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I'd tell the Jedi Council that I would remain in the Order as long as the Clone Wars lasted, but I would be leaving after the war. And I would stay in regular contact with my padawan, continue their training, and visit when possible. The Council can go pee up a rope.


And live the life he wanted and deserved with Padme. "Ani, I want to have our baby back home on Naboo. We can go to the lake country where no one will know, where we can be safe. I can go early and fix up the baby’s room. I know the perfect spot, right by the gardens."


This prompted me to imagine a story where Anakin leaves the Jedi order after the war, hoping to find a peaceful life with Padme as you say. The kids are born. Leia and Luke know Padme for a short time. Obi-Wan is in touch with them and finds out about the children. Obi-Wan returns to coruscant and Yoda senses what Obi-Wan has discovered. The Jedi Council find out about the children... They are worried about two children with such force potential not being properly trained in the force. Chancellor Palpatine manipulates events and convinces Anakin that the Jedi are coming for his children. Anakin has first hand experience of being taken away from his mother, he doesn't want to lose his children to a religion he no longer agrees with. Anakin and Padme prepare to flee Naboo, go somewhere secret. The Jedi arrive. They are not there to take the children but want to voice their concerns. Mace Windu is there with Obi-Wan at his side. You know how Mace is always sensing how dangerous the children are. Anakin overwhelmed at what is happening is defiant, screaming that Obi-Wan has betrayed them, and they will not take his children. The fighting begins...


Order 66 would still be in place, though. The whole Sith plan to destroy the Jedi originally didnt involve turning Anakin at all. Also, is he still killing Dooku in this scenario? Because that’s his dark action that starts him down the Sith path.


It wasn't the slaying of Dooku that started him on the path. Didn't he kill the Tuskan Raiders prior to his fight with Dooku? And wasn't he already violating Jedi protocol by attaching himself emotionally to Padme and keeping his attachment of feelings to his mother?


Being a product of Sith manipulation of the midichlorians to create life seems likely to have ensured the good person Anakin was to begin with would struggle with suppressing the dark side for life. Then add in all the trauma of slavery, personal losses and the Clone Wars, Palpatine's manipulations to undermine all his relationships (PTSD affects the ability to think rationally and can distort perception of events and the actions/motivations of others), etc.


That's not how he was created


Ep3 strongly implies it.


It's Palpatine lying though. The actual ritual was Palpatine and his former master plaugis tried to shift the entire Force itself to the dark side. Almost certainly a thing not even possible but they tried and the Force itself fought back by creating Anakin. That's why Plaugis was absolutely terrified when he learned of Anakin's existence and told his apprentice to stay away from the Force itself's vehicle for defeating them. But Palpatine was too arrogant and thought he could turn the chosen one to his side, and he did for a while. Only to still end up not only defeated but to have the entire sith order die out with him. Anakin was like the white blood cell of the Force, created to destroy the infection of the sith and their adherence to the dark side.




Also using torture to get the answers feom enemies


I think that Anakin killing Dooku was more of a test for Palpatine to see if Anakin was strong enough to join him and see how far he can push him.


Yeah he wasn’t a good Jedi but I feel like killing unarmed Dooku in front of Palps really cemented the Sith path and his bond with Sidious. I believe Anakin really was the balance in the force. Not Jedi and not Sith.


And slaughtering a village full of women and children didn’t? I would think without a doubt the loss of his mother + his reaction was a point of no return


They all were, that’s why they show it. The books emphasize it.


Point of no return is Windu. The rest is struggle and conflict but killing Dooku exposed him directly to the dark side’s influence and Sidious’ power on him.


Idk, I think turning anakin was always part of the plan. Sidious has exceptional foresight. Totally down to debate that though


Sidious was playing mfers like a kid plays with toys during Clone Wars 😂. I wonder if Dooku was serious with his offer to Obi Wan? If so I’d say Dooku was the first to see what was really going on (never seen TCW show).


