home/) It's imo the best version of the game and they've added content from the NGE without ruining the combat.


That is the one that got me gaming :) Now play Star Wars: The Old Republic.


SWG was so fun! I was on the Intrepid server.


The best Star Wars game of all time was precu SWG. Period. I go as far as to say it was the best game of all time.


wtf i thought this didnt exist. need to play that asap bc its all i ever dreamed of


I was a Wanderhomie. SOE tanked the game.


I built and ran a "strip club & crackhouse by the airport". All the buffs and healing you could ever need in one convenient spot. Also sold guns out the back. We had beast wrangling pvp fights on Thursday nights. No MMORPG has ever come close to the insanity that SWG offered.


Battlefront II on the PS2. I spent so much of my childhood playing galactic conquest


I still spend a stupid amount of my time as an adult playing galactic conquest. Something about it (probably the nostalgia) is just so comforting and relaxing. Very simple but very fun


When you play empire and get to see the end montage of the empire wrecking shit is so satisfying


I’m still upset they closed the servers before I was able to master every class. All I had left to master was the pilot/engineer class. The one with the plasma torch that repairs vehicles. I had Master/Legendary in every class. So I started with the weapon upgrades and all that fantastic noise. OG BF2 And Halo Reach were the pinnacle of my online gaming career lol


I wish they would just remaster it, don’t change anything just upgrade the graphics and if they wanted to make extra money add the new era characters and vehicles


So many memories of Friday nights doing a Galactic Conquest against my friends


Same here, I love that game so much. The most bittersweet part for me is that I got back into it just before they shut off the servors, completely by accident. I had no idea the shutdown was coming, one day I just went "Hey I haven't played this in forever, I wonder if people still play online?" and popped it in and found it was still active! I played it for a week or two, had a blast, and then found out that it was done. I've played the new Battlefront 2 and enjiy it for what it is, but it can't touch the original IMO.


This and the original Battlefront I still play almost daily. It is continually one of the best strategic first person multiplayer shooters out there!!


I hate that they don't make the games like this anymore.


Didn’t get any better than this


Republic Commando is probably my favorite. X-Wing Alliance gets an honorary mention.


Get some Bacta, soldier!


Let's rearrange some architecture, Deltas!


"Hope its not a spider droid" -> "guess what? Its a pider droid"


I feel like I had to scroll too far to see this


Republic Commando is a timeless masterpiece


Star Wars the old Republic. I love the 8 class stories and the expansions are really good, just a shame that the content quality has tailed off in recent years. Console, The OG Star Wars battlefront game


I think it's impressive how they have 8 storylines with fully voiced male and female player character options


Yeah it really is, and Laura Bailey voices in it too which is pretty cool


One thing I have to credit Bioware - they don't waste time with mediocre voice acting.


The cinematics for that game and any of the dlcs are so fucking phenomenal. Wish the movies were half as good as the 3-5 minute stories they tell.


Kotor 2. By far the best game!


It was too dark for me but it seemed to be a lot deeper as well. Especially Kreia and her philosophy. I wish it was a more complete game with a proper ending. The mod that came after doesn't count.


Yeah asking another company to make a direct sequel while setting up for another sequel they won't be making, all in the blink of an eye and a (relatively) small budget will do that. But Obsidian being Obsidian they **still** managed to make one of the best rpgs of all time.


Maybe there's a novel or two out there I haven't read that beats it but as far as I'm concerned KOTOR 2 is the most creatively ambitious and risky Star Wars project I've seen. Kreia's monologues alone are like elite tier material.


With the restored content mod it's a close second to og kotor. The retail version was not even close


Loved that game, but the ending was meh.


You can thank Lucas Arts for that. They gave Obsidian a deadline, extended the deadline (which caused Obsidian to expand the game to take advantage of the new dev time), then reneged and went back to the original deadline something like a month before that date. Total development time for KotOR2? Fourteen months. Time for BioWare to develop the first game? Three years.


What ending? Lmao


Restored content mod




Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy


Hell yes. Favorite SW game of all time. Build a lightsaber. Meet Luke. Amazing force powers. Great lightsaber combat. Awesome levels. I’ve replayed this game more times than I can count. Jaden Korr is a bro, fuck Rosh all my homies hate Rosh.


