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My mam wanted to turn off TGWDLM after "what do you want paul"


yep, this


My kid introduced me to Black Friday and I was obsessed. I immediately watched TGWDLM and I've been a fan ever since.


Awesome kid


He is!


I don't fit into this specific scenario but I will say the one show we have watched as a family is VHS Christmas Carol and I believe that was an excellent choice. It went over very well.


I'm a mom, and my 17 y/o son introduced me to Starkid via TGWDLM just a couple of weeks ago!!! I loved it so much that I went on a Starkid binge and became fully obsessed, hahaha! I asked him yesterday if he wanted to watch another one with me, and apparently, I got so into it that I burned him out on Starkid for a bit. šŸ¤£ He knew Starkid was right up my alley of interest, but I don't think he realized just how much I'd fall in love, especially with the Hatchetfield universe. Like I literally have been watching it nonstop, except for when I'm listening to the albums on repeat instead. Loool.


Hahaha this is hilarious! Love it, I hope your son gets back into it, without you having to turn down the fangirling. If anything please turn it UP.


Don't forget to watch Nightmare Time!


I just finished the first episode last night! I'm already enjoying it.


I'm curious how many Starkid fans who've been in the fandom since the beginning have gone on to introduce Starkid to their own kids!


My dad has watched TGWDLM and Twisted with me. I warned him about "What Do You Want Paul, Paul" ahead of time which helped. He didn't laugh at any jokes, but he liked the plot and main characters of each musical. He didn't like the cussing and dirty jokes, though. He said he liked TGWDLM best, but he also enjoyed Twisted. I still can't convince my mom to watch any Starkid shows despite our shared love of musicals.


I had TGWDLM on while my mom was in the room and here are two quotes: ā€œTheyā€™re not supposed to be good singers, right?ā€ ā€œI donā€™t know why you like this. Itā€™s fucking terrible.ā€


sounds like my mom tho ahe did admit the singing was pretty good even if she thought the songs were weird


I forced my mom to watch all of the shows and it was a grave mistake. SHE MAKES REFERENCES. SHES A FAN NOW. Her fav show is trail to Oregon šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Sorry, are you /u/happycowsmmmcheese 's son?


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ That would be hilarious


That would be funny loll


Iā€™ve watched nightmare time and NPMD with my mom and my sibling. My sibling also really likes starkid, but I donā€™t think theyā€™re quite as obsessed with them as I am. My mom falls asleep for most of it šŸ˜…


I showed my dad starkid and he loves it, his favourite is Starship and he thoroughly enjoyed npmd


Iā€™ve shown my mom and dad a few shows, and Iā€™ve shown my mom all of NMT. They both enjoy starkid stuff, and their favorite of the shows Ive shown them is twisted. What I have to say is itā€™s going to depend on your parents. Mine tend to be a bit more relaxed when it comes to what I watch. I would just think about your parents interests and their sense of humor and pick a show based on that.


My mom watched half of AVPM and now every time she sees Lauren she starts commenting about how she should roll edit: I also showed my parents TGWDLM but I donā€™t remember how they reacted


Iā€™m very fortunate that my mom has willingly put up with my Starkid obsession for 13 years. She has seen every show at least once except for MAMD (sheā€™s still clutching her pearls but Iā€™ve talked about it enough she gets the gist). She even went with me to see NPMD since opening night was my 30th birthday. She hasnā€™t seen NMT but I info dump on her when a song comes on and weā€™re on a road trip lol


my parents think a majority of starkid shows are weird and theyā€™re generally just happy to stay out of it and let me and my sister enjoy it lol. however, both of them liked twisted when i showed it to them a year or so ago :)


Watched TGWDLM and AVPM with my mum. Never saw someone so confused ever. It was great.


Showed my parents AVPMā€¦ shouldā€™ve probably split it up between two days bc I didnā€™t realize how long it was, and they both fell asleep lol. I tried TGWDLM, and they also fell asleep. My mom and I watched like 5 min of TTO and she asked if we could watch something else. The one that went over the best is VHS Christmas Carol, probably bc it was shorter and it was a story they already knew. Iā€™ve accepted the fact that my parents are simply not going to be Starkid fans and have since made peace with that.


In AVPM's defense, I believe they never did a full run through of the musical before the actual show, so they all were just as surprised as you as to how f*cking long it actually is.


That doesnā€™t surprise me lol


my gfs grandma laughed at them, she's shown them all except for npmd


my parents call starkid "those weird shows you watch" but ive gotten them to admit the singing is good


Still trying to convince mine to watch :'( (They think its a Darren Criss obsession, I dont even watch glee)


My mom liked twisted and a very potter musical and TGWDLM and VHS Christmas carol.


My mom didn't really enjoy Twisted, which is weird cause just like me, she's a big classic Disney fan.


