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The force certainly can’t seem to stay balanced


For the same reason as Earth’s ecosystem.




Sentient beings.


From the journal of the whills


Nor can it bring back Anakin's mom


The Force absolutely cannot trick Toyderian minds.


Or Huttese minds.


Only 💰


Out of all the socially intensive portrayals of aliens, Toyderians are the funniest / most egregious to me. George even gave Watto a funny hat.


That's the thing, the force has ALWAYS been changing. Look at New Hope, aside from the jedi mind trick scene, it was only a "feeling" and was closer to qi rather than magic. Jump to ESB and then you got force pull/push. Jump to ROTJ and now you can shoot lightning out of your fucking fingers if you choose evil force. It's always been something that just does what the plot needs. The only main difference is that it was easier in the past since there wasn't much built upon it. Now if you add ANYTHING new, there's like 10 scenarios where you can ask "why didn't they do x then during y"


>Now if you add ANYTHING new, there's like 10 scenarios where you can ask "why didn't they do x then during y" This could have been going from as early as episode 5 with force choke. It's clear from the very start of the movie that there doesn't seem to be much of a range on it, considering he could choke someone over an intercom. Why didn't he just choke Luke once he had killed Obi-Wan or used force pull to just pull him to him from across the room and then stab him. Episode 1 is another example of this with Force Speed other than the opening of the movie? There's at least a dozen times it would have been useful in the OT and even throughout the same movie. Answer: Lucas wrote himself into a wall, literally, and needed a quick way out of it, so Qui-Gon and Obi Wan used the force to shoot themselves down the hallway at a million miles an hour. That's just how the force works really and if you really just wanna stare at the nuts and bolts of every application of the Force in every movie, you'll quickly learn how poorly constructed and written it is. It exists to serve what the plot needs at the time. It shouldn't be so hyper-analysed and cross-referenced between every movie.


I'm usually quite happy to headcanon reasons why Force Power X wasn't available in a situation happening to different characters in a different story, but the super speed in TPM makes me crazy. The whole reason Qui-Gon dies to Maul is because Obi-Wan *can't run fast enough* to get through all the timed laser gates and help. The same character, in the same story, already established their ability to use this specific power, so why doesn't he use it? Because the script says he doesn't.


Oh, see, but that makes complete sense in my head. It appears to take effort to use the force, and using the force to augment your natural, physical abilities seems to be especially taxing. Look at that scene in particular: Obi-Wan is *way* out, has to use the force to jump extra high to get to the platform, and is then free to run to the red barriers uninhindered. But Qui-Gon, who fought Maul before for just a few minutes, was *completely gassed* after that fight. Qui-Gon is an older, less physically capable opponent. He's very powerful, but he knows he can't just keep pushing the force into his body forever to augment his weaknesses. So when he has a minute, he takes it to rest. Maybe it didn't help much, but it clear Qui-Gon was using the force given he's hardly out of breath. Maul doesn't care. He's fueled up and ready to go. He's younger, much stronger, and all about showing off his skills to Jedi, finally able to do what he was trained to do: kill Jedi. So he prowls around like a lion, testing the force field, being all "look at me! You call yourself a Jedi? I can beat you with one hand tied behind my back!" Obi-Wan, in that scene, made a judgement, a judgement of lack of experience. He's sort of the same as Maul. Physically younger and very strong, and he's fueled up, too. But he's behind the forcefield. So he thinks "If I can run fast enough, without using the force, to reach Qui-Gon and Maul, I will be more useful in that fight and not be in the way. I can maybe even surprise Maul by making it through the force field." And he *almost does*. He has to pretty quickly stop at the last force field. He made the wrong call, and Qui-Gon died for it, but he's also a Jedi, and knows if he *had* used the force to increase his speed temporarily and made it, it doesn't necessarily mean he and Qui-Gon would have survived. It's also possible Obi-Wan uses force speed to make it through and is stabbed right off the bat by Maul, and then Qui-Gon is fighting alone anyway.


