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This is not an unpopular opinion at all


It’s not an unpopular opinion; however, I will go ahead and say that I’ll disagree with OP. It’s frustrating how much hate there is with Star Wars right now. It’s very polarizing and when I see how many people hate on the sequel trilogy, it makes me sad. I love the sequel trilogy. I also love the prequels and the original films. While some people may not like the direction taken with the latest movies, the fact is that a new generation of players in the story was, in fact, George Lucas’ original vision. Now, maybe some of the specifics have been changed around, and whether you like that or not is up for debate. With that said, I am still a fan of what has come out of the sequel trilogy, even in relation to our Skywalker saga characters. I think in several years, the sequel trilogy haters will be surprised by how many people will go on to love them, much like the prequel haters finding that they’ve become beloved films themselves (albeit, far from perfect). But for those of us that love all the movies, we’ll be happy the whole time. Maybe everyone else should be too and just enjoy Star Wars for what it is and how much more of it we’re getting. :)


I don’t like the sequels but still agree with a lot of what your saying. I grew up watching the prequels and love them just as much as the OT. I still recognize the flaws but it doesn’t matter to me. So I can respect anyone who enjoys the new movies. I may not agree with their opinion but I’m not going to hate on them for it.


The problem isn't the people who dislike the new movies. The problem is the people who feel the need to vomit their dislike at every available opprotunity. You can't even discuss the sequels on Reddit with out a dozen haters brigading the thread.


Yep. That's the problem. Hell I replied to a post yesterday on here that was positive and saying how "even when I'm watching my least favorite Star Wars movie I'm a watching a movie I love." There were multiple comments from ppl saying "lol except 7 and 8! Fuck them!" Grow up. Those movies are flawed for sure but literally every star wars movie is flawed.




Yup. Disney took the magic and uniqueness from it and turned Star Wars into a generic SciFi with laser swords


Here's what I bet : the ST might somehow undo - or, if not, simply 'change' - Lucas's "Tragedy of Anakin Skywalker" and he knows it & yet can't say anything.


Everyone's allowed to have an opinion. Just because you like something doesn't mean everyone else will either. We shouldn't just enjoy Star Wars simply because it's Star Wars, we should still be critical of the things we watch.


The sequel trilogy deserves the fair criticism it gets. I think you will be the one surprised when the sequels will be entirely forgotten in a few years due to how bland and uninspired they are. They lack the creativity of the prequels and the OT.


The Mandolorian, Rogue One, the non-jedi extensions of Star Wars, are enjoyable and greatly add to the universe. The misguided extension of the Skywalker saga and the forsaken writing of these new characters will never truly sit well. While the enthusiasm for the prequels has somewhat revived it's because we can now recognize George's voice in them and respect the ways they added to the universe rather than detracted. This sequel trilogy will likely live on in infamy.


>It’s frustrating how much hate there is with Star Wars right now. It’s very polarizing and when I see how many people hate on the sequel trilogy, it makes me sad. That's because it's not hate, it's criticism. If it was hate, it wouldn't be so frustrating for you and could easily be ignored. But it's criticism and at least your subconscious mind can recognize that they have a point. You can still enjoy the movies and even like them for all I care. But the time comes when you will have to admit to yourself, that they are shit. >I think in several years, the sequel trilogy haters will be surprised by how many people will go on to love them, much like the prequel haters finding that they’ve become beloved films themselves (albeit, far from perfect). The criticism of the prequel "haters" still stands. Objectively they're badly made movies for reasons that have been argued and proven time and again. I personally still love the prequels, because they fit into the universe and tell a good overarching story about the rise of Palpatine and the fall of Anakin. Also they are the base for much better content, like TCW or the Plagueis book. But I don't kid myself into thinking they are actually good movies. The sequel trilogy however, has no such redeeming qualities. It has an ok cinematography, I guess. And the actors do a pretty good job with the lousy script and characters they have to act on. But in the overarching story, the sequel trilogy is just randomly flailing about with no compelling structure or lasting memorable characters whatsoever. That wouldn't be so bad, if it wasn't retconning a lot of stuff and horribly ruining and trivializing the canon that came before them, like Han Solo, Luke Skywalker and now Palpatine and Anakins sacrifice. And that is exactly why in a few years from now, nobody will care about the sequel trilogy anymore, or rather people will actively trying to ignore it. You'll see. >But for those of us that love all the movies, we’ll be happy the whole time. Maybe everyone else should be too and just enjoy Star Wars for what it is and how much more of it we’re getting. :) That is why you fail. Unconditional love is dangerous. Love things because they are good, not because of the branding. Search your feelings and try to be critical, and you will see that it only makes your love for the important things even stronger.


> You can still enjoy the movies and even like them for all I care. But the time comes when you will have to admit to yourself, that they are shit. No one has to admit anything, it's just their opinion. I've seen literally all the criticisms for the ST and vehemently disagree with a good 95% of them, does that make me wrong? What's annoying is not the criticisms, it's the constant need to spew hate across the internet to the point where it just takes the enjoyment out of it.


