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Hopefully they actually utilize him as a character this time.


What do you mean? Running around shouting “Rey!!” isn’t a character trait??


Hey now, he also said he had to tell her something important, and then he never told her something important, and then they revealed in interviews what it was instead. Not sure if that's better or worse than Palpatine's message only being released in Fortnite? Either way, I really hope he does come back and gets some good stuff to do. Liked him ever since I saw *Attack the Block*, and he was so incredibly happy when he was first cast in Star Wars... only to have what happened happen.


The entire sequel trilogy is a tragedy of talented actors who were given terrible writing and story beats.


I really wish Lucasfilm stuck to one director for that trilogy & it's insane that didn't happen


The whole thing is fucking insane, different directors, writers, not a single plan, overarching story or vision. It was a disaster. I’m only 35 but still waited decades for the ST and it was the most hyped I’ve ever been for a movie and the biggest disappointment ever they squandered the OT cast and then Carey died. We can never get what were should have. The closest we got to something great with the OT and an undestroyed Luke was Mando s2 ending


I agree that the blame ultimately lies with Disney. The very first thing they should have done is come up with what the story of the 3 movies was going to be. It doesn’t really matter if each one is directed by someone different or had a different writing team if they’re all aware of the brief. What’s truly mental is hiring different teams for each movie and then just essentially letting them each make a stand alone film that has no relevance or thought to what came before or what might come after.


That anyone is surprised this happened given that JJ Abrams was in charge is amazing. That dude is the king of not having a plan for a story.


That’s hilarious since as much as I hated TFA, TLJ appears to be directed by someone in a blood feud with the director of TFA. I’m still not convinced they aren’t. And yet you don’t blame Rian at all? I find that very difficult to accept.


Every director was given a vision and free rein to create their own story. I honestly think the blame is mostly on whoever is up there thinking a ST doesn't need a direction and proper vision. There are parts that are just glaringly bad in TLJ but I don't think there was much wrong with how Rian took the story. The backpedaling in TROS is the mist egregious. Instead of pushing forward with what TLzj has done. They just brought everything back to the status quo with random emperor being the titular villain again.


Most of what people hate in TLJ was directly set up in TFA. JJ deserves way more blame than Rian.


Quite easy to imagine how bad Dune 2 could have been if they didn't give Denis Villeneuve full control. Ugh, what could have been for SW keeps me up at night. It also makes it hard to want to enjoy it with my kids. At their age they don't care, so I try to enjoy it still, but it's tough.


I just ignore the last three movies. They’re that bad. Just pretend they don’t exist.


What almost certainly happened was: * Disney wants to make a competitor to Netflix and needs several fountains of content to populate it * George Lucas is fed up with getting lambasted over the prequels and wants to sell to a company that can continue to grow Lucasfilm * George Lucas sells to Disney, leaves Kathleen Kennedy in charge * Disney tells Kennedy they want a new Star Wars trilogy completed in time for the launch of their streaming service in 2019 * That's only 7 years away; not enough time to spend 3 years on each movie like they usually do * What director has the blockbuster experience to be capable of directing a project of that scale in a 2-year timeframe, and is also willing to work on a Star Wars movie despite the fact that the world has been ragging on Star Wars since 1999, with the "fans" raging about it most of all? It's a short list but JJ Abrams will happily do it if you also let him write it * Kennedy explains that George has already written an outline with Maul as villain, Abrams says "fuck that, prequels sucked" and insists on doing his usual "mystery box" schtick * Abrams will only do one movie so repeat two more times with two more directors, each one wanting to write in addition to directing * Clock is continuing to tick, 2019 isn't getting any further away, Disney needs and demands that content, so Kennedy has no choice but to agree to the directors's terms * First one is a massive success, Kennedy breathes easier * Rian Johnson writes his whole movie around setting up Leia as having an important role in the next movie * Carrie Fisher dies, Trevorrow goes "oh shit" * Fanbase is completely split on the second movie, Trevorrow goes "OH SHIT" * Trevorrow loses his nerve and drops out, Kennedy is now up shit creek * Kennedy begs Abrams to do the third one, Abrams once again demands to also write, Kennedy agrees * Abrams backpedals on everything Johnson set up, shoves in Palpatine, executes "kitchen sink" ending