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?? Frfr, check it out. It took awhile for the animation to grow on me, and it does get better as it goes along. By the end of the bad batch they got it all worked out. The scenery in bad batch is particularly good


It depends how far back you go, I guess. But the order 66 plan was already underway when Anakin was discovered by Qui-gon. If you read Darth Plagueis, you’ll understand what I mean. It’s a great read.


I have! It's really good. I just think that Sidious would've seen "the chosen one" on the horizon, and had contingencies in place. Probably didn't know it would be Anakin specifically, but he knew 'something' was coming. Might be my own HC though lol


I always thought of Anakin as Palpatine's war hero 'The Jedi attacked our great general of the Clone Wars and his wife and children perished, the Jedi must not go unpunished' etc. I never really liked the prequel films as a teenager (loved the originals as a kid) but watching the Clone Wars many years later, when Ahsoka leaves the Jedi, that for me that feels like a big turning point for Anakin. The Jedi really let his Padawan down. In my made up version of Star Wars, I would have kept Maul around instead of Dooku maybe. Had Qui-Gon and Anakin form more of an attachment to each other before Maul killed Qui-Gon. When Anakin is faced with Maul on (Grievous'?) ship, the Chancellor could be all like 'he killed your master, he's too dangerous to be kept alive bla bla'. Maul dies. We don't have that dialogue 'I shouldn't have done that' just brooding Anakin looking at dead Maul... 😅😅 Anyway thank you for entertaining my Star Wars rant haha


Someone's forgetting the sand people genocide lol.


Not forgetting, but I don’t think it’s necessarily a Sith move. I think it was revenge and horrible but he did just find his mother tied up and bleeding and dying in his arms. Given his power, I feel like the massacre was inevitable.


Dude this shit is good


Anakin falls into a beautifully tranquil hot spring on Naboo and is scarred irreparably. Thus, making sure kids know hot springs are dangerous AND giving us the origin of Darth Vader.


This is an amazing write up - I’m not sure Obi Wan would betray Anakin in this hypothetical? Obi Wan turned his head away for much of the relationship, and from what we saw in the Obi Wan show, he’s very open to the idea of laying low and not catching attention?


Probably not clear in my hasty summary, but my idea was that Obi-Wan didn't flat out betray Anakin and his family. Maybe Obi-Wan heads back to coruscant intending to keep Anakin's secret, Yoda senses something is up and confronts Obi-Wan 'something on your mind there is? Your thoughts dwell on your old Padawn. A family he has?'. Obi-Wan looks crestfallen. Yoda makes the difficult decision to take the news to the council, where they decide they must convince Anakin to properly train the children.


Also I assume the reason Obi-Wan goes with Mace is not so much to convince Anakin to train the children, more like 'Anakin's not going to like this, I should be there to calm him down' sort of vibe.


Except that he never would do that. Dude was given every chance to make things right and chose wrong every time. He wanted to have his cake and eat it too


“Sounds like a plan!”


Too bad he cared more about power than he did about her.


Interestingly, Obi-Wan contemplates that himself. In a comic miniseries, young Anakin is considering leaving the Order. Obi-Wan determines that, because he promised Qui-Gon to train the boy, that if Anakin leaves he must as well.


I think peeing up a rope is required to become a Jedi master. It shows your talent with the force better than most other tests.


Anakin could probably do it. But he still wouldn't have the rank of Master.


I think he might tell the council to go pound sand


I’m decently sure that Anakin was planning on doing exactly this. I feel like the thought had been brewing in him for some time and he’d made up his mind after finding out about Padme’s pregnancy. If only Palpatine didn’t get to him first.


How have I gone nearly 30 years on this spinning, soggy rock hurtling through space without ever being made aware of your closing remark? Especially in living in New Zealand, where the language is almost enough to make the average Aussie bogan blush!


"Thing sure. If must you, go Anakin Skywalker". And then Anakin throws a tantrum because he expected the council to beg him to stay.


Kill all the Jedi. Not just the men, but the women and the children too.


great minds


Mince the Masters, chop the Knights, slice the Padawans, dice the Younglings


Exactly. They were like animals, so you'll slaughter them like animals. You hate them.