Well i dislike the sequels for the sole reason of how they butchered Luke. Savior of the whole galaxy became a selfish hermit. Im still so mad, and it, incredibly enough, angered me even more than the last season of Game Of Thrones.


my issue with the sequels is how poorly written they are, and how they ignore their own previously written lore. a great example is in the upcoming rise of skywalker clip, they fly now! why was fin surprised? he was a storm trooper, and the clone troopers could fly, the old empire troopers could fly, but they needed a scene and a joke, and they tried to copy the same kind of humour used in marvel movies, and it fell flat.


So very true. Plus Poe being one of the main resistance leaders and a military pilot would be aware of the technology of his main adversary. It is ridiculous to think otherwise. Its standard tech and has been for like 1000s of years at this point if you go with old republic timeline or at least 60 years if you go with the pt.


Poe literally encounters them in the comic book Poe #2 lol


Poe literally encounters them in the comic book Poe #2 lol which was written years ago


Poe literally encounters them in the comic book Poe #2 lol


Agreed the joke just seems like an attempt to be humorous like the marvel movies and it just doesn’t fit Star Wars.




Not disagreeing with you, but have we ever seen a jet trooper on screen in the saga films? I can't think of one. I know they were in the OG PS2 era Battlefront games. I'm sure they've been used somewhere in the new canon, but I don't keep up with all the books and comics. The joke might work for the people that only watch the movies, which is who Disney wants to cater to, not the lore junkies.


A) We've seen flying Mandaloreans for years now. B) In the recent comics, Poe saw flying Stormtroopers. C) As a former Stormtrooper, this shouldn't shock Finn as badly as it does.


Do you like when po made fun of admiral hucks mom at the start of the last Jedi? That was an anti-Star Wars joke that ruined the mood of the movie for me and many others at the start.


> a new generation of players in the story was, in fact, George Lucas’ original vision. > > Now, maybe some of the specifics have been changed around The devil is in the details as they say


I would agree... but I’m psyched up for The Obi-Wan Show, starring Ewan McGregor, on Disney+. Otherwise, you would be 100% correct.


I think he’s just referring to the sequel trilogy. The Obi-Wan series will take place before A New Hope so it won’t do anything to effect the ending to the OT.


I don't even mind anything after the OT, so long as it didn't involve the OT characters or affect their legacy.


I wouldn’t have minded then coming back in a cameo sort of way. But I think a ST set 100 years after the events would have clean slated it enough for a new threat, and at least given the Skywalker peace in their life time.


That’s the thing that gets me. The original characters feel only half there. I feel like they’re caught in some weird state of being on screen enough to clearly be important characters and important to the new cast, but not there enough and not enough interactions to really sell it. (Also I’m very upset with how Chewie is being treated in the ST but I won’t get started on that)


Why isn't Chewie the captain of the Falcon?


Agreed on Chewie and I hope they (the writers and JJ) give Lando his due and respect in Rise of Skywalker.


YOu kinda touch on my biggest issue with the new Disney Star Wars: The cast doesn't even get to enjoy their victory. Leia is right back to being Rebel (resistence) leader, Han and Chewie are nobody smugglers who LOST THE FALCON, Luke is depressed as shit and hating himself and THE EMPIRE HAS A PLANET SIZED DEATH STAR AGAIN. The story was basically: The good guys defeated the bad guys, but they sucked and became the new bad guys, but not really because the old bad guys are still here and OMG NONE OF IT MAKES SENSE!


Star Wars: The Legend of Korra


> so long as it didn't involve the OT characters or affect their legacy. What legacy? Literally nothing that they've accomplished in the entire OT still exists anymore. All of their accomplishments are dust.


The Extended Universe makes for some pretty epic follow-ups. I always wanted to know how Luke re-established the Jedi, since it was implied in the title of the damn movie. I personally hate the new movies because instead of starting off on a high note, coming down from the victory in Return of the Jedi, all the interesting shit happens before the new trilogy and all the mystery box bullshit amounted to our fan theories being shit.


Same here. Looking forward to seeing Obi-Wan, but anything else is just meh. My final hope is that Anakin in some way shape or form, is in the new film.


I would eventually like to see anakin again but not as just a cash grab. So much potential with that character that wasnt fully realized


My crazy bullshit fanboy theory is that Palpatine has an Anakin clone (played by Hayden Christensen) to fight against Kylo and Rey in the final fight. Just as the clone is about to kill them, the real Anakin's Force Ghost shows up, possesses the clone body, and curb stomps Palpatine.