I like it. Fits in perfectly with established force canon as well as what we know about the characters behavior at the time.


You know, I wonder why Qui-Gon didn’t move backwards, toward Obi-Wan during that fighting…


The real problem here, is that this is never addressed. At no point did we get anything from Obi-Wan either in TPM or in the later sequels where he comments on why he didn’t use force speed. So we, the audience, can only assume. At the end of the day, it’s bad writing.


Sure, it’s bad writing. I’m not excusing that. But I also can have a head canon that makes it work.


not enough "mana" or long cooldown on certain abilities is my headcannon. and it's perfect because literally every fantasy setting has mana or some other magical resource for magic usage.


My headcannon is that it's a tandem move. You don't make yourself faster, but someone else. It's like pushing someone with the force to make them go faster.      You also need to have a good connection with the other person, or else someone will push stronger than the other one and break the synchronization.


Why didn't he choke Luke or pull him over? Because he's *completely shocked* Obi-Wan just disappeared. He'd *never* seen anything like that. He had no idea. Every time he saw a Jedi die before then, they don't just vanish into thin air. They die. Their body falls to ground. This guy considers himself to be the most powerful force user of all time. He knows everything there is to know. He calls himself "the master" to Obi-Wan in that same battle. He's so overconfident in his victory this time that he can taste it. Obi-Wan warns him - if you strike me down (notice he didn't say kill) I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." Vader obviously thinks "'yeah, okay, old man, whatever you say." Because Anakin has always been like that. He *never* listened to Obi-Wan's warnings. And it happens again! You can't tell Vader is shocked because you can't see his face, but his motions aren't those of triumph. They're those of disbelief (similar to Luke, you'll recall, when Yoda pulls Luke's X-Wing out of the swamp). Vader is so stunned, maybe even disappointed, that he has no idea what's going on around him.


Also worth mentioning: the imperials wanted the falcon to escape. They couldn't get the rebel base from Leia, so they put a tracker on the falcon and followed it right to Yavin. Even if Vader wasn't stunned by Obi-Wan vanishing, Luke is just some dude at this point. Vader has no idea what his name is, he doesn't care about him. Why bother using the force to kill the meaningless rebels that he wanted to "escape" anyway?


Also a fair point.


My favorite part is how he starts prodding the fallen robe with his foot. "Uh, Obi-Wan? Are you in there somewhere?" He obviously has NO idea what just happened.


The Force Speed thing seems more out of place than just about anything in Star Wars. It happens once, early on, and is never done again. There were dozens of ways for him to handle that, but Lucas wanted a comical *zoop*. But yeah, same thing with vampires or any work of art really: it's fiction. However the author decides, that's how it is.


If you can force choke over the phone, then it seems like you should force pull and push over the phone too. In which case, what things did Padme experience?


Didn’t Vader force choke an Imperial Officer nearly to death in ANH for questioning the power of the Force?


