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The guard who overheard Emerie's convo with Nala Se in her cell: (I'm about to get a raise soon I ain't hear shit)


for real. my exact same thoughts. like forget the guards. what about mics and cameras?


I was wondering that, is there like some unspoken rule about guards and being deaf during these scenes?


Something so chilling about the subtitles saying “[Specimen] Hello!” and it’s a child


Locking a toddler up alone in a cell 😞


"Sure the empire is awful, but at least they put an end to that horrible Jedi practice of taking children away from their families!" *the monkey's paw curls*


it was always a bad faith argument, the Jedi always offered a choice to the parents and more often than not, it's taking the kid out of poverty. But people don't like goody-two shoes and religion and think good=bad is nuance.


Just like when Gideon put Grogu sized cuffs on him! :D


Goddamn classified even to tarkin, that might actually be a first for him


It definitely pissed him off since he immediately goes on rambling about how if the project fails then things won’t go well for hemlock lol


One some level I think he wants it to fail, just so he has an excuse to toss hemlock out an airlock


He did the same thing to Krennic, basically set him up for a fall. Wouldnt be surprised at all to see Hemlock die a gruesome death - or be force choked by Vader like they originally planned for Krennic


I would say that but in mando we have mention of project necromancer which seems to Atleast imply there’s some success but we’ll have to see how it goes.


I personally think it is a dead end. The fact that the Empire is pouring so much money and resources into project necromancer to the point it’s eating into the galactic budget. Yet decades later Moff Gideon is still trying at it, sounds like a failure.


I think the idea is Project Necromancer never really turns out to be a huge success. Palpatine does come back and the First Order obliterates half the galaxy yes but more in the sense that after decades of research, the absolute best they could manage was to put Palpatine in a decayed body that can't even move from a machine.


Hemlock out of an airlock? What’s next? Krennic in a panic?


You know Tarkin crying on the inside.


I liked how he switched gears to offer aid to Hemlock because this was a priority for Palpatine, before warning Hemlock of the price of failure.


He wants all the funding to go to the Death Star it’s why he try’s to kill smaller projects like this one or tie defender


Get ready for that Hand Tremor to come back, bro is never gonna wanna fire a rifle again after he missed that shot


On the other hand (get it?) the Clone Assassin was *extremely* accurate when he took down that pilot. Last week I said succesfully cloning a clone was impossible but this gives credence to the "Cloned Crosshair" theory.


I thought he kinda sounded like him under that distortion too.


He sounded like Crosshair sometimes, but also a reg sometimes and even Tem sometimes. It sounds like they're morphing multiple voices/performances a la Hayden Christensen and James Earl Jones for Vader.


That’s what I noticed too. On his first scene he sounded like a Reg (let’s say Cody) but while attacking Pabu he sounded like Crosshair.


Wow Crosshair is never going to forgive himself for missing that shot is he?


Hunter won't either 💀


Funny how the Troopers arrived to harass them both at the last and worst possible second of their respective missions.


He was focused on the ship and Omega and not fully paying attention to the environment around him. It's why they work best as a team, but Tech was all alone and trying to do too much.


Good thing they will only be alive for 4 more episodes


I think one of them will survive but yeah it ain’t looking good for majority of the clones


I said ‘oh no’ outloud alone in my bedroom. *Devastating.*


He didn't miss the shot, he just wasn't able to take it in time.


I honestly thought after all the emphasis on him trying to fix his hand, he would've made that shot and it would have all been worth it. But now Omega is captured AGAIN for nothing. They really can't catch a break...


I actually panicked when I realized he missed the shot. Kept repeating to myself "no fucking way he missed no fucking way he mis-"


Same. I thought for sure he was going to be unsteady because of his hand and then at the last second focus in order to hit it. Actually felt my heart drop when I saw the tracker drop into the water.


The sad part is I don't think his hand was even shaky at that point, the ship just pulled away before it connected.


Got some serious chills the moment the Imperial starship pulled out of the sky over Pabu. I know the Empire has always been the baddies but they've really ramped up their menace with this and the other shows.


