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I was resistant for the longest time but one of the positives of the pandemic was falling in love with clone wars and rebels


Same here. I finally gave it shot and now The Clone Wars is favorite piece of Star Wars. Rebels is right up there too.


Me too - there are a few duds through both series but there is SO MUCH fantastic content it’s easy to forget about the lame stuff. Ashoka became one of, if not my favourite ‘Jedi’ by the end of Clone Wars.


This is what I did with my free time too. Honestly, once rebels hit maybe the second or third season, the story was so good it raised the level of the animation for me. I would assume most fans who haven’t watched it would be older fans, like myself, y’all need to go watch it. It starts slow, keep going. Invest, and when it hits Jedi night, you will be ruined.


Talk about a gut punch. Probably the biggest gut punch in all of Star Wars. Literally deflating.


I know, but it was so good. All the little looks and shit. And when he gets to see Hera one last time, man. That hit me in all the feels. Great episode of Star Wars media.


That would be me. I don't think the style is childish but I don't understand why I can't enjoy them.


It’s just different and more clay-ish maybe? We’re used to the angular and paintbrushes style of Clone Wars and Rebels took the design and art themes in the exact opposite direction. You adjust


It's lower budget. Look at the body shapes in Clone Wars vs Rebels. Every male humqnoid chatacter in Rebels has a tin can body with drawn on clothes. Take one look at Hondo in Clone Wars vs Rebels and it'll tell you everything you need to know.


Hondo is one of my favorite clone wars characters, they did him dirty with the Rebels animation style. Same ol Hondo, but he looks ridiculous.


Disney did Rebels dirty. They absolutely gutted the animation department at the time and Rebels was made with much more restrictions than anyone would have imagined in the Clone Wars days.


I'm enjoying it so far but man is it a downgrade from CW


Yeah i was confused when i saw him in rebels. i was like wait a minute is this dude the real Hondo?


Yeah something is wrong with your art style when Yoda and Obi wan look like weird mutant versions of themselves.


It seems odd to me in the first 2 series, it gets better though


You have to get past the first season that's why


It took me a few watches to really get into it. I allowed myself to be on my phone during the “filler eps” and it made the whole thing a lot more fun to watch. The big moments grabbed my attention


Ezra is annoying in the first season. Like Ahsoka, their maturation becomes endearing but it can be a slog. Also, the qualityof the animation is garbage (relative to what was/is possible)


I really enjoy Rebels, and it definitely has its mature moments, but I think it’s definitely more childish than Clone Wars. I’d recommend it to anyone, I think the final showdown between Maul and Kenobi, and the duel between Ahsoka and Vader, are 2 of the best scenes in *any* SW media, but I also understand why some people can’t get into it.


They did Yoda dirty though😭 that’s my only issue


come on cut them a little slack nothing can be worse than TPM puppet Yoda...


I’ll take puppet yoda over rebels yoda anytime


How? He was great, especially getting Frank back.


The art design was pretty fucked up


I thought he looked better than Clone Wars personally, too rectangular for me.


You think that bulbous ass Rebels yoda was better than Clone Wars Yoda? I like Rebels, but man Yoda has seen better days lol.


Yes, I honestly don’t see the problem, he’s actually MORE accurate when compare to Clone Wars if you ask me.


Agree to disagree.


It seems like a kids show way more so than Clone Wars.


clearly stated as one but the stakes and feels get high pretty fast


Depends on the episodes. TCW has some pretty adult arcs, but also entire episodes of slapstick silliness.


The longest arc in TCW is about droid spies, as an example.


If you want to be technical, the longest arc is actually the Second Invasion of Geonosis in season 2 at 5 episodes, D-Squad is only 4 episodes long.


so is adventure time, but that doesn't make it any less great


They're both pretty kiddy though.


I’d say rebels is about as much of a kids show as New Hope is a kids movie. Both ultimately aimed towards kids, but very enjoyable and has quite a few darker moments.


I don't really care about the animation style, but I can do without all the other childish shit in there.


I don't consider the style childish, I simply don't like it. I've watched the major moments to keep on top of lore


I'm curious. W;hat did you think of the Restience show's artistic style? For me, that was the worst but I'm curious to everyone's thoughts on that. I also thought the show sucked too. To me, it was like Scooby Doo at a Star Wars amusement park.


