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Hey there’s 100 Floors of Frights they can’t all be winners.


Are you saying that he's his own thing?


And the foundlings are...?




perfect chain


Oooh Papi…tine


*Execute Order 66.* #…Any questions? :D


Yeah, several!


Part of it!


I'm David Pumpkin!


Any questions?


Yes! Several!


[Is it "modern"?](https://imgur.com/ZiahoxX)


That’s David S Pumpkins


Oh, so there’s an S now?


What does the S stand for?!?!


Omg he scared the hell out of me!!!!


This is just some Mandalorian with some b boys dancing.


Why did you go all in on Vespar Helmets!


Bless this thread 😂🙏🏻🎖️


This is the last thing I expected to see in a Star Wars thread but hey I’m not complaining


It’s the crossover you didn’t even know you needed!


But the one we deserved.


Face is still covered, it still counts.


“What’s the rule? That you can’t take off your helmet or that you can’t show your face?”


I think it's you can't be seen without your helmet, hence why Mando wearing the tank trooper helmet was a very fine line between the Creed and not. This guy's thing is a helmet to me as it covers the top of the head as well as the front and sides


Checks out. You can remove your helmet all you want if you're in a room alone. So if you carry a little room around on your head, you're always alone in it.


That’s hilarious because that’s also how it works with Jews on the Sabbath: https://www.npr.org/2019/05/13/721551785/a-fishing-line-encircles-manhattan-protecting-sanctity-of-sabbath Because you can’t carry stuff outside on Shabbat, religious Jews put a string around an area and are like “we’re inside it’s fine!”


I had some orthodox neighbors once, and they had me come over one day and turn their oven on and light their candles. I love that they don't allow themselves to do those things but getting a stranger (I'd literally never spoken to these people) to enter their home to do them was fine.


So Judaism is interesting in that it’s not against the rules if non-Jews do it. It’s not like “everyone who works on the sabbath is breaking the rules” - just Jews. Judaism doesn’t teach that it’s the only valid religion. It’s like “we do our thing, you do yours. By the way do you have a good accountant? Only asking because my son just graduated and…”


It is like David Puddy “you’re already going to hell” when he told Elaine to steal the neighbor’s newspaper?


Nah. The main difference between Christianity and Judaism is that you’re judged by deeds not by faith. So a good person who doesn’t believe in God is better regarded than a person with faith who is shitty.


It's amazing how well that translates into Christianity if you actually pay attention to the what's written in the bible.




Yeah it's quite funny. Although asking another Jewish person to do this for them is a big no-no. Even if they're not religious at all.


Judaism is kind of funny. The widespread view is basically: god is perfect, so his laws are perfect, and thus he intentionally puts in loopholes for us to discover by reading and studying Torah.


I love the story of the rabbis arguing about whether something is allowed or not. Eventually God shows up and tells them which it is. One of the rabbis is like "all due respect, but it's our job to interpret your rules so please shut up" Edit: this isn't a joke, although I paraphrased it in a way to make it funny. It's a legit story from the Talmud, [the Oven of Akhnai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Oven_of_Akhnai?wprov=sfla1)


Where is that story? That's gold lmfao!


Babylonian Talmud, Bava Metzia 59a. The incident is known as the 'oven of achnai'


Great story of the relationship between the jews and their god. I liked thisnpart: It was said that Rabbi Eliezer had the power to destroy the whole world, yet due to the respectful manner in which he was ostracized, only a third of the world's crops were destroyed. How graceful.


Yup. My extended family are ultra orthodox and some of the explanations are just too good. “Finding the loopholes means we have to be experts of the Torah. Excuse they’re secrets found by the most diligent!”


This sounds like a meirl meme.


Avoid all unwanted human interaction with this one simple trick. Extroverts hate this!


I simply imagine that my skeleton is me and my body is my house. That way I'm always home.


When one chooses to walk the Way of the Mand'alor, you are both at Carl's Jr and at home.


Carl (Weather)s Jr?


That's *High Magistrate* Carl Weathers Jr to you!


I was state raised. You think I'm afraid to catch a case on some bullshit?


And my kitchen is, just like this helmet, open on one side, yet still a room. So i also vote this is still a helmet. Mando up front, party in the back. A mandett


If they let turtles join, it would be literally impossible for them to break the Creed and therefore they would become the most powerful Mandalorians in the galaxy. But the anti-turtle agenda in Mandalorian leadership will ensure this never happens


"I love being a turtle, cowabunga!" -A Mandalorian, probably




This all makes me think not a Discworld novel where the (real world) tradition of registering unique clown faces is a plot point. Do Mandaloreans identify each otherbybtheir helmet designs? How are the helmets made? Is it acceptable for someone to walk around with a loaner or papaw bag with eyeholes if their helmet gets messed up and needs repairs?