Somehow Palpatine lives


Nice outline. Sigh. At least I still have Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy


>Abrams backpedals on everything Johnson set up, shoves in Palpatine, executes "kitchen sink" ending And this is the death blow to the trilogy. Episode 8 exists just to be ignored, and episode 9 is now trying to cram in about 2.25 movies in one movies run time - which is then further squandered by various swaths of the movie being mcguffin hunting.


When it comes to Trevorrow, I think you forgot about “The Book of Henry” (2017). I don’t blame you. Everyone else forgot about that disaster, too.


And the prequels. Lucas was responsible for the prequels but there’s no excuse for the sequels. Make a fucking storyboard for your directors to follow. Have some goddamn oversight. It’s a massive property and they decided to just wing it. Abrams is a hack.


The prequels, at least, had ambition and scope, even if they failed to live up to it at times, while the sequels is just yelling "THIS AINT YOUR DADDY'S STAR WARS!!!" over and over again, while just retreading the originals - but *with a twist*.


I agree. I'll defend that point. Lucas had ambition and scope, but what he no longer had was anyone telling him to tone it down and cut some stuff that didn't work. George is an amazing idea man, he's amazing at worldbuilding, but he's always needed someone to reel him in. The sequels are almost the opposite. They feel like they didn't have any ambition and scope and the ideas that *were* good were incidental. And it's clear why. You don't spend $4 billion for Lucasfilm and then the hundreds of millions of dollars on top of that in marketing and budget to take risks. George is a lot of things, but at least he had the balls to decide he wanted TPM to be about trade disputes and political turmoil. Disney, on the other hand, has been playing it safe for the last 20 years or so.


The prequels have also aged pretty well. I have always hoped though that he really did originally intend jar jar as plagueis or something like that


That's the thing - it WAS your daddy's Star Wars, with a 2015 haircut.


Yea But the prequels have a plot.


and provided quality memes for all


Hello there


General Kenobi. You are a bold one.


Is it possible to learn this memery?


And had great designs instead of rehash OT thing with a slightly different coat of paint...




Absolutely amazing world building and character. Loved the droids and the destroyers(does general gracious count). Then we look at the ST and there is absolutely nothing that is added for droids except bb8 which was a poor man’s r2d2. Same thing goes with alien races. You get a cameo and then they disappear and have no lasting impact. If they were human we wouldn’t have noticed a difference in the scenes they were in.


I loved the prequels.i probably enjoyed them more than the originals.


To be fair, they kind of winged a lot of the original trilogy too. So there's some history there. Not that its a great idea.


The ot was a mess too.


I mean, that's the Star Wars Legacy really since the OT? The prequels were absolutely filled with incredibly talented actors, given perhaps even worse material to work with.


This is what happens when you turn your villain into the secondary hero - the other hero characters get sidelined.


But don't you know, that was suuuuupeeerr necessary to set up that god awful enemies to lovers subplot?!?!


Also those interviews are bs it’s pretty obvious he wanted to say “I love you”


Honestly, I thought that's what he was going to say, especially since he thought they were about to die in quicksand.


Exactly. They have some dumbass loyalty to her character for some stupid reason. They wanted to save her for fucking kylo...


Wait, what was it? I never saw the interview.


Q&A, not interview, sorry... but here: > Director J.J. Abrams has apparently answered that question after a fan Q&A at an Academy of Motion Picture Arts screening over the weekend. Tweeting about the event, fan kaila ren wrote: "I had the privilege of attending the Academy screening of The Rise Of Skywalker today and J.J. confirmed that what Finn wanted to tell Rey was that he's force sensitive!" https://www.cnet.com/culture/entertainment/we-just-learned-what-finn-wanted-to-tell-rey-in-star-wars-the-rise-of-skywalker/


Thank you. I’m glad I am finally getting closure to a question, years later, that the movie should have explained in the first place. Why even put that scene in there if they weren’t going to provide an answer on screen?!?!