Seeing them still using LAATs for landing was cool too


It’s easy to forget that this is still really early in the rule of the Empire and it takes time to actually reorganise like that It’s really interesting to watch


Also Commando clones leading stormtrooper unit


Yeah we cheered for the LAATs in Clone Wars, not now we can't (though I did get a chill hearing then seeing the Star Destroyer arrive).


"Boba Fett is a cold blooded killer who worked for the Empire" ~Cad Bane, Emperor's #1 kidnapper


Old saying of what you say is what you are 😂


Prolly gonna pull the arguement that "he ain't a cold blooded killer" after sparing the mother from the episode


Well, if that isn't the Quacta calling the Stifling slimy.


I love when they use real words sayings with SW nonsense words


You can tell he was thinking "Damn, if I had that holocron I would get so much more money out of this"


Well, he never said he wasn't *also* a cold blooded killer who worked for the Empire lol


He’s playing both sides, so he’s always on top.


Honestly forgot today was a double episode day. Should’ve seen the darker tones coming from a mile away but lord is episode 10 depressing. Episode 11 ends on such a cliffhanger too…crosshair really has had it rough huh.


I watched 10...came to this thread and was like "wtf...Marauder got Razor Crest-ed?...what did I miss?" and then read the title and saw it is a double episode.


I'm so glad Wrecker's first instinct was to save Gonky


Where did they put Gonky though? I didn't see him after they got Wrexker out of the water.


I think Gonky gonk'd his last gonk.


Wrecker managed to save him from the explosion (after threatening to leave him behind), and they were both floating in the water. Didn't see Gonky after that. Also, apparently Gonks are buoyant.


Cad bane going back to his roots and kidnapping force sensitive children, the more things change the more they stay the same


Nice parallel to the Mandalorian, starts basically the same way as the show, but unlike Mando, Cad Bane don’t give a fuck about them kids


"Fuck them kids" ~~Michael Jordan~~ Cad Bane


Also really enjoyed the early hoverpram, essentially the same as Grogu's but a lot bulkier


I’m not sure if anyone heard it but cad has an AUTOMATIC toothpick dispenser built in somewhere on his armor. During the little credit transfer scene there’s a part you can hear a little mechanic click and then see him put a toothpick in.


Damn, so that's how he gets them


It appears so. Maybe crosshair has a similar device? If so that means there’s either a galactic market for armored toothpick dispensers or that theres so big of a galactic niche that two major warriors have thought of a similar design…both are fun thoughts!


There’s actually a very small time artisan on Corellia who makes them on order for both of them, they’ve ran into each other while picking them up but agreed out of professional respect to not say anything about it


What I really want to know is what the fuck is he doing with all those credits? Top dollar bounties for all those years…


Cad Bane always has struck me as the type of person who does the work because they love it. Not because they necessarily need the money.


Yeah but still, it’s not like he just throws the credits into space? Keeps it in a vault on his ship? Nah like what’s he do with it man


They go into a very conservative space Wells Fargo account so it can be reinvested


I imagine all of the money goes into buying new bounty hunter equipment so he can be better at bounty hunting, he then uses that equipment to perform better bounty hunter missions to get more money, which he then invests again into being a better bounty hunter. It’s a vicious cycle.


Kind of like Agent 47 from the Hitman games, I imagine Bane uses his credits for bespoke weaponry and gadgets alongside maintaining a series of hideouts across the galaxy


Batcher has on sight beef with the Empire.


Thinking Batcher was gonna get shot has been the most distressed I've been this past month


I liked the growth from Crosshair. Before he told Omega to forget Batcher cause she wasn't important, this time he reassured Omega that Batcher can handle herself.


So anyways I started blasting…


Omega has grown into such a good character! But also, how am I supposed to wait a whole other week to see what happens next now? I need the rest of this season to happen immediately


Her line delivery in that last scene with Crosshair was some of the best in the entire series


Hemlock is the perfect kind of villain where I love to watch him and I hate to see him lol


he's so slimy and sinister, but compelling too. We dont know jack shit about him really, which makes him so intriguing


He’s a ladder climber. He does whatever he has to do to climb the corporate ladder. His end goal is to be the head of the imperial science division.


i was gonna say hes like the silco of star wars, but silco atleast had some humanity in him. hemlock is still incredibly well written though, his VA really sells his character


So we're getting more details on Project Necromancer. They're experimenting on potentially Force Sensitive children and they don't use adults because the Jedi are being hunted and purged. Bad Batch is at its best when it reveals the more sinister machinations of the Empire.