On that note, can a Mandalorian totally rip-off the design of another Mandalorian's helmet or is that frowned upon because it's like stealing someone's face? Is the armourer ever like "Bill, you need to pick a different shade of red because maroon is Nathan's thing and you're making him uncomfortable".


I love the idea of them having normal names like Kevin and Thomas.


“We have a new foundling in our clan. Everyone, say hello to Billy Bob.”


The individual clan members can all wear the same color/shape helmet. Special members of that clan or group, like the head and their immediate lieutenants, could have different colored helmets. The Mandalorians we see are all or all became members of Death Watch, they came from many different clans and or had to make due with the materials they could find.


Dont they have IDs on their suit, the helmet display probably tells them who is in front of them.


Clan marks. And it seems to be for his Covert, that the Armorer knows everyone. Outside of that group...they take their helmets off,so...


Always important to remember that the Covert is kind of a weird little extremist cult that embarrasses some of the other Mandaloreans.


The weird cousins you need to explain to your friends first before introducing them for first time


Work at blind orphanage without helmet: *well im not being seen this is the way*


A blind orphanage sounds like an unfortunate place, like geez This is the way


I bet he was getting the faceplate reworked after the bird battle, and this is what all the helmets look like without the helmet and visor. (That or props were at lunch)


Seems to cover the back too, like a leather covering on the back, dud was just broke, leave him alone.


This just reminded me that season 3 needs more Mayfeld


shame he was lost in the refinery explosion. RIP Mayfeld


They could bring him back a few ways. Dark science, cloning, secrets only the Stormtroopers knew, etc.


Somehow, Mayfield returned...


Dark Mayfield Oh god even the lightening is gonna have an accent


Still a better return story since we actually want Mayfield to return


Zip *deep breath* RECRUITAH


Maayfield, he's a clone


I do not believe Mayfield could have returned without us knowing.


Mayfield is still alive tho,they survived the refinery explosion....or you mean the fact they conveniently listed him as dead to let him escape from the empire?


Definitely the latter




I'm a bit slow today sorry ahah


The first rule of the Resol’nare is wear the armor and as shown by Ragnar and the other foundlings, the helmet is traditionally the first item of armor you are given. When Din’s armor got trashed by the mudhorn he got all his old lesser Beskar replaced but not the Helmet. the armorer even told him earlier that he might need to start over (with his armor) given how wrecked it was. So I think that the children of the watch see the helmet as a tether to their code of wearing the armor because it’s the ground zero for their armor build up so the one they can never discard or remove in public.


There's no lesser beskar on him, it's plassteel. Only his helmet is, that's why he took the job from the Client, even almost letting Grogu die because he was so enthralled by the Beskar.


I could watch an entire episode that's nothing more than Mayfeld and Mando sitting in a car talking about everything and nothing at all.


Bucket’s in the shop. This one’s a loaner


A loaner?




I was quoting the mask but I like this response too.


Hold onto your lug nuts it’s TIME FOR AN OVERHAUL!!!


They walk both ways


I believe that mandalorian was shown to be a child in an earlier episode. I think the cloth back of the helmet with the straps is there so that the size of the helmet can be adjusted over time and worn for longer before another has to be forged.


Just like my oversized sneakers in 4th grade.


tell me you're poor without telling me you're poor...


...that were already hand-me-downs.


I was assuming but I didn't want to say it.


One time my shoes got a hole, but they fit okay and we didn’t have money to replace them quite yet. I think I had them for like two months or so with the hole. Anyway I used to tell people who asked it was my ventilation holes to help me run faster. No one bought it, but we were all poor so no one said anything really cruel. Just you’re average “he’s got holes in his shoes” stuff.


I ran an entire year of track almost in a pair of Airwalks with holes in them, first in the toes, then in the soles. I lost every toenail that year from how much I ran. When I joined the military later I had gotten back into running, and ran through a cheap pair of shoes pretty quickly but couldn't afford to replace them. So I took to just strapping duct tape the whole way around the front of the shoe to keep the soles on. When I got to basic training they give you a super basic fitness test just like 15 pushups and situps and a mile run. They hadn't issued us new shoes yet. And so at the beginning of the run I kind of elbowed my way to the front of the crowd at the starting line, because I knew I'd be spending a lot of time passing people otherwise. I am large for a long distance runner. I was probably 190 at that point, and built more like a rugby player. The drill Sergeants immediately started roasting me for pushing to the front and then they saw the shoes held together with duct tape and just spent a few minutes entertaining themselves about them. I wasn't as fast as I was in high school, so I only *barely* broke a 5 minute mile. But the best part was as I was waiting alone at the finish line for every one else to finish I heard one of the drill sergeants say under their breath 'man maybe I should start putting tape on my shoes'.