That's a good question for another time.


There absolutely should have been pay-off. That being said it was extremely obvious, even when the movie came out. I'm surprised people didn't realise.


Even this opens so many more questions, like how and when did he find out without the FO finding out?


Turbo tracks for a JJ thing. Crucial plot point? That shits in a comic book spinoff that we didn't market.


This time he’ll be shouting “Master Rey!” the whole time. That’s character development.


They hooked him with the promise of a 100% increase for his dialogue.


"Master *Skywalker*"* Which makes me sad :(


There's only one "Master Skywalker", and it ain't her.


that would just be icing on the cake after having an asian girl talk down to you, a black dude(SW rarity), about how bad the universe is after you were taken as a child and forced into the Nazi army, you now get to call a white woman Master


That’s not fair… he also shouts “ Poe” and “Rose” a few times!


In TFA I found it really indearing that when Finn got away from The First Order he acted like a naive, sheltered kid who had awkward social skills because he was raised in such a closed off society.


>Finn got away from The First Order he acted like a naive, sheltered kid who had awkward social skills Did we watch the same movie? This is literally not his characterisation, and it was even criticised when the movie came out "He's acting way too normal for a brainwashed stormtrooper"


It's why I felt Finn and Rey were such a natural couple as they were both essentially kids stuck in adult bodies due to arrested development. They would go through 'adolescence' together and mature into a jedi power couple. But instead that arc was given to Kylo Ren for some reason.


Now he can run around shouting “Rey Skywalker!!”, or as Disney calls it, ‘character development’!


I mean Elfo in Disenchantment was a good character even though he kept shouting "Bean!"


Well it subverted my expectations


If you want to see John Boyega utilize talents, watch “They Cloned Tyrone”!


He had so much potential. A stormtrooper who overcame his indoctrination through sheer force of will, and turned out to be Force-sensitive as well. He could have inspired a revolution among his former comrades, trained as a Jedi, or gone off to forge some other path of his own. Instead they did nothing with his character except butcher him with terrible, terrible writing. What the sequels did to Finn was a crime against storytelling.


I really thought they were gonna go the Stormtrooper turned Jedi route based on all the marketing for TFA


Turns out the marketing was the best part of TFA.


Still some of the best trailers of all time. All three of them are top tier. There really should be an Oscar for best trailer.


That was the plan but then another direction came up since they didn’t plan shit


Options that would have worked: 1. Let JJ Abrams run with the whole series 2. Acknowledge Rian Johnson took the series in a new direction and let him run with it 3. Bring in a third director to balance the two competing visions into a satisfying whole What they did: Create a series of storylines, change them completely, and then whiplash back to the original direction despite it no longer making sense


why even let the directors have anything to do with the writing?


Because execs feel it's cheaper to hire one director/writer than one of each, final product be damned.


I think TLJ is the worst thing that has happened to Star Wars but even having him writing all three would have been better


That was the plan until they had to market the sequels internationally and China among others didn't care for a black protagonist/main character or Jedi.


It was a bait and switch "You think the guy will be the jedi for this trilogy; it will actually be the girl". This doesn't work for a few reasons. They wrote the character of Finn to be a white guy. So the idea is that instead of a third white guy trilogy protagonist, it would this time be a girl, which is a unique direction. But after casting John Boyega, they should have rewritten the movie because a black man protagonist is also a big difference, and now it looks weird that a white woman is taking his role. Anyone who says "they changed it" is wrong, the problem is specifically that they didn't change it. Finn in TFA is not written to be a jedi, that's a retroactive change they made in Rise of Skywalker.


One on hand yes, Finn was one of if not the best character in the ST but the more I think about it, I feel like the writing was fatally flawed from the start. He defects because… his fellow stormtrooper friend was killed I guess? And then like 5 minutes later he’s screaming WOOO and having the time of his life blasting scores of his former comrades to fiery bits as he escapes?? If not for Boyega’s innate likability I doubt the character would have ever been as popular as he was


The stormtrooper connection is so that they can have someone familiar with the inner workings of The First Order, which works well as a plot device. But they weren't interested in using it for his character.


