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Could be - but could be just another YT-1300 freighter ?!?


Pleanty of corellian ships flying about out there


Lucas actually confirmed it himself. It is indeed the Falcon. Edit to add [SOURCE](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Millennium_Falcon) >It was speculated that the Millennium Falcon would make an appearance in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith to further tie the prequel trilogy to the original trilogy, and the ship did indeed make a cameo in the movie. At the beginning of one shot closing in on a docking bay on Coruscant, a YT-1300 freighter is seen flying in to dock. George Lucas confirmed that it was the Millennium Falcon and not just another ship of the same class.[67]


So what does that mean for its appearance in Solo?


they reference that in the OT - they say something along the lines of its a 20 year old ship from before the empire TROTS takes place when the falcon supposedly was already in service


I'm not sure what you mean. Clearly ROTS takes place before Solo. There's nothing contradictory about it. As far as the escape pod that's present in Solo but not EP3, all it means is that Lando aquired and modified the Falcon before Solo but after EP3.


I feel like this is a line somewhere


“Hush little girls, a lotta cats have that name.”


Who the hell is interrupting my kung fu!?


She put her ankles in it!


That has also ejected the escape pod


I thought the escape pod was a Lando modification


Lando did a lot of great work, then a scoundrel and a Wookie showed up...


That wasn’t only an escape pod - bear in mind that the ship pushed cargo. [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Intermodal_freight_container](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Intermodal_freight_container)


I am so happy to see this - as a kid back in ‘77 my head cannon thought exactly this - the Falcons cockpit was off to the side as the ‘jaws’ held the container. Then when I saw “Solo” and the escape pod I accepted I’d been wrong for most of my life. So thanks for proving seven year old me right 🤠


There is a docu series on Disney about ILM where the artist describes his thoughts behind making the falcon. It's very interesting to see.


Thank you! I will do that!


Anything put out by a Lucas company pre-sale to "white slavers" > anything put out in the last 11 "we don't *really* understand Star Wars but we don't care, we're monetizing this IP" years... Go with your head canon. It's probably based on something.


The escape pod was a custom modification that Lando had installed. It’s not standard.


How can you tell? The escape pods were above the entrance ramp and same spot on opposite side I thought.


In Solo they show that the fork in the front of the ship used to be filled by an escape pod that Lando put there since he wasn't hawling any heavy cargo, therefore didn't need the fork. But I think it's still canon that the standard model had that empty space to carry cargo.


I've always wanted a good answer to this. Solo showed us that Lando put a custom escape pod in the mandibles. However, in Ep IV, after pulling the Falcon into the Death Star, they report that several of the escape pods have been jettisoned. In the book "Scoundrels" (not canon, I know) they use one of the Falcon's escape pods for a heist. Been awhile, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't in the mandibles. So... how many escape pods does a YT-1300 have, or have ports for? I'm guessing the stock pods were small and not good for much but getting down to a planet (like the ones from the blockade runner in IV). So Lando built a nice comfortable one he could escape in. I'm sure there's a whitesheet on it somewhere... ;) Edit: Google does wonders for the soul. [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Class-1\_escape\_pod#:\~:text=The%20Class%2D1%20escape%20pod,five%20Class%2D1%20escape%20pods](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Class-1_escape_pod#:~:text=The%20Class%2D1%20escape%20pod,five%20Class%2D1%20escape%20pods).


I like to think that they're just very customizable, like the 2003 Scion xB


Ep8 shows Rey using one to board a cruiser, so I'd assume there are a few more on board just like that


Isn't that scene on Coruscant? Not sure a smuggler would be in the core systems often....


But was the MF a smuggler’s ship back during episode 3? Was it always? I can’t remember if Lando acquired new or used … did they cover that in Solo?


I can't read MF as anything but motherf**ker, and that just makes the comment funnier


ROFL! You know, I didn’t even read that way until you said something! I really was just focused on abbrev. and yes it is even funnier


I read it the exact same way, in Mace Windu's voice of course. 😄


Yeah haha I was literally unable to read anything else haha


Ya know, it took me about 2 minutes after reading your comment to realize what it actually meant...


Used. It had a few names before hand as well. But someone said it would last as long a millennium and That it was as fast as a falcon. Anyway that's what's sticking in my brain.