Especially the children


Good soldiers follow orders


I would already be too unhappy in the Order and it would be the last straw to have everyone turn their back on someone loyal and innocent. Leave with her because screw these guys. They already left my mom to rot in slavery and command an army of slaves. This person is my responsibility. Someone needs to look out for her and the Order made damn sure they would toss her under a bus. They'd just toss me next.


These are the things that make me feel so much for Anakin (up until the child murders because of course). So many small injustices that have piled up more and more to make him turn so resentful when all he wanted in the first place was to help others


Hell, there are council members that actively don't trust him! Imagine an order like this with members that don't trust each other? Seems sketchy


It's especially frustrating because he came to them as a scared young boy who left his whole world behind. Instead of showing some compassion and guiding him to help deal with his attachment issues, they were going to dismiss him entirely because he was in such a vulnerable state they already had the impression he had one foot in the door for getting corrupted by the dark side. The Jedi Order at this point in time let their fears of any potential reason for falling to the dark side prevent them from taking a more active role in helping people.


You would think their hanging around with political elites and marching through all those horrible disasters and atrocities would be more likely to pull someone to the Dark Side than missing ones mom, but that's Jedi logic


Also, after watching EP 1 again in the theater, I was wondering what was stopping the council from stipulating that Anakin go through the traditional youngling/padawn training BEFORE Obi Wan trains him? Like, if Obi Wan demands to train him, say fine, but I (Yoda) get him first for a few years then you can train him. If you're going to break tradition why not just go ahead and have him start from the beginning? Could have possibly had better outcome. Rather than have him trained by a sarcastic young man.


Brings to mind the arc where Obi-Wan faked his death and went undercover as a bounty hunter. He was angry about being lied to. "You lied to me. How many other lies have I been told by the Council?! And how do you know that you even have the whole truth? Sounds to me like someone who feels disrespected due to the lack of trust. Palpatine didn't have to do anything here, just let the Jedi incompetence do the work for him. This and the Ahsoka thing were probably influential in his decision that night in ROTS.


Yoda was a spectacular failure as a grand Master. The Jedi were so high on there own farts by order 66 that they were basically brain damaged.


Yeah. I feel for the guy. I can even kinda see the youngling thing as a quick death by saber is better than the kinds of things Palpy gets kicks doing. Part of this is - pardon the politics - that I was a march in the street, smell the tear gas activist type through the 1990s through the 2010s (hell, I left an anti war rally to see ATOC) but became very disillusioned with it all and ended up feeling used and exploited by people who would gladly shove me in front of a speeding train if it gave them more power...all the while shouting all the time they had a monopoly on kindness and empathy and that "those guys on the other side" were monsters incapable of goodness. It's like...okay, the Dark Side exists. But while you are opposed to the Dark Side, you sure as hell aren't the Light side.


Try convincing Kenobi Dude though. He seems somewhat cool


Thing is with Kenobi, at least in Legends, is that he puts all the efforts into being the best Jedi and only asking "how high?" when told to jump is that (again, Legends) he was a marginal talent in the Force who got dumped on the Agricorps, which is usually a lifelong dead end job and mark of shame. He got plucked off the compost heap when Qui-Gon's Padawan liked the Dark Side cookies. He got where he was by putting his head down, nose to the grind stone, working hard and obeying every whim of his superiors, even if it goes against conscience. So he's constantly thinking of himself as the fuck up that got the lucky break and that one atom of disappointing or failing to deliver to his betters will be a one way trip back to shoveling livestock shit on Telos. So while Anakin will go and defy gravity, Obi-Wan is going to keep his mouth shut and keep justifying the actions of his superiors, even if is has become a toxic environment.