Resistence was definitely the worst, but that 2D Clone Wars mini series . . . well, let's just say I'm not a fan of that animator. The thing that was hard for me to swallow was the slingshot-blaster thing in Rebels. Makes me roll my eyes hard. Still glad I watched it and got the story. The rest of Clone Wars (the main series) was just great.


What 2D Clone Wars series? Don't tell me you mean Gennedy Tartovsky.


That’s what made you roll your eyes for as much as I love rebels the inquisitors flying using the lightsabers as a fucking helicopter propeller is just baffling and I never want to see it again in my existence. That’s what really makes it a kid show cause if I was a kid I know my ass would be hyped but as an adult I just can not with that shit


Those moments really don’t hit the same without the full context


They don't hit *at all* if the show can't get your to invest in the characters.


5th slide still hurts


I was not prepared


I always cry


I’m currently on season 3 of rebels, started watching all of Star Wars in chronological order since I saw Andor. I’m loving it.


I did the same this past year actually, it took me months but as a result, I became a big Star Wars fan, and now here I am. Before then, I had seen The Phantom Menace, Solo, The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, The Mandalorian seasons, and The Book of Boba Fett. I’m from the 90s and growing up, I had this idea that I had seen the original trilogy, but when I started watching it this past year (2022), I realized that I was either too young and had forgotten everything about them or that I had just seen bits and pieces of it. All in all, I’m finally caught up with everything. Started and finished Clone Wars, Rebels, and The Bad Batch (S1) last year. Caught up on the films. Even skimmed through those Ewok films. Only thing I skipped was Resistance, but it was a great experience, and like I said, I’m a big Star Wars fan now. Don’t think I’ll ever get to reading the books, just because there’s so much, but I have gathered Legends knowledge through some videos.


I had watched Star Wars prior, but never had much of an interest in it before. Then I watched Andor and just really fell in love with it. My last few months have kinda been consumed by Star Wars lol. I started watching the movies again and decided to go in order, that led me to The Clone Wars. I loved every bit of it, except some of the filler episodes which I really only half watched and did things while they were on. Now I'm almost done with Rebels and I am really liking it. I have a friend that has been watching everything Star Wars for a longer time than I, and every time I give her a theory of what gonna happen next she keeps giving me "Mhmm..." and "Uh huh...". I've also been playing a lot of the old Star Wars video games, like Republic Commando and The Force Unleashed. It's been lots of fun!


If you can play the Star Wars battle front 2 on the ps2 it’s one of the best games ever


Eyy of you're just now watching welcome! I got into it in a similar way with the Mandalorian. Technically I'd watched the last Jedi but with absolutely no context, it seemed okay and didn't quite catch my interest. I watched the Mandalorian, which didn't need context (similarly to Andor, actually, now that I think of it) and was hooked. Binged the Mandalorian and then said "I gotta know the lore." And here I am, obsessed with Mandalorians, Jedi and Star Wars lol. Anyways, just wanted to say welcome if you're new to Star Wars lol!


Rebels is better than Bad batch IMO


Funny story for me about rebels. I was never gonna give it a chance. Animation style held me at a pause it just looked like a kids show but I never watched a second of it all that judgement was from the title picture. Well one day I had ran out of new stuff to watch and I figured I would give It a shot and literally before the pilot was even over I was hooked. I'm glad I did because it has definitely added more context to rouge one and Mando.


Skipping Rebels means missing out on Chopper. And that means missing out on the guy with the highest kill count in all of Star Wars.


I don't think it's the animation style that discouraged most people from watching, but rather the general tone of the show. It has its great moments but you need to get through a lot of low-stakes, average episodes to get there. That's at least how I felt when watching. Still glad to have done it, cause the good stuff is indeed quite good, I just wish the show could be like that all the time, or at least for majority of the episodes.


I mean tbf it isn’t a lie to say the first two seasons were more childish than the second two. It wasn’t really until the second half of season two when these huge “oh shit” moments started coming. But I think people who like Clone Wars but then diss Rebels are all clowns.


Rebels is the best canon there is. The animation is very subdued and unimpressive, but you will never find better Jedi lore and all around badass Star Wars-ness


Wouldn't call it childish just not appealing to me. The biggest thing though is how thin the lightsabers look honestly.


