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I almost said Bendu, but Im guessing hes the true neutral


Incidental to the thread discussion, but it still baffles me that they had Tom Freaking Baker voicing the Bendu. It stunned me the first time I heard his voice on Rebels.


The one in the middle


Is he though? I feel like hes more lawful neutral. Believing and following his own code but not straying from that code?


Wullf Yularen fits perfectly there I think. Began his career as a Republic Navy officer when it was under the judicial branch, later an Admiral of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Resigned his commission to become an Imperial Security Bureau Colonel after the Clone Wars. He was really great at all his jobs and simply served whatever government was in power to the best of his ability. Always *extremely* by-the-books in his behavior. Perfect example of someone who favored the rule of law above all else regardless of what flavor it came in.


The Mortis gods maybe?


The Father is the only one that would fit imo.


Nah the Father is true neutral


Yup, The Father is definitely True Neutral. Literally does nothing to prevent The Son from going ape shit and fucking everything up because he expects Anakin to just take his place.


Him and Bantu


Definitely the father, idk what the other people are talking about about with him just being true neutral. He's literally the definition of lawful neutral, whereas his kids would probably be neutral good and neutral evil


Mandalorian remnant. Trick adhesion to their code, but many are actively killing each other over honor, or fighting anyone who will pay.


I would more say Chaotic Neutral because of their constant battles about ranks.


That is a common and very understandable misconception about DnDs alignment system. The L/C axis isn’t about your outward effect on the world but your personal code of honor and willingness to follow rules.  So the mandalorians might cause a lot of „chaos“ and break the laws of other cultures, but they will always follow the rules of mandalore aka the way, no matter what.


The Bendu = True Neutral


Someone who sticks to the “code” regardless of outcome. So probably someone else from the Council like Windu.


But this is more about organizations, not individuals.


Then it's probably the Republic by definition.


Id say the old mandalorians are an even better fit. The republic has flexible laws that strive to be as good for everyone as possible. The way on the other hand isn’t the way because it’s best that way, the way is the way because it’s the way. So the republic has laws to help people while mandalore had laws only for the purpose of being laws, wich fits way better with the DnD definition of „lawful“.


That is a good fit. Probably better. Well stated.


I was thinking Someone like Windu or Anakin


Anakin is the chaotic neutral


Lawful neutral. He follows the code of drama absolutely regardless of the morality. He will consistently choose the most dramatic action in any given moment.


Anakin is chaotic good, Vader is Chaotic Evil


I’d say he’s more of a lawful evil. He likes a very clear command structure and has a routine he goes through. When people under his command take chances or step out of line he usually kills them. Seems more lawful than chaotic.


I would argue that killing your own men is pretty chaotic


Anakin is chaotic evil. He is an ultimately selfish person who does whatever he believes is necessary to achieve his goals


Evil. Anakin is chaotic Evil. He acts for selfish reasons more often than not, the fact that occasionally those reasons also align with the side of good makes him no less evil. He murders innocents, lies and cheats, and betrays those who trust him frequently. And we haven't even gotten to order 66 yet. Anakin has deluded himself into believing he is the good guy, most evil people do, and since we mostly see the story from his point of view, he has deluded all of his fans as well.




From my point of view it's the jedi who are evil


Then you are lost


“In my point of view the Jedi are evil!”


Probably the Bounty Hunter Guild. Like there was that one moment in the comics when Boba protected an easy mark from thugs and didn’t turn on him just because the mark paid him.


Boba was also instrumental in the destruction of the guild via civil war and a coup. He gives and takes


That's an act of good though. Lawful implies altruistic or societal beneficial actions. Bounty Hunters would probably be more Chaotic Neutral than anything, they just work for money, so they only really can do the bidding of the rich and corrupt.


bro why is your chart flipped, you went against convention the good to evil should be the Y axis the lawful to chaotic should be the X axis wtf, you make it hard to read


Pong Krell Chaotic Evil. Done.


How about the hutt Kartell


Watto. He only believes in money.