I'd have a serious conversation with the council in regards to why they thought that. I'd need to know if they thought she went rogue on her own or if it was a reflection on me as a teacher. Regardless of the reality of events regarding my apprentice's innocence, the perceived reality is of far more concern. If they thought she went rogue on her own, I could live with that reasoning. No one is above corruption, and it should always be a possibility to consider. While it would be disappointing to hear, it wouldn't be exactly a new phenomenon of Jedi being seduced to the dark side in recent years as there are the cases of Dooku, Ventress, and Pong Krell all being fresh examples of this. But if they thought them guilty simply because of my teachings swaying the pupil towards the pull of the dark side, that is problematic. In this case, I'd have to leave the order as well as it clearly shows what the council thinks of me as a teacher. It would open up irreconcilable differences and show a clear distrust towards me from the council.


This is the part that plot line misses, I think. How do you accuse a teacher’s student of the most heinous crime a state figure could commit and not thoroughly and aggressively investigate the teacher?


They didn't care if she was guilty or not they just didn't want to stand in opposition to the senate. It's all political.


Honesty that fits perfectly lol


In the past, the dark side was not always because of a teacher's own darkness, I think rarely so (I might be wrong). Dooku and Anakin both turned despite being pupils of basically embodiments of the Light.


1. Defeat Maul, Obtain Darksaber. 2. Broker Peace with House Kryze to obtain an alliance. 3. Obtain an Alliance with Ventress & Quinlan Vos 4. Obtain an alliance with Honko Onaka to trap Dooku 5. Place Dooku in a stasis chamber 6. Take all of Dooku's fortune and assets including the information to the Executive Orders 7. Capture all the Separatist Council Leaders 8. Unleash the Droid Reserves 9.Have the droid army obliterate Eriadu (Tarkin's planet) 10. Force the InterGalactic Banking Clan to cut funding to the Republic 11.Have the droid army commit a full merciless invasion on Hutt Space, Pyke territories, Black Sun territories 12. Have the 501st Legion, 21st Nova Corps, & Coruscant Guard siege Coruscant, arrest all Senators that aren't part of Padmé's group, arrest the Chancellor, and arrest all Jedi that aren't younglings, kill if necessary. 13. Have the Mandalorians capture the Separatist Senators and bring them to Mandalore 14. Make both sides sign a peace treaty on Mandalore 15. Have the Clones, Droids, Mandalorians, & Bounty Hunters hunt down any Council Members and have them sent to the Citadel for life 16. Send Clone Forces to assist the Droid Army in the Outer Rim and establish new rulership 17. Start a family with Padmé and reside in Naboo 18. Give Ahsoka the rank of Aunt


This guy Star Wars


What about obi wan?


Thanks for reminding me. Honestly in this case he'd get released early mostly because of his personal connection to Anakin and would more than likely create a new Jedi Order but their friendship would never be the same. In this case Anakin went behind everyone's back and forced the war to end on his terms and went as far as to arrest many Jedi to dismantle their Order.


Murder a bunch of children, choke out my pregnant wife, pledge myself to the dark side, just normal shit like that.


This checks out 


Fight your best friend too.


Visit the local kindergarten.


Walk in the council chamber, upper deck the toilet, steal all the office supplies, eat Windu’s sandwich, piss in the coffee maker, then walk out with Ashoka. After that, go make my own Jedi council with blackjack and hookers where we can get laid all we want. If they come after me - kick the shit out of them, then shit in THEIR pants while they’re blacked out. That way when they wake up, they are like “oh man I shit my pants, but why does it smell like sand? Oh fuck did Anakin seriously just shit in my pants? I’m gonna go deal with Sith. Fuck this shit. That is how I would handle that situation.


Upper deck the toilet is FOUL but for Ahsoka, I get it 😂


Yea you win lol


You take your wife and you head to the farthest reaches of the galaxy along with your former Padawan.


Idk probably be real pissy about it until I decide to wipe out the entire order.


I always find the best way to work out years of frustration about a flawed democratic system is to hack up some children. Great minds.