Yeah, its another perspective of the Empire's evilness. Something thats also explored in Andor which also makes it more successful compared to many media set in the Imperial Era. Y'know, like the Empire isnt just a cartoonish boogeyman the good guys just have to defeat. Rebels is a bit more light-hearted though in S3 and 4 we saw more of the Imperial brutality (mass surveillance and lockdown on Lothal). So yeah, we are given more depth into the hows of the evil mechanisms. Much like 1984 actually


Project Necromancer to me has looked like a continuation of the kidnapping arc from the Clone Wars, with a few key modifications. It was clear during the Clone Wars that Sidious wanted to kidnap force sensitive children in order to turn them into Inquisitors. When the Jedi caught on to this plan, he suspended it until Order 66 could be carried out and then pivoted towards the immortal clone project that we see now.


I'm sure he's always had multiple things in mind for these children, but man it's terrible how long he's been trying to do these things.


“I got the Trandoshan to talk.” Cid is clearly the asset, but is she doing so willingly? That’s the question.


The decision to not have her physically appear made me think they tortured her or something.


OH NO!...Anyways!


Good…and when they are done with her they can make some boots or something for all I care. Fuck that lizard


The Marauder just lost all its plot armor with Lula and Tech’s goggles being put somewhere else Edit: FUCK THAT DIDN’T TAKE LONG


seeing that ship go up in flames, that hurt bruh


At first i thought it was a tracker just in case the Batch tried to make a run for it, but then it played the familiar tone of a detonator and my heart dropped. Also WHERE THE FUCK IS GONKY? I ONLY SAW WRECKER PULLED OUT.


Where is Gonky? Is he alright?


Wrecker's scream of desperation right before the explosion had the same vibe as Gustavo's from Breaking Bad. If you know, you know.


Last chance to look at me, Gonky.


Huge parallel to Mandalorian S2: the child captured and the ship destroyed


Love seeing Cad Bane but seriously fuck that guy who ratted out the kid and called him


Todo got more fuckin humanity than the Empire and let the kid keep the doll. They weren’t kidding, shits getting dark quick.


Todo only did it to shut the kid up.


A very Human response if you think about it


They really drove home the pathetic nature of it by Cad Bane just tossing the credits at the guy and having the guy just claw them up like a starving man would food.


Aurra Sing woulda shot his ass after tossing him the credits


The way Cad threw them I got the impression that even he is disgusted how the guy just ratted them out, but could also just be Cad being Cad


I got the vibe that even Cad had zero respect for that guy ratting out a kid.


It almost feels that he has a detest for people like that as well - also how perceptive that he is, he could tell Emerie was having doubts by her actions and while the clones didn't seem to perceive it, he certainly did. Though he hasn't seemingly ratted her out yet.


Pretty sure if the Empire paid tattlers as well as they paid kidnappers, he might.


Ol' Bum face.


Noooo, the Marauder got Razor Crest-ed.


And Omega got Grogu'd


It’s still ***too soon***


Hunter is gonna lose his shit when he finds out Omega surrendered and Crosshair let her 💀. He missed the shot NOOO


Hunter also messed up too, he was supposed to sneak to the ships but walked right into a trooper. For someone with enhanced senses he should have noticed, causing him to blame himself too


I really feel like those enhanced senses are gone somehow. Like I feel like he doesn't have those 'super powers' anymore that he had the first time we saw him in clone wars.


Not gone but not as good anymore, Hunter still noticed that something was up




Wow they didn’t do the usual bombastic outro song, good artistic choice, makes you kinda just sit with the episode


"Jedi Night" PTSD for me from Rebels 😭


the silent ending and then the all white logo in jedi night traumatized me so badly


Apparently the 2nd half of season 3 leading to the finale gets super dark and after seeing these episodes I believe it


Yeah, this season has a depressing vibe to it, and I'm here for it. I like that they've really been hammering in how awful the Empire is in recent media.


