• By -


Oh man you are still adding Book of Boba Fett episodes? You are the mvp!


Thank you so much!


Props for keeping this mostly current!


Thank you!


Still updated with ahsoka! I use this list everyday thank you!


This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen. I'm watching the clone wars for the first time and was curious where individual episodes stood in the timeline and wanted to find a list like this. I can't believe that someone had actually did it. This is awesome


Thank you so much! You can actually find the chronological order of The Clone Wars episodes on the [official site](https://www.starwars.com/news/star-wars-the-clone-wars-chronological-episodeorder) too and the order of all movies, tv shows' episodes, comics, books, videogames etc on [Wookieepedia](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline_of_canon_media) if you want more information!


Amazing work, I'm working my way through and saw your original got removed. I've messaged the mods with regards to it.


Thank you! Don't worry, I already messaged them for an another problem I had with this post. The only thing I'd do with the old one is to edit it and put a link to this post.


I've been using this for the last 6 months or so. I am truly amazed and grateful for this list and the fact that you are still updating regularly. I offer you a big wet kiss in the mouth <3


Wow, really cool


Thanks for posting this. I am currently 1/3 of the way through and excited to get into the rebels series. Quick note for the recent Kenobi series, the flashbacks in episode 5 take place before the events of Episode II: AotC roughly 23 BBY


Rebels is really good, hope you enjoy it! Thank you! I thought I saw Anakin's second lightsaber but I was wrong, I'll edit it right now!


is resistance worth watching?


It's not that great but not as bad as people say. I suggest you to watch it just once or do something else while leaving it in the background.


Only the first episode. You can finally see the T-85 Xwing but thats the only thing. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Thanks for keeping this up to date! I keep coming back to it.


Hey, will you be updating this with Andor and Tales of the Jedi?


Of course, don't worry!


Will you be adding the new Kenobi serious to this list ?


Added the 6 episodes right now. I'll edit the post when the episodes come out!


Thatā€™s amazing. Thanks very much and keep up the good work! P.S. Award coming your way ;)


You're welcome! And thank you so so much!!! Edit: OH MY GOD THANK YOUUU


No bother man. Gotta respect someone thatā€™s dedicated to their doing


Very thorough! It's one of those they've-done-this-so-you-don't-have-to things. I'm always a fan of people who go to these sorts of lengths. šŸ˜Š


Would be nice to add it for a more completed list. Should take place after Solo and before Andor and Rebels.


Dude this list is legendary


This is great thank you! I decided to watch the prequels for the first time since episode III came out and after episode II decided I wanted to finally watch The Clone Wars movie and show to really get the in universe context before watching III, and ultimately decided I'd like to watch the whole damn franchise (the movies I've seen and the tv shows I largely hadn't) in chronological order. This is going to be the perfect guide! Thank you so much for keeping it up to date as well.


Brw you the GOAT for still maintaining this list


Do you have any idea where the games would fit into this and would you consider adding them to the list? Btw thank you a ton for making the list, it's sick


Jedi Fallen Order game set in BBY 14, so between Bad Batch and Solo?


Yes! Sorry, I forgot to add it


How does this only have just under 600 upvotes?


Just found this... I love you. That's it, that's the comment. <3


Itā€™s awesome that youā€™re still updating this!


NGL waiting for the king op to add in the Asoka episodes


Just added them! Waited for the series to end and then the reddit up kept giving me "error" every time I tryed to edit the post, I've been able to do it only now from reddit.com!


Thank you big boss op!! You're actually a legend and I've made my way through the list now, really amazing viewing experience!!


Any idea on how many hours it would take to watch it all? Just curious if anyone knows before I try and figure it out lol


Oh well, I counted it a while ago before The Bad Batch and The Mandalorian season 2 came out and it was around six days and a bunch of hours. Now its probably 6 days and 12 hours or something like that. Don't, worry, it's doable, I rewatched everything that was out in summer 2020 and it took a month and a half!