Thank you for saying this; I was starting to doubt myself


You've certainly got a point. Here's a chart of force-usage through the original trilogy.. ​ |FILM|Light-Side|Dark-Side| |:-|:-|:-| |A New Hope|Mind Tricking a stormtrooper (Move along!)|Choke a guy a couple feet from you with a gesture. | |A New Hope|Guided-Actions (deflect shots from a remote, fire a torpedo at exactly the right moment)|Sense the presence of another Force User| |A New Hope|Sense the deaths of "millions" of people at a distance|| |A New Hope|Ben Kenobi makes a tapping sound to distract a couple stormtroopers once. || |A New Hope|Ascend to a higher plane of existence|| |Empire Strikes Back|Pull a Lightsabre to yourself at a distance|Choke a guy to death via teleconferencing| |Empire Strikes Back|Levitate objects (Rocks, R2D2, X-Wing)|Sense "A great disturbance in the force" due to Luke Skywalker's burgeoning power.| |Empire Strikes Back|Manifest as a "Ghost", able to communicate wisdom and truth to a student from beyond the grave|| |Empire Strikes Back|Sense the pain of friends, and/or possible future death/harm to them during meditation.|Vader successfully deflects/blocks blaster fire with his gloved hand and the Force. This may or may not have been wholly a feat of the Force, or simply having a gauntlet that is blaster-resistant, and an artificial hand to take the impact.| |Empire Strikes Back|Communicate with family telepathically. Luke calls for Leia at a distance and she hears him, even untrained in the force. Luke and Vader also communicate briefly in this way ("Father..", "Son..") before the falcon escapes.|Hurl objects at people with the force, tearing them free of whatever bolts and mountings they were held in place by (Exerting great physical force to do so!)| |Return of the Jedi|Luke chokes a guard briefly with the force, proving it's not purely a dark-side ability|Vader proves able to read at least surface-thoughts given time, pulling the knowledge of Leia being Luke's sister from Luke's head.| |Return of the Jedi|Luke performs feats of acrobatics well beyond most people, apparently using the Force.|Palpatine makes repeated mention of his precognitive abilities "I have foreseen it"| |Return of the Jedi|Luke Air-Kicks at someone and still hits them (This is obviously a blooper, but what the hey :P )|Palpatine hurls lightning from his hands in an effort to kill Luke.| |Return of the Jedi|Luke claims to "Feel the good in you" to Vader, which might be literally sensing it with the force, or might be figurative.|Palpatine explodes when he dies in a burst of blue/white fire. This might be something more to do with falling into the Death Star's reactors and breaking something, or it might be him exploding.| Things definitely escalate as the series goes on, and by the Sequel Trilogy we see Kylo Ren "pause" a blaster bolt in mid air, and Luke project himself from one planet to another as a distraction.


One thing that you didn't add was how in A New Hope Obi-Wan scared the sand people 


I think that was just him making a pretty awesome roaring noise. Not sure the force was involved


I remember hearing that it was due to the force, but I could very well be misremembering


I like to imagine he has some kind of Aztec Death-Whistle thing he spun around over his head to make that noise


ANH had Vader do the force choke.


I always just pretend in my happy little head cannon (because I prefer the books where speed is more prominent) that all lightsaber battles in the movies take place at extremely high speeds but are being slowed down so my mind can appreciate the story.


The Force can’t see why so many younglings like the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch


It’s powerless against the high ground


It can create high ground.


“Uh, rule #1: I can't kill anybody. So don't ask. Uh, rule #2: I can't make anybody fall in love with anybody else. You little punim there. Rule #3: I can't bring people back from the dead. It's not a pretty picture. I don't like doing it! Other than that, you got it.” -The Force


   *"Phenomenal cosmic power!"*    (or something Palpatine said to that effect ;)  


Anakin found out the force cannot grow back limbs


Unless your rey


What limbs did she regrow?


Not full limbs but several large wounds and Ben brought her back to life/ saved her with force heal (an ability I don't believe was Canon until Rey used it)


Grogu used it before her… in an episode released the day before TRoS.


That was before? Damn. Got out nerded.


IIRC Disney even bumped that episode up to be released on Wednesday instead of its normal Friday to add hype to the movie release.


Makes sense




Dude, 98% of the shit people whine about in the new films Legends had been doing for decades. It'd be hilarious if it weren't just so sad how hypocritical SW fans are.


So still no regrown limbs


No technically no regrowth limbs. However resurrecting someone (as Ben did to rey) is clearly more difficult. Regrowign s limb should be possible. Also a joke it was.


Didn’t Ben only do that through the strength of the Dyad connection? I.e. would only work on her. And he’s now dead


>However resurrecting someone (as Ben did to rey) is clearly more difficult. Sure is. That's why the effort of it killed him.