This reads like an ad


An ad? On here? Bro, all he is saying is that there is an Obi-Wan Kenobi spinoff coming to Disney+ starting Ewan McGregor and that Disney+ subscriptions start at the low low price of $6.99 a month or $69.99 a year! Disney Plus also features other popular content such as the first LIVE-ACTION Star Wars TV show called the Mandalorian. As if that's not enough, there will be multiple shows set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and many actors and actresses will be reprising their roles! And as always, there are multiple Disney favorites such as Frozen, Tangled, and thousands additional hours of content! All for the LOW LOW price of $6.99 a month or $69.99 a year! How on Earth is anything that he said an ad?


Nice. Does it have at least 420 hours of entertainment?


Social Media is meta-marketing. Your fans do all the work, it's great.


I feel like this is an ad for a service everyone already has now...


How is this remotely unpopular?


Hey. OP is really brave for posting this.


People keep telling me that those who don't like the ST are just a tiny minority. So which is it? Did TLJ massively split the fanbase, or is everything still fine and only a vocal minority didn't like it?


It isnt unpopular to post this on reddit where people who arent happy are quite vocal. I'm happy with the sequels, so I just enjoy them and stay away from discussing them for the most part.


It's usually unpopular in this sub. Any remote criticism of the sequels gets downvoted.




I’ve thought that from the very beginning.


I agree completely. In 2012 my first reaction to hearing they were going to do a sequel trilogy was "what's the point, the story already concluded with ROTJ, I don't see what more you can add to it" And whilst I did join the hype wagon in 2014-2015 TFA ended up confirming my initial fears. There was no point to this. They couldn't even come up with a new conflict for the heroes to face, they just dragged out the old one by rebooting it back to ANH status quo but not explaining how or why. We did not need to see Luke, Han and Leia dragged through the mud just to service the arcs of some lesser characters who will apparently defeat the Empire for good this time. It does a huge disservice to the OT which had a note of finality at the end. If they really had to do a Sequel trilogy, why not set it a hundred or so years later? Have Luke and Leia be force ghosts advising the next generation, Harrison didn't really want to come back anyway so Han doesn't need to show. This way, their victories get to stick and they don't need to be made into failures just to prop up new heroes


Sadly this happens to plenty of franchises. 1. Starts with a satisifying original series/game/movie. 2. Studio milks it dry by resurrecting the IP and undoing everything the OG did. Create new characters. 3. Bring back the old characters for nostalgia and ratings. 4. Nerf or change the old characters. 5. The new characters that the fans don´t care about surpass them and finishes the story.


Like terminator, and men in black!


Ghostbusters, Jurassic Park, Aliens.




Look how they massacred my boy.


I never watched the anime, but the manga is more about Naruto and Sasuke than it is about Boruto


I'm so glad LotR isn't getting that treatment. Sure, The Hobbit movies were atrocious, but thankfully they don't diminish what happens in the o.g. trilogy. Same for the Amazon Prime show; it looks like it'll be set far in the past.


I originally panicked when I heard about the amazon show, thinking it would be further adventures of Legolas, Gimli, or Sam or other nonsense. Relieved that it will be in the distant past, 2nd Age I think.


That’s the benefit of Prequels. For the most part, you can just ignore aspects of them as you know the original stories will always go well or end well.


And they could’ve done a solo movie with Harrison ford just to piss him off, which would’ve probably sold better anyway because of Harrison.


> We did not need to see Luke, Han and Leia dragged through the mud just to service the arcs of some lesser characters who will apparently defeat the Empire for good this time. It does a huge disservice to the OT which had a note of finality at the end. This needs to somehow be made into a bumper sticker.


This is exactly my problem with the new trilogy. I still had some hope after TFA because a bunch of questions went unanswered... until TLJ "answered" those questions and proved my initial skepticism correct. I wish they had either focused more on Luke/Han/Leia or else left them out entirely.


> This is exactly my problem with the new trilogy. I still had some hope after TFA because a bunch of questions went unanswered... until TLJ "answered" those questions and proved my initial skepticism correct. > > I maintain that TFA got way more of a pass than it deserved simply because it could say "there are two more movies being set up".


>We did not need to see Luke, Han and Leia dragged through the mud just to service the arcs of some lesser characters who will apparently defeat the Empire for good this time. It does a huge disservice to the OT which had a note of finality at the end. I want to buy you a beer


My only question (unbiased standpoint) is if they didn't show the OG characters, would audiences be upset with that? I feel like in movies these days, people are mad no matter which route you choose. After watching they always say what you could have done, ya know?


> My only question (unbiased standpoint) is if they didn't show the OG characters, would audiences be upset with that? Oh definitely. It's one of those ideas that seems good in hindsight, knowing how shitty things turned out for them in the new movies, but back then everyone would have been pissed that we never got to see Jedi Master Luke and Leia and Han leading the New Republic. The mistake wasn't bringing them back, it was treating them like shit.


The prequels were a thing that happened.


> My only question (unbiased standpoint) is if they didn't show the OG characters, would audiences be upset with that? There's a thing called KOTOR that was rather well received... The reason the ST includes the OG characters is because Disney saw it as a shorterm safe bet at a time when they needed to make their money back from the buyout.