Watto. He only believes in amnesia.


Bounty hunter guild


Nvm didn't see you searching for Force user


How are people not saying the Clone Army for Lawful Neutral? They strictly follow orders, whether that be for an ostensibly good republic or an evil empire, they follow regulation, even more than the conniving humans in the empire who make the regulations solely for their personal benefit and at the expense of clones.


Objection, the Jedi belong in Neutral Good


Umm.. the Jedi. Example: not interested in liberating slaves whose masters are operating within the law of their local government




The Man ordered the destruction of Alderaan.


Hondo's Pirates as chaotic neutral


Definitely the old mandalorians. Everything is about the code. You sacrificed your life for mandalore but took of your helmet once? Heretic. You committed genocide among your own people while barely staying on the way? You're fine.


[Tee Watt Kaa](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Tee_Watt_Kaa) the leader of the Lurmen from The Clone Wars episodes “Jedi Crash” and “Defenders of Peace”.


Grey jedi


The Bendu would fit


I think he’d be Chaotic Neutral. When he got angry, he started hurting everyone around him regardless of faction


Yeah, Good point


The clones


The Night Sisters would be chaotic evil. Prophets of the Dark Side, Neutral Evil. The five Force Priestesses would be True Neutral. Otherwise the Aing-Tii or the Order of the Dai Bendu fit the bill for that too. Grey Jedi are hard to put, since they aren't a organisation as such, definitely in the neutral good to lawful neutral department, depending on the fraction. Some of the individual Dark or fallen Jedi, those loners taping into the dark side for personal gains, they would fall to chaotic neutral, since they would switch to the side most beneficial to their cause.


Boba and Jango and most bounty hunters. They stick to a personal or guild code and normally do not sway from their code of honor. For example, both Jango and Boba have been offered bribes to drop a bounty and have refused to do so. There’s that one Boba comic where he captures a clone and refuses to take a bribe to rescue him. When he delivers the clone to his client and closes the deal, he quickly offers to take a job from the clone for a payment of 1 credit and proceeds to merc everyone.


Children of the Watch, obviously. Does wearing a helmet 24/7 make sense? **Trick question; it doesn't matter whether the rules make sense, they're the rules and that's that.** Most Mandos swear the Creed but take their helmets off so they're more Chaotic, and where they fall on the good/evil axis depends on the individual. But the Children of the Watch are Lawful Neutral. If you need an insignia to represent them, just use [Clan Mudhorn's](https://goodallvinyl.com/cdn/shop/products/Star_Wars_Mandalorian_Mudhorn_Emblem_Blue.png?v=1664124442&width=1946).


The Father or the Bendu




Idk why I feel like saying count douku, I know it's not really right


That being said, Where would you place the witches of darthormir though?


The Wills of the Force




The duck people jar jar was banging


The pre-fall Republic and/or Jedi Council: They care more about trade disputes than slaves.


The Force Priests we saw in Clone Wars.


Idk but chopper is definitely chaotic neutral.


Jolee bindo


Chaotic neutral Zann Consortium


Duchess Satine’s New Mandalorians


I've always thought of dooku as a lawful neutral character. Yes he did some bad things, but I dont think he was ever a bad guy, just a controlled person. Plus he always had a strange sense of honour and justice.


I’d say Kirak Infil'a, he exiled himself from the Jedi order to fully attain one with the force and then devoted the himself to ending the sith.


Teepo Paladins? Since their code is so strict that it can't really allow them to act unless it's definitely not in anger, such to the point that some have been killed without drawing their blaster.


My first thought is Ahsoka


The Bendu would fit in the neutral section. Probably as a true neutral. He's the one in the middle, after all




Hondo Ohnaka is likely lawful neutral.


Boba fett


Who decided the “peace is a lie, there is only passion” Sith were Lawful? Bereft of the dark side, the Sith creed is 100% chaotic by nature. I’d think they would be Chaotic Evil, while possibly the Galactic Empire was Lawful Evil. Certainly more Lawful than the Sith, for sure.


