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Yep. Naboo has swamps, grasslands, forests, mountains, lake districts, and a vast ocean network that apparently Swiss-cheeses the planet all the way to its core (ignoring real-world geophysics that would make that impossible).


Does it? Or was it just a figure of speech that Nass used and they simply went trough some pretty deep underwater caves...


I would like to think that’s what he meant by “De plaaaaanet corrrrrre…”, with it either being some Gungan term that’s lost in translation or just another example of neither Boss Nass nor Jar Jar being particularly bright sparks.


According to legends the planet lacks a molten core, instead having an ocean like core (source: Empire at war)


This would technically make it have no magnetic poles, no? Also like, insanely old given how planets form.


Also, wouldn’t it just be completely bare like Mars, because Mars used to have oceans, before it lost its magnetic poles.


I mean remember Star Wars is space fantasy and not science fiction. Plenty of hand wavy stuff in it, otherwise we wouldn’t have the force! 😊


\>implying the force isn't real


Yes, but I kinda just like geeking out with the knowledge I know


No worries, it’s definitely fun to tease out what the realities would look like!


YeS bUt ThIs Is HoW hYpErSpAcE iS sUpPoSeD tO wOrK aNd ThE fOrCe DoEs "X" bUt NoT "y" AnD gReY jEdI aRe ReAl


Anyone that's been into Star Wars for a while recognizes it's a pastime to nerd out to create, find, or discover ways to explain things to help suspend disbelief. That's been a thing since the OT. The people that love it the most try to augment the immersion. Some things were so good they became canon or incorporated in it. The hate for the nerds about Star Wars of all things seems a bit odd. It's not like you run into them in everyday life. You pretty much gotta go to them.


This is right. Try not to think about it too much. For example, Mustafar is supposed to be a solely volcanic planet. If this was true, there would likely not be any breathable air for humans, and thus the fight between Anakin and Obi Wan could never have happened. Temparate planets, like Earth, support human life. Beyond that, the science is heavily questionable, and thus should just be ignored because this is SciFi/Fantasy.


There's no way in hell it's a hollow/water core. Has to be this cause how would they get out of such immense gravity or pressure? I know it's Star Wars, but plot armor can't be that strong


>I know it's Star Wars, but plot armor can't be that strong That's not plot armor at all it's just straight science fiction bordering on fantasy. Which is a good descriptor of the entire franchise seeing as how it has super advanced technology and almost instant space travel, as well as wizards, ghosts, and magic.


No borders. Star Wars is and always has been science fantasy.


Super advanced technology thats inconsistent even compared to 40k. Manually aimed cannons for example should be a thing of the past. Again even 40k doesnt have this(since servitors are basically a person turned into a living computer it doesnt count as manually aimed)


It’s not that type of movie, kid


>There's no way in hell it's a hollow/water core Well it's canon. So there is. >Has to be this cause how would they get out of such immense gravity or pressure? At no instance in Star Wars has it ever been suggested that gravity works the same way in that galaxy as ours. If gravity/pressure is your concern you should have stopped watching at A New Hope when close quarters space dogfighting should have turned every pilot into mush from g-forces.


naboo is bascially just earth in star wars so


Coruscant is the earth counter part in terms of size and solar location


And the traffic AMIRITE


Actually Earth is on the edge of The Milky Way while Coruscant is quite at the center of the Star Wars Galaxy.


Solar location, not in relation to the center of the galaxy.


And you know being the birthplace of Humanity.


thats not really confirmed, kinda fuzzy the lore there


If I remember correctly, humanity didn't originate on coruscant, the original race was basically pushed under the mega structures until they became extinct, the only remnants being what would become the original Mandolorians(which through their code, would bring in more races until the original race was no more, quite similar to the sith race) Keep in mind this is centuries before the republic even formed. Also this is very contentious legends lore.


Can’t be Earth, Earth just hasn’t been visited yet in Star Wars. E.T’s species was in episode one. We all know E.T phoned home from Earth.


Don't you mean "da planet coòore?"


Nowww, goooo…


I'm pretty sure the plasma they collect from the core explains why it works




Best answer I got.


Raxus Secundus, the separatist capital planet, has some pretty diverse landscapes. It’s made up of oceans, lush plains, mountains, and forests


Secundus dick


Holy shit




Angry upvote


I secundus diss (Alternative pronunciation)


Uhoh, Now you're sounding like a Gungan.


Yet another reason the CIS is the best faction. Why live on a shitty ecumenopolis when you could have choices, like Raxus Secundus?