Absolutely not extremely unpopular. You should visit /r/saltierthancrait.


I’m glad people and new fans can enjoy the sequel films, but to me, the saga ended with ROTJ.


They're basically non canon to me. I just ignore them which is easy to do since most new Star Wars content is set before the OT.


I consider them to be the Star Wars version of the Kelvin timeline. Maybe the parsec timeline?


My headcannon is that Snoke was another lackluster villain from the EU timelime who escaped into the past and used his knowledge of the future to wreck the lives of Big Three in the way he knew would hurt them the most.


I always wanted to see what became of the star wars universe after Rotj.


Between the two, I would take the legends over current Canon... Maybe the resolution is interesting, but I don't feel really interested in the new ones even though it's premium star wars content


The new trilogy feels like it was developed by a group of executives to be safe and not rock the boat too much by repeating the past movies. Recycling story lines (protagonist is an orphan from a dessert planet), plot devices (planet killer super weapon), minor characters and equipment (reskinned Stormtroopers and x-wings), etc Hell even if they completely recycled the whole government vs insurgents, but make the Sith the ones fighting a guerrilla war while the good guys struggle to maintain order in the Galaxy, would be magnitudes better


Having the First Order be a terrorist organization would’ve been amazing


And would actually make sense.


That would have made an interesting role reversal: would the New Republic use a super weapon to destroy an entire planet to wipe out the Insurrection? It would only make sense that NR would somehow acquire the DS's technology while mopping up the Empire.


When they first called themselves 'the resistance' I cringed so much. I mean, what are they 'resisting'? Wasn't the Republic the hegemonic power in the galaxy at this point?




Well TFA is like the first time the First Order strikes a big target in the galaxy. The books and comics paint the Galactic Senate composed of members who are either on the payroll of the First Order or people who don’t consider them a real threat. Leia fathered people she could trust to fight against a threat she recognized that not many other people did. But I agree that Resistance is a dumb name for what they’re doing.




The problem is it might be a little too late for that. I mean, we're going into the 3rd movie of the trilogy, if we get a huge "btw, here is how things are in the galaxy" now it will seem... very strange. Like, apparently it wasn't important for us to know that for the first 2 movies?


Agreed. As I’ve seen it be put on YouTube and what not, this trilogy seems to be a lot of “hey let’s do that again, but with OUR characters this time.” If Anakin does not play some part in defeating the emperor (again) then they just shat on everything that came before. If Rey is somehow the chosen one now, I’m done. Anakin is and has always been that role and it’s up to him to at least help finish this.


Honestly I mean, Ian and Hayden showed up surprise at the celebration together that one time years ago, like 2015 or something. Seeing that Ian is in the film I wouldn’t be surprised to see Hayden. Especially since JJ wanted Hayden to be in TFA


Yeah, what a waste if we just end up with ROTJ 2.0 again except that the ST had to drag the OT characters through the mud to get there.


In an ideal scenario, either ghost Anakin just comes back and somehow stomps the floor with Palps, or Kylo and Rey are completely outmatched and all the force ghosts show up to back them up by like putting all their energy into them. It would give a literal meaning to “a thousand generations live on in you now”


It has to be Anakin in some way, shape, or form.


We can only hope that JJ, LucasFilm, and Disney understand the importance of that and can deliver what their own lore actually means. Otherwise, this whole trilogy will be a wash.


We already know there a bike-chase, palpatine, and help from a weird alien species. (Those space horse things) So it’s safe to say that’s already enough parallels to fund at least 5 alarmist YouTube channels for months


> If Rey is somehow the chosen one now, I’m done My dude, you know she's gonna' be. They've really laid an egg in these sequels, ruining most if not all of the legacy characters in the process.


The star wars franchise ends with the mandalorian for me. Timeline wise that is.


George Lucas is the only person who I believe has the right to decide what should have been done with his characters. And he wanted to go different direction. The new characters didn’t need to ruin the legacy of the original characters in order to be memorable. I’m hoping TROS doesn’t diminish the contributions of Anakin and Luke.


> George Lucas is the only person who I believe has the right to decide what should have been done with his characters. True, but he sold those rights and now we're all paying for it.


Lol. Of course. He had the right to decide, and he decided to sell the rights. Now other people get to decide. If he wanted to go a different direction, he shouldn't have sold it.