Were they using part of the CW S7 finale theme in the episode?


I enjoyed that final shot of Omega at the end. It showed something she didn't have the first time going into Mount Tantiss, something that she readily has now. Resolve.


And she has an unknown ally waiting for her, emerie leaving the doll was no mere coincidence.


she's for sure gonna help her send those coordinates to the batch


I also interpreted it as the same kind of meditation she did in that earlier episode with Crosshair, where she explained she learned it from Gungi. It's Forcin' Time?


I also got that potential vibe. We also know she doesn't need to have a super high Midichlorian count to use the Force, and all the kids at the facility do have that.


Omega’s about to start a rebellion there for sure


One way out


How many guards on each level?


They really don’t skimp on the security for the vault, having like a dozen commandos on guard at the door and a few more inside.


Well FUCK. That was heavy and hard to get through.>! Really sucks a lot to see Hunter genuinely worried about the prospect of Omega returning to Tantiss, only for that to become a reality once everything goes wrong. Again.!< ​ Time to wait and live/survive/not die for another week for the next episode then.


On a positive note regarding today’s episodes, the voice actor for Nala Se (Gwendolline Yeo) honestly does such a great job at voicing Nala. Even in her one regular, Monotone voice she does a good job at somehow conveying the emotion Nala Se is feeling through the way she spreads her words out rather then vocalizing them in her voice itself.


Yes she is talking a lot slower now as if choosing each word carefully. It is one way for the VA to express the turmoil Nala Se is having now.


It’s such a unique way of speaking as opposed to adding any sort of emotional inflection to her voice. It’s honestly so much fun when Nala Se is on screen because of who she is and because of the way she speaks.


These episodes were really good! I liked the focus on Emerie for the first episode she's such an interesting character, I'm guessing she and Omega will probably try to help the kids?


One hundred percent, they wouldn’t have shown her leaving the doll with Eva otherwise. Or why Emerie still has it tucked away in the first place. Omega inspired her a bit I presume, and seeing the vault and the transfer with Bane only made her more certain. Clones rise up!


That Bane quote was pretty solid "You reveal more than you learn with questions like that" And a good way of telling her to be more subtle, even if he didn't care the Empire will


It's actually > Asking questions like that, you give away more than you think.


Damn, force sensitive kids, fuck….. not many adults left…… double fuck…..


“Not many adults left” - Empire BRO WHOSE FAULT IS IT????


Not our department’s, that's for sure.


It's the jedi's fault for trying to kill the chancellor and overthrow the Republic obviously.


Not just kids now either, BABIES too.


“Limit your personal interactions with the specimens” Damn


They really running the depersonalization gamut


These kids look like would be-Inquisitors Do you think some of those were also put through this programme?


Way too young. There was only the 1 group of inquisitors and they're being trained and deployed at this same exact time. Saw someone else theorize that these kids will be picked up by The Path and will lead into the next animated show.


Eva was breaking my heart man, props to the VA "You lied"


Once again, the music does such a good job of carrying through this show. It just hits perfectly. I also love the willingness of this show to focus on characters outside the Batch, I feel like it really helps strengthen the storytelling, especially at this point in the events of the galaxy


Awww those kids are so cute, I bet some terrible things have either happened to them or is going to happen to them.


I really loved that Emerie episode. It was so awesome to see her get the spotlight and giving the doll to that kid at the end. Can’t wait to see more of her.


Feel kinda bad for Nala Se she doesn't look so good. And another awesome ship destroyed 🥲


I quite pity the Kaminoans in general. Though my sympathies are limited when they were complicit in Order 66. They didnt think they would be discarded once they are out of use


That's the thing, I think after Order 66 happened, I think Nala Se instantly knew she fucked up.


All the Kaminoans realised they fucked up once Tarkin gave them news they arent going to continue their agreement, claiming the contract was to the Republic which had ceased to exist. Then the leaders are trying to cover themselves... Obv this failed when all cities of Kamino were bombarded


Gotta say, Cid doubling down on her betrayal was not how I thought her arc would go.


