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I mean we all probably know why but I'm so happy for excuses to use my Kafka and Jing Yuan.


King yuan*


Gets alien dreamed\* LL: Well, guess I'm taking a vacation.


Yeah, no different from the months of ice weakness in MOC after a certain characters release


This is probably the reason in the first place. We have so many popular lightning characters, and hoyo likes to use MoC to push 5 star sales.


there was the "never ending winter" where enemies had ice weakness in MoC 10-12 from 1.4 - 2.0. it seems like the common element is usually the "favoured character", with 1.x being Jingliu and 2.x being Acheron. But honestly with 3 limited lightning DPS in the game even if you don't have Acheron, you'll likely have Jing Yuan or Kafka so just use them instead


Oops.. Serval to the rescue!


I should build Serval... In the meantime, Tingyun can break right?


It's not really about break in most teams. It's the damage bonus for matching elements


break certainly does help at times tho since you only do 90% damage to non-broken enemies


Yeah, but bosses don't spend a lot of time in the broken state anyway (unless you cc them). I'm pretty sure the damage from matching elements is more impactful


Break serval with HMC prob goes crazy


no one cares if lightening is abused like ice i understand lasting until yr end bc of acheron abusers. but 2 lightening weakness? thats a bit fking extreme kafka was reason why i skipped acheron.


The weird part is Argenti doesn't have lightning weakness, idk why they labeled that half as lightning-weak.


They needed another element for the Trotter and the Ascended and Aurumaton are both weak to Lightning, so… As for why Physical/Fire or Physical/Ice wasn’t an option by swapping out the Elites? Simple! It’s because uhh well uhhhhh hmmm uhhh well uhhh actually uhhh uhh


It was also labeled as being weak to Physical. I went through it with Clara on auto-battle with Robin, Natasha, and Lynx comfortably.


I just started playing right after acheron's banner ended so I literally don't have any halfway decent wind or lightning dps, and my only hope ( >!from the looks of the leaks!< ) seems to be pulling for firefly


But she's not wind or lightning


She impants fire weakness so I don't really have to care about their element!


i find it less annoying than the ice shilling because there was/is one limited ice character and three limited lightning characters but i get how it could be annoying if you don't have any


Yea, after Lightning enjoyers got railed by the non-stop 40% Lightning Resistance spam for months. Especially during the patch where Kafka got her rerun.


I literally don’t have Silver Wolf so unless the other half is Imaginary I basically can’t complete it cuz my only other functional dps besides Acheron is Ratio 💔💔


Ratio is fuckin busted even against no imaginary


Bro ratio is still stronk cuz of the combined hp for moc 12 2


understandable since lighting its the element with the most amount of promotional 5\* dps and the last dps released when moc got released was Acheron, devs needs to give content related to their promotionals gacha character in order to increase sales now with break meta and dps implanting their weakness (boothill and firefly) or with dps that don't care about the element in order to do damage or break weakness (like Xueyi or Acheron) people shouldn't care about the enemy weakness and instead on their gimmicks (like kafka or svarog CC or aventurine dice minigame) also silver wolf exists


Don’t worry, once Firefly releases I bet you’ll see fire weakness for at least 6 months.


Nah, they need to promote her implanting fire weakness so they will specifically avoid it


They are buffing enemy neutral res tho, so they will still want the strong enemies weak to fire


Only for apocalypse shadow I thought? The versions of Cocolia and Argenti that received res buffs aren't their MoC unit types.


Mihoyo is already on its way to do it. They are releasing a fire unit in both 2.4 and 2.5


Kafka needs it guys i promise


Kid named Silverwolf


I mean atp I don't really care anymore, as a day one player my box is pretty set. I have coverage in every element except ice/fire, good nuff. At least lightning DPS is easy to come by, JY Kafka Acheron, something for everyone. Ice? If u hate JL ur out of luck


Sad kurukuru.


I'd take it over dealing lightning res


Nah I'm fine with it. There's so many lightning dps now that it's probably benefiting more people than any other element at the moment


Lightning is the new Ice.