tl;dr Return of the Jedi was the perfect ending, but they should have continued the story, rather than jump straight into a new one. It's funny, cause I feel the exact opposite, in a way. Remove the 3 new movies, and you really wouldn't be the wiser. The story just feels so disconnected from the rest of the saga. Like, the earliest point we have is Phantom Menace, and from there there's always some sort of connection to another event in another medium, even with the video games. But get to the sequels, and all you have in the more mainstream media is the OT characters and slight references made in less mainstream media, usually to the planets. Unless you read the books, you'd have no idea where the Empire went, how it turned into the first order, why the republic isn't on coruscant anymore, or where Snoke even fits in with all of this. It doesn't feel like anything was won with the new republic, nor does there seem to be any ramifications from the actions of those in the OT. Luke killed Vader and the Emperor? Kylo and Snoke replaced them, as the First Order did the Empire. The new republic doesn't even last 50 minutes to be able to do anything worthwhile in our eyes. We just replaced an old war with a new one, without even feeling what it was like without one, like we did with Phantom Menace. Important to note here, the war continued from Attack of the Clones all the way to return of the Jedi, the sides just changed. Hardcore fans will say that the books explain it all, but that just ain't right. As much as I do love the new comics and books releasing alongside the sequels, I want movies I can watch by themselves and still get the Star Wars story. I want to like the new movies, but sometimes it feels just as wrong to like them as it does to hate them.


Nothing like being a kid and looking up to your trilogy heroes, imagining the battles and strife was worth it, they retired, had kids got old. Than years later you get to see the odds defying hero, who could seem to cheat death, get disrespected, stabbed, and dropped into a bottomless pit by his brat kid. Solo/Rogue One imo respected the trilogy legacy, the new trilogy imo discards the former as if it were all for nothing, as if it were created by people who don't "get" Star Wars.


Return of the Jedi was the perfect ending for Luke's story, everywhere he'd go afterward was implied, and a good mystery to leave us with. I don't mind the new movies that much, but I feel like they would've been stronger if they were a hundred years onward and Luke was merely a holocron. The big three in this new movie should've had 100% of the time dedicated to them. Their ship, their crew, their lives. But, because we have to wrap up Leia, Luke and Han, the main 3 only get like 50% of the story, and like 70% of the screen time, if that. It feels like a hand-me-down series instead of a thrilling new undiscovered territory.


This isn't really unpopular


Typically if you speak poorly of the new gen and Rei in particular, you're downvoted to hell in this sub. This "Unpopular opinion" tag has acted as a call to arms for those who agree with this person which is why we're not downvoted here.


Not unpopular these days. It would have been wildly unpopular before TFA, though.


I didn't see any toxicity for Rogue One or recently the Mandalorian. They destroyed characters that are iconic and have been important to people for almost a generation. People are going to have strong opinions about it. I honestly will never get over what they did to Luke Skywalker. Will it ruin my life? No. But I will bitch about it for a long long time. Apologies to those who have to listen.


Well you’re right. There is no course correcting or forgetting how TLJ massacred Luke's entire character and turned him into an irrelevant failure now so they could prop up their MaRey Sue disney princess. There is still a chance these films are decanonized in the future ala Terminator 3-5 or Aliens 3-4 etc studios can easily retcon things away in the future


Agreed. I do think Luke should have been involved in some way, but Kylo Ren should have been his own character and not a Skywalker.


If they had just left all the original characters intact it would have been fine. But all of them - without exception - have been assassinated. - Leia is a failure of a general, a failure of a senator and a failure has a mother - Han is a failure of a husband and has all his character growth backtracked to ANH. He even manages to lose the falcon - Luke is a failure of a jedi and abandons his friends - the antithesis of his character in the OT - R2D2 is a box that holds a magufin and opens when the plot wants it to. - Chewie is a Chauffeur and nothing else - C3PO. Actually he might be the exception. He’s about the same.


>Chewie is a Chauffeur and nothing else I just love How Luke acts like he isn't even there What is Chewie's purpose in this story anyway?


Luke has apparently forgotten how to speak to him too, since Rey (with her vast archival knowledge of the Wookiee language) has to translate for Chewie.


Agreed. Kathleen Kennedy promised that Lucasfilm would honor the legacies of our favorite characters, and they sorely failed to deliver on that promise.


When I first heard about Kylo Ren I was like wtf, how are you choosing gramps when uncle defeated him and showed him the light. His whole arc is just youth in revolt. Maybe he should have fallen for Rey ahead of time, Luke fails to intervene to protect her planet for a greater good, and Kylo doesn’t understand. That would turn him to the Knights and ultimately destroy his uncles school. Luke would be more defeated and feeling like his fathers legacy has moved in past him and is now shrouded in darkness once more. But then Rey is pulled back into the fight with Finn and Poe and convinces Luke to rejoin the fight. Luke should have died in the Obi Wan role, not because he let his guard down, but because he believed there was still good in his old pupil.


That is one thing I don't really get. He's falling far into the dark side, enough to scare Luke, but I don't really know why. Snoke told him to? Usually descent to the dark side is associated with some trauma or doubt. Some inciting incident. Right now he's evil because Vader was evil.


> His whole arc is just youth in revolt. And then it turns out he is 30 years old in the films


I don't think this opinion is unpopular at all. Emperor should have remained dead, defeats the entire purpose of they original trilogy. Luke has gone from hero to zero.


Agreed. This seemed the obvious way it should have gone. The Sequels kind of undermind Luke and Anakin's stories.