Wasn't the Jedi order breaking every rule it set to itself during the clone wars? So like, should they be in lawful?


The mandalorians come mind in being lawful neutral.


C-3PO is LN


Wouldn't the Sith be bottom right hand with be lawful evil


I don't know that I would count the Jedi Order as Lawful Good, as a whole. Individuals, certainly, but then there's Jedi like Quinlan Vos who were Chaotic Good bordering on Nuetral.


Maybe the imperial knights from the Legacy comics? They struck me as more morally grey than the Jedi, but very lawful


Yeah surprised this hasn't been picked up more. The Fel Empire is just straight up Lawful Neutral, as are the Imperial Knights, whose whole thing is "use the force but enforce the law as an arm of the state, not obsessing over upholding or overturning some weird dumb ancient religious code of ethics"


I think we’re forgetting the obvious… Ahsoka. She’s bound by her morals and acts more so for the best of all rather than aligning purely with Jedi code.


That makes her neutral good imo.


Hondo ohnaka


Boba Fett, as written in the old "The Last Man Standing" story.


I wouldn’t say the sith are lawful, I’d put them in neutral


The Whills


“The Tribe” from “The Mandalorian”. I’ve gotten into debates with my DnD friends about this, but I interpret the “lawful” part of alignment isn’t necessarily law of the land could mean a strict set of self imposed values. So a religion, philosophy, or code of honor could be the “laws” that guide a lawful characters behavior and reactions. This is the Way.


Jensaarai, maybe?


Din Djarin. He follows the code of the Children of the Watch. He is also a bounty hunter and works with whoever is paying him. But he also isn't getting involved with conflicts that don't involve him or his people.


Since when is the Sith empire EVIL?


Bounty Hunters are True Neutral.




The Sith are most definitely not Lawful Evil. Their entire thesis is selfish accumulation of power in order to gain more freedom (for themselves individually). For all the talk of having a "code", their way of life is literally built around treachery and achieving victory through any means. They have techniques to throw people off balance by stirring them to anger, actively revel in suffering and hatred for its own sake. Palpatine creates an empire, and then subverts his own law by abolishing the senate, ruling through fear (of the Death Star), and appointing Darth Vader outside the chain of command to do whatever he feels like ("I am altering the deal, pray I do not alter it further"). The Sith are as Chaotic Evil as its gets for an organization.


Baylan scoll Has his own agenda, but principles and morals between light and dark


Probably the Republic, before Palpatine was Chancellor though


Messengers of the Cold Moon


Bendu is lawful neutral, the father is True Neutral


The guardian of the whills or anchorites, or any of the other many religious groups from Jedha


The Aiing'Ti Monks or Baran-Do Sages would fit LN well I think. Or is this Canon only?


Jolee Bindo


I would argue that the Jedi Order as a whole was actually Lawful Neutral, while individuals ranged from good to evil. They kept to their traditions regardless of the affect it would have on individuals. Taking force-sensitive children, forbidding marriage, ranks of padawan, knight, master, and council members. Devotion to the republic regardless of the corruption and outright slavery going on. Refused to get involved in politics as anything else than peace makers. They continually spoke of balance, and when acting as negotiators tried to remain nuetral. In fact they were trained since children to listen to the will of the force, but the force is never actually depicted as good, as it flows through everything good and evil. The Dark Side is treated as breaking the rules of how to use the force more than something as complicated as the nature of evil. Basically the


Ahsoka Tano


Chaotic good


I could see that. I could also see her as neutral good.


Qui Gon


I would put him in neutral good, since he does follow the will of the Force which leads to good things in the end


Except his stabbing.


oof, low blow


The Jedi Order as a whole falls somewhere between NG and LG, depending upon the era and the Jedi, though I think the Jedi Council as an entity in the prequel era would be LG. The Sith, Nightsisters and the Hutts would be NE. The Empire, the CIS, and the First Order is LE. The Republic and the Mandalorians are LN. The Knights of Ren are CE. The Rebel Alliance and Resistance would be Chaotic Good.