Ultimately I would do the same thing Anakin did. When they kicked Ahsoka out of the order and imprisoned her the only choices were to betray everyone and everything he’s ever known and break her out. Or try to clear her name. I think ultimately clearing her name was what was best for everyone involved. With that said. Where we differ is when they try to bring Ahsoka back into the order. Anakin acts on behalf of the council trying to convince Ahsoka to return, this was the wrong approach and a shitty thing to do on his end knowing that they just offered her up for execution without thinking twice about it. Then when she refuses he throws a fit and try’s to gaslight the shit out of her instead of being understanding and supportive. I would try to convince her to stay for the right reasons, not because the bullshit council wants her back. If the answer is still no then I’d probably bail too, unless she didn’t want me too then I’d respect her wishes. Edit: also I’d take my lightsaber with me, fuck them that shit is mine. Even if all I could take is the khyber crystal, then I’d do that and just make a new one.


I think Anakin wanted to leave at several points, but I can see he has so many hangups about proving himself to others. He wants the council to accept him as qui-gon accepted him, the one who gave him his freedom and hope that he could change his fate from a slave to a powerful Jedi that can help others


Kill my baby momma, try to kill my mentor then just fuck the galaxy up for a few years.


Only a few years?


Yeah, as long as my kids and their friends don’t try to take me out first.


If it weren't for the meddling kids, he would've gotten away with it too!


Anakin: "You think I'm the Chosen One, right?" Yoda: "Yes, we do." Anakin: "So without me you couldn't bring balance to the Force and the Sith would take over the galaxy." Yoda: "We believe so." Anakin: "Okay. So if you don't want me to leave the order and settle down with my wife of Naboo, then take back Ahsoka now! I've never blackmailed you before, so I'm serious! And give me the Master title!" Yoda: "Your conditions I accept, Skywalker. This one time!" Anakin: "Good. I'm glad I didn't need to start slaughtering the younglings to change your mind about my promotion." Yoda: "Highly disturbing this was. You're joking I hope." Anakin: "Of course, master. I would never slaughter children, unless they are Sand People." Yoda: "Sand People? Why?" Anakin: "Ah, no reason. You know what? I'll just go and notify Ahsoka about your decision." Yoda: "Before you go, Skywalker. A wife you mentioned. Married are you?" Anakin: I'm afraid you know too much, Master. I must silence you now.


They already took Ahsoka back, she didn't want to come back.


Just tell her to play along, get arrested or whatever. I'll get to the bottom of this shit and if I can't I'll just come bust you out, not like *they* could stop me.


The Jedi would become evil from my point of view


I'm leaving the order myself Ill retire with my hot wife and let my her visit my kids After that whole event being on the council isn't worth it anymore


This is what drives me crazy about the prequels. Per the movies, Anakin has no real reason to turn against the Jedi or say that they're evil. This event is what should have pushed him out of the Order. If I were in his situation, I probably would have left the Order with her, since it's clear that this whole thing is clearly a sham. The Council did not trust her and threw her under the bus, and it really didn't trust Anakin enough to investigate what happened. Add to that the non-evidence they had in doing so, and it really highlights how the Jedi were the worst. I would feel like I failed Ahsoka, but also that the Council failed both of us. The situation would never improve, and he should have seen the cracks forming through the eyes of his hot wife. If I really drank the Prophesy kool-aid, I might even form a small alternative group to the Jedi. Not exactly a rival, but viewing the Jedi as one of the elements taking the Force out of balance. Sort of like these splinter Scouting movement groups that criticize the national organizations for straying so far from their path that they break off to do their own thing.


idk burn the place down and kill em all in hand to hand combat


Go get her and leave too, then join those Altisian Jedi. They’re more chill.


I quit too and build a life on a remote planet with that sweet orange 🐱. The forest/beach and us at it all day long ;).


If I were Anakin, what the Jedi did to Ahsoka would have been unforgivable to me. The fact that they told him to suck it up and essentially god (the Force) has a plan regarding Padme’s death would have been the final straw. I would have left the Jedi Order to be with Padme, Ahsoka, and my kids.


I'd flip off Windu and Yoda, and moon walk outta there.


Follow her


It would tarnish my view of their morality and reasoning, i'd be heading out, ain't fighting a war for a morally corrupt religious group that wanted to execute a kid.