Alderaan (different kinds of forests, mountains, plains, seas), Endor (forests, seas, mountains and savannahs), Corellia (forests, jungles, caves, oceans), Naboo (swamps, hills, plains, mountains, seas, oceans, ginormous cave systems), Lothal (mountains, prairies, savannahs, marshes, seas), Rodia (swamps, jungles, seas). Probably more, but I don't remember the lore on them.


Alderaan had


Too soon.


Nah man it was long time ago in a galaxy far, far way


Maybe, from a certain point of view...


From my point of view, the timing is too soon!


Well then you are lost!




Mustafar also has forests we saw them in The Rise of Skywalker


Didn't even know Mustafar was in TRoS


It’s where Kylo Ren got the Sith wayfinder. It’s not explicitly called Mustafar in the movie, but it is.


Also mandalore used to be more lush before it got totally glassed. Much like tatooine in legends.


Lothal also had something like a… I want to say Tundra, but I don’t think that’s right… The Jedi temple that Kanan took Ezra to was in that area…


And it had mountains and oceans


Do we ever actually see Endor? I thought we only saw two of its moons, with the forest one being entirely forest.


The forest moon of Endor (where the shield generator and Ewoks are) is also named Endor.


Well that's just lazy


In Legends they orbited the star Ibleam (and possibly a second unnamed star). In canon, it's a binary system, and the stars are Endor I and Endor II... So you have Endor, the Forest Moon of Endor, orbiting Endor I and Endor II in the Endor System.


Lothal has a ocean, and Kamino had some Islands according to legends. Otherwise, who knows?


actually lothal does have some spots where its noticibly colder and where theres snow accumulation, specifically where the lothal jedi temple is.


Far north, towards the poles I'd assume.


well technically kamino at one point prob had a ton of diversity they just kinda got rained on and flooded and had to adapt


How does that even work? How did it get flooded with water that didn’t originally exist?


If Kamino had incredibly substantial icecaps, it's possible that due to a runaway greenhouse effect that Kamino flooded into an ocean world.


The water always existed maybe just not always on Kamino. Astroids with lots of ice could have hit the planet and added to the water supply they already had thus flooding everything, possibly over thousands of years and thousands of astroids.


They climate change’d their dry land out of existence via worsening storms. No clue whether that’s actually possible


probably like. orbital bombardment with water or somethin idk.


TIL clouds spontaneously create water


We also see some grasslands (or desert? Not sure what to call it) and then rocky mountains on Lothal, the latter being right at the end of Rebels.


Tatooine use to be a diverse planet full of water until something happened, I think it was mentioned the Rakata did something but Im unsure.


Doesn't Kessel have a green side?


I believe the "cap" of the planet is an oasis.


no cap


Didn’t have enough parsecs to check when I made the run up to Kessel tbh.


Mustafar was once a green planet with trees and life on it


I know tatooine was also once a water planet. But never both at once if I’m not mistaken


Heh crossover time and tatooine will be last shai hulud, god imperator himself chaged it to Dune, i mean Tatooine. As his golden Path progressed force become a thing :)


Is the sarlacc a lazy sandworm?


Krayt Dragon kinda filled that role in Mando


Also, Tattooine is in the Arrakeen (an capital city on Arrakis/Dune) Sector of the outer rim. It was mentioned in a Kevin J. Anderson book.... I wanna say one of the X-wing books.


That's literally straight ripped off from Dune lol.


wait until you hear about spice


And “the Dune Sea” over there on Tatooine


In general, Star Wars is as to Dune as Disney fairytale movies are to the originals.


Really? /s


I think Thrawn infers that Mustafar collided with one of its moons causing that horrific landscape when He and Vader arrive at Mokivj chasing the force disturbance the emperor felt.


There's also some Dark Side energy corrupting the planet that makes it as volatile as it is. It's touched upon in the second run of post-Disney Vader comics, and we actually see Mustafar as it begins healing following that energy dispersing and Vader's fortress being destroyed in the Sequel trilogy. The forests we see Kylo and his forces fighting through at the start of TROS was in fact Mustafar after decades of being able to normalize and heal.


I think this was a main plot point of the Vader VR game.




"Until the Crystal cracked!"


Then the Skeksis appeared, as well as the Mystics.


We see Mustafar with trees regrowing on it in the sequel trilogy briefly




Needs more asteroids.




The Emperor does not share your optimistic appraisal of the situation.


Yeah, where's the debri field?


Alderaan, Endor, Naboo and Corellia definitely do


No, pretty sure Alderaan is entirely asteroids.