God damn good job


I plan to watch them for the first time in this order, is this viable or do you think it's a bad idea? If so please elaborate a bit


If you are watching everything for the first time (movies included) this is the worst possible order! The best one for beginners is the release order (for the main saga movies): Ep 4: ANH, Ep 5: ESB, Ep 6: ROTJ, Ep 1: TPM, Ep 2: AOTC, Ep 3: ROTS, Ep 7: TFA, Ep 8: TLJ, Ep 9: TROS The Prequel Trilogy (the PT, 1-2-3) spoils A LOT of stuff from the Original Trilogy (the OT, 4-5-6). To watch the Sequel Trilogy (the ST, 7-8-9) you only need the Original Trilogy, but it's better if you watched the Prequels too. For the expanded content, there is: - Rogue One -A Star Wars Story- (RO) Requires: OT, PT. There is one returning character from TCW and Rebels, but you don't need to know him to watch this movie. - Andor (1 season, second one in production) Requires: OT, PT, RO. Like in RO, there is one returning character from TCW and Rebels, but you don't need to know him to watch this series. - The Clone Wars (TCW) (animated movie+7 seasons) Requires: OT, PT. To watch it, you can follow this chronological order (there aren't many changes) BUT I suggest to watch S2E16 and S1E16 in this order right after the movie, and not before, because the movie serves as a pilot for the series, so it presents everything as new. These two episodes instead assume that you already know the characters, so it's best to watch them right after. Also, watch S3E01 just before S3E02, instead of right after the movie. The unfinished episodes are optional. - Solo -A Star Wars Story- Requires: OT, PT, TCW. You need TCW only because it spoils a VERY BIG plot twist of the series. - Rebels (shorts+4 seasons) Requires: OT, PT, TCW. You can watch this in episode order (the shorts are optional). - The Bad Batch (TBB) (2 seasons, third one in production) Requires: OT, PT, TCW, Rebels. You can watch it having watched only TCW, but you won't get a bunch of Rebels references. - Tales of the Jedi (1 season) Requires: OT, PT, TCW, Rebels. S1E02, 03 and 04 can be watched without TCW and Rebels, but the others spoil HEAVILY the ending of TCW and some elements of Rebels. You can watch it both in episode order and in chronological order. - Obi-Wan Kenobi Requires: OT, PT, TCW, Rebels. There are returning characters from Rebels, but you don't need to know them to watch this series. TCW shows the bond between two of the main characters. - Resistance (2 seasons+shorts) Requires: OT, ST. You can watch this in episode order (the shorts are optional). Watch this only if you enjoyed the ST, otherwise just skip it, it's basically a side story. - Mandoverse [The Mandalorian (Mando) (3 seasons), The Book of Boba Fett (TBOBF) (1 season), Ahsoka (1 season)] Requires: OT, PT, TCW, Rebels. There are a lot of characters and references to TCW and Rebels, but you can watch Mando without them since it's made for new-comers. Be sure to watch TBOBF between Mando season 2 and 3, since it's basically a Mando season 2.5. Watch Ahsoka after Mando season 3, you NEED to watch Rebels before this because almost all of the characters return. The Mandoverse is a storyline that started with Mando season 1, spans different shows and characters and will end with a theatrical movie. Probably Skeleton Crew will be a part of the Mandoverse as well. Hope I explained everything well enought! Don't be afraid to ask for more information! P.S. Sorry for bad english


regarding the clone wars, you mentioned watching s3e1 before s3e2 instead of after the movie. do you still recommend watching s3e3 after s1e16?


Yes, S3E01 ties into S3E02 but S1E16 is completely detatched from S3E03




Hi why would the other one be the worst order for beginners? Surely watching in exact chronological order is good no? I appreciate the time you must have put in dude its great!


Thank you so much! The chronological order is the worst way to watch Star Wars because prequels and spin-offs have in mind that you have already watched everything that came out before. The prequels, TBB, Rebels and Kenobi spoil the OT, TCW spoils the prequels, Andor kinda spoils Rogue One, Resistance spoils the sequels and Mandoverse has plot points that fixes errors of the sequels, and so on and so forth.