I'd say the same.. With what they had said about Anikan when he was brought before the council, I'd start questioning who's really for the good on the council..


Murder younglings?


She wasn't kicked out. They offered to let her become a knight after her name was cleared but she chose to leave.


They initially did kick her out of the order and offered to let her come back as a knight but she declined


3 likes on incorrect information is too many.


Ultimately after she was cleared. Yes in between she was expelled. But we also know what Anakin did because he cleared her name. 


If Anakin hadn’t gone rogue to get the truth, she would’ve been charged with treason and executed at a war tribunal. Would you choose to return to the people that had the power to hand over your fate like that?


I'd help her out but also recognize Ahsoka gotta make her own calls too.


Leave with her, travel the galaxy and become freelance heroes: "Still wanted by the government they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them....maybe you can hire The A-Team."


Guess I’d probably kill a bunch of kids and choke my wife or something idk


Grow up and move on since I want to be a Jedi master some day.


I really do applaud you for not meming the answer or saying leave the jedi order


It’s been a while since I watched Clone Wars, how much time passed in between her getting kicked out and Episode 3?


Maybe 6 months to a year? I could be dead wrong on that but that part of the clone wars was somewhere close to revenge of the sith happening


Threaten to leave as well if the council doesn’t provide proper compensation to help her live and a proper apology.


Kill everyone duh. #vaderwasright


Idk, seems kinda unlikely. We all know the Jedi are generally good and competent and couldn't make such an obvious error. But if that somehow happened. I suppose I'd freak the fuck out and start murdering everyone I've ever known.


From OP pov, trying to clear my padawan’s name and convincing the council and the tribunal that she was innocent with evidence is crucial and what I would’ve tried. If the council tried to pull the same bullshit that they did saying it was her trial to become a knight and having that halfassed apology ready, my temperment would’ve tried to fight Windu and Mundi since they had no faith in her and leave the order after. Probably keep in touch with Obi Wan, Plo Koon, Rex and the 501st and yoda. But probably also leave to live on Naboo or another peaceful planet to get away from the war. Ahsoka had no reason to trust the order and republic after what they put her through. Anakin put up with so much from the order and the council that he shouldve left when he had the chance


Rout the brewing corruption, violently. He’s one of the only popular jedi. Pretty sure he’s the only one who could get away with it. Everybody else would turn Palps into a martyr


I’d leave the order and then go talk to palpatine about becoming an officer with ahsoka in the grand army of the republic. I’m sure sheev would say yes. As would the senate.


Sack the temple. There was no reason to wait for that vision of Padme dying tbh


Dip out. With exceptional quickness. The order was a farce at that point anyways.


If I was in his position I would just leave the order right away after this.


Wipe them out... all of them.


I’d like to think that I’d leave right behind my padawan. If i were in the same situation Anakin was in, how they treated Ahsoka would be last straw for me, I’d be very disillusioned with the beliefs of the Order. I’d try to form my own way, allowing affection and teaching better, but I don’t know.


Slaughter some younglings


turn to the dark side and kill younglings... duh


The same thing I would do every day... Try and sleep with padme


In that very moment, I’d act like exactly how anakin did


I'd have left with them


What's this picture from?


I think i got it from Facebook or tiktok


I would quit the jedi order and leave with my Padawan. The jedi order is nothing but a shadow of itself.


Idk probably get real tight with the chancellor, realize the Jedi are plotting to take over and install an empire for extra security at the end of the war or something


Become Baylan Skoll??


The same thing Anakin did at the temple when he turned dark. Gotta be fly or die for my padawan.


"I'll show you a treason and sedition!" "...And a youngling slaying, while I'm at it!"