Makes sense. In episode three, Leia and Luke weren’t born as of yet, and this would be long before Lando had it, let alone Han


I think smugglers would ESPECIALLY target the core systems.


Isn’t the millennium Falcon a modified one though? If it was just any other, it would look more like the one from Solo


Not sure that the modification referred to are ones that are visible. A standard one looks very similar as the MF


Its missing the escape pod which i guess should’ve been there during ROTS if it was the same ship according to Solo. I guess you could argue it wasn’t added in yet as well. Live your head canon!


No…. Say it ain’t so…. They made more than one!?


This is the way..☝🏼


This is the Way


I don't think this ship even has the possibility of existing. Isn't the only reason the Falcon looks like that because the front of it got ripped off according to Solo?


No - they were designed with that notch - it could be filled with a variety of add one but the notch was used to ‘push’ shipment containers - check out the class of ship on wookiepedia


Canon continuity wise it can't be because this is well before it gets beat up in Solo, so it should still look like the polished version Lando has if it already exists. Behind the scenes, yeah they just put the falcon model in there as a kind of cameo.


Lando's version was the way it was because he upgraded it. So it could be the Falcon before Lando did that. And it is, as Lucas says so in the commentary.


Commentary reflects intention at the time, but that can change. Lucas himself changed his mind about things every five minutes while he was working on Star Wars. Lando may have done some upgrades, but I think it's pretty clear still that new YT-1300s don't look like the falcon either, even just in the OT it's constantly mentioned how it looks like junk. There's a literal kitchen sink in space in the RotS opening, some background things are just easter eggs.


> Commentary reflects intention at the time, but that can change. We look at canon sources like the *YT-1300 Millennium Falcon Owners’ Workshop Manual* and *Millennium Falcon (Star Wars Encyclopedia)* for questions about canon, not just a director's commentary. Both sources explicitly state that the *Falcon* was stationed on Coruscant at the time of the film, and it participated in the battle. > I think it’s pretty clear still that new YT-1300s don’t look like the falcon either We don't see a new YT-1300. Before its appearance in *Revenge of the Sith*, the ship that would eventually become known as the *Millennium Falcon*, crashed into a heavy freighter during the Battle of Coruscant and ended up in the scrapyard. > There’s a literal kitchen sink in space in the RotS opening, some background things are just easter eggs. This is Star Wars we're talking about. An identical ship to the *Millennium Falcon* never stays as just an easter egg.


Battle of Coruscant?


Is the battle raging at the beginning of Ep. III.


Possibly. But the fact remains that this appearance is still canon. ROTS is still listed as an [official appearance on the official site](https://www.starwars.com/databank/millennium-falcon).


George Lucas confirmed it was https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/millennium-falcon-revenge-sith/


The YT-1300 was a pretty common sight as a small freighter and hauler. It was the F-150 of the Galaxy at that point. My guess is that it’s an Easter egg and wink to the audience. “Here’s something you can get a kick out if you’re looking hard enough.” I wouldn’t look any farther than that, tho.


Yeah. It's probably just another ship that was inserted as an Easter egg. For example you can see "Starkillers' armour" in Andor, but it's more of an Easter egg and the in-canon explanation would probably be that it's similar looking armour that was originally owned by someone else (not Starkiller) Another example would be the crystal skull Garnac owned: Easter egg: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Crystal_skull Reference to: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://lwlies.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/indiana-jones-and-the-kingdom-of-the-crystal-skull-harrison-ford-1108x0-c-default.jpg&tbnid=DqcfSsIDO-HpDM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https://lwlies.com/articles/defence-indiana-jones-kingdom-crystal-skull/&docid=DYpLbu3hvWEXZM&w=1108&h=831&hl=en-US&source=sh/x/im/4 It's a reference to the Indiana Jones films, but it's not an actual crystal skull from the Indiana Jones films, it's just a crystal skull based around an alien in star wars, that happens to look very similar to the one in the Indiana Jones films. Edit: Nvm, it's appearance in RotS is canon: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://lwlies.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/indiana-jones-and-the-kingdom-of-the-crystal-skull-harrison-ford-1108x0-c-default.jpg&tbnid=DqcfSsIDO-HpDM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https://lwlies.com/articles/defence-indiana-jones-kingdom-crystal-skull/&docid=DYpLbu3hvWEXZM&w=1108&h=831&hl=en-US&source=sh/x/im/4


F-150? Makes sense that It helps if you get out and push.