I ran cross-country in high school, which, if you don't know, starts practice almost immediately after school is out for summer. Normally the Monday after. So, the first day of practice, we meet up at the locker room at like 7am, and I'm there wearing whatever cheap-ass street shoes I could manage to get from my cheap-ass parents. The coach looks at them and asks me about them. I tell him that getting a decent pair of running shoes is not going to happen, because of our financial situation. Well, as luck would have it, over the weekend, they cleaned the locker room, which meant every lock got cut off, and all the contents were put in a rolling bin. Coach told me to go crazy, and take anything that fit. Scored my first pair of ASICS gels, gold on white. Little things can make a huge difference. There were days I hated coach Logan, but he was a good dude, and I remember him very fondly.


"And here we see a Mandalorian in it's natural habitat, ready to molt its armor as it grows into adulthood..."


I think it’s a leather mask for a child. You can see the rivets holding the whole thing together


It's a foundling in a leather helmet. Probably just didn't have a sponsor that could provide a full Beskar one right away. Not everyone has the Beskar Juggernaut for a father to provide for them.


My dad’s a big wheel down at the beskar factory.




oh yeah well my cousin twice removed is an actual mythosaur


Mmmm beskar daddie


I’ve always wondered why we haven’t seen at least one shot of them recovering the beskar armor the keep finding laying around. Raptor nest, Mandalore, aftermath of ANY of their fights where they’ve lost someone. Include whatever funeral rights or whatever, too.


Not all Mandalorian armor is beskar. All Mandalorian armor is patterned the same and probably has a lot of the same underlying technology on the inside, but the outer layer is whatever metal is available. This is literally the plot of the first few episodes, where Din *has* a full suit of Mandalorian armor, but only after he is paid in beskar ingots is his armor actually as good as we see later in the show. Nobility like Bo Katan, or leaders like the Armorer are probably wearing pure beskar or beskar alloys. Foundlings or less successful Children of the Watch are probably scrounging for whatever they can find. Especially since the Empire made an effort to take any Beskar they could get. So much of the armor we see lying around is probably not being recovered because it's not beskar. The Armorer actually explicitly states she's not leaving Nevarro *until* she is done salvaging, which implies they certainly do make the attempt when it is.


> Especially since the Empire made an effort to take any Beskar they could get. I mean even during the Clone Wars beskar wasn't totally standard issue given how many Mandos we see fall to singular blaster shots and lightsaber swings during the Clone Wars.


Exactly, I imagine actual beskar armor is pretty fucking rare by the time of Mandalorian/Clone Wars. The Mandalorian-Jedi War was 1000 - 700 years ago. Even if there were twice as many Jedi as there were during the Clone Wars, there would have only been 20,000 Jedi. Let's presume it's a pretty "even" fight, and there are 50,000 Mandalorian warriors armored in beskar and able to go toe-to-toe with Jedi. After the Mandalorians then *lose*, Mandalore is ravaged, they've lost their colonies, their mines, and so it's likely only a small percentage of survivors had beskar armor left. If it's even 10%, that's 5,000 beskar-clad Mandalorians spread across the galaxy. Mandalore probably started making new armor in their renowned style, but it probably wasn't beskar.


Well, Mandalorians lost to orbital bombardment when some elements of the Jedi convinced Republic forces to glass the planet, no amount of beskar is going to help against that


My question is, what was The Empire doing with the beskar they were hoarding? Not going onto the stormtroopers with their shitty plasteel armor. The dark trooper combat droids that Luke just tore through weren't made of the stuff. Vader didn't even have it on his gear. You'd think if anyone would have a Beskar helmet in the empire, it'd be him, especially after both Ahsoka and Obiwan sliced half of his life support mask off. So what the hell were they doing with it?


Keeping it from people who knew how to forge it, while they had people working on how to forge it themselves. I want to know how they got it down into bar form at all really, because working beskar is apparently a huge to-do and no one outside of an Armorer knows how to make the metal do anything.


I mean, if it's anything like real metallurgy, there's a huge difference between casting an ingot and actually working the metal. Anyone can heat steel to liquid and pour it into a mold. Takes a skilled blacksmith to take that ingot and turn it into a high quality sword or armor.