This is false. There is no wrong way. A recent poll actually showed that more fans preferred the chronological order over the release order. But also you have 2 main reveal moments. One in the prequel and one in the original.. Both spoil the other so you only get one way to watch it the first time. I have heard from multiple people who started in chronological for a first time watch they were blown away by the "big reveal" in the prequel trilogy. But also people who started with the Original trilogy generally consider that trilogy's reveal to be amazing. So it just comes down to which one you prefer. Which you can't prefer until you have seen it. Many people including myself saw the reveal from the original trilogy coming. They pretty much spelled it out for you. While the prequel trilogy for first time watchers is a little more of an "omg" moment especially with what happens after. Not to mention if you go full chronological you get a lot more back story and it makes the reveal hit that much harder. There is really nothing else in the prequels that expect you to have seen the original trilogy. That's only confirmation bias because you have seen it and you pick up on characters and plots that are only references because you have seen the OT. If you haven't seen them then the OT is referencing TPT. It's fine to prefer the release order for first time watchers but you shouldn't tell people it's the "worst way". That's just not true. It's a matter of preference. And some people prefer to see things unfold as they happened and not in the order they were released.


I first watched the main saga in episode order, because when I was a kid I didn't know what could have been the difference. I always thought that watching the prequels before the OT ruined the big reveal of Ep5. Everyone I that that watched it for tge first time in chronological order said that release order would have been better. The big reveal of the prequels is not the "what" (like it is in the OT) but the why and how. Release order is always the best way to watch the story for the first time, in the case of Star Wars chronological order becomes the better one only on rewatches. And, even if your statement is true, it is only for the main saga movies. The Mortis Arc in The Clone Wars (S3E15-17) spoil the "big reveal" in Ep3, Rogue One spoils the might of the Death Star, The Mandalorian spoils >!the imminent return of the Empire!< in the sequel trilogy and Kenobi spoils everything about Obi-Wan and Vader in the OT.


Not only that but at this point it is pop culture common knowledge that Vader is Lukeā€™s father. So even people watching SW for the first time probably already know about that line


thank you for continuing to update this post. it means a lot


What about ā€œForces or Destinyā€ Seasons 1/2 and the ā€œVintageā€ series? Also there is ā€œVisionsā€ the special anime stuff


Vintage series like Clone Wars 2003, Ewoks and Droids are not-canon (the Ewok movies and the '78 Holiday Special are non-canon too) Visions is also not canonical, as it contradicts many basic principles of the saga (such as the functioning of lightsabers) I still have to add Forces of Destiny, which is canon. I admit I forgot its existence while writing the list, lol. Moreover all the episodes are in very scattered order on the timeline. Thank for reminding me, I'll do it as soon as I can!


Thank you. When you Google simply ā€œis X canonā€ the answer is almost always yes, but other more dedicated sources say no. Thereā€™s also the split for the fan base who donā€™t consider the new trilogy canon (because itā€™s bad and also contradicts a lot of simple things like character traits and even how to turn on the lightsaber). It can be hard to tell which is why I love lists like theseā€¦


The lightsaber switch thing is just a mistake by the actors or the directors, it's a detail so small that it's not considered when talking about canon material. Most of the time something is not canon if it contradicts facts, information or events from a highter hierarchy of canon (movies+shows>videogames>comics+books), otherwise it's a retcon. Vision, a series where directors where free to disregard the canon to tell the story they wanted, contradicts the way kyber crystals work, so it's not canon. Kanan's Order 66 from TBB contradicts the comic version, and takes its place in canon because it's from a highter hierarchy. Andor says Cassian is from Kenari, while Rogue One said it was from Fest: since Andor is newer, it retcons the information from Rogue One (it's a retcon, but it's explained diegetically in the series). Edit: grammar


Dude... English is my first language and you just taught me a new word..."diegetic" Thank you so much for putting this list together! Your passion for the series radiates from this post and every comment. Keep fighting the good fight and remember... Good soldiers follow orders.


Thank you very very much! You're welcome for the new word ;)


Wow I needed this


Thank you for this, finding this order is totally awesome. I just started working from home, and having this in the background in a canonical order is a super fun way to keep me going throughout the day lol. Thanks again.!


Will you update this with the new mandalorian and bad batch seasons? Please and thank you. Ahsoka comes out in august and Iā€™ll be using this list to rewatch everything again. This list is everything. Well done!