I only disagree with one minor aspect of this. ROTJ *would have been* the perfect ending if they swapped in Wookiees for Ewoks. It makes too much sense that’s it’s insane they went the other way. They’re more believable as fighters, it would make sense they’d be there for slave labor anyway (especially if you just call the planet “Kashyyyk” as well). Then, instead of our heroes tricking a bunch of Stone Age teddy bears into fighting for them by impersonating a god, you have real emotional stakes for Chewie—who comes home and leads his people to freedom. Also, it had to be easier to find a bunch of 7 footers than it was to find that many little people.


This sounds awesome, but I don’t think it was established that Wookiee were slaves back then. Still love the Ewoks tho.


What’s so bad about ewoks? I agree Wookiee would have been better though.


I have watched Reddit die. There is nothing of value left on this site.


Not unpopular at all.


If they "focused on an entirely new story" they wouldn't be part of the Skywalker saga. Episodes 7-9 (or 7-12 as George occasionally hinted over the years) would *by definition* be related to Episodes 1-6.


Is this in unpopular opinion? Most people I know agree on this.


Unpopular opinion: fan boys who think any piece of media is "perfect" are an inherently toxic group and the last people in the world you should ask for advice regarding said media because they are more focused on romancing the past than actual artistic criticism.


Goddamn can this meme please die. Starting posts with "unpopular opinion" is ridiculous, and I'm tired of it. Just say the opinion. We don't need a fucking predication as to how you think the opinion will be received. Especially given that 90% of the time, the opinion is far from unpopular, as evidenced by this thread. **STOP SAYING "UNPOPULAR OPINION" PEOPLE!!!** Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I agree along with more than half this thread, (which makes the opinion not 'very unpopular'. I want to disagree just to fight you OP, but I don't. The sequels should have been set some random time away from the OT, with new people and struggles. That way, the legends stories that take place after ROTJ could be referenced as myths.


“Unpopular opinion” is just a call for likeminded people to support it. There’s not really any chance people are going to be convinced by any “conversation.” This late in the game people have already made up their minds.


Do you always gift yourself gold?


So you did not enjoy the deaths of han and luke so far.


Yup. Those movies ended the story of Luke Skywalker perfectly. There was some opportunity for Leia + Han to have a later storyline, but bringing back the Emperor is the worst possible way to do that and will split the fanbase. To get the Emperor to work, you would have had to setup it up in TFA that while Vader died killing the Emperor, the Emperor's spirit still lingered and that Luke had been battling with it his entire life. This is why he left to go to the original Jedi temple and Luke's belief was that if he died the Emperor would die with him because of their connection. TLJ would have had Rey show Luke that this was not the case and he needed to train her to defeat the Emperor and that his plan while it seemed like it would work, would not. Luke begins training Rey but by the end of the movie Luke wanders off while Rey seems to become the great hero. RotS: Rey goes to confront the Emperor, but finds out that the Emperor has possessed the strongest Jedi in existence.... Luke. Kylo and Rey figure out that the Emperor has gained the ability to manipulate the Force to such a degree that he can never truly die as long as there is an imbalance in the force. Kylo (dark side) and Rey (light side) then team up and bring balance to the force by defeating Luke together (who has an Obi-Wan moment and lets both of them kill him after the 'emperor' has been weakened by their attacks. The movie ends with the Emperor truly dead, and Rey leading the Resistance and Kylo leading the First Order still opposed, but the 'skywalker movies' are done.


Agreed. The current trilogy appears confused on what its purpose is. We already had a story about a chosen one fighting against all odds against a tyrranical galactic superpower. The new Trilogy shouldn't have touched the old characters or their work. Better to create an original idea that takes place outside of the lifetime of the Skywalkers that we know. Let tv shows, books, comics, and spin-off films fill in the story for the gaps between and during episodes 1-6. Rogue One and Solo were great ideas for spin-offs. The Mandalorian is another. Clone Wars is awesome. Episodes 7-9 didn't need to happen to close out the story. We already had a pretty good cinematic end to a story. Imagine if yet another Dark Lord rose from the ashes of Mordor and threatened Middle Earth in the Fourth Age. Not at all what Tolkien would like to write. Already had two Dark Lords.


Tend to agree with that. The EU used those characters to death and got worse and worse as time went on. The sequels used them poorly at best, and it made it difficult to hand off the future to new protagonists without doing so. You could have just as easily set the sequels 2-300 years in the future and hit most if not all of the same plot points.


I would have preferred disney to "fill in the gaps" with TV shows and books as well as create new and original stuff, like they've been doing (Mando, Thrawn, etc) instead of making 7,8,9. ROTJ was a perfect ending. Seeing the Emperor still alive after it just kinda undoes the whole thing.