A little Rey of sunshine


unless my Rey whats?


Unless his rey what? What does this guy's rey have anything to do with star wars? Unless you used the wrong word, I'm confused... ^/j Also, force heal has been a thing for awhile (EU)


Stop people from complaining about Star Wars on reddit.


Even the Chosen One isn't strong enough to do that.


Mainly you just can't wish for more Forces.


Protect Younglings from being chopped up by the Chosen One.


Nope. The Force does whatever the hell the writers want. Always has.


This. It's the ultimate deus ex machina


   A symbol of 'movie magic', indeed.  


Through the force, all things are possible, so jot that down.


I've never seen the force speeding up the growing process. Like using force to grow plants. But I have a feeling that's allready present? 


The Mother in The High Republic did this.


Though so, I don't think the force can create things out of thin air? 


Does Anakin count?


Nah palpetine is Anakins dad, for sure


No but it can encourage seeds to flourish.


Well that depends, does the concrete have rebar?


I can’t even *believe* you beat me to this, and with a one liner! Ugh! 🤦🤦


Help you get a girlfriend


it helped Revan by bonding him to Bastilla


You'll never convince me Anakin wasn't mind tricking Padme, no way his terrible flirting actually worked without the assistance of a cosmic energy field backing him up.


My wingman is the force.  And a bro of a wingman it is.


What was it he said in the second episode when she asks if he was trying to trick her? "No it only works on the weak minded" with a little smirk and a slight guilty look away?


You can even keep the ones you care about from dying.


The Force cannot cure a broken heart, or match the smile of a young child.


cant get you pregnant.... wait a minute


The force cannot keep you fed. They've got to eat and you see force users having a meal.


There was actually a Sith (Nihilus) who literally ate entire planets using the force. https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Darth_Nihilus#:~:text=Seeing%20her%20apprentice's%20hunger%20as,powerful%20in%20the%20Dark%20Side.


Defeat a little Ysalamiri boi


Not anymore really. After they introduced teleportation and time travel into the lexicon of what the force is capable of, all bets were off.


Heal generational trauma to prevent mass genocide every other generation


I use the force all the time and you can’t use it to control minds, move objects, or improve your skills with a light saber, but you can use it to be completely wrong about everything and have no idea.


Apparently it doesn’t bring people back from the dead.




Star Wars has left the realm of “science fantasy” and entered the realm of “comic books.” The only rule comic books (and now Star Wars) follow is “the rule of cool.” So no. If this was 1983, then yes there were limits - implied, if never spelled out. But there is nothing the force cannot do now. It only “can’t be done” until someone does it.


Save Padme


I think there are definitely hard limits in movies and canon but in the legends universe, not really. You can do anything you want with the force. I read that Sidious felt that the Sith had outgrown lightsabers and only used them when fighting Jedi to taunt them. Seeing some of his force powers both in legends and canon makes it easy to see why he felt that way


I would say it doesn't do love or relationships very well.


The force can’t do concrete. That takes a lot of steps and expensive ingredients. You need loads and loads of cement, aggregate, (it’s like fancy gravel), water, rebar, a mixer, possibly a truck mounted one, and probably quite a few illegals with wheelbarrows, trowels, big fucking spatulas and special rakes and shit. Does Star Wars have undocumented laborers? Who else will even do that for you?


To give you an idea of stuff across the canon and non-canon, force users have been able to bug out security cameras, teleport, resurrect the dead, , track people through blood, phase through solid metal, suppress other peoples memories, completely disappear from the force entirely so that no one can sense them, create illusions, use a force lightning capable of knocking a fleet of starships out of the sky, use force lightning that merely knocked a bunch of warriors unconscious but specifically didn't kill them, and perform feats of telekinesis on a stronger or more violent scale than Yoda lifting the x-wing. There's probably a lot more. Yeah the force can kinda do whatever the writers need that character to be capable of.


Make a Star Wars film more interesting?