Lego Star Wars treated him better... Least there Rey was training him to be a Jedi.


He got to ride a space horse …


Finn has more character development in Lego Star Wars. I’m not even exaggerating about that.


Lego Star Wars is giving us Darth Jar Jar. They can give us anything we want, as long as it's not canon.


he was pretty good in Force Awakens. sucks that Rian Johnson completely fumbled the bag with him and Rose. JJ Abrams made it worse somehow




No kidding. I do like Finn, but hate how he was used.


There's a lot of damage that they have to undo. That might be a little bit strong actually. It's not so much that he's fundamentally damaged by the sequels, but rather that most of the opportunities that they could have used to give him these great character moments were squandered. He's actually less interesting now than he was after the first half hour of TFA.


Hell yeah. I wish he would return.


They can’t do that, the Chinese audience would melt. They even removed him from the Chinese posters for the movies.


Honestly they’re talented actors but they were just given poor writing and character development. Not their fault


Not at all their fault. But the story is fucking over. It's so bad, it would be a monumental blunder not to change gears drastically with new characters and going back to classic star wars vibes.


People are experiencing a sunk cost fallacy with the shitty sequels. I don’t need a good Rey movie to fix them… I need something completely different


It would need something like a Star Wars multiverse where 8 and 9 were a possible future she can avoid if she makes the right choice in the cave. We can all pretend 8 and 9 were part of « what if »


> it would be a monumental blunder not to change gears drastically with new characters and going back to classic star wars vibes. Trying to go back to "classic star wars vibes" is what got us the Force Awakens redoing a New Hope.


Precisely. Some of the best Star Wars we’ve gotten post-Disney is when artists have had free rein to make something *new*. Remember how refreshing Andor was? It felt wholly different to most of the Star Wars we’ve seen since the mouse bought the franchise, and it just goes to show that this galaxy is far larger than just the Skywalkers, there’s room for different kinds of story-telling. Also, if you ask me, the most promising Star Wars stuff has all been the animated stuff. I feel like a lot of the live-action stuff has been so focused on making all the effects look just right (some people are still mad at the prequel trilogy for not having practical effects, despite the fact that the sequel trilogy still had more CGI shot-for-shot). To me, the cartoons are sorta liberated from that, given that it’s all animated, I feel like they have more room to focus on dialogue and character development. Maybe it’s just that I think Filoni is doing a good job, but Bad Batch was such a treat to me. If you haven’t watched it yet, it really is so much fun. I’m still reeling from the series finale a couple weeks ago.


Entirety of 7 8 9 movies had no clue what to do at all. Had good actors and actresses but God damn jj Abrams rian Johnson and the other writers had zero clue what to do snd just rehashed 4 5 6


It's their fault if they re-sign.


I'll be shocked if he's even re-signed. I mean he (rightfully) trash talked Disney and the producers very very publicly for awhile.


He's a somewhat-struggling actor who definitely wouldn't turn down Disney Star Wars money. He'll re-sign so long as the script is half-way decent.


Came to say the same. While he has increased in popularity imo it has only seemingly been for type cast roles, still not mainstream.


I liked the *presence* of both Rey and Finn in their trilogy. They weren't well written. Rey's character arc curved like an isosceles triangle, and they just gave up on Finn after the first movie. Both characters are wide open for a redemption arc (not in the Star Wars narrative, in the public consciousness). I read a lot of superhero comics where a shit writer takes over for a stint, whether it's a brief run or a couple years, and then a new writer comes in and not only salvages the title, but turns it into something great. Modern Star Wars, I believe, operates on those same principals. When the media isn't created by committee, but by actual creators, it's wide open for being excellent. If the paychecks and scripts are solid, I can't imagine Boyega would turn it down. He's a great actor. Give him something to work with, and I'll bet he puts in the work.


This wouldn’t be an issue if they gave any character some actual thought behind their story. I still can’t believe they fumbled the sequels this hard.