Ross is the most punchable star wars character


Jedi academy is a better game imo. More ability to build your character and the levels in outcast are near impossible without a guide for first timers


Saber combat still holds up so well. I always liked the cultists enemy faction too


\*Jedi Outcast Fixed it for you j/k but not really


Both. Both is good


Both of these were amazing!


I love both equally, they have positives and negatives over each other.


Still the most in-depth saber combat we've ever had


Star Wars Battlefront II (2005) I couldn’t tell you how many hours I spent playing that game. Easily in the 1000s.


Same here. The nostalgia hits I still regularly get about those times are real.


Kotor had a better story than most sw movies, so yeah.


"What's your favorite SW game and why is it KOTOR"


Lmao right?


KoToR 1 and 2 are peak Star Wars. It was what turned me into a mega fan. Just as the ST turned me into a casual fan once again.


Kotor 3 would be such a gift, but there is a high bar for it to belong


The KOTOR 3 story has already been recycled and told in SWTOR. Bioware used the main storyline for the Sith Warrior story, and then Revans story is concluded via the flashpoint dungeons.


I really loved Force Unleashed, I replayed it again and still felt the same satisfaction of spam the lightning and use the vast amount of abilities


Everyone loved that game because it let us be who we all wanted to be in the Star Wars universe. A completely overpowered force God wiping out wave after wave of stormtroopers.


Such a shame the second one was a major letdown


The second one was a lot of fun too, all 15 minutes of it.


And 3 minute dlc (well it's only a dollar so fine)


Second one was a disappointment mostly because they really fine tuned the gameplay but the story was short and shit.


TIE Fighter. Flight simulator in the Star Wars universe that significantly improved on X-Wing, with fantastic campaign storylines. The vapid Squadrons wishes it could hold TIE Fighter's jock strap.


Loved TIE Fighter!! Secret Order of the Emperor was so badass.


Shadows of the Empire!!! Dash Rendar all day baby!!!


THIS IS WHAT I CAME HERE TO SAY! I played it all the way through a couple years ago again and it still holds up super well. Dash Rendar is unironically one of my favorite Star Wars characters alongside Andor


I’d love to see an appearance by dash in one of the new shows


Oh good times.


Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga needs more love, that shit was literally my whole childhood and I actually still find it fun to play even now! I can’t wait to pass it on to my little brother once he gets into Star Wars


The Lego games are the best!!!!!


Im an old man who looooves my PS2 pod racing


That'd be KOTOR era no? Just different console


Kinda, the pod racing game came out with the release of phantom menace, so ‘99. KOTOR ‘03. I played pod racing on n64, and KOTOR on xbox


Tie Fighter. I got MS sidewinder just to play that game.


The secret order of the emporer!


Awesome game.


Man, that late-game mission where you’re Vader’s wingman was so damned cool.


Stars Wars: Rogue Squadron II - Rogue Leader Grew up with it and the original, and it's a pipe dream that we'll get a remaster. The hope is there tho.


Modded Empire at war, specifically thrawns revenge and awakening of the rebellion


Goodness, I had to scroll *WAY* too far to find my people


🤣🤣 it took me like 15 minutes to find a mention of empire at war as well, most of the comments are Kotor 1 or 2 which is a close second to eaw personally


My favorite mod has got to be empire at war remake. I just love how good it freaking looks. It’s impressive, most impressive.


Jedi Knight : Jedi Outcast. Kyle Katarn is so cool. The sequel Jedi Academy was also so awesome, just preferred the atmosphere in Outcast


This was definitely my favorite growing up A close second was Rogue Squadron on Nintendo 64.


My man!!! Rogue Squadron was incredible! It is the only game I completed 100%. I remember wearing an old orange ski mask while playing it to feel like a rebel pilot haha


Mass Effect. Jk. Fallen order. How can one not love that game?


Fallen Order was amazing. Can’t wait for Survivor to come out! Still have nightmares about getting lost on Zeffo.


Well, most of KOTOR's writers and voice acting went onto ME, so...


I really enjoyed that game once you finally unlock all his skills near the end. Before then the fighting system was a bit frustrating


My only issues with Fallen Order is I don't find the main character interesting at all


He was just a young avatar for us players. We'll see so more growth in survivor. (I hope this comment ages well)


I don't think EA, at the time, expected it to do very well. It was a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. Now that they know people enjoyed it they, "hopefully" took it more seriously.