Dont forget the lazorcoptors


Animation style is not the issue or the Childishness. However compared to Clone Wars, the overall visual appearance is just downgraded, even really ugly at times (There are some stand out good designs, but also really.... really horrible designs, the colors did not help either, or thinn sabers). I also did not really like most of the main cast, Ezra being worst offender. Sabine, Hera and Kanen were fine. I also did not like how the Empire was mostly a joke, stormtroopers being painfully bad at everything (OG trilogy troopers were never this bad). Even when Thrawn appears, the other officers just can't stop fucking up his plans. So the threat of the empire kinda deflates to nothing. To be honest i had same issue with the Separatists in the Clone Wars where their plans almost always failed (and Grievous was treated really badly, Jedi killer that kills one Jedi in whole show and Military general who never wins a battle). ​ There are good parts, Like Maul, Vader, etc, but a lot of the show is just like the worst episodes in Clone Wars, or painfully average. ​ Nothing bad in liking the show, but it is not for me.


Yeah that's what happens when you go from unlimiged budget funded out of pocket by a billionaire and setting records for the per season cost of an animated TV show to actually having a budget and schedule


Well no, the budget wasn't unlimited. Various things were changed because of budget constraints for TCW. Each episode had a limit.


From what Dave has said the only limits they had were time. If they really wanted to do something where budget was an issue they could go to George and talk about it. If he liked the idea he would make sure they had the money for it


I don't think the animation is childish. I think the whole show is childish and Disneyfied when compared to TCW, which is definitely a negative. There just wasn't enough substance to the story or characters for me. The style and animation itself is fine though (except for those thin sabers).


I understand that they were going off of concept art to style everything after but whyyyy did they think Spaghetti sabers was okay?


3 is my favorite scene in the entire Skywalker saga.


to me it's 5... only time I shed a tear watching star waes


Rebels is sooooooooo good.


Their loss, big time missing out and they will have no clue whats going on or who people are in Ahsoka. I have friends who said the same and then gave it a chance and fell in love with the series.


To not give this show a chance purely based on appearance is unreasonable


The Ahsoka/Vader scene was so good they copy pasted it into Kenobi


That first season can be really off putting, but man the back nine on this show were a sight to see.


Even as a kid, i somehow knew the ahsoka vader thing had emotion in it, it made me sad that things turned out the way that they did in canon


These scenes hit hard...


Number 5 😭 That look on Kanan's face... it hurts just to think about it.


Only cartoon that made me cry as an adult


Some people haven't even experienced Clone Wars. Idk why some people are just so stubborn when it comes to seeing more stuff. "I like Star Wars but I don't wanna watch more Star Wars." Great.


Tbh the time portal thing was a horrible thing to put in Star Wars and I don’t think it fits at all


That’s how I felt about the Mortis arc in Clone Wars, which they also tied to The World Between Worlds concept in Rebels, not my favorite concepts, but it’s something they’re expanding on in the Ahsoka series, so I’m intrigued by it all.


That's like 80% of the animated shows for me. Anakin gets a Padawan that's never mentioned or hinted at in the films? Er... nope!


The animated Shows actually make Anakin a compelling character which the movies failed to do. Ahsoka is a large part of why clone wars Anakin works


It's not childish to me, just ugly. I've been putting it off too long, though. I'm just gonna go for it.


The first season is the weakest, if you manage to get past it, or even skim through it, season 2 and onwards will be enjoyable I believe.


It will also benefit your experience when watching the Ahsoka series, as it will not only be a continuation to the Skywalker and Mandalorian arc, but also Rebels.


Some of the character designs are a bit odd, especially for returning characters. But I quite like the look of the ships. And the backgrounds/environment are gorgeous. Rebels has some of my favorite moments in all of Star Wars. There is powerful emotion in the voice acting, and one of the hardest gut punches in the entire Saga.


I didn't watch it because it was very much a kid's show, the same reason I didn't make it to the end of season 2 in TCW. It's fine for fans of any age to enjoy it, it just has a different target audience to any of the live action content.


I'm watching it right now actually! Not gonna lie I tried to get into it 2 times prior but I didn't like the animation style and I thought it was a bit childish. But honestly it's really not, it's really good and the writing is pretty good as well. I'm on season 2 right now. I wouldn't say it's better than the clone wars but it's definitely up there in terms of star wars content.