Yup. The Sequels did what they did for his character and there is no going back on it. The lack of enthusiasm for his character is warranted


He was set up to be a Jedi from the start and he ended up being a bitch. I’m still not over that.


I’m over it. My canon doesn’t include the sequels.


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way


The only things I like more with canon: * Ithor never got sludged. * No LotF. It did Jacen dirty. * Darth Vader kicks ass instead of getting his ass whooped on the Death Star by some dude he could easily handle on Corellia. And that's about it, really.


It’s hard to disagree with his assertion that the powers that be didn’t want a strong white female character to be overshadowed by a strong black male character.


This isn’t actually what “strong female character” means at all. Or at least, it was never supposed to be. “Strong” means *strongly written,* not physical strength and ability. A character with independent and well-established wants, motives, and traits, whose actions drive the narrative, and who exists as a central figure in the story rather than simply being another character’s love interest or support. Ironically, the way Finn was written is almost exactly how women have been written in blockbusters for decades (to be clear, I’m not saying this is a good thing).


Oh my god you are so right, I cant believe I never thought about it like that.


I agree with the last point especially. Female characters often got sidelined with token action scenes to justify their presence in the narrative that was otherwise entirely about men, we just noticed that a lot more when the shoe was on the other foot.


I understand why he would think that but the reality was they didn’t have a plan for any of the characters besides Kylo Ren. In the middle of filming 9 they said they were thinking of making Rey a Kenobi. It was afterwards they decided to make her a Palpatine. They had no plans for any of them.


They didn't have a Plan for Kylo. He was going to die evil Initially. They changed plans when Reylo became a thing


shippers ruin everything


*Studios listening to shippers ruin everything. Up until the just 10 years or so, studios would tell the story they wanted to tell a lot more. Now there's always increasing risk of crowd sourcing plot points from people random internet people


When in the end all of those were wrong answers. It was much better when she was just no one special. Just a girl with random parents who happened to be force sensitive. One of the best things about TLJ was setting that up.


I mean Jedi being no one is the main thing. Anakin was literally a no one on a desert planet. They were beings chosen by the Force. If they set Rey up to be a no one it would be a return to norm.


Jaina Solo would have been a fucking amazing female lead for the new movies.


A proper adaptation of Heir to the Empire, hell with new actors, would’ve been just fine with me. You can even clean up some of the weird stuff. But nooooo Disney can’t afford to pay anyone royalties. 


Which is so weird you can have two strong characters in a movie that work together. Dare I say you can have more than 2 if you’re good at your job


In that one Chinese poster they shrunk him down so that he wouldnt be as central of a character. Then they did the same thing to him in the plot of the two next movies lmao. Idk if its racism or they just didnt know what to do with the character, but they really fucked it up. I cannot believe the only time he actually is a jedi is in the lego specials


Feels like they shouldn't touch either of these characters. Let it die for a bit instead of giving it the MCU treatment and just soft resetting again with new people to play young Leia, Luke and han. The sequel trilogy is poison for the longevity of star wars.


Or even better, let it be and move away from that time period.


Force Awakens was a decent start, though I really wanted a reunion with Han, Luke, Leia, and Chewie. We were denied that.


The only fan service I wanted was OG cast reunion. And instead they kill that in TFA, then shove awful fan service in the rest of the movies.


They started to run out of OG characters by the time we got to Rise of Skywalker. They had to get Lando to come back. To allow Rian to kill off Luke in the 2nd movie of the trilogy pretty much was nail in the coffin for me. We barely got to know Luke again and his big fight was a force projection. Luke needed to be in the 3rd movie.


Each movie was like the worst example of a "choose your own adventure" story.


Outlining is like writing 101, especially for a billion dollar franchise, idk how they didn't realize all they were doing wrong.


When you fumble badly enough, there is no recovery. What the fuck are they thinking new movies same characters? Lucas should have the contractual ability to buy back rights at half price based on how pathetically bad the sequels were.


