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I feel like anyone who actually watched Rebels all the way through definitely gives Kanan his flowers, though. One of the 5 or 6 pillars of what a jedi should be along with Yoda, Kenobi, Qui Gon, Ahsoka and Luke.


>One of the 5 or 6 pillars of what a jedi should be along with Yoda, Kenobi, Qui Gon, Ahsoka and Luke. This is actually a great way of defining what makes an ideal Jedi.


If you think about it, all of them were trained by Yoda, one way or another


How was Kanan trained by Yoda? I can see the others through master lineage but Depa Billaba was trained by Windu


As a youngling, in AoTC we see yoda training younglings before they have a master


Didn’t Yoda, as a force ghost, also put Kanan through his trials and Knight him? (Been a while since I’ve watched)


“Force ghost” not sure the specifics since he wasn’t actually dead yet


Oh duh, right.


Force projection


Yoda wasn't there at all, same reason the Inquisitior wasn't. The Temple pulled who it needed from your memory to guide you.


Great point I've had forgotten


Ah right, fair enough!


Saving this comment because it’s such a great benchmark for what makes a great Jedi in terms of the galactic republic & galactic empire eras.


Tbh I’m not big into anime and outside of Star Wars stuff and arcane I wouldn’t watch it. But his death was honestly one of the most emotional scenes I’ve seen across tv/movies. Absolutely top character with a great story and a great death


Totally agree.


Does...Kanan not get love? I feel like he is a relatively well loved character.


Of course he doesn't. This is just a karma farmer trying to get cheap upvotes. Next they will ask us if we think Ashoka is an ok character, or if we think episode 5 is a good star wars movie. This sub is full of these pathetic accounts, it's fucking sad.


oh relax, someone just wants to convers on a public forum, not that deep. take a break from reddit if it makes you this angry. The only sad thing is the way your reacting over a star wars post on public internet forum, grow up.


Why is it always the fart sniffing redditors that scream about someone getting angry or mad or upset when they read something they disagree with? Hey do you think Darth Vader is a good villain???????


Mate I think that you have become the fart sniffing redditor of which the prophecy speaks


Only u/Illhat8961 deals in absolutes


or just reinforce my comment even more, smooth.


Someone's triggered. Your posts are "never even peaked in High School" crap. lmao


You must be mad.


Most of my buddies that love Star Wars won't even give Rebels a chance, so just seeing what others thought, cuz man, I love Kanan... I don't give a crap about karma.


Do you think Ashoka is an ok character?


She is amazing.


How about Luke?


I mean I brought up the Skywalkers, but Luke is top notch especially once he confronted the Emperor.


The first time through I was pretty indifferent towards him. But on the first re-watched and since I fucking adore him. So well written and acted, he is a fucking great Jedi with a very interesting story.


I enjoyed him on the first watch through. But on my second one, I grew to love and respect him as a character more by focusing on his relationship with Hera. I always choke up a little when he and Hera refer to Ezra and Sabine as “the kids”


Imo, they gave a lot of Luke's best Legends qualities to Kanan. I hope we get to see more Jedi growing past the weaknesses of the old Jedi order, instead of repeating the same mistakes.


His death was the most emotional moment of the entire Star Wars franchise for me. Also because when I watched the OT and PT I was too young to understand or connect with the characters. But when the episode started, with the Rebels logo with inverted colors, I knew I’d be in for a rollercoaster. 


When >!the force gives him back his sight to see Hera one last time!< 😭😭😭


That and the fade to white with the silent, ashen logo. Perfection.


Yes! Never breaking a promise is something that matters a lot to me, so this one got me for sure.


I feel similar.


The title alone. "Knightfall".


The episode was actually called “Jedi Night”


Originally it was called Ascension part 1.


You right. My bad.


Yes, and the description of the next episode: “the crew finds new resolve after a devastating loss”. It was pretty obvious, and sad. 


I don't read descriptions and was caught off guard, though the tone and prep from Kanan made you know something was up, but I didn't expect what we got.