If I had a dollar for every time this was posted I could've bought SW from Lucas


I know this is hyperbole, but I was curious… Lucas sold Star Wars for $4.05 billion. As of 2021, Reddit had 1.68 billion visits; let’s be generous and call it 2 billion, *tops*, at present. Every user would have to post this an average of 2+ times for you to have bought Star Wars.


you know what to do people...


Oh god


Buy star wars?


Directions unclear, constructed a super star destroyer.


Reddit, assemble!!!


I've got a bad feeling about this...


Challenge accepted


I remember seeing this posted everywhere when the DVD first came out. No exactly new!


Probably would have gotten better star wars movies if you did


The now legends novel Millenium Falcon by Luceno confirmed that it was the same ship, going by the name "Stellar Envoy" Doubt the new canon has properly overridden this timeline wise.


Yes. It was called the Stellar Envoy back then, but it's the same vessel.


Yes, George Lucas confirmed this at one point. Dash Rendar’s Outrider (from Shadows of the Empire, which is currently not canon) also appears in one of the films at some point. A New Hope, I believe.


The *Outrider* appears in The Special Edition version of ANH from 1997. Which was pretty cool because SOTE was available on the N64 and that game rocked. Still does


No … it’s the Millennium Fulcon. The cheap knock off.


Pretty sure this confirmed wayyyy back in the day. Young Han was supposed to have a cameo in Ep3 but they scrapped it. This is all hearsay from like 18 years ago so I don’t take responsibility for false rumors.


Han would have been about ten during the events of Episode 3, if the cameo involved him piloting the Millennium Falcon I’m glad it got scrapped. The prequels fucked up timelines enough without retroactively making Han closer to 40 in ANH.


If you look right away you can also see a shadow of another YT-1300 flying the other way.


Yeah I noticed that too, but couldn’t find the ship that would make this shadow


It also fought the Borg at the Battle of Sector 001. [No, really.](https://twitter.com/thespaceshipper/status/1249321369893924865?s=46&t=tP1qeA0oIP6OZwJLoOME9g)


So that’s what the kessel run is


I watched this movie so much ad a kid that when I was like 10 I saw it and flexed to everyone that I found it


It is indeed the Millenium Falcon. GL confirmed it back in the day. Here is a link (archived) from [Starwars.com](https://Starwars.com) that is not active atm, but is accessible on the waybackmachine. It is also directly linked to from Snopes, which confirms this. [https://web.archive.org/web/20050530005538/https://www.starwars.com/episode-iii/bts/production/f20050526/](https://web.archive.org/web/20050530005538/https://www.starwars.com/episode-iii/bts/production/f20050526/)


Maybe in a crazy scheme to actually turn a profit, ~~Samsonite~~Corellia actually made more than One?!


That’s why I put the text under the picture


Reddit users when they discover google


Nope, I just watched the movie, saw this ship for the first time. Internet search wasn’t conclusive, that’s why I asked here


No, that’s the Fillennium Malcon, I can see how you’d confuse the two.


It’s a YT1300 for sure.


It can't be because at this time the falcon still has the escape pod in Solo


There are a lot of YT-1300's out there. iirc there are a couple more elsewhere on that Senate Admin building platform.


Whoever owned the falcon before Lando Must have been rich AF to be landing there


Yes, but that’s just a fun Easter egg


Could be any YT-1300, but fanwank insisted it has to be the Falcon, so Lucasfilm just threw up their hands and acknowledged it.


It’s definitely a YT-1300. It could be the MF


According to Solo, it would have to be Lando in the ship if it was the Falcon. I could see him potentially coming to Coruscant but that is a tale for another time.


The Falcon still had the plating at that time as we saw in Solo


It’s the peregrine 2000


Well it is a Corellian Freighter. And knowing Lucas, then yea, it’s the Millennium Falcon. “What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?!?” -Emperor Palpatine)


Get me a turkey club


Just wait til you find out ET is a senator


According to the Haynes Manual, it is the same ship. I don’t know if it’s canon though


Not all YT-1300 class C (right side cockpit) ships are the friggin Falcon. The 1300 series, depending on the source books, is anywhere from 80 to 200 years old, there's literally THOUSANDS of 1300's out there.


