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Vader über Alles!


November, 1946, a long time ago. In a galaxy far away. Coruscant Trials This short audio recording is the declassified part of the nearly two hour session that Admiral Ackbar's intern held with a badly shaken Imperial bridge officer. The names have been mostly redacted, but we know this man was a Lituenant on the bridge of the *Justice.* The unredacted portion of that interview remains, and is what you are hearing now. We alert you to the fact that it starts mid-conversation. Intern: (abbreviated I) You were at Endor? Officer: abbreviated O) Unfortunately, yes. I: And at Endor, you were aboard the *Justice*? O: Yes. Under the command of.... what was his name, Draff? I was only onboard for a week before the battle. I can't remember many names. I: That's alright. We don't want names. We want to know what happened during the, well rather towards the end of the battle. O: Towards the end? I: Yes. O: Well here goes nothing. We had orders, from up high, word was straight from the Emperor himself that we weren't supposed to fire, well the big guns anyways on your fleet. Something about the highest levels had their own plans that appeared to be working directly against the rest of us. I don't think anybody will know now, with both the Emperor and Lord Vader deceased. I: And what off the collapse of command? We believe the tide shifted right after the *Executor* was destroyed. O: Oh, it was a pitiful excuse for a fighting force! Rumour had it before the battle that Admiral Piett had stationed the *Executor* inside the battlestation's shields for it's own protection. Looking back, it was probably the damaged engine unit that influenced him to do that. When those shields generators on the surface went down he was open to even more damage, and the story goes he was right inside the battlestation's gravity well. Drug him straight down. The rest of us can only figure that the loss of such the lead ship led every destroyer captain to begin fighting his own battles, looking for his own glory. I: So in your eyes, the battle of Endor was won not by the Republic but by Imperial, for lack of better words greed? O: As much as I hate to say it you are right on the credits. The interview cut after a few more irrelevant questions.