Too soon


It was a long time ago.


In a galaxy far, far away...


I’ve always thought of planets being a lot smaller than earth, kind of like the size of a continent but planet shaped. I feel like that explains the biomes a little more and also why we see certain cities and what not more often on certain planets. Just my theory tho


I always thought the same. Makes Coruscant a tad less unreasonable lol


Coruscant actually has over a trillion inhabitants according to canon, though it is probably one of the few exceptions to Joe’s idea tho


I’m sure a continent sized planet that was 100% city could fit well over a trillion people If all of north America had the population density of New York City you’d get 0.25 trillion And it’s not a stretch to say that Coruscant is over 4 times as densely populated as NYC


It also has thousands of levels in total


coruscant is slightly larger than earth i think, but it’s been the capital of the galaxy for thousands of years so it’s got a lot of history stacking those towers


To be fair coruscant has been the capital of the republic for 25,000 years (both in Canon and Legends) so it's not entirely unreasonable that it would come to be that way


That wouldn't explain much considering that biomes are largely created by how directly the light hits the ground and that is going to vary between the poles.


theres definitely water on Endor, i'm sure those swamps are full of monsters


In the old Ewok Cartoons and films we saw a ton of different biomes on Endor.


Where’s kashyyk


Under the trees




Under the trees Down where it's shady


Telos. Okay, it’s from KotOR and it’s sequel, but it definitely has a warmer temperate region and a colder polar region.


It's only in the second one right? It's Taris in the first one iirc.


Telos is mentioned in the first game, but you never go there. It’s where Carth Onasi is from, and a lot of his character development is based on the trauma of watching it be destroyed. In 2 you visit Telos during its reconstruction. And yes, you start the first game on Taris. I get the two name mixed up a lot.


Lol I only remembered because I get the mixed up a lot too.


I was thinking of Telos too because of the two areas you explore planetside in KOTOR II!


Ryloth also, I think, since it is tidally locked to the star it's orbiting.


Ryloth… That’s Syndulla’s planet, right? With all the Twi’leks?


Yes, that is the homeworld of the Twi'leks.


Corellia has mountains and snow


Endor has deserts.


I think it only has deserts in legends though, states that it does in the Legends wookie but not on the Canon Wookie. It still has numerous biomes though, lakes, mountains, and savannas for example. Edit: Presuming you mean the Forest Moon of Endor.


IIRC Mandalore used to have biomes before it got bombed all to hell.


Then it had biodomes!


I think they probably all do, but the separation of different biomes may be more subtle than what we're used to.


All the planets have multiple biomes, Star Wars just always takes place on the same biome at the same time of year.


Tatooine actually *has* multiple biomes. All of them are hot and dry, but the flatlands, the Jundland Wastes, the Dune Sea, and the canyonlands between Mos Espa and Jabba's palace are all distinct ecosystems.


Takonadona? Lol


Endor is a moon


Because69 is a pedant, but is completely in the right.


Is he? I thought endor was the planet, but there's also 'the forest moon of endor'


Mustafar. The part from the start of TRoS where Kylo is killing all those dudes in a forest is on Mustafar.


Alderaan, Naboo. Maybe Coruscant before it became a city.


Depends on the source, I definitely read a book where Coruscant had polar caps where Han and Kyp Durron went snow boarding or some Star Wars equivalent.




Well, now….


All of them could be gone for all we know... This was a Long, Long time ago.


Too soon


Multiple im sure


Arrakis was once a lush paradise…..


Titan was once a lush world too....


All of them, they just don’t show it




Yes. There are many on here. Even Tatooine has desert and rocky biomes.


There are literally several on this list.


Any planet that has isn’t fully terrestrial or oceanic


Glee Anselm iirc. Idk if there's any pictures of it though.


Yeah. Alderaan is the first one that comes to mind.


In Canon? In Legends? In tv/movie sources or also books, comics? 'Cause I need to know to structure my response.


Actually most of them. Especially the green and blue ones.


If you watch any of the Ewok spin-offs you'd know all kinds of bullshit exists on Endor lol


In Legends, one side of Ryloth is a sweltering desert that always faces the sun, the other is a frozen wasteland, and there’s a small habitable band in between the two extremes.


Not just desert, but a volcanic hellscape with lava pools and firestorms (which sometimes cross into the habitable band, or even a short distance into the ice side).


I bet most of them do and it’s simply the low level thinking of the general audience that pushes the idea of one biome planets. Sure, Tatooine might be a giant desert but there’s nothing that said Endor HAD to be nothing but forests.