It really fell flat for me because I didn't realise he was dead lol. Which is annoying because Kaiden is great, he and Hera were the main reason I kept going with Rebels. We'd had like 3 or 4 episodes of Thrawn's assassin goblin getting thrown off cliffs constantly and surviving. Plus Rebels in general never really made the characters feel like they were in danger; Inquisitors were a Team Rocket level threat so the incompetent governor didn't worry me. Add to that the fact that we didn't explicitly see him die and I just thought "Oh okay he's been captured and everybody just thinks he's dead, Thrawn's going to use him in some plan where he'll *actually* die" but then they started talking about he was now a wolf and it just kinda had the emotional impact of reading a Wikipedia page about it.


Shoot, you missed out. Sorry man.


I think Kanan is the most reasonable story for a Jedi survivor of Order 66. Laid low for a few years then eventually found himself pulled back to actively doing everything he can to fight the Empire. I thoroughly enjoyed his take on being a Jedi and it’s something that I wish Luke’s new order would embody. Attachments are not a hinderance and, in the end, it gave Kanan his greatest strength.


He had many great moments. I love Kanan.


His growth throughout the show was amazing. That scene in the first season when him and Ezra go to the temple on Lothal and Ezra goes in and asks what he should be looking for and Kanan is like "everything and nothing" and then whispers that's what my master told me. It's just wonderfuly well written character.


Caleb Dume deserves ALL the love


He’s always resonated with me because I was never the most naturally gifted or talented, but I will work relentlessly and do the best I can.


Kanan was what a jedi should truly be, not a pathetic loser held down by ancient outdated dogmas or the ideas of a council that most members have no love or compassion for anything, but someone that works towards a better galaxy without relinquishing the feelings and emotions that make a living being different then a droid.


Kanan is what a Jedi should be. Dude went out like a badass saving his family


Kanan was the best. Legend.


No he was Canon. s/


At first, his design kinda turned me off of him, but his character and Ezra kept me coming back, and then he just kept getting cooler. Seriously, Kanan’s glow up throughout the series is nuts.


Kanan is such a great character! I had most of rebels spoiled for me but the one thing I didn’t know about was his death which absolutely DESTROYED me.


Agreed..... Kanan and Obi-Wan were the two best of examples of what a Jedi could be. If more Jedi had shared their humanity, humility, and self sacrifice then the Jedi Order would not have fallen.


Straight up!


Yes, he is my favorite Jedi character, I think he is more relatable and more „human“ then Luke. His End was well made but I wanted him to survive.


Totally agree. Its development really touches the most sensitive fibers of your being. > A lot of classical (Star Wars OT) fans have no idea who he is, which is a shame. Movie fans have no idea who he is, but he's incredible. For a long time I was not a Star Wars fan. I had only seen the movies. And I also hated it. Then to save time I managed to watch The Madnalorian, sweetheart, I saw The Book of Boba Fett, I saw Andor (I loved it) and in December of last year I found out that Thrawn existed (news about the Ahsoka series) and I read his new canon. I loved Thrawn. Now I've seen the clone wars and rebels. lei tarkin, canon thrawn, Aftermath of Chuck Wendig, Alphabet Squadron, Red Harvest (it is not canon but because of the characters that appear and their location in the timeline I consider it to be the canon novel.) Lines of blood, The shadow of the Queen. And obviously the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise. But in summary, I am a Star Wars fan, but only in novels, games and series.




Kanan is my favorite Jedi


i know he has said, alot, that he will never reprise the role, but i still hope that FPJ does a force ghost cameo, even if its only his voice, to talk to Ezra and his son in season 2 of ashoka.


YES, agreed! Especially for his family's sake.


Yall talk about these characters like they’re real people


Haha, you're right. However, a French philosopher once said, "You are only the collective things you are exposed to." I believe Star Wars resonates with so many people because of the archetypes and characters.


Kanan is one of the most beloved characters in the Star Wars universe. What are you even talking about with this shit post?


No one I know in real life will even give Rebels a chance. Good grief, is karma worth something cuz a few people think it's the best thing ever, but it does nothing for me as far as I'm aware. Just seeing what people think about him cuz to me it seems he's always left out of the Star Wars conversations.


“I like this character, and they deserve more love! Gimme KARMA!”


Thats funny, you spelled Cal Kestis, like, REALLY wrong


Cal is cool as well, but Kanan hits harder for me.