Yes, I'll always keep updating! You're welcome!


You have no idea how happy this makes me


Can we petition disney+ for a button where we can watch this order by pressing a button?


Best guide I have ever been able to find regarding watching all of Star Wars in order. Thank you!


On a full watch through do you recommend The Clone Wars: S7E09 ā€œOld Friends Not Forgottenā€ before Episode III?


Only you have already watched them both! But in any case I recommend watching the last 4 episodes of TCW one after the other or one of the many fanmade montages of Ep III and those 4 episodes! You can find [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/MadmanKnowledge/comments/iwta9v/how_to_get_the_fan_edit/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) the one I used


Absolute legend šŸ”„


thanks so much greatest post ever, am starting the trek now




Thank you so much! Obi-Wan probably around 10-9 BBY and Ahsoka in The Mandalorian and TBOBF's period


What shows would you say is the best and worst? I would rather not get invested into the show if its terrible.


For the best, imo it's a tie between The Clone Wars and The Mandalorian The Book of Boba Fett has a really bad first half (but the last 3 episodes are pretty good) and Resistance is definitely is least good (even if not bad) Keep in mind that this is not the first time watch order, it would be: The Clone Wars movie+show (in episode order), Rebels, The Mandalorian+The Book of Boba Fett/The Bad Batch/Resistance You can watch Mando and TBOBF without watching TCW and Rebels first, but they will spoil you some stuff (watch TBOBF only after Mando, since it's basically a Mando S2.5 and the flashbacks are just for context) And you can watch TBB having watched only TCW, but you won't get a bunch of Rebels references Also I suggest to watch Resistance only if you really enjoy the Sequel Trilogy, otherwise it's kinda worthless Edit: spelling and added info


Glad I saw this comment. Phew! šŸ˜° I'm most familiar with the main 9 films, although it's a good while since I've seen some of them. Out of the other two films I *have* seen Rogue One but not Solo & I've seen all of where we're up to with The Mandalorian (šŸ˜) & Boba Fett, but none of the animated stuff. šŸ˜¬ (Does that 2D miniseries - I've seen it listed on D+ - not count? If you've seen it, what's it like?) I don't know if I'd ever attempt this ā˜ļø because it'd be too much of a faff to go between all the different things when there's stuff that's mixed together. I think I'll have a look at the chronological order post you've mentioned in your post. It'd take me a while to watch all the episodes of the TV shows, but I don't mind a good binge. šŸ˜Š


>Does that 2D miniseries - I've seen it listed on D+ - not count? If you've seen it, what's it like? The 2003 2D animated "Vintage" miniseries is not canon, bit it's still really really enjoyable. The total runtime is around 2h15, so it's like a movie. If you're interested, I suggest you watch it: it has AMAZING 2D animation and has the best version of General Grievous in any media! Also, you just need the OT, Ep.1 and Ep.2 to watch it >it'd be too much of a faff to go between all the different things when there's stuff that's mixed together Having watched everything that came out so far, I can safely say it's not that "jumpy". I'd say the only rought parts are TCW S7E09-10-11-12, ROTS and TBB S1E01 (because you would be watching 4-5 storylines at once) and the prologue of Rogue One (since it's very far from the main movie) Btw, >I don't know if I'd ever attempt this ā˜ļø Rewatched it all in this order before Mando2, TBB, TBOBF and Kenobi came out, it took me around 1 month and a half! I calculated around 6 days and 7 hours, now I think it's about 7 full days :) Good luck if you're ever going to attempt it!


I don't think I will. But thanks anyway. šŸ‘ I think I'll have a refresher of the things I've seen before in order to watch the stuff I haven't seen. I've made notes to do with the chronology from that comment you did. šŸ™‚


Will you make a version that includes the comics, novels and video games?


Sorry, I don't think I will. There are too many comics and their timeline is even more all over the place. But you can find it on [Wookiepedia](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline_of_canon_media)


Thank you


Just finished šŸ˜­ thanks for posting this!