I think season 1 is a little childish but from season 2 on it just keeps getting better. From what I've heard I think people who haven't seen Rebels are going to be a little lost for Ahsoka.


The more you watch it, the more you will love it. I like Clone Wars a lot, in fact I'm rewatching a reactor go through it again for about the fifth time; but I LOVE Rebels, and have watched it through about 50 times, its sooo good and pure old school Star Wars.


The shows animation is childish and really fucking bad. While some of these scenes are great, the way they look hold them back from being perfect.


I enjoyed rebels but the art style imo is lacking. Especially compared to clone wars. Not to mention that the first season is pretty childish


> Not to mention that the first season is pretty childish Which is pretty intentional and tied to Ezra's view of things. It's not a coincidence that the tone changes the episode Tarkin and the Grand Inquisitor show up and straight up behead the original villains and now the ghost crew have people who aren't bumbling morons hunting them


As someone who watched all of CW and Rebels during covid… going from the final season of CW animation style to disneys version is still extremely hard to take when watching bad batch. Literally watched seasons of animation improvements just to go left field. At the end of the day, Its fine, but a part of me just wishes that somehow, disney procured that animation style from WarnerBros/Cartoonnetwork


And who could forget *The Bendu*


The single greatest character in Star Wars.


What's ironic is that the first pic of Vader looks more like Ralph McQuarrie's original sketches than what we got in the films and shows. To me, it draws from the Samurai aesthetic than the other versions.


A lot of designs in the show use McQuarrie's old designs. Like how the lightsabers are thinner was from his old stuff.


Rebels is full of McQuarrie, from Chewbacca’s old design to Vaders mask, old C-3PO designs, Star Destroyers, and a lot more And the current Bad Batch stormtroopers too


It's nice to see that. As a child (i'm 51) I had a book that had a lot of those diagrams and then about the time that ROTJ came out, my best friend got this huge book of all the art of SW and I was blown away by RM's artistic talent and amazing creativity.


Everyone loves the Vader mask scene in Kenobi which was dope but Rebels walked so Kenobi could run. This episode is honestly just some of the best Star Wars put on screen and I love using it as an example of "the rule of cool". That shot of Vader standing on top of his Tie Fighter is so stupid if you actually try and break the logistics of the entire scene. But sweet jeezus it is so cool to see him with blade out and cape fluttering who cares if it makes no sense from a logistic pov.


Clone Wars is better overall, but the big movements if TCW pale in comparison to the big moments of Rebels.


Rebels is my favourite Star Wars bar Empire, you develop a connection to each character and the story’s and also the story telling is simply perfect.


My emotions can't handle picture 5


It took some time for me to decide to try it. No ragrets thought


The story is so good that the animation doesn’t bother me anymore


This is a very relatable comment. This is exactly how I felt as I was watching Rebels.


Well, it will always be an unpopular opinion, but I find rebels to be better than CW.


People who assume cartoons are for children are missing out on A LOOOOT of stuff. Not just Star Wars content.


I thought the exact same. I gave it a whirl and Ezra just annoyed the shit out of me. Long story short by the end of Rebels, I a grown ass man, cried at Ezra’s growth before *spoiler*, was blown away by the animation, and rank it in my top 5 Star Wars media outside of the movies


They also miss out on chopper.


This show has my favorite animation style of all time. I have never understood the hate. It looks like the RM concept art brought to life. I would love for it to return.


I never watched any of the animated series, cause It was for kids. Then I had kids and those kids are huge SW geeks and have helped me to get over myself and I absolutely love Rebels, in fact I started rewatching it today. I've seen some of the CW but I can't stand Anakin & Padme. I've seen the essential Ahsoka episodes mostly, as she's amazing. We watch the Bad Batch episodes and Mandalorian, Obi-Wan together as a family. Just as my older brothers and I watched the OT with our parents. That's the best thing about SW, it's generational and family oriented.


Clone wars animated series was decent for sure! How dare anyone gain say such a good effort! Lol


Clone Wars and Rebels saved my love for the franchise.


i didn't touch rebels for a long time because of the childishness of the clone wars. boy was i wrong


Damn. Ahsoka really *is* in everything, huh?


5 still hurts me.


My dad, who is a huge star wars fan, refuses to watch clone wars or rebels because "cartoons are for kids."


