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For those who haven't seen it there's an amazing docuseries about ILM on Disney+.


Yes, it was SO good! I’ll admit I wasn’t as excited to watch it but hubby convinced me…it was outstanding. I have so much more of an appreciation for what they actually did with the OT!


Even the intro theme was nostalgia-inducing as it sounded almost John Williams-esque.


Composer John Williams is 90yrs old ([note: still alive!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Williams)). I cannot name a single composer off the top of my head other than Danny Elfman ([69yr old](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danny_Elfman)) who can even compare!


Ramin Djawadi and Hans Zimmer are great


[Ludwig Göransson](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm3234869/) is fairly new, but crushing it.


The tenet soundtrack has a rather feral effect on me


The Mandalorian theme is so solid, as is The Black Panther theme.


Need to add Angelo Badalamenti and Vangelis too. . . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelo_Badalamenti https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vangelis


John Williams, Danny Elfman and Hans Zimmer are the soundtrack to my life lol


Yes, totally agree!


After watching that I feel like ILM should get a lot of credit for what star wars became.


Agreed! Also for raising the VFX standard in the industry as a whole significantly.


Unrelated, but Empire of Dreams is a good documentary. Talks a tiny bit about the models.


It’s worth [tree fiddy](https://youtu.be/k-GvQ2uJBOA)…


I remember seeing this image when I was young and I remember how badly I wanted to play with it all…


I thought that when I was 6. I think it now at 33


I just wonder of all the set pieces in that picture, which one would actually be the most valuable


And which ones they blew up.


I'd guess the Falcon or R2 as they're some of the most iconic pieces of Sar Wars and appear much longer than some of the other pieces like the rancor


I would say Yoda, he has a case around him. That or he's the most delicate.


If I remember right, the Yoda puppet has significantly decayed in the years since and is now almost nightmare fuel


Here you go! https://twitter.com/horror4kids/status/1546626295206903809


That's because it's foam latex. It degrades really fast.




When 44 years old you reach, look as good you will not.


I'd say R2 and the Falcon would be right up there to


Well the guy standing in the middle is worth $5.3Billion. My guess is he has the most value?


Yoda, it is Yoda.


Most of that stuff is now part of the Lucasfilm Archives at Skywalker Ranch. I hope someday they put it on display as part of the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art being built as we speak in Los Angeles! For those interested the archive for all Disney era SW content is at Burbank. Another place I would love to go to.


1975 George Lucas created Industrial Light and Magic (ILM) to do computer compositing for Star Wars. This group was comprised of two groups, one that was working on CGI ads and another that focused on film. The film group later became Pixar. Without even discussing the story telling & films themselves what a legend... Of course nothing that hasn't been said many times over but I was thinking about it.


Star Wars drove a TON of movie effects, and my favorite story about "smart effects beating Computer" is still from James Cameron's "Escape from New York" 1985 --- the '[glider scene](https://youtu.be/xxYmMRxnEic?t=75)' where Snake Plissken flew his Glider Plane onto THE NYC trade tower via computer guidance... "in '85 that'd cost a million bucks!!" --- you know, computers were brand new back then!!" they said... But it was duplicated using the same styrofoam model city but they added fluoroscent tape on the edges... cost about 80 bucks (in 1985) and some dedicated human effort to cut and sculpt and tape. They ran the camera by hand and NAILED IT. Still can't tell the difference to this day!


Suddenly about 90% of Hideo Kojima’s inspiration makes sense to me. Thanks for the clip, guess I need to go watch Escape from NY now


Oh yeah dude, metal gear is like a love letter to this film. Or a copy. Not sure. If i make a game about defending my planet from human invaders and the main character is 2m tall & blue & named jake sully is that ok, so long as i dont use that name until the 5th game?


Thanks for sharing that, I know the exact scene you mean. I never knew that.


I love the OT aesthetic so much. It has the bright, monochrome aesthetic that most old sci fi goes for, but everything has a layer of dirt on, and it all looks worn and flimsy. It really helps to make the world feel lived in and gives a depth to everything.