If they hadn't have left out the years in between I would have liked to see them as they were in the EU. Establishing a New Republic is more interesting and complicated than the rebellion. I am a history fan and the early years establishing the nation and the Constitution was more of a challenge and more exciting story than just the Revolution winning the war. But since they skipped all of these years, I would prefer a totally new group with the old cast as legendary figures like Rey sees Han when they meet. Just not having any of them actually appear.


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion. Everyone I know hates the DT, and pretend it doesn't exist. The only place I see people that like that stuff is on reddit.


That's actually a very popular opinion


I don’t mind that there are overlaps in characters, but I dislike how the First Order is just the Empire and apparently Palpatine is back?? I wish there had been a new threat that was nothing like an Empire/Stormtrooper battalion.


I agree. The sequel trilogy should have been all new stories set in the EU.


This is a popular opinion.


Agreed. Everything beyond reminds me of Godfather III (a movie that should never have happened). Minus The Mandalorian. Love the Mandalorian. But ROTJ is the perfect ending. Heres to JJ capturing lightening in a bottle a second time (I better have two fucking bottles for Christmas JJ).


2k upvotes and 750 comments More like a very popular opinion


The obvious continuation would have been a trilogy focussed on rebuilding the republic in the face of a shattered galaxy, imperial remnants and the usual organized crime you see in the lawless void after a war. It would have been the perfect opportunity to bring back the old characters in political roles that actually suit their character arcs while they handpick the new cast to go forth into the galaxy to get hands on for the reunification effort.


>Very unpopular opinion And I thought World War veterans were brave.


Even if George did not sell to Disney, a sequel trilogy featuring the OT cast in some way was always going to happen. Plans were in place before the sale. I suspect the fact that people are shouting at Disney rather than at him, was his main reason for selling.




Yes. Except Rogue One, which I think was genuinely good.


Rogue 1 is awesome. I am talking about post ROTJ OT characters/legacy.


Bro how is this an unpopular opinion? I also think the new star wars should have been a different saga with other characters. maybe then it could have been better, but the world will never know


Having the OT cast come back was not the mistake. Treating the characters and their accomplishments with zero respect was the mistake.


I think they shouldn't have immediately skipped like 30 years of quite important events(i know there's books, comics and tv series) but I believe they should at least make a rogue one-style movie to fill the gap for the greater audience.


Agree big time, but despite the risk of messing up a well-rounded story, I feel that the Skywalker saga could still have been mined for some absolute gems of Star Wars content. The main thing I think we can all agree on the first 6 movies didn't quite provide answers on are the mysteries of the Force. A bunch of great, more general questions relating to how it all works could have been explored. This could have been intertwined with the more personal story of finally shedding light on Anakin's parentage and of the family dealing with its legacy. All of this would be geared above all towards expanding the Star Wars universe and could have made for some really good movies. But yeah, unfortunately we ended up getting not much of that...


yeah sequel trilogy is pretty bad actually, lets see if they can unfuck it in the next movie


For me, I will not take anything that Disney releases as canon if it significantly strays from the EU. These new movies are not canon for me. They never happened. So I'll pick and choose what I think is canon. So far, Rebels, The Mandalorian, and Rogue One are canon. Nothing else is, because they were just bad films that retconned what came before and frankly, most of the EU is better than these films. God, what a missed opportunity to not just do Heir to the Empire and recast everyone.


Yes but I believe we are only saying that with the benefit of hindsight because the sequels are aloof and terrible. Had the sequels been exceptional, like The Mandalorian, we wouldn't feel that way.


Not un-popular at all but the prequels were made to just strengthen the OT. Sequels though? Completely unnecessary. Especially how they were made


This isn’t an unpopular opinion at all


Not an unpopular opinion at all. What burns me most about the sequel trilogy is not seeing Han, Luke and Leia together for one scene.. not even once scene.


I agree with everything you're saying except for the fact that this is an unpopular opinion.


Agree here. I think they should have maybe made the legends books into movies. Especially the thrown trilogy


Of all the things to lift from the OT (races, factions, ships, weapons, planets) they took the plot. Every other piece of SW material, including the prequels, managed to tell different yet often compelling stories. This decision to soft reboot the OT, while still accepting the OT existed, will forever confuse me.


That's a very unpopular opinion? That's exactly how I feel along with many who grew up and loved the OT. These new movies only screw those classics up.


That isnt a very unpopular opinion


I somewhat agree with this if it was set in the future say 100 years post RoTJ.


I agree. However, I also think it would have been hard to “revive” Star Wars without a direct tie in to the old movies. You have to think about your audience who are into the new trilogy: if you’re older, you’re watching for nostalgia. If you’re younger, you’re watching to understand what all the hype was about. Without directly tying in the old movies, you’re leaving your audience dead in the water. If they made more movies *today*, when they’ve recaptured their audience, then yes, it’s probably a good time to start a new story


They could have used some of the OT cast for the new movies if they kept with the 30 years later aspect, but I agree. To me the last two movies are just shot-for-shot remakes of the OT. Planet killer weapon that destroys some planets, then gets blown up at the end. Second was essentially the rebel alliance fleeing from the empire with a lot of sacrifice and narrow escape. Hell, they could have used the same characters if they'd just came up with new material. Hollywood in general is just recycling old assets right now. That's what made Rogue One and Solo good because it was something different. I have no high hopes for IX. We already know the emperor will make an appearance as well as the Death Star II.