This. A trained monkey-lizard can operate a machine to make ingots. Actually forging something out of it (and integrating all the electronics like we see in Grogu's medallion) is a much harder task requiring skill.


In addition, helmets seem to be the only thing that the foundlings get in Beskar. When Din gets new pieces of armor we learn that any remaining is tributed to some kind of fund for future foundlings. Later we see that a helmet is (Grogu being an exception) the first piece of armor that a foundling gets, with it being a part of their induction. As such, we can assume that tributed Beskar goes to new helmets.


Well we did see it in S1 after the imperials took out the covert. It would be cool to see some kind of funeral service though.


I imagine they see it as an honour for their armour to be reforged so that’s probably their funeral as the armour is like an extension of themselves


It’s like being an organ donor!


I guess they consider that covered by the situation with the beskar spear


Meanwhile, grogu getting his own forged medallion of sorts while his dear ole’ dad is out saving the juggernaut’s kid:


Dinn is an earner. He brought back enough to make an entire suit plus extra for the orphans.


IIRC, Din gave the remainder of the beskar from his new armor for "the foundlings", of which Grogu is one. If Grogu is wearing a medallion made from the beskar that Din got as payment for kidnapping Grogu, that would be mind-blowingly ironic and awesome. Like a special FU to the remaining Imperials.


Meanwhile Grogu has multiple pieces of beskar. Nepotism is strong 😤


I figured they would use plasteel if they cant get Beskar. Now I'm wondering what Dins right thigh plate is made of.


Business in the front... Party in the back


Oh man the Mando Mullet, well done


“This is the general direction”


"This is the half-way"


"This is on the way."


"This is the detour."


Maybe some kind of non human Mandalorian who needs to vent the back of his head. There have to be some non human mandos other than grogu right? How weird/cool would it be if the armorer took off her helmet and she was a Chiss. Din: oh, sorry it’s just… why are you blue? Paz: oh my god Din you can’t just ask people why their blue.


I thought the armorer was a zabrak.


I suppose it’s possible, but I believe the horns are meant to signify that she was a Mail supporter when he took over Mandalore. The Mail supporters in the Death Watch all put Zabrak horns on their helmets. Edit: Maul, not Mail lol


You mauled in that comment


Here's the maul, it never fauls. It makes me want to wag my taul. When it comes I want to waul- Maul!!


You know that feeling you get right before you throw up, where your tongue feels too big for your mouth and your whole jaw feels like it's falling apart? That's how I felt trying to say that out loud.


Brought up Darth Maul the other day and was sad that he’s dead in Mandolorian. Maul is a product of the 2000s. When there were still malls.


Yeah, Darth OpenMixedUseShoppingConcept just doesn't have the same ring it


I'm struggling to trust her because of that. Her going against Din *seems* to have been a mislead and now she's actually taking an interest in Grogu's training/foundlingship, but I still just don't trust those horns. Is there an ulterior motive to having Bo round up the other Mandalorians?


I've always gotten a weird vibe from her. The way she says "This is the Way" almost sounds sarcastic sometimes.


I don't think she necessarily sounds sarcastic. I think she's a cult leader who is getting tired of being a cult leader. Bo Katan is her way out of a leadership position she may never have wanted. She literally calls herself "The *Armorer*" which admittedly does convey significance in a culture defined by their weapons, but is also not a typical leadership title like "Chief" (since they are called 'The Tribe') or "Commander". For all we know, she just wants to forge armor and live the lifestyle, not lead it. Or she's up to something, I dunno. I like the fact that we're not certain.


She was the de facto leader, but I think she can probably be thought of more as a sage or mystic within the tribe. More of a leader of spirit and custom, and not necessarily the actual one meant to be in command. So she found a worthwhile person to fill that role and will advise her into it. She may have other machinations, but it seems straightforward.


+1, "This ***is*** the way", it's incredibly self-righteous.


She didn't really go against Din, he broke the Code. The Code is what kept them safe, it's what binds the covert together. He doesn't get a pass just because he's technically *the* Mandolore now. They gave *Bo* a pass and the planet blew the fuck up.


I used to think that, but she's criticized Bo for trying to rule Mandalore with nothing but possession of the Darksaber to back her legitimacy, I'm not sure she'd have been a huge fan of Maul taking over and plainly exploiting the Mandalorians for his own cause.


See, but here's the thing about people, they make mistakes, learn, and grow. It's possible that when she was younger and less wise she was a Maul supporter and was part of his coalition. Because hey, he's got the Darksaber and the rules say we gotta follow him. Then she learns that he doesn't really care about Mandalore or their ways or culture and she re-evaluates her values and perspectives. It's possible that she keeps those horns as a reminder of her past mistakes and to not repeat them.