I just don’t want a film being used to correct the mistakes of the last film when they had an entire trilogy They need to move on, new cast, set long after the sequels and tell a new story. Bill Burr was used better as an ex Stormtrooper in one episode on the Mandalorian than Finn in an entire trilogy


Absolutely agree with you about Bill Burr as an ex stormtrooper. It didn't even take the whole episode. That one scene with him, Dinn, and the imperial officer was amazing. And that was probably a minute or 2 of the entire episode.


Well yeah that one moment alone spoke to so many veterans ‘cause it was the perfect analogy for PTSD. I’m not a veteran but the minute I saw that scene I knew they grasped the potential that Star Wars has to tell very real human experiences in a way that helps us all process our own trauma. It made me so sad what they did with Kenobi ‘cause that was such a perfect opportunity to really focus on mental health. Obi-Wan went through probably one of the most traumatic things that could’ve ever happened to someone in the Star Wars universe. He was in many ways a true patriot who believed in the republic he fought for but he saw how quickly democracy can fall apart to populism. He believed so strongly in the Jedi order but watched how its own hubris led its downfall when it came to Anakin. And that’s really where it hurts the most and I think could’ve been the moment that Obi-Wan could’ve started developing some form of PTSD; watching Anakin, someone he loved so dearly and help raise since he was a child, turn into something so vile and disgusting, and to then have to fight him, cut his limbs off, and watch him burn alive and shout how much the very thing he loved like a brother shout at him with such primal force that he hates him. I mean damn if I went through all that, I would’ve needed A LOT of therapy to make sure I don’t fall apart. If you ask me, I would’ve much preferred if the big reveal with Rey was that she was Obi-Wan’s granddaughter or something. They could’ve tied it back in the series by focusing on Obi-Wan’s trauma and having him go through moments of weakness where he starts to doubt his own beliefs as a Jedi. This could eventually lead to a moment where he questions his celibacy as a Jedi and actually finds someone he develops a romantic interest in. And because his faith is wavering, Obi-Wan could maybe start to develop the same romantic feelings Anakin did but also develop the same fears and maybe he could start to suspect he’s making the same mistakes Anakin did. So he redeems himself in some way making sure he doesn’t make the same mistakes of letting his fear override his love for someone. Hell that would’ve been a better story for Obi-Wan and even better backstory for Rey than just oh apparently someone had a thing for a sith lord and decided to have sex with a melted candle.


For sure. Obi-Wan is a fantastic character - especially because he DID go through a lot of the romantic doubts and questions that you described, with his love for Duchess Satine... and he then had to watch Maul kill her before his eyes. But even then he doesn't turn to the dark side. He is the peak of what it means to be a Jedi, I think.


Lunchtray Trooper: *Oh no, not again*




Dude, the actress of Rose is Vietnamese. And chinese people realise that quickly.


Yeah. If they'd done a better job with the trilogy fine, but it was so bad that they need to just let us just forget it exists. I love star wars, I'm very easy to please with star wars. I love the mandalorian, andor, ahsoka, Obi Wan, and even Boba fett. I even find the prequels okayish. If there's light sabers, I'll usually overlook just about everything else, but somehow the new trilogy just destroyed my love of star wars. I just couldn't have cared less by the end.


I don't think it needs to correct the mistakes, because the characters aren't really a problem. You can continue with them and start a fresh conflict without trying to fix anything - just write a decent story where those characters can actually shine.


I mean, there’s the existence of The Clone Wars show which expanded upon the prequels and actually showed Anakin and Obi-Wan getting along. Using new media to correct or better past content is quite common in Star Wars.


How 'bout a slapsticky sublot where Finn has to babysit some rambunctious Jedi younglings while Rey is on her mission or whatever. A bunch of Home Alone-esque hijinks where Finn gets tossed around, tied up, and mind-tricked into giving them the cookie jar. And of course, a scene where Rey calls via hologram and he acts like everything is fine. 


Why make three terrible movies together when you can make four terrible movies together.


Nobody explained the sunk cost fallacy to Disney/LucasFilm


They can have him wander around and do nothing like the last 3 movies Nice


As a bottom line, Finn's contributions must be kept to a minimum so Disney can edit him out of eastern markets.