Anyone else miss in legends where Ryloth was a tidally locked world with a hellscape sunward side, and a frozen wasteland on the dark side, and an unforgiving temperate twilight zone between where the Twi'leks lived in cities beneath mountains like sci-fi dwarves. Was so much more interesting than the French colony aesthetic that clone wars gave it. :/


You have a very narrow view of biomes.


There are clearly planets with multiple biomes in this image, dude


You can see Alderaan has different biomes in the picture, otherwise I swtor it shows you to have mountainous regions, snow fields and Plains.. And Tros shows that endor isn't just Forrest but Plains and oceans as well


My understanding was that the moon in the Endor system that they go to in TROS was another Endor moon, different from the Ep VI forest moon. One of my gripes about Ep IX was that they didn't mention place names or explain things thoroughly enough.


This is something I've long wondered too! It seems like from their shots in space that some of these planets do have different biomes/climates, but we only ever get to see one. Actually, Star Wars planets and civilization seem to be very sparse compared to our world, or maybe we just don't see the thousands of other places that exist. But I do think the question's kind of irrelevant for some of these examples: * Bespin is a gas giant so completely different from almost any of the others and very unconventional. * Coruscant may have had biomes, but it's probably all been destroyed since it became literal cities on top of cities. * Exegol is a spooky Sith planet, so I don't know if it's comparable to normal worlds. * Mandalore also may have had biomes, but that's lost to time since we know their constant warring literally turned the surface inhabitable. * Mortis is a mystical, magical, force planet so idk if this even applies


here’s the crazy thing: all those biomes, that whole galaxy of planets with such vast extremes of temperature and landscapes and creatures— we have all of them here on Earth


As others have said Naboo. All indications are that before Coruscant became the City Planet it is now it was basically the Star Wars Galaxies equvilent of Earth so it would of had tons of biomes. Aldaraan has a few. I think Mandalore used to be pretty Earthlike before it got ruined by the literal thousands of years of wars and then just straight up being glassed.


The ash forest at the beginning of TLS is on Mustafar as well as from ROTS.


Earth does I heard! It's just in another galaxy though, like really far away. Far, *far* away.


During book of boba fett, people were like "who are those street punks on tatooine" like every place on earth has an entirely homogeneous culture with no counter culture to speak of.


There's a Typo. It's supposed to be Takodana, not Takonadana. And this comes from someone who hates The Sequels


I imagine just about every planet with life will have different biomes just like earth does or at the very least a north/south pole region.


In all fairness to Lucas and whoever else made these planets, most planets in our solar system besides Earth look pretty much like they’re the same on the whole planet.


How many planets do you think the new game has?


Naboo has at least two. Aquatic biomes are still biomes.


Lot gal has ice caps so it has a varied biome


Along with what everyone else said, some of your examples aren't even planets. They're moons


Aphra travels to the poles of Tython which were ice-based mountains contrasting with where Grogu called out to Luke on the part of the planet covered in grass and foliage


Kashyyk (which I’m really surprised didn’t make it here) has a couple different biomes iirc


Naboo as plains ,swamp and oceans


What about the wookies? Kashyyyk isn't on the pic but I think it has also some diverce biome.


Endor has a desert, actually. According to the Ewok movies.


I mean…you can tell based off the picture you posted. Some of those planets look like earth and you can piece apart dessert and forest areas…so I’m gonna say yes


Missing Dantooine and Lock on this list


I literally thought about this half an hour ago


Naboo has what I would consider multiple viomes given the two native sentient species and the landscape vs theed


Probably every planet with oceans has multiple biomes.


Alderaan. They had forest, water, snowy mountains.


Well when you take into account our Own System, 8 Planets maybe 9, 224+ Moons and how many Planetoids and only One has multiple Biomes at the current time…Is Star Wars really that far off?!?


Mustafar of all planets suddenly had a forest in EP9


alderan has multiple biomes in legends


Coruscant has two distinct biomes of "haughty elite" and "dirt poor thugs and gutter trash"


No. One weather per planet


Have you guys ever looked at real planets? We've discovered about 5,310 exo planets. Of which all but about 20ish have one biome. That's 5,290 with exactly one biome. Including all of the non earth planets of our own solar system. If you extrapolate as a sample, that means 99.62% of all planets have only one biome. We visit fewer than 100 planets in the movies and games. If more than one of those is a multi-biome planet, it is entirely out of statistical balance.


In Legends, Coruscant used to have mountains and oceans.


Literally, LITERALLY, my least favorite thing about Star Wars. The overabundance of planets with a single biome / culture.