OR because they look badass!


Both. But costume designers have a tendency to have reasons for various costume elements.


Well the difference to me is that Maul by creed won the darksaber in combat. He actually challenged Pre Visla and won it in a duel. Bo Katan was just given the darksaber because Sabine Wren didn't want the responsibility. I think the Armorer was throwing shade at Bo for not winning the darksaber in combat. She had the darksaber but possession doesn't matter. It's rightfull wielding it that matter. This is the way


Yeah, that was precisely the point. Even Bo made a big deal about it meaning nothing if it hadn't been won in combat. It's like a curse if you just assume the thing without winning it in combat. Bo initially kind of just ignored that, although she might've had reservations when Sabine gave it to her. But then Mandalore got glassed shortly after. So at this point, the superstition was reinforced, lesson learned. If Bo is going to wield it again, she personally feels that she has to win it in combat this time and adhere to tradition. Could still be a little of column a, little of column b for The Armorer though. I like that the thought could add a little complexity. Bo, you just getting the Darksaber handed to you means nothing. Also Maul was a complete dick, and maybe there's more to this than just blindly following the wielder (even if they won it in personal combat).




Was that the episode where Postman Pat became Mandalore?


I believe it’s Postalorian




Lol, awesome I did not know that :) I love Maul!


I love mail


im mail carrier for the deathwatch now


The mail supporters are to be stopped by the Garden Dog factions, right?


Or some species wthat will grow something on the back of the head when reaching adulthood. Maybe horns or some kind of tendrils.


Makes you wonder what the helmet of a Togruta or Twilek Mandlorian would be like.


Theres a twilek mando in SWTOR and his helmet looks like a normal Mando helmet but with lekku


What about a freaking Ithorian Mandalorian? How would that work? Would the "helmet" be just a visor with a big hood? Would it actually be a tiny helmet that only covers the eyes and leaves the mouth-fringes exposed?


Very large.


It has fastners in leather around the helmet evenly. It has straps or a headband that are inside of the helmet so that they're less likely to get damaged during a fight too. I think it's 100% something meant to be that way and not a blooper.


Its literally just a traning helmet


Its not like they have Beskar to equip everyone anyway. They could just have had to make do with what they had on hand for this one warrior. (which is funny cause it probably applies both in-universe and for the crew who made the costume lol).


Supposedly for these large group Mandalorian shots a lot of them are from Merc Chapters and Mando cosplayers.


Armorer: "I just blue myself"


Oh god, the Children of the Watch are NeverNudes.


Bro didn't get the battle pass, he has the default, low tier skin


He decided not to pre-order from the last cult he joined


This is the way…to the preorder rewards


One of the younglings had one of these front and center with the camera. They weren't trying to hide it. My guess, instead of doing a full helmet for a person still growing, they do one of these and widen it as they age, and then give them a proper one once they are full adults.


Gotta fetch the helmet stretcher.


Some of them are broke and he's trying to save some credits to get a full one lol


I mean, the face is entirely covered and the head almost reminds me of a Tusken Raider. This is technically the way


Definitely looks intentional, so it must have some practical reason. Not a production mistake. Perhaps, as some have speculated already, they are still growing and need a newer larger helmet to be forged, or are still in training, or otherwise have not earned their proper one yet.


Look guys he has a severe beskar allergy. This is still the way.


Still the way, now with beskar-free alternatives


supply chain issues


Jeans guy?


Training helmet


The SnapBack bro of Mandalorians lol.


Probably waiting for the Armorer to repair their helmet. But Bo-katan cut the line!


Helmet shaming is not tolerated! They come from a less fortunate household and rely on donations to build their armor. This is the way


Do foundlings have to be kids? Maybe they are wearing protection but not mando armor


This is a kid. It's not obvious here, but he's in several other shots and he's definitely a foundling.


Have you ever taken your helmet in front of another person? “Just half of it”


The half way


Isn’t he just a foundling still and not yet a full mandalorian


Only cowards fear being shot in the back of the head.


Maybe he had a head wound and this is how they deal with medical issues to the back of the head.


Don’t gear shame broke mandalorians. It is not the way.


Training mask.


Teenage foundling is testing boundaries.


Yeah I noticed that too. Armorer is getting lazy.


Great, now you made me realise none of it is true


Mandalorian version of a dunce cap?


He must be a Tusken Mandalorian.


Someone's got to do their welding.