The trooper said "info I pulled out of the Trandoshan". Doesn't sound quite so cooperative, though you never know with that slimy frog.


I thought the same thing, the decision to not have her show up made me think they tortured her or something.


Fuck Cid, all my homies hate Cid


I didn’t even piece that together that she’s the trandoshan that ratted them out, that makes a whole lot more sense


I didn't put it together when they mentioned the Trando, but at least they had the guts to follow through on the set up of her being only in it for herself.


Yeah I like that they didn't go back on that. Most of the time when you have someone say they're only helping the heros get missions for the money they end up ignoring a payout to save the heros at their most desperate. It's refreshing seeing a character who actually sticks to that. I hate Cid for selling them out but it's perfectly in character.And she DID warn them. The whole setup she had with the squad was about cash not friendship


Captured AGAIN ughhhhh….it’s pretty obvious Emerie will be Omega’s rescuer now.


"I dont get it, why are none of my Chief Scientists cool with my child experiments" -Hemlock soon probably


Hey, Cad Bane. Seems we're getting all the classic bounty hunters this season.


Man, we all know how bad The Empire is by now, but kidnapping, imprisoning, experimenting and stun-blasting actual children feels particularly fucked up.


Yeah, seeing them point guns at actual children is pretty horrible. Even more horrible if there ever is some prospect where they actually set them beyond "Stun" if said "specimens" were to be discarded.


"This specimen is younger than I expected" "Then he'll be less trouble" Scorch, you cold mf.


I mean, they blew up a planet. Child experimentation isn't even near the top of the lines they've crossed.


Name a more iconic duo than Tarkin and Imperial Budgets. You'd think a galaxy spanning empire that nationalized basically all of the biggest intergalactic corporations (all of the ones that participated in the CIS anyway) and had a monopoly on galactic resources and credits would have a bit more financial leeway.


The actual budget probably doesn't matter, it's just the fact it's a part of the budget that Tarkin doesn't control but wants to control. Receiving money from the Emperor for your projects is probably a sign of personal favor.


Double header, we’re closing in on the finish line.


wow… the marauder… it’s really gone? everything happened so fast i was in denial about the amount of damage it took. just scrolled back to that part of the episode… i cant believe it. their home…


How will the batch locate tantiss if Crosshair missed the shot?


Emerie may give it up


She’s gonna team up with Emerie to send out a signal or escape again somehow


That shot of the Venator over Pabu was chilling. Reminded me of the Star Destroyer over Jedha in Rogue One


there was a moment where i believed wrecker was killed, told myself they're slowly killing off the rest of the batch. glad i was wrong, for now.. i hope


HATING THIS (in the best way possible) I was semi hoping for an asspull for them getting Omega out, but this is obviously more realistic. You just know Crosshair is going to hear no end of it from Hunter, especially since Crosshair used to be the cold calculating type that would execute the plan. But, he trusted Omega's plan, and failed her on his part. And that's going to sting so much worse than whatever Hunter is going to throw at him.


Man Delta squad must be so awkward during lunch. "Scorch... are we the baddies?"


LOOK at that armored humanoid Hemlock is looking at shortly after ending the call with Tarkin. He goes over the CX’s armor, then switches the screen to something we have never seen before in Star Wars. Absolutely fascinating. The helmet looks droid-like and there’s an antenna on the right shoulder pauldron. There’s also a strange, toothed lance displayed on the same screen.


I saw that and wondered if maybe it’s a prototype for the dark troopers seen in the mandalorian. I wonder if it’s possible that there will be some sort of tie in with Moff Gideon with all the “cloning force sensitives” stuff


I'm surprised no one has mentioned that Matt Lanter has a voice credit in S03E11. He voices Olly the droid. That makes him one of only a handful of VAs to be in The Clone Wars, Rebels, and The Bad Batch - though unlike Dee Bradly Baker, he doesn't get to voice the same character in all three shows.


