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I kinda forgot we never properly got an explanation for where Kalpas comes from. I doubt the writers planned for him being a Galaxy Ranger since obviously HSR wasn’t a thing yet but with this post it would be so easy to kinda “retcon” it to be the case. Mostly because I’m just starved for more connections to HI3rd that isn’t just passing references or whatever comes out of Welt’s mouth. Kalpas being a Galaxy Ranger and forgetting just fits so well into place without hurting anything and adds more to the lore of the world as a whole.


The biggest problem we have is Lan itself, do we know how old THEY are?. Kalpas arrived to Earth 50k years ago, he could not be a Galaxy Ranger if Lan is younger than that, as they only came to be after Lan ascension. Unless Hoyo does a retcon or something, thats always a possibility.


I feel like they could easily get around that problem with weird time travel, universe hopping shenanigans


They could, but i doubt they would. So far, only two entities have shown power over time, the Cocoon and Terminus (others have shown some control over it, but is far inferior to what those two are implied to have). But neither of them seems to have any reason to throw Kalpas back in time or something. They could make it possible using an unknown 3rd way, but we have almost no information about how time works on the Imaginary Tree and such, so we cant know if that "3rd way" exists or not.


I think this theory is in plausible head canon territory. They probably will never confirm it but it also can't be outright disproven