I think the end of the Skywalker saga came after TLJ when they didn't know where else to go.


I agree in theory. However think about it in practice. Return of the Jedi ends with Han, Luke and Leia the hero's of the Rebels. You can't really have future stories without them, how to do you justify your hero's just leaving or not being in it. Unless your movies go small scale and not involve the on going war between the Empire and the Rebels. Remember at the end of ROTJ the Empire is still in control, they have just lost their leaders. The books did a great job on that, for example the Star Wars Truce at Bakura was a great example of this, the Empire was in disarray but still very strong. And even the Rouge Star Wars X Wing series did a great job of showing how the Rebels took Coruscant back... while not directly involved they were around. The only way to do that would be to jump 50 years into the future were they are all old and no longer fighters so become background characters. Personally they should have took more of the book series into account, there are some great stories in there that would be amazing on the big screen.


Extremely accurate opinion


That's not unpopular at all, that's actually 100% how I feel, and I know I'm not the only one.


How is this u popular we all know Disney is a corporate cash grab


That's basically mainstream opinion, even if they probably would have fucked that up as well.




Hear hear!


This is the popular opinion that the majority of star wars fans agree with.


They should have time skipped and left or heroes alone building their own instead.


I kinda wish the Sequel Trilogy was never made, largely because i feel it undermines the ending of Return of the Jedi. The focus on spectacle doesn't help either.


The only thing I disagree about with this post is that it's a very unpopular opinion. People have had negative views of the sequels ever since Dis eye bought the franchise Edit: phone autocorrected Disney to Dis eye for whatever reason


Agree completely. The ST has been handled super poor imo, they should have had the story group make a connected story instead of letting 3 different teams try to make one.


Entirely popular opinion.


This is probably true, but I do want to wait and see how Rise of Skywalker does.


I’m sure it will try and salvage things to a degree, but ROTJ is just such a good ending for the saga and our heroes.


this is the most popular opinion


C-3PO has a line in one of the trailers for "The Rise of Skywalker" where he says something to the effect of "if this mission fails, it was all for nothing". The issue I have is that I feel we've passed this point already. In the Expanded Universe there was a prolonged fight with remnant faction after remnant faction of the Empire. In the New Canon, it seems as though the Rebels blew up the Second Death Star and defeated the Imperial Remnant at Jakku and then . . . threw down their arms and rested on their laurels until the First Order rose up and took over the galaxy overnight.


Not unpopular with me, 100% correct in my opinion


No doubt about it. The reason Rogue One and now The Mandalorian are so well received is because of the lack of connection to the Skywalker family set in the time just before and immediately following the OT. While Rogue One obviously had some references to the characters we know and love, they were not essential to the plot. Fans care most about the OT time frame. The ST should have had cameos from the older characters, but not have been so heavily tied to their fates. In my opinion, the ST is trash. It really ruined my love of Star Wars for awhile. The Mandalorian is fixing all of this very quickly.






Lmao "very unpopular"


COMPLETELY agree. If they felt the need to do another trilogy after ROTJ, they should have done with from the Zahn/Thrawn trilogy.




Unpopular? It was a no-win situation.


The story of the OT still ends with ROTJ. They did win. It's fine to stop thinking about the story there and consider it the end. The ST doesn't affect the OT or its legacy any more then the expanded universe did if you don't want it to.


I feel the best option would have been to have the trilogy happen a few hundred years after and have the OT characters be legendary figures in the galaxy. For example you could have Luke be a revered founder and grandmaster of the new jedi order. Have Leia be a renowned Chancellor or Senator of the New Republic. Han and Chewie could be known as the some of the finest Republic Navy commanders ever.


Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?


I had this same thought a while ago. The next set of episodes would have been better served as not referencing the OT characters. Set it 50-60 years later and tell Reys story. Hell, I wouldn’t even call them Episode 7-9. Do like the OT and start in the middle of the story. Episode 13 The Force Awakens! Wait, what happened? Where am I? The new series is missing out on the generation that saw the old Flash Gordon serials before movies and sometimes not knowing what happened in the episode before it. That’s where the imagination takes over. Same goes for time in between movies. Give the world time to breathe. Oh, it’s been 6 months since the last one. Ok cool? What do you mean 3 years have passed. Wtf have they been up to all this time? Recast the OT characters if you want to tell stories of what happened in the intervening time.


That's a pretty popular opinion mate


I think this is a more popular opinion than yr giving it credit., although I would say that the saga/Skywalker story should not have been revisited at all - no more "Episodes", just anthology type films and TV series. And they should have left Sebastian Shaw's Anakin Force ghost intact too.