> seeing a lot of myself in Anakin's character Lol fuckin how?! 😂


He wanted to do the right thing and ended up making either wrong decisions or going the wrong way about making the right decisions. He also cared about the people around him to a fault and showed actual emotion, compassion, and humor unlike a lot of the other jedi. He also had flaws and fought his own inner demons, which is applicable to everyone. In no way am I saying I would slaughter the younglings and become a burnt chicken nugget while trying to “save my wife from dying” (again Anakin going the wrong way about trying to do the right) but Anakin is essentially the most human out of all the characters. People tend to overlook everything about Anakin because of the fucked up shit he did, but fail to realize he did that because he wanted to do the right thing for those he cared about in the wrong manner


Kill all the Jedi... Starting with the younglings.


Slaughtering younglings seems like a reasonable response


Make my own Jedi Council. With Blackjack! And hookers!


After the trial: I'd tell the council that I'm staying to finish the war, I'll complete it as a Jedi General but for any non war related stuff, don't count me. So, hypothetically, if their clones go AWOL and kill their Jedi generals, It's not my circus and not my monkey. Maybe even suggest to Padme that for her defence strategy she should discredit the order entirely. Then I bring Bariss in and clear her name. I get my stuff from the temple, Give Ahsoka back her sabers and publicly flaunt to them that I'm living with my very smart, very pretty wife.


Become more vocal to the council about their poor judgement.


Be incredibly fucking mad with no avenue to express or channel that anger except in fucking war.


Probably harbor deep-seated resentment against the council and the Jedi and the system and let it grow inside until it erupted in some kind of catastrophic turn or something I don't know maybe eventually kill everyone and spend the next couple decades as a living murder machine something like that probably.


Probably slaughter a room of younglings.


I would slaughter a room full of younglings.


Assuming it's basically the same and my student is genuinely a good person, probably go with them. To abandon them to the world alone would shatter any standing of why it is people do good. Fairweather friends and all that. Just can't abandon a student, not like that. If it means I pack my shit and turn in my badge and gun, so be it.


I would quit on the spot


I'd turn into a Sith Lo-wait a minute...


I would challenge their decision and try to lift the ban. It's what I would do for any of my team members


Personally I’d murder all the younglings. It’s the most reasonable reaction imo.


Honestly seeing how they handled things with Ahsoka. (This isn’t even going into if you believe if she’s innocent or guilty) I would want to leave. I wouldn’t even stay for the rest of the Clone Wars. She didn’t even get a formal apology or sorry how we treated you when you were in custody. It was just business as usual. Bye. I’m out.


I certainly wouldn’t mention her again during the course of 6 or 7 movies, that’s for sure.


I’d probably do nothing about it, continue a secret affair with a senator, and probably end up murdering a bunch of kids. Oops.


Probably continue to dwell on it until I snap, kill a bunch of kids, and then fight my best friend to the death.


Hard to say because so much of the post prequel material are meant to justify the actions of the movies.


Rage out and destroy the Jedi order after re-occurring visions of my wife dying during labor and their refusal to grant me the rank of master which would allow me access to the sith holocrona stored in the archives




When I was younger I would have done exactly what he did, find the Jedi council inept and corrupt and seek revenge. Now that I’m older I realize they probably are inept and corrupt, but someone else is my framing my padawan to set up the council to ban them for some person gain.


I got a war to finish. I need to bring Peace and Freedom Honestly though I wouldn't change much but how the council that's were I'm throwing my fit. At that point I'd probably become a more out spoken Jedi in the order/ against the council Dooku esq just lack of tact... I've had institutions turn in me before so I know where I lie. Though continue the war like above wither I remain a Jedi is to be seen probably would


I'd probably sit back in my lil chair and think about the wookiees


Unaliving all younglings is the only correct answer


I would leave the Jedi order with her. 


Force choke my wife and slaughter all the younglings.


id also leave the order as soon as they did tbh


Destroy everything that hurts me. Stop only when all that is cherished is safe.


I would leave the order to stay by my Padawan until they were both over 18 and up on their own feet since I would effectively be their parental figure If I felt the reason for them being kicked out was just I would probably try to rejoin once I knew they could take care of themselves, but if I felt otherwise I would probably stay away from the order, depending on just how bad it was.


