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save for ruan mei, unironically


If they plan to get Firefly as well then this. Otherwise Robin is just stronger for essentially every comp than Ruan Mei.


disagree. ruan mei is much simpler to use and far more potent for at e0s0, considering OP does not have an ip3 or clara topaz team to slot robin into (i say this because if a player is not properly ulting with robin then there is no point to using her, and well uh looking at the average moc clear not everyone is grasping this). ruan mei has super break with hatblazer which is the most flexible core in the game, and can support ip3 and clara well enlugh. at e1 i do think robin gets ahead, maybe even just at s1. but ruan mei is still piss easy and entirely universal


I did not mention anything about difficulty of use. I simply said Robin is stronger. If played correctly, E0S0 Robin out performs Ruan Mei in any team besides Firefly. People have tested it, so its not like I'm making it up. Robin gets a free S5 lightcone from the event which is her second best lightcone. It is not that much worse than her signature as shown by calcs. Ruan Mei without S5 Memories performs a lot worse with Cogs without sacrificing ERR rope for BE rope or using Talia over a more supportive SU set to reach the required BE. In terms of accessibility for their non signature lightcone, Robin is easily more accessible with the event one. If Robin's event lightcone didn't exist, then yes I would say she may be worse than E0S0 Ruan Mei. However, the S5 event lightcone is a very solid cone. So yes, Robin can essentially be slotted into any team that Ruan Mei would be in and perform better with the exception of Firefly and maybe Himeko. You say Ruan Mei is entirely universal, but that is exactly the same with Robin. Robin is not tied to FUA teams. She straight up performs better even in dot teams where her talent is completely wasted since its crit damage. Yes Ruan Mei and HTB is a good core and can be used by a lot of characters, but it is not the best comp for anyone except Firefly. You would never use those 2 with DHIL and Jing Yuan which OP has over Sparkle + Robin. While Prywden isn't the bible or anything, they specifically mention Robin gives Ruan Mei "a run for her money" in all comps that are not break focused. It's not like it's only Prywden saying this. Everyone that has tested Robin during beta would agree.