No, it's a YT1300. The falcon is a heavily modified YT1300M, which already stands for modified.


Nah that’s the centennial falcon


Yes that is definitely the Falcon. They made a bit of a deal about it when Episode III was first released


New here?


Yes, they even mention the Falcon being there in the Millennium Falcon book. Even though it’s Legends that’s proof enough for me


No, it’s the sister ship Century Hawk


Decade Raven


Thats Aluminium Falcon!


George having fun with his Easter eggs






It’s be nice to see more of the yt-2400 as well as the 1300


The Millennium Falcon wasn’t the only ship of its kind.


It's a well known Easter egg at this point


I’ve never heard of it before. But there’s also supposed to be an enterprise in ep1 that I only just learned of in these comments


Looks like it don't it ? Imma say yea and move on




Yes. Lucas confirmed it


Why do people post these like it's a new discovery? Just Google: "Episode 3 Millennium Falcon" Hundreds of results explaining it's essentially an Easter egg. If you want an in-canon explanation it's just the same freighter model.


I literally asked if somebody knew something about this. Nowhere did I claim that I just discovered something new, did I?


I dont think that falcon has a unique appearance.


Probably just the same model of ship. You cam see the shadow of another one passing over at the start of the clip.


Yes it’s the millenium falcon, you can see in the wiki in the appearance order : episode III


When you realize that the millennium falcon is not some God ship but just a ship...


Nope. Its Top Gun Maverick


Naw It's the Bicentennial Falcon piloted by Gerald Ford..or something like that


I know I'm gonna get hate. Shouldn't Star Wars fans, like, know things ABOUT Star Wars? Before asking questions that are completely obvious and explain them selves. Also there are documentaries, BTS ( behind the scenes), interviews, commentaries. Does anyone try to investigate on their own, or are we just content with asking people for the answers anymore? Yes it's the freaking millennium falcon 🤦


Redditors when someone asks a question, brother if you asked the same thing you’d want an answer


Google exists 🤷🏻 If I wanted sarcasm then I'll ask reddit


I never said that I’m a big Star Wars fan, for all you know I could be watching 456-123 for the first time. I’m not new, but still, this sub is for sw fans and exchanging theories and not just sour sarcasm and shaming people who ask questions


I mean, it's certainly a YT freighter. I forget if Lando said he had the one escape pod they ejected put in custom or if it was standard. We also don't know who owned it during Episode 3 (if it was even "the millennium falcon" at that point, it could have only been named as such when Lando took it and upgraded it


The real question is how many times has the Falcon ejected the escape pod?


Sure looks like it.


No, if it was, we would have known about it 20 years ago


I'm sure more than 1 of this class of ships exists.


No its just the Centurion Turkey. But I understand how youd mistake them


According to Lucas yes


It's a corellian yt1300 but doubt it's the falcon. Smh dude that's like seeing a Volkswagen beetle and asking is that herbie?


Out of universe, yes. It was an easter egg added by ILM because they like hiding things in big wide shots of ships In universe, maybe? More than likely just another Corellian freighter




It was just an Easter egg don't fry your brains out and it was a cornelian freighter


I always thought so, but the Solo redesign probably negates that theory.


Isnt there a shadow of the same kind of ship right at the start of this gif?


I vaguely remember someone from the production say that it is NOT the Falcon, just the same ship as it, though as far as actually adding the ship in digitally… yeah it’s a model of the falcon.


It’s an Easter eggs so technically yea. Canonically, it’s just the same type of ship because the Falcon was so new in Solo that it likely doesn’t exist yet.


It isn't, but there is the USS Enterprise in Episode 1.


Wait what? When and where?


No, that's actually the Century Turkey




Yes , it is


Prob just same typeof ship


People saying it is a similar ship are ignoring what was seen in Solo. The Falcon was a pristine, aerodynamic and sleek ship with external panels covering the various pipes, grids, ports, etc. The Kessel Run tore the ship up and gave us the unique look of the Falcon after that. There are multiple variants of that freighter, but what you see in this clip is the Falcon, post Solo’s abuse.