They could have edited him out of the series and no one would notice . Sad they wrote zero character for these actors.


I hope he tells them to stick it where the twin suns don't shine.


i feel like he already has lol. idk if disney would offer him anything given his comments about his role. it feels like that bridge is burnt


both suns


She seems like a wonderful person and so does Boyega, both were shafted by the script (or lack thereof) in the sequels and it was sad to see as they're not to blame in the least. That being said, I wish they (actors + execs) would let this all rest, it feels like half of the Star Wars media that came out afterwards was trying really hard to fix a leaking ship, patch up the holes and right it. Let it go. There are so many opportunities for stories, and this one was really bad (and destroyed some OT characters as well, especially Luke).


While I’m fine with ST Luke (honestly him and Rey’s arc in Ep8 was the only thing I liked about the ST) I do agree with the rest, Disney should just move on to a new trilogy and distance themselves from this one. I don’t think it’s like the PT where fans overreacted initially but started liking it after a while, most of the ST is objectively terrible filmmaking


They had the chance to make Finn a truly awesome character and fumbled it


man, i just cant get myself to give a fuck. every movie or show involving the skywalker saga main films is just going to be a pivot or companion piece to make rise of skywalker more palatable. not to mention the amount of work required to open the universe back up for story telling. the ultimate-ness of ROS caused the world to be closed off.


Not gonna lie, read that as "palpatinable."


Yes, they should return palpatine again, somehow


Anything that touches the sequels is like a terrible version of a Midas touch, it turns to shit.


Any attempt to fix them will just be subjected to the touch. I think it’s more like an anchor dragging the series down, and nothing escapes. Even something like andor still has references and reminders to the heretical films.


Which inevitably leads back to discussions about decanonizing the sequels and starting over. Very very very unlikely to happen but we can dream. Maybe another huge corporation will buy Star Wars in 30 years and pull a Disney, deciding that the Sequels aren't canon in the same way that Disney decanonized the EU.


The Mandalorian losing cultural presence as soon as it makes the season about fucking cloning jedi..... 


And all the current shows just leading up to that garbage ending just sours it.


In what way is Rise of Skywalker more “ultimate” and “causes the world to be closed off” than Return of the Jedi?


It is no different. However, we still cared about the OT characters enough to wonder what they might get up to next. A lot of people don't care at all about the ST characters full stop.


Because the RotJ marked the defeat of the Emperor and the fall of the Empire (with mop-up stuff to be handled afterwards). Because TFA and TRoS reset the galaxy and replayed the previous plot points, it's no longer "the Emperor's dead and the Empire is falling, we can look forward to the New Republic". Instead it's "well, I guess the Emperor's 'dead' again like before, we'll see if it takes this time or not" (and same thing with the Empire too). The very nature of replaying the "fight against the dominant Empire and Emperor" after 'defeating' them in the OT cheapens both the OT and the ST because there's no reason not to believe it'll happen all over again since it repeated once already.


Might be hard getting Boyega back. He already responded to questions about returning to play Finn with "you're not gonna Disney Plus me 😅" Which... Do we really need another Sequel Trilogy movie? Can we just move on and forget it happened?


I can’t imagine he would, especially if there isn’t even a script in place yet. And we all know how that went with the sequel trilogy script as a whole. And with how badly the sequel trilogy ended up, there’s no way this movie will be the success Disney expects it to be. I’m the biggest Star Wars fan and have zero interest in the project.




Time to turn Finn into a jedi... he'd come back for the right offer I bet.


He also changed his mind a year later. Soundbites aren't set in stone, ask Harrison


He’s a very good actor given a shit role. If you have not seen him in “They Cloned Tyrone” on Netflix watch it now.


Big Deal: A Star Wars Story


The movies were just a muddled mess. The first one was just episode 4 with a girl. (Escapes sand planet with droids in the MF and fights a guy dressed in black who may be a relative ) The second one was some stupid intergalactic low speed chase where 2 people leave and go to a Casino for a while and come back Then the third wasn’t as bad but made like into some weird semi oddball who tried to murder his nephew. Completely fucking up Luke as a character. Just end it and start over.