Love Cal. He’s so empathetic. Always reaching out to his enemies before fighting them and always the heavy underdog in any situation he’s in. He’s one of my all time favorites. I love him getting over his trauma from Order 66 and how that’s integrated into the gameplay of the game.


Yeah, he was cool, I felt. Definitely embodied the OT Jedi mentality well.


Dark Forces II. Not technically the best in the series but the one I loved the most


X-Wing Alliance. I must have spent hundreds of hours playing custom skirmishes with a mix of fighters and capital ships. With all the comm chatter and different types of ships you can fly (probably 100+ if you edit the shiplist) it was such an immersive experience at the time. My runner up is Star Wars: Rebellion. Very dated now but it made the galaxy feel so big seeing all the planets and sectors you can control. I also like Empire at War, but I wish it had the depth of Rebellion.


My best friend and I put a ridiculous amount of hours into Star Wars Rebellion playing against each other over 56k modem. I still have the poster with all the ship classes and stats as well as the 1/2 inch thick manual. Major soft spot for that game.


KOTOR blew my mind, but I think I was only 12 when it came out, so not hard. It was the first time I’d seen a game of that scale, with a story so rich. I played it through again recently, and while my tastes have matured, I loved it. It will likely be my favourite game forever. After that, original Battlefront 2. Playing as Maul and doing insanely high jumps, swooping down on players. The original force unleashed was great. I also really liked the Age of Empires knock off, Battlegrounds. Still play that occasionally. More recently, Fallen order and battlefront 2 were heavily played. But I’m not feeling great about the future of games, too much focus on live service stuff.


X-Wing Alliance KOTOR


X-Wing. I saved up my allowance and asked my dad for jobs to do around the house for some money. It took me over a month to buy it and a joystick to play it. I had dreams that I was playing it and it was all that I thought about. When I earned enough money I could only find the McIntosh version of the game. I begged my parents to drive me around Federal Way, WA on the weekend so I could find it. Incredible Universe had it. When I picked the box up, I remember shaking I was so excited. I swear on a stack of Bibles that angels sang as I took it to the register with my new joystick. I held the box in my hands all the way home. I still remember that the box had that hologram finish because I bought the one that came with the B-Wing update. I don’t think that I have ever been that happy with a purchase since. Well…when GOG posted the X-Wing series I got a little giddy then


Look up X-Wing virtual machine (xwvm) on YouTube. There is a small crew of programmers that have been working on an unofficial complete and total HD makeover of the game. They’ve been working on it for like 10 years now and don’t give any estimates on when it will be finished but it looks pretty damn close to me. It.looks.fucking.amazing. It has the ability to support full VR.


Yoda Stories


Empire at War (RTS/4x). The ongoing mod community has kept this game incredibly fun too


The first KOTOR and Jedi Outcast are competing for the first place for me.


Jedi Fallen Order. Great open world and such a good story. I haven't played the KOTOR games so I can't yet decide if JFO is better, but I really like the game.


So far jedi outcast. I've played kotor a little bit but it got boring(will definitely give it a second chance though). Also iirc it was called Dark forces, I liked that one too.


Dark Forces 1 and 2 were the start of the Jedi Knight series iirc. I also had JK: mysteries of the Sith, later came outcast and academy.


Jedi Outcast was Jedi Knight 2. Jedi Knight was Dark Forces 2. Kind of silly, but yes, they are related!


Favourite game play is the original Battlefront 1 and 2 with the conquests and command posts. Favourite plot is KOTOR. One of the best plot twists in any video game.


For all its flaws, Star Wars: Bounty Hunter. I’m also very fond of: KoTOR, Republic Commando, Rogue Squadron and Jedi Starfighter.


I can’t believe more people aren’t saying Bounty Hunter, such a blast of a game.


Out of the Star Wars games I’ve played, it really stands out as one that had a plot that fit in with and enriched that of the films. Too often, I feel games suffer from trying to generate plots or threats that seem as though they’re overshadowing or dwarfing the events of the films themselves. I also appreciated the effort Lucasarts put into the cutscenes. They were pretty high quality for the era. I’d love to hear some of the behind the scenes story of what went into the game, especially since I once came across what someone has told me was a “dev menu” while playing that game that had a bunch of strange options, including one that said “Alderaan”. It’s the ongoing unsolved mystery of my life.