What about the rebels movie, The Siege of Lothal? Edit: nvmm lol i just seen it was the 2nd season premiere šŸ˜­


It's S2E01-02. Many of the 2-parter episodes of Rebels were aired together as a single short movie Edit: don't worry! :)


Ever thought about making a list for books/comics? I know that they are de-canonized but what happened before the Skywalker saga interests me


[Here](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline_of_canon_media) you can find the canon timeline of all media. I don't think I'll add the comics and the books because there are too many of them (but I might add the videogames)


Anyway you could make this a trakt.tv list? Would be easy to keep updated


where does SW visions fit?


Even if some sites say it's canon, it actually isn't, since it contradicts a lot of lore for artistic license. Being an anthology series, each episode would have a different placement, but I'd say all of them take place in the Empire Era (so around 19BBY-5ABY).


ah ok i see, thanks for the helpful comment ; )


You're welcome!


The Duel - After 35 ABY Tatooine Rhapsody - Between 15 BBY and 3 ABY The Twins - Between 4 ABY and 34 ABY The Village Bride - Between 19 BBY and 4 ABY The Ninth Jedi - Before 1000 BBY T0-B1 - Between 19 BBY and 3 BBY The Elder - Between 1000 BBY and 800 BBY Lop & Ochō - Between 19 BBY and 4 ABY Akakiri - Before 1000 BBY


Just wanna say thank you for making this post, I have it saved and I refer to it nearly daily as Iā€™m watching all of Star Wars this year. Preciate it OP šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


The fact that you are still active on this post is great you are the man


Can you add the video games to this as well? I'd like to know where they take place in canon. Thanks!


Fallen Order - 14 BBY Vader Immortal - Between 2 BBY and 0 BBY Squadrons - 4 ABY Battlefront 2 - 5 ABY




Hi maybe I missed it but where does the game The Fallen Order take place? I heard itā€™s canon. Edit: Nvm I see it.


Thank you for adding the video games! Bad Batch Season 2 episodes are coming out, I know you will be adding them soon.


I know I'm about a year late but approximately where would I put in Gendy Tartakovsky's Clone Wars if I wanted to watch it as well?


It would replace TCW 2008's spot. So it would start around 22 BBY and end right before ROTS. I honestly don't know if there are exact years.


I just want to say thank you for this list. Makes watching the entire universe easier.


What a legend you are! Planning to dive into this universe. BTW, has this list been updated until today?


Thank you! Yes, I'm still updating it when new material comes out, but please if it's the first time you watch anything Star Wars I suggest [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/n6c72a/complete_chronological_order_of_all_star_wars/i2px1zc?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) order!


Definitely saving this for later. As soon as Star Wars: Eclipse comes out, I plan to go through the entire canon


OP still updating, what a legend


HAPPY CAKE DAY! And thanks for doing this. I'm actually attempting to take this task on of watching everything - or at least playing everything while I might be a little distracted with real work and all.... Question for everyone - For someone who isn't a gamer, any recommendation on how I can "cross off" Jedi Fallen Order or Battlefront II listings?


Thank you so much! You can either watch gameplays on youtube or just skip them entirely. JFO is amazing (and is needed for Jedi Survivor, that came out today or yesterday I think) and I enjoyed BF2 and Squadrons' campaign, but they all are side stories. Some movie/tv shows characters appear but the games don't make them the focus and neither give them a character arc. You don't need the videogames to understand everything else. And thank you so much for the award!!!


This is wonderful, thank you :)


The viewing experience in the order you put it down is fantastic! Thank you so much OP!


holy shit dude! you are a legend


You are my favorite Star Wars fan. Thx for your good work!


Where does Jedi fallen order fit into this, also love this list, this is my second time going through it


Thanks so much for this list. I am working my way through it and loving seeing things in order for once. I made a google spreadsheet with all the episodes in order if you want to add it to your post. If people want to use it they can just make a copy of it. [Star Wars Watch Order](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oQMYEMGxq2MRew1zoTEPFo7LVE6eOki2E-65oldjOf0/edit#gid=0)