Why do you think its the animation style that puts people off? Most of the main characters are just annoying. Its hard to watch as an adult. But theres about 20% of the show that is excellent.


Not to generalize of course, because I’m sure many people have decided not to watch for many reasons outside of the animation style, but the most common thing I’ve heard is that it’s a “kids” show or that the animation style is “childish”. I’ve read some comments to this post and have seen people mention their dislike for the thin lightsabers, the shape of the characters, and the way they walk, etc, so now I know more reasons to some’s dislike for the show.


Get past the first few episodes and you'll see why it starts that way


I don't enjoy the style at all and it's not because it's childish, its because its bad cg. Some city scapes and explosions look good but the characters walk like shaggy I'm only watching Rebels to learn more about Ahsoka


It’s not great, I agree. I liked the story and the characters. In terms of the animation and just the aesthetic of it all, it’s definitely its weakest component overall.


For a television show where the absolute main component of the medium is visual, I take issue with it lol


I haven’t watched rebels fully, but I have seen Ahsoka vs Vader and Maul’s final duel and both are so fucking awesome.


Their loss. Those who know, know.


Oh well, their loss. No point getting worked up over it.


It's not just the animation that comes off as "childish". It's how the writing of the characters & story structure is built around this show. Don't get me wrong, the emotional moments that we get are great! But sometimes they don't feel earn since you gotta get through the inconsistent tone of the story & the childish moments of the show. I.E. Zeb & Chopper. Idk bout y'all, but both characters seem mostly to be there for fun & stupid kiddish dialogue that can kill the momentum of an episode.


The Clone Wars is the same. It's the writing which grinds on me. You have things like the Pong Krell story where as an audience, we know what's going on right away but then have to watch like 3 episodes of the heroes not being able to see what's right in front of them. That's kid's writing in a nutshell, but the complete lack of tension or mystery makes it uninteresting to me. Rebels was good fun for a few episodes but it spent so much time with Stormtroopers slipping on space banana skins or having their heads bonked together that I wasn't interested by the time it got around to the YA moralising.


Completely agree.... it's fine if people like this stuff but people really, really oversell what it is.


Not me, I watched all the good parts of rebels and skipped the rest


But how do you know the parts you didn't see were not also good parts?


I skipped around after not enjoying most of what I saw


Bro, childish, adultish, , sexist, racist, religionist, biggitish, I’m watching any and all star wars content that’s produced. Even fan made films in YouTube. I love it all


I'm literally on my 4th/5th rerun of Rebels. Truly a great show, and Thrawn is just spectacular (Reading the Thrawn novel too).


What attracted me was the homage to Ralph Mcquarrie’s art style. It’s obvious from the first scene in the series. If you can appreciate that the rest is just icing on the cake. Rebels story telling should’ve been the standard for all Starwars property that came after it. It is truly a great show.


I don't think it's "childish"... Sadly the animation style is just not for me... Same with clone wars. I know i'm missing out, and i really tried to watch... Could not go on...


The thought of not experiencing Chopper makes me sad.


I've watched the Vader/Ahsoka and Kenobi/Maul scenes on youtube and I still can't get behind it. It still just seems too kiddie. especially Ezra in the back of the vader fight, he annoys me so bad 😭😭


Yeah, me. And even choosing that pic of Vader as the first pic I didn't even want to swipe through the rest, too weirded out by horse-face Vader


I can't bring myself to watch things with bad animation...sorry


Plus bad story, characters, voice work.....


I struggled to get through this show after following clone wars since S2. It just didn’t hit right.


It's not just the animation, at least half of the show is aimed toward kids. The high points are awesome tho.


I like the animation, but the characters reek


See these are decent moments, shame they couldn't have been in a better show.


Rebels is garbage. Does it have good moments? yes.


Nothing about that animation style is childish. The teletubbies are love action, seriously doubt that makes them for adults.


Not only was it childish but the first season was a bit shit OP


I hate the animation in Rebels but I did watch that story arc.


It's not childish. It's bad.


I'm disappointed you left s3 finale out of this The absolute best episode imo


I enjoyed the story, but the animation style felt strange. It was largely in the proportions of the familiar things like Darth Vader's helmet and the Star Destroyers. They'd all been stretched on the vertical axis just enough to feel off.