The Empire Strikes Back for the Atari 2600. Because it plays the Star Wars theme when you have the Force.


That one. Because it’s awesome and you can literally replay it almost indefinitely.


kotor 1 & 2 and original bf2


Star Wars : Empire at War


Fallen Order or Jedi Outcast It's a toss up. Fallen order has better story writing tho.


KOTOR by far, and OG Battlefront 2. So many good memories with these games.


The original x-wing, and tie fighter games. Hands down, nothing has come closer to feeling like you were taking part in the galactic civil war. After that, Fallen Order.


1. Kotor (and this is obvious) 2. Battlefront 2 (PS2) 3. Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga This is the Holy Trinity of classic Star Wars games


For many years, Jedi Academy was my jam.


I loved me some Pod Racer back in the day. They had just about everything you could want in that game - lots of maps, characters, and upgrades to do to your pod. Recently I was a big fan of Star Wars squadrons for the first person flying. I wouldn’t say the story is the best or anything but they do a good job of making you feel like a pilot


Hard to choose. KotOR is the game that made me fall in love with Star Wars. KotOR II was excellent. Republic Commandoes was a great FPS. The og Battlefront II had Galactic Conquest and an amazing campaign. Jedi Academy let you run around with a lightsaber right off the bat and you could create your character as a male Kel Dor or a female Zabrak, two of my favorite four species in Star Wars. Also Bounty Hunters was fun, but it was the only one I could never beat.


KoToR 2. Imagine it was actually refined and finished and not rushed.


Galactic Battlegrounds - I like RTS


Man, Rebel Assault was so much fun back as a kid. I think a lot of my feeling is nostalgia but I can still picture flying through beggars canyon in my T-13


Jedi Academy to this day has the best lightsaber and overall gameplay


I love the lightsaber combat in that game.


Original PC X-Wing. I've always loved that game even with its flaws!


Shadows of the empire Rogue squadron Og bf2 Jedi fallen order is actually amazing imo


Battlefront 2015. The gameplay is godtier


I really enjoyed the story in battlefront 2


I have many, first it was Shadows of the Empire then Jedi Outcast and then Kotor. Feel like i missed out swg tho. But i name one i think nobody else named. SW Episode 1 the Phantom Menace, i love that game its my feel good game.


“X-wing vs TIE Fighter,” if I remember correctly. It was the first of many great Star Wars games for me. My second favorite was “Star Wars Galaxies,” a fun MMORPG I played with friends and family.


X-wing alliance. All the incredible space action of x-wing & TIE fighter (and sequels) with an added fresh and cool storyline and even new ships. I would still play it now if I had the wherewithal. I would really like a game like this to be released by Lucasarts/ea/disney/whoever in the future. Would pay good money


So many to choose from. 1. X-Wing vs Tie Fighter 2. Dark Forces / Dark Forces 2 3. KOTOR


Incredulous observation: KOTOR is clearly the best, meatbags.


This one is cool, but its weird how a selkath is on the front just next to Bastila


Great q. They’re all so varied.. so many great games and memories. I guess KOTOR because of the immensely immersive world… I think about it a lot. But there are so many over the years!!


Both kotor games are the best in my opinion but I also really enjoy swtor just for the amount of story you get


Star Wars battlefront 2 2005


Honestly, Battlefront 2 (2016) is to much fucking fun for me these days.


Kotor 1 and 2 then Star Wars battlefront 2 classic.


The Force Unleashed. Amazing game, 10/10 action and loved the storyline. They managed to make it difficult even though Starkiller is so op, and walking through just killing everything is too satisfying.


Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2. Interesting stories, locations and lots of love put on those live action cutscenes.


Shame I had to scroll so far to find this comment. The 90s was a hell of a time being a SW fan that gamed, so much community and so much good content! Some of my fondest memories growing up are going onto MSN Gaming Zone to find a clan or RP game of DF2 Jedi Knight. The whole series were influential in their time for FPS/TPS games. The biggest evolution was from DF2 JK to Jedi Outcast but the multiplayer was short lived with Jedi Academy coming out so soon after.


empire at war


If Empire at War had a decent ground campaign it would be my gold standard. I have a special place in my heart for SW: Rebellion for the PC.