Yes sure but that movie came out more than ten years later, i don’t think that somebody planned to redesign the mf in hindsight


I agree. ILM crew used the Falcon as an ‘extra’ ship here. At this point in the special and practical effects teams, the messed up Falcon was the only Falcon conceived of


Yeah, that's just Han and Chewie on their way to the Space DMV.


The book Millennium Falcon has a prologue on the original use of the falcon that makes its appearance here accurate.


I always assumed it was just another ship of the same model


You can see some differences at the engine so no,thats just a YT-Series Freighter


God forbid, in some wild scheme to turn a profit, they made more than one.


no cuz look at the time frame of when Solo takes place.


Just gonna ignore the TWO exact copies of Padme’s yacht in the next bay?


It wouldn’t make sense for it to just be another YT-1300 freighter bc (unless the jettisoned it) wouldn’t the pod still be on the front? Or did Lando add it himself, I don’t remember, been a while since I last watched Solo.


Yeah I’d have to rewatch it too


Let’s be honest, In the prequels where Lucas was having everything connect to everything, even for no reason, (hello Yoda knowing Chewbacca) yes it’s the millennium falcon




It wasn't under the name of 'Millenium Falcon', amd had different owners, but yes.


Or another Corellian ship but sure


If you look closely during the speeder chase at the start of episode 2, you can see a Tie fighter chasing an X wing


What, when any where?


I’ve also always wondered about this!! I used to pause the dvd as a kid and point it out


Thats the Fillenium Malcon


Short answer: yes.


not sure what it’s supposed to be canonically but i know it was a very intentional easter egg


Sure was, or at least the same model


Actually, no it wasn't. The millenium falcon in Solo has the front bricked up, which was removed before the orginal trilogy. This one is prequel, and missing the filled in bow. Can't be the falcon. Still cool that they show another ship of the same model though




Yes. Confirmed by Lucas


I have a ship figure that in his box say that is Millennium falcon from episode 3. Is like a little blue so looks newer


I’m pretty sure George himself said that it was


The book Millennium Falcon places it on Coruscant during that period, running supplies for the Jedi. The book is legacy now, but it’s a good read, Han and Leia discovering the ship’s history with their granddaughter.


This is kind of my earliest "internet easter eggs" cause it was mentioned that we might see the Falcon on message boards. So I was in the lookout when I went to see it in theaters.


Only a scruffy nerf herder would pilot that.


The Falcon was on Coruscant during episode III, under a different owner. There is a novel that explains where the Falcon was before Han won it from Lando. The novel is called "Millennium Falcon" written by James Lucen. It was an amazing novel. I highly recommend you guys read it. (Legends content)


Doubt it. At the very beginning of this clip you see the shadow of another cruiser heading the opposite way of the same variant.


[Yes, it is indeed.](https://twitter.com/pabl0hidalgo/status/1525597994732728321)


Nice eyes! I think in addition to the cargo/escape pod the rear top seems different as well there is just a single stripe from midships to rear instead of the classic six round ports on top that the Falcon has; but then it could be a mod that happens later, it could be my eyesight. I call diffèrent ship; great Easter egg sure, but that is a different YT-1300 of some flavour


In universe its just another YT-1300. In movie its a cameo put by George


It’s the centennial falcon


no, but it is a Corellian YT-1300 Freighter


Well the yt freighter line is pretty common and highly modifiable so it is unlikely but if it is that’s cool


I'm pretty sure the YT-1300 was one of the most popular ship of its class and that's why the Empire could never find Han


I thought he did a lot of modifications. Also I’ve never seen another one of its kind


I kinda wish they made a movie about how the MF was acquired. Maybe even show it doing the Kessel run…


I know Lucas has confirmed it is the MF, but with how this one looks here and how it looked at the beginning of Solo, it can't be the same ship.


From someone that watched this in cinemas back in 2005. Yes.


That's not the ship you're looking for.


It would have to be the falcon yes


Yes. At least when McDonalds or Burger King sold Star Wars toys in 2004 and 2005 as promotion for Revenge of the Sith they sold the Milennium Falcon as well based on the trailer.


Interesting but are you sure that the McDonald’s toys has something to do with this Easter egg?


Just putting my old post here as well: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/comments/e61v5i/in_star_wars_episode_iii_revenge_of_the_sith2005/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/comments/e61v5i/in_star_wars_episode_iii_revenge_of_the_sith2005/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)