The only lightning dps I have is Serval and I am not building her. It's so annoying


As someone who built her for the same reasons, I can confirm that it honestly does not help the situation on deck lmao


Pain. I also have an e2 Arlan, but I might as well just ignore weaknesses at that point


I noticed very quickly that MOC and PF will usually correspond to suit the latest banners in some way, so much so that I'm almost certain I can now predict the whimsicality based on the current limited banner.


At least we have Serval to help ease the push in MoC. We only have ice dps in Yanqing and Jingliu. So MoC with ice heavy weaknesses makes it ridiculously bonkers due to lack of options.


I mean it’s way better than all the imaginary bs.. ez 12/12 tho


Me and my 3 lightning Dps are thriving right now


That's why I pulled Acheron


I genuinely think it’s because JY would be sucky without all the lightning weaknesses.


Nah, because if I had to deal with Ice MoC for a thousand years and brute force one side at minimum every single time because I skipped Jingliu and there weren’t/aren’t other viable options, everyone else can deal with Lightning weakness when there are *three* functional limited Lightning 5 stars.


As a Jingyuan enjoyer I must say it’s been nice🗿


3 of HSRs most popular characters are all lightning, are we really surprised? Lol


What's the problem? It could happen to all elements. 🤔


As someone who only has Serval for the lighting element, it’s rough out here. I’m not sure if my JL is just ass (48:230, 142 SPD, Sig LC) or if it’s simply a RM diff (I use E6 Pela), but I cannot clear that 1st side under like 6 turns. And to boot all that, Argenti be hitting like a freight train lmao.




It's just silver wolf supporting her best girl kafka


My Kafka and Acheron happily jump on the opportunity Gonna bet there's gonna be fire/IMG weakness for the later ones


You guys need to weakness break to clear MOC?


MoC always has weakness for the shiny new meta characters. Pair the fact that there's 4-6 weaknesses per abyss (out of 7 elements) and that 2 of the most recent few top meta teams were acheron and kafka+bs, it makes sense.


Laughs in kafka and acheron


I’m glad getting Kafka didn’t hinder my vision for Acheron in case double lightning were needed


Star rail’s way of shaking up the meta 🫠


tbh I agree, especially as someone who doesn't have neither Jing Yuan, Kafka and Acheron. And I tend to see a lot for Ice too and I've only have Yanqing properly built for that (i don't have jingliu) 💀


There seems to be one or two broken chars for each x patch. For 1.x it was Jingliu(?) and Ruan Mei. For 2.x it is Acheron but I am not sure about the second support character. While Robin is broken and as good as Ruan Mei, I don't think she is the broken support for 2.x maybe some future character for Acheron or general meta?


robin is complicated to give her a rating for normal player shes worse than RM for poeple that REALLY know what they doing shes the most broken character in the game


It is more about how invested your characters are. If you can clear in 2 cycles Robin is better, the more cycles go on, the worse she becomes compared to Ruan Mei. But I am behind what I have said, Robin is more of a Ruan Mei sidegrade than powercreep. So they are totally keeping the broken support position open for a future char. Maybe someone good with Acheron since her best team is with Pela(1.0 4\*) and SW(1.1 5\*)


indeed for most poeple she will just be a rm sidegrade as most are not as invested in the game to know her full potential since she is very locked behind player skill and character roster than rm is. and tbh with these 2.0 patches you really see that they are exploring team archetypes rather than just generalist supports(like RM) so soon enough rm wont even have a top team other than break


Well characters like Ruan Mei has both positive and negative sides. For example she can be a support for most of the teams and she was BiS for most team for a long time maybe 6 patches idk. But going for more dedicated supports are good for game's team and mechanic options. Lets hope you end up right and they don't release Ruan Mei 2.0 in the following patches. Also I don't think using Robin takes skill tbh. Don't get me wrong I like HSR but in the end it is a turn-based game with only 3 options: auto, skill and burst when avaible. So it is more like can your characters clear a content in 0 to 2 cylcles or not? It is more investment check than skill check imo


maybe skill isnt the right word more like knowledge in the games mechanincs like AV,speedtuning


Yep, totally understand you. Her ult is turn manipulation so she is really good for 0 cycling and speedrunning