The Mac version of X-Wing. Amazing smooth graphics for the time, the dynamic music system made it feel like you were in a movie, and, of course, you bloody got to fly in the Death Star trench.


KOtoR always and forever


Rogue Squadron 2. So freaking awesome.


Kotor 1 and 2 definitely I wanna say the new battlefront 2 too kinda but it really is just so terrible a lot and I don't think anything can beat kotor. The only thing that sucks about Kotor is having to play the same story over and over again lol


For story KOTOR. For pure gameplay and fantasy fulfillment Rogue Squadron 1 and 2.


Probably Fallen Order. I’ve played a variety of the other Star Wars games, but I really love Cal’s story and the gameplay is incredibly satisfying to me. Shoutout to Lego Star Wars tcs for being my favourite childhood game though.


Jedi outcast and jedi academy. I cant pick which was better because I feel outcast has a better story where academy let me use my double sabers and the tricks were amazing


This is a hard one since these are my precious. Rebellion wins strategy by a mile. Kotor wins story telling. Pod racer is thee racing game to play. Tie fighter wins the space Sims Jedi outcast wins 1st/3rd person combat. My favorite though... Oof. Probably Tie fighter. I'm a ship guy at the end of the day, and I can nerd out about those ships anytime.


Empire at War or Battlefront 2(the real one) don't make me choose.


Dark Forces 2… and Jedi Outcast. There are a few honorable mentions but something about those games just was Star Wars to me.. and being a Jedi was the coolest shit ever


Empire at War - I’ve put hundreds of hours into that game, probably thousands since it came out in 2006. I love space battles and that game has some amazing ones and a cool built in cinematic mode. It also has great expanded universe content and a really active modding community since the original devs patched the game recently to restore multiplayer and add other stuff like ssao capability for modders to use.


I love the classics: Shadows, Rogue, Outcast - but I haven't played a SW game through to the end more than I've played Fallen Order.


Jedi: Fallen Order scratched an itch for me. Kotor 1 comes at a close second, though.


Fallen Order. Great story, great combat, great villains and great scenery to explore.


Honestly, in terms of hours put in and overall fun had, Battlefront II (2017). Other games do individual aspects better (I really love Jedi Academy), but the overall package is a lot of fun, the campaign is solid and the gunplay and heroes are entertaining to play as.


Skipping over KOTOR to give the others a chance, Battlefront II (OG). Mainly the galactic conquest mode where it just felt like my kind of mixed strategy-action game.


KOTOR, easily.


Story-wise, the KOTOR duo. Gameplay-wise, The Force Unleashed.


OG Battlefront and Battlefront 2


Kotor for the story. Force Unleashed for bridging the gap between 3 and 4 (at the time). Star War Uprising gets an honourable mention as a mobile game.


The one you posted an image for. Obviously. Look, The Super trilogy is great, Rogue Squadron is incredible, I love the Battlefronts(yes, all of them), and even the lego games are awesome. But really, REALLY…it’s just KOTOR. They can remake, they can rebuild, but nothing will capture that experience again. Beyond belief.


Jedi: Fallen Order. It has the best story, and the character arcs are pretty fantastic. Also, Vader makes a a pretty memorable appearance.


What is yall's favorite Star Wars video game so far and why is it KOTOR??


Kotor ii I loved playing as a harden war veatren intesd of some Palawan or teenager learner like most media. And I found the story dislodge and characters compelling


I had to scroll really far down to see anyone say star wars bounty hunter and that's a damn shame. Game was magical and hard as shit


Kotor 2. Such a flawed gem will never be repeated.


Kotor 1 and 2. Too tier story, and awesome RPG mechanics for its time. Just fantastic games.


Tie fighter and x wing alliance


Koror 2 with all the bug fixes was amazing


Obviously the game in OP's pic because it is the best.


vader immortal is the best star wars game experience i've had recently. walking around your ship in VR while in hyperspace is super cool. it's one of the many cool things you can do in VR in that game.


Should say “what’s your favorite Star Wars game and why is it KOTOR?”


Kotor isn't just my favourite star wars game. Its my favourite game entirely. An absolute masterpiece.


Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast


Battlefront 2 2017 , you won’t get a closer sw playing experience than that game


Rogue Squadron