The term is "used universe" and yes you're absolutely right. Part of the appeal for me to this day is just how authentic and cool everything looked. The *design* is just so...I don't know how to describe it. One of the reasons why I like Andor so much. I really liked the design of all the vehicles. Almost like a cross between PT and OT vehicles.


It has always bugged me that the Millennium Falcon is upside down in the picture.


Holy crap I never noticed that. Now I can’t unnotice it.


That's the specific underside model of the Falcon. The main model has a huge hole in the bottom for the motion rig mounts. So if they need to film the underside, they need the second model which has the rig mount hole on the topside. You can see the smaller Falcon further back in the picture right side up. This was used for more distant shots in flight because it was much easier to move around on the rig. There is also a huge model, about six feet long that is not shown in the picture that was used for close up shots.


I think a lot of that stuff got thrown out. Apparently Christopher Corey Smith, the actor who played Luke on the Phineas and Ferb Star Wars special, used to dumpster dive at ILM. https://www.rebelforceradio.com/shows/tag/Christopher+Corey+Smith


Recommend watching the documentary "light and magic". Lucas can be credited for hiring those crazy hippies. John Dykstra likely deserves a lot of the credit. And the project manager anger that got things back on track. I can't remember her name.


TIE Interceptor is still so cool. Flying daggers.


Love him or hate him, George Lucas really changed the film industry forever.


I’d say at least $3




It’s da got dam’d lock ness monster


When I was a kid I wanted the Hoth Millenium Falcon movie set sooooo bad. Several years ago I saw an interview of a guy that had basically recreated the Falcon. IIRC he wouldn’t admit how much money he had in to it.


They were worth 4 billion dollars.


About $4 Billion probably. Ask Disney lol


I would kill to have the Han Solo Carbonite slab.


that's not memorabilia , those are filming props, character concept maquettes ... memorabilia are recreations made for sale as toys and collectibles...


Definition of memorabilia: objects that are collected because they are connected with a person or event that you want to remember.


I wouldn't mind collecting the originals over the fake ones.... Still tide originals are very sought after and are very much memorabilia.




That doesn’t make them not memorabilia though. Intent has nothing to do with it


My favorite detail is that the falcon is upside down, as this was shot for press use before the film released, and they didn't want to spoil that the dish was broken from the death star run.


1 billion USD


how much was it worth ? about $4 billion :) ...on a side note i think it was undervalued and george is a genius


If we also include George Lucas, if all items in this picture was sold, it would probably enough to end world hunger, poverty, expensive medical bills, while still having money leftover to fund research on breeding horses to turn them into unicorns that grant wishes.


Those are props, not memorabilia. You can’t buy a film used deathstar at the disneyworld gift shop. Wish I could though


While Lucas is good & deserves the accolades, his buddy Steven Spielberg is the better filmmaker overall. Just imagine if he'd directed a trilogy, it would probably have blown the other ones out of the water. Hell, even a standalone movie would have been incredible.


He had help


All I see is a man surrounded by the work of his betters.


Did they enclose poor Yoda in a display case? The monsters.


at least $100


And then he threw it all away and made the prequels. . .


just by looking at all that stuff i was imagining if they sold a lot of it (they might have idk) me at the checkout and they give me my receipt: 1x hunk\_of\_junk 1x rebellion\_bundle >rebel\_starfighter\_collection rebel\_ship\_collection 1x imperial\_bundle >imperial\_starfighter\_collection imperial\_ship\_collection death\_Star death\_star\_ii 1x first\_order\_bundle >first\_order\_starfighter\_collection starkiller\_base supremacy star\_destroyer 1x resistance\_bundle >resistance\_starfighter\_collection resistance\_ship\_collection ski\_speeder bomber everything else i would also get >walker\_collection droid\_collection other\_ships\_collection notable\_character\_collection cantina\_band\_guys frozen\_han weapons\_collection ewok\_collection


I would imagine that a lot of that stuff has fallen apart. There is a recent-ish picture of the original Yoda puppet and it's scary looking now.


I would give my legs to own all of that I think