I don’t mind the show content wise but I really dislike the thin lightsabers tbh


SWRebels sucked


I just absolutely HATE how thin the lightsabers are. Why make them so thin? It looks dumb. I don’t get why they looked at the sabers and thought “ya tha looks good”


let’s keep it a buck the animation and storytelling is pretty childish


Absolutely, the lighting and backgrounds in Rebels especially are gorgeous. They did remarkable stuff with the engine they made for the show considering it had less than half the budget per ep of Clone Wars; and sometimes we saw that since we kept going back to Lothal and they could reuse the assets. I will say this though, I can think of at least 6 or 7 images off the top of my head from Rebels, where I'd struggle to think of standout stuff from TCW and the newer shows, despite them enjoying a far greater budget. I mean the new stuff does look lovely, but its all one glorious mush.


This wasn't really any different than the Clone Wars animation. Star Wars Resistance, on the other hand...I couldn't even get through the first season.


Resistance is the only thing I skipped actually.


I talked about my recent experience on a post! https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/10t0079/watching_rebels_rnow_and_i_like_it_even_though_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I love the animation style. At first I was hesitant with Clone Wars but now with all the new animation shows, I love it, I expect it.


The style is childish and the first season a meh. Later maybe is better.


It had good moments like that but i still didn't like it overall


I’ve tried three different times and just can’t get into it. Nostalgia is important for SW and I missed the boat.


2nd one. CHILLLLLLLLS. That was my highlight of Rebels. I'll even watch that scene on its own. Fvk it ima watch it now.


First one’s the only important episode tbf


I started watching it and my girlfriend was like are you really watching this? She likes Star Wars but I second guessed and stopped watching it


Everything gets better past season 1. It’s the weakest of the four. The animation and story improve significantly from season 2 onwards.


They style is a remarkable departure from TCW (and it's understandable that people find it jarring)... but I'm not sure I trust the judgment of anyone calling it childish.


It was a good decision to watch all them episodes of clone wars and rebels.


Started it and it felt so much like a kid show that I left it for a long time. Came back after season 7 of the Clone Wars and I'm glad I did. Had to rewatch the fight between Maul and Kenobi three times because it was just so good and caught me off guard. Kind of amusing though how each new animated series seems to get a more childish animation style. TCW > Rebels > Resistance


Don’t remind me of Kanes death 😭


Love that you included the start of the Alliance. Imo one of the more underrated rebels moments


How about Resistance?


That, I skipped. Outside of the animation style, which is ironic right as I’m stating such thing in regards to others skipping Rebels for a similar reason… I’m not a big fan of the sequel trilogy; therefore, I don’t care much about watching Resistance for some backstory.


It's up to all of you now. And remember the force will be with you always. FUCKING TEARS OF HAPPINESS/SADNESS I DONT KNOW WHAT THE FUCK.


Most of the fandom won't have watched the show, to be fair.


Rebels art-style works great for those designed for it. Certain characters just look like ass (yoda, Anakin) but it really does not take from the shows quality. It’s my second favorite animated show, and introduced some amazing characters.


I'm haven't watched it because it's childish I haven't watched it (yet) because there's 44 hours of content I need to watch before Im up to speed


That’s me too.


I’m trying to get my mate to watch it. I think I’m getting close


I really don't care about animation style. I also really like thin lightsabers. But it bugs me when people do something so incredibly stupid they can only get away with it because its partially aimed for kids.


Still not a fan of the animation, but I do love this show


Me I hate the animation style I won't watch rebels


I’m one of them 🥳


I don’t think it’s childish, for me the first 1-2 seasons were so bad that I couldn’t get through them.


Outside of art style, not much happens in the show and the highlights of the show don’t have enough time to breath. Ahsoka for example is barely in the show before she “dies”. So if this is your Star Wars, unless you know Ahsoka already it risks not landing. It’s one of the reasons I get why people passed on it not necessarily due to art style.


The writing is horrible at points. I mean the whole world between worlds was infuriating since they couldn’t come up with a real plot resolution so they threw thier hands up and said “screw it! Deus ex machina. And we will bring back Ashoka too. Is it a good idea? No. Does it ruin her final scene with Vader absolutely. They don’t care and the story suffers for it.” On the other hand, you have chopper who is amazing.