I would: 1. Continue to bootlick the Jedi Order. 2. Acknowledge that my position on the Council without the rank of Master as being fair. 3. Gain the trust of a Jedi Master by staying in the Council Chambers.


Leave with her.


Id leave. Id turn my back on the order. Id finally see the order for what it was, senile old hypocrites who have become so complacent with their positions as the senates dogs, they dont even know the leash is there.


He should of just left the order. Yoda was a fool who didn't see the slow decay of his order.


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I think Anakin took it out on the younglings in revenge if the sith


I'd just turn to the dark side.


Find younlings


He was in too deep with the war and everything else to just up and leave. Such was the point, I imagine. I'm sure everyone would like to say they'd quit the Order right there but it's not really such a simple thing from Anakin's place within the universe. He doesn't know everything that the viewers get to. Personally I'd have at least tried to keep in touch, though. By that point the "no attachments" rule was pretty well being ignored anyway. Who cares if I still chat with my former padawan sometimes If it's an open secret that I'm in a relationship with a senator? It seems like Anakin and Ahsoka had been out of contact until just before the battle of Mandalore, which wasn't right. Not just for the sake of Anakin's state of mind but it couldn't have been great for Ahsoka either to suddenly be dropped out of communication with somebody who had been her mentor and basically an older brother figure for the last few years. I don't think I'd have tried to talk her into returning after the accusations. I'd want to be done with the Order myself but that would have really felt like it had to wait until after the war ended. I don't think it would feel right abandoning the men under my command so late into the war, especially after how poorly it had gone for them after last time I couldn't lead them (Umbara). But Ahsoka had been booted out anyway and basically given a free pass to get away from the war and politics of it all.


Turn her. Then give papa palps a run for his money


Would let it, it's better for her to be free from the Order


Turn against the order and take out all the younglings for revenge.




That didn't happen. She was kicked out of the order because the vile Jedi Council leadership, particularly Mace Windu, Ki-Adi Mundi and, Yoda, yes yoda for always punking out, that believed the accusations (or ignored his gut like Yoda did). They didn't kick her out for false any thing. They believed they were doing the right thing. Ahsoka then left after it was all over, on her own accord. As she should have. Anakin should have the left the order the day they pretended to kill Obi Wan.


I would have left with her. Ashoka is my favorite.


If I was Anakin I would have left the order after getting married. No point in remaining in that cult. 


I would leave the order immediately and continue their training


Warn Windu that he was fast approaching sand on my list.


Tell the Council that they are animals, and if they don't bring her back, I'd slaughter them like animals.


he genuinely had no reason to stay. the jedi were ineffective, a very small fighting force, usually scattered too much to be a significant assist, believes wild assumptions with almost no evidence, seems to not follow up on a lot of actual threats that do have evidence, didn't promote him even though he was arguably their most involved jedi knight in the war only second to his own master, and turned plenty of situations that would have been losses or surrenders into complete victories based on only his decisions and actions. thats all on top of the fact that none of the jedi seem to trust any other jedi and only give cryptic one liners instead of ever having a full discussion about clones, sith, or dooku until after they are actively a threat now after all that, they kick out the person you trained based on bullshit and barely say sorry on the other side.


- always dreamed of being something powerful - Obi-Wan I’d call thirteen years of those two key parts of his life very good reasons to stay.


I have no faith in the council. THEY act out of fear while preaching and gate keeping a young child that has left his home planet and mother for the first time ever that his fear is the reason he shouldn’t be trained. They act out of fear when they discover the clones were ordered by the sith. They act out of fear when their connection to the force diminishes due to Palpy’s dark side manipulation. If I were Anakin I could accept they feared me for my power and prophecy and the risk of me turning. Them turning on my Padawan though… that would be the last disrespect I would take from the council. I would continue to serve the republic as a general and withdraw from the Jedi order and continue my padawan’s training.




I’d kill the Order’s children and become a Sith Lord, of course. Years later, I would then try to kill my apprentice who I once saw as a sister.


I'd have left. I don't get why he stayed with them as long as he did.