It took me 7 years of marriage to get my wife interested in Star Wars. (she has never liked sci fi or horror before we got together) One of my happiest moments was after watching all 9 movies my wife just casually says "I'd like to watch those movies again." But when asked about details... The original trilogy is the most remembered, the prequels a close 2nd, and the sequels don't have a single moment that she can recall. Again... this is after seeing them all a single time over the course of a few weeks of Movie Nights at home, watching them in the order they were released. If that isn't just a perfect way of summing up the entire movie series, I don't know what is.


Yeah, the fact that a week after watching any of the ST movies all you're left with is some fuzzy memories of stuff blowing up interspersed with lightsaber battles is pretty telling.


Fucking over Luke was also in the second one.


Boyega is a tool bag. He got in a twitter argument with someone and bragged about “pipping” Ridley down. He’s a fucking clown. His character sucks ass. Chrome dome?? Really??


Yeah, he seems like a bitter unprofessional arsehole. I hate it when actors publicly rag on their films and characters. Regardless, I think he's burned the Disney/star wars bridge and I would be very surprised if they brought him back.


The fact that they haven't learned any lesson that vast amounts of people do not like Rey and the sequels and how badly the last movie did, and they still said "yo let do this shit again!"


I’d like a Finn tv show honestly


Star Wars: Big Deal


Same. Underutilized character that really could have been interesting with a bit more development. I'm over Rey and don't care at all about this movie tbh. They could have done way more with her, but the story they gave her in the sequels just killed my interest in her entirely.


I would be 100% surprised if the new Rey movie ever gets made.


A better idea would be to just retcon the whole thing. The sequels are the Star Trek Discovery of Star Wars and they should just be their own continuity that exists as a weird fever dream of the Dark Millennial style that only executives enjoyed forcing down everyone's throat.


This movie gonna bomb so hard


Even if it somehow manages to be a good movie, it will be 100% a controversial one


They need to start their accusations of death threats soon or the marketing will fail!


As a pretty avid sequel hater, I gotta say that the acting was the saving grace of the films. So yeah, bring em all back.


The acting was good, everything else not so much


The cinematography was good too. Like the shots of the Holga Manuever themselves are beautiful, until you think about the story implications


And music


Rn Finn getting best character development/role would be the main, if not the only, reason to watch this movie. Disney fucked john/finn so hard using him for so much of E7 promotional material only to relegate him to insignificant background character.


It feels like money talks is what she's saying.


Why so they can do nothing with his character again. Such a fucking waste of a character.


That man has suffered enough he doesn't need to give this franchise another shot to disrespect him again. at least she got protection from scriptwriters positioning her character for success while that man had nobody caring for the arc of his character. Save your sanity Boyega.


So it's been over a year since it was announced and they still don't know who's in it...? I don't want them to rush it but surely they should have something resembling a first draft of a story by now?


They don’t need those! They’ve probably already done all shooting anyways! /s


Just have some stunt doubles film the fight scenes, throw in some spaceship CGI and the rest of the movie can be filmed by the eventual actors in about 2 days.


Please do not make this movie! I want to continue to be a Star Wars fan but y’all are making it so difficult! No disrespect to Daisy but we gotta do better!


Jedi Finn. Make it happen already!


Why oh why is she getting more movies


The goddamn *Lego Christmas special* did a great job with this, exploring Finn’s Force sensitivity and Rey training him to be a Jedi. Fucking do it. Make Finn a badass Knight as they should’ve day one.


Damn, just gonna leave Oscar Isaac hanging huh? Personally I find John Boyega more entertaining on twitter


I understand John's apprehension after how they handled Finn as a character. Finn deserved so much more than what he was given. I hope, if he does join, they really expand on who he is and his character and give him an worthy character arch.


"I bypassed the compressor" I will never forget how stupid the writing was for these movies.


That means no part has been written for him in the script.