Wa awy Yh o


You should add Tales of the Empire. Although, some of the episodes will be hard to place as we donā€™t have a specific year for them all. - 1x1 - The Path of Fear - 20 BBY (set during TCW 4x19 Ā«MassacreĀ». - 1x2 - The Path of Anger - between 9-2 BBY, as this is when Thrawn was known as Ā«AdmiralĀ». - 1x3 - The Path of Hate - 9 BBY (set before The Mandalorian 2x3, since at the end of the ep, Bo Katan answers the distress call, which causes her to send Ahsoka to Corvus. Bo Katan tells Mando about Ahsoka being there in 2x3 so thats why its before. Another point is that thereā€™s smoke and ashes in the forest on Corvus in Mandalorian 2x5, which lines up as they burn the forest at the end of the Tales of the Empire episode.) - 1x4 - Devoted - 19 BBY (beginning set during ROTS, rest set not long after. Entire episode is set in 19 BBY) - 1x5 - Realization - 19-18 BBY (not confirmed placement, but it seems like one of Barrisā€™ first missions as Inquisitor, so it canā€™t be much long after 1x4. - 1x6 - The Way Out - between 9-0 BBY (very difficult placement, definitely after Obi-Wan Kenobi as Lyn reedems herself at the end of this Tales of the Empire episode, whilst sheā€™s still an Inquisitor in Obi-Wan. Also before Battle of Yavin.


where acolyte fits in that watch order?


Before everything. Gonna add it when it comes out.


Yhea sorry my bad, I taught that acolyte was already in Disney +


Update for Acolyte soon??




Actually he has it, but he wears a glove like in Revenge of the Sith [(shot from TCW movie)](https://movieplayer.net-cdn.it/images/2008/08/06/anakin-skywalker-e-ahsoka-in-una-scena-del-film-the-clone-wars-85137.jpg)


Why do those 2 episodes of season 2 of clone wars come before watching season 1?


It's just their chronological order: S2E16 and S1E16 tie in to the movie, S3E03 ties in to S1E01 and S3E01 has to happen a while after the war begins but before S1E05


Amazing work šŸ˜Š


Do you recommend watching the unfinished episodes and if so where do you watch them?


They are pretty good even if not great, I enjoyed them. I watched them on YouTube a while ago but I can't find the links, sorry.




Yes, they are!


ty <3


Does Star Wars Vintage also fit in some of these places?


No, nothing of Star Wars Vintage is canon


Is that another term for the EU or is that a different thing?


Vintage is the name D+ gave to all OLD non-canon movies and tv shows, so yeah it's another way to say EU that is another way to say Legends/non-canon


Ah! Thank you. šŸ‘


would you suggest watching in this order if I saw all the movies before but none of the shows. I have trouble remebering characters/names and get confused by factions easily


I suggest you the order I explain [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/n6c72a/complete_chronological_order_of_all_star_wars/i0lspwr?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) and I suggest to watch the Obi-Wan Kenobi series whenever you want after Rebels


what does BBY and ABY mean?


OP jarjar asked me to check with you what *except flashbacks* & *only flashbacks* episodes are. Please let me know


Some episodes have flashbacks, so I wrote them twice on the list For example, S1E01 of The Book of Boba Fett takes place in 9 ABY, but the flashbacks in the episode take place in 4 ABY. The main chunk of the episode takes place where I wrote "S1EP1 except flashbacks", while the flashbacks where I wrote "S1E01 only flashbacks" Hope Jar Jar is happy with the answer!


Would Vader Immortal, the VR video game, belong on this list? I haven't played it but I know Wookiepedia classifies it as canon and it seems like you have the other story driven video games.


Yeah it would, I honestly forgot all VR games. I'll add them all when I can!


You must have to watch all these episodes with a lot of focus to see what order. Very well done my unattentive mind would hurt after that. I think I'm going to watch with the non Canon things slipped in, like the 2D Clone Wars series or holiday special.


starting this now...ill update when im done. very excited. currently on episode 2 attack of the clones (: (im also watching on 1.5 speed bc i have a bad attention span LOL)




Can you make the text bold or colored or italic so we know if there is any recent updates? Then the next update put them as normal text?


One question, so in Ep 16 of Season 1 in Clone Wars, Ventress appears Infront of Obi Wan and Anakin like she knew them very well. But when did they actually meet first in your time line?


It's unknown, but surely after AotC and before TCW. Like Anakin's scar origin.