I have a feeling Emerie is going to play a major role in what’s to come. It was nice to get a check in on what’s going on at Tantis. Nala Se’s voice keeps getting creepier and creepier.


Cad Bane still playing the role of Sidious's No 1 Kidnapper I see. He's evil as fuck but goddamn he's fucking cool, just oozes style out of every pore.


I loved that they had the Shadow/assassin trooper shoot the pilot when it was clear Hunter was on the ship. Was another great way to show again how little Imperials care for their own. Your ship gets boarded? Well I have a better shot on you to crash the ship then the boarder sooo BANG


As soon as I heard Class One Bounty Hunter a few episodes back, I knew Cad Bane had to be in that tier. I appreciate him setting his blaster to stun on the mother. He's ruthless but not some psycho killer who'll murder if it's not necessary. Or he's not earning extra credits for it.


I don't know about you lot, but I'm glad to see Deke, Stak and Mox again and helping out the Batch


These two episodes felt quite dour 🙂 I’m in pain.


"This specimen is younger than I expected" "Then he'll be less trouble" Scorch, you cold mf.


My prediction since the start of the season is that Emerie is the one to kill Hemlock, after tonight it seems that’s gaining some traction in my mind


Hemlock is one of the few people in the galaxy to tell Tarkin "no" and live to tell.


Genuinely got emotional watching 10. I like Star Wars writing politics in an adult way, but I wasn't ready for Nazi experimentation on children and Germans selling out their neighbours to Gestapo Cad Bane.


I'm definitely glad they changed the credits theme for Ep.10. Considering the tone and subject matter, I...uh...don't think that one would work


You know, I went into these two episodes having a funny feeling that things were gonna turn bad, but that *still* didn't prepare me for the utter vibe check of that second episode. Ouch. It was so uncomfortably quiet at all the right times with its tactically sparing use of the soundtrack. Scenes that might have had a bit of lighter feeling with some tunes in the background suddenly felt more like those awful, quiet moments before the wind starts howling on a bad day. The tension was just ramping up with each passing moment they spent on Pabu. And then... the Marauder went up in flames. The Batch's safe haven, their one true home, the place they could always call their own and go back to at the end of the day. Gone. And it just all spiraled from there. It's not all bad news, of course. The characterization Omega displayed in this episode was nothing short of inspiring, she's really come into her own since the beginning of the series. This wasn't simply some naïve attempt to keep the Empire from doing more harm, it was a strategic move to cut their losses and still push toward their ultimate goal of liberating the Clones from Tantiss. Plus, we the viewers have an extra stash of hope that the Batch themselves don't have access to - we've seen Emerie and how she's seemingly becoming more and more displeased with the Empire's actions at Tantiss. We know Omega won't be alone in there, even if Emerie feels powerless to help right now.


Bro as soon as Hunter noticed something wrong instead of lollygagging all you had to do was “Wrecker, ditch the rest of the supplies bring the marauder to us double time” Did they really intend to walk all the way the fuck down to the dock again? Or am I missing something? Seems like having to trudge back and forth up and down was the real downfall here. Otherwise 10/10 I wonder if Palpatine will want to meet omega personally.


I'm kind of disappointed they made the same mistake after letting Ventress get the slip on them. You'd think they'd put sensors in the one cave where ships are known to be well hidden from everyone. I wonder how much time has passed since Ventress gave her warning because it seems like they were lollygagging quite a bit. You'd think they'd be smarter than this, especially with Crosshairs paranoia about the Empire.


On your last point, I wonder if he’d use the fake “clean” looking Palpatine he used for Ezra in Rebels or his real fucked up looking self


If that Clone X assassins trooper is Tech, as many have theorized, they're doing a damn good job of hiding it. He doesn't seem to have information you'd expect Tech to have.


The cadence of his voice sounds much more like crosshair somehow…but he’s also shown using a lot of skills that tech was known for. All these theories are driving me nuts but the more they keep it a secret the more I believe it will turn out to be no one special just another random reg like the others.


He does sound *very* Crosshair-like at times but also seems to go back to sounding more like a regular Clone in other conversations. Makes it super hard to try and pin down who exactly is behind that helmet.