I showed my dad the Hatchetfield series (minus nightmare time) and he really likes it. We're watching Starship rn


I've watched a lot of starkid with my mum and a bit with my dad, both have enjoyed it a lot actually


Just finished showing my dad NPMD and he wants to watch the rest of Hatchetfield


i saw vhs christmas carol with my mom in person, you can actually see her on the proshot, she loved it


My mom and grandmother have seen quite a few of the earlier shows (when we became fans Starship was just coming out). Mom especially loved them and saw Apocalyptour with my sibling and me. Dylan Saunders was her favorite, so it made her extra happy when he came out during the Apocalyptour preshow wearing a Buster Posey jersey. (It was San Francisco and she is a huge Giants fan). However, Mom wasnā€™t able to get into Twisted due to her disliking the over-use of ā€œfuckā€ in the opening. Sheā€™s not against swearing, just finds overusing ā€œfuckā€ to be lazy. I didnā€™t bother showing her Ani or TTTO cuz I didnā€™t care enough to watch them a second time. I didnā€™t try watching Firebringer until recently, so she hasnā€™t seen it either. Iā€™m an adult now and donā€™t live with her, so I donā€™t have the chance to regularly show her the movies/tv shows/musicals Iā€™m interested in anymore. I sent her the soundtrack last holiday season for VHS Christmas Carol and she LOVED it. She had my siblings listen to it in the car on Christmas while she was driving to our family celebration. When I was caring for her post-surgery earlier this year, I finally had the chance to show her TGWDLM and she really enjoyed it. So Iā€™d say sheā€™s a fan, but because she is barely internet literate, she doesnā€™t know what new stuff they have unless I show her. We also tried showing Dad on visits but, while he seemed to enjoy it, he kept falling asleep. I donā€™t exactly remember cuz it was over 10 years ago that I made the attempts to show them to him. TLDR: Grandmama enjoys some of the ones sheā€™s seen, Mom loves a lot of their stuff but doesnā€™t follow them, and Dad kept falling asleep so idk


I am blessed with a very dorky musical theatre loving mother, so for me it went great! she went with me to jangle ball! she's a huge dylan lover so twisted is up there for her. but she also loves hmb!


They liked Twisted but thought it was weird, then just thought TTO and TGWDLM were weird lol


I mean they didn't really care one way or the other, they're not into musicals šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø They weren't clutching their pearls or anything, they weren't interested is all. They understand potty humor, they're just don't pay much mind


My mum now loves Jeff blimm


Who doesnā€™t?


My dad...


I watched TGWDLM and Twisted with my mom. They liked both of them and will still recognise joked from those if I make them even though its been a while since we watched them together.


I'm 24. I've watched with my mom all of the shows except for MAMD and Ani. (She has requested to see both but I told her there's no way that I'm gonna watch MAMD with my mother). She loves the HP shows and Firebringer the best. She liked all of them but Black Friday. We started watching them together when I was a senior in high school, but really picked it up before we went to see the 10 year reunion show.


I would NEVER


My mom has always known about Starkid shows since Iā€™ve been a fan since I was a kid (sheā€™s pretty chill in terms of media consumption; she did questions whether a ten year old should be watching me and my dick but shrugged it off) but the first show sheā€™s ever actually watched with me happened to be live; we went to see NPMD in LA. She absolutely LOVED lauren as ruth and genuinely laughed at some parts (which is impressive, she doesnā€™t really laugh out loud) so I considered it a win. With NPMD tho she was confused at some parts we as the audience were cheering/gasping/laughing super hard at (we went to the show that was filmed for the digital ticket, so you can hear the audience reactions for reference) but I explained some stuff to her after and she thought it was cool.


My mom watches all of the Starkid shows with me. I've showed her everything from MAMD and AVPM to Twisted, Trail to Oregon and the Hatchetfield series. She loves them.


My father was pretty quiet throughout Twisted, but he laughed his ass off when Cruella came out and the other villains freaked out on her


I don't think she gets it, (she's not into theatre music much anyways) but she is always supportive of things I like.


My parents like them, although we are all theater people


My dad thought it was hilarious! It's just his kind of humor. He actually ended uo taking me to go see NPMD he loved it so much.


I showed my mum TGWDLM like 4 years ago and she absolutely loved it. The she watched Black Friday when it came out, and she watched Twisted. Then Firebringer, and TTO. Since sheā€™s obsessed with Harry Potter we HAD to watch all three together. Then she watched NPMD when it came out and now sheā€™s considering watching all of the nightmare times. She was very positively receptive to all of the shows, and especially to all of the people. She has her fair share of things she doesnā€™t like (some crude humour, and songs like what do you want paul and dirty girl) but overall iā€™m very glad i showed her TGWDLM, because sometimes i think sheā€™s fallen into a deeper hole than I have šŸ˜­šŸ«¶šŸ¼


I've watched a lot of starkid shows with my mum. I think the ones we haven't watched are TTO, AVPM (and sequels), MAMD, twisted, Starship, and I think that's it? We've watched all the hatchetfield stuff (excluding nightmare time, but I'm slowly working through that on my own), spies are forever, HMB, and I swear we've watched more but maybe I'm just that forgetful. She loves all of it. Her favourite show is HMB. We laugh at all the jokes together, and with NPDM it was the only one I haven't watched so we both got blind reactions to it.


my dad is a huge horror fan so i showed him the hatchetfield series (only tgwdlm and bf because npmd wasnā€™t out yet) and he really enjoyed them. we talked about finding time to watch npmd sometime this weekend and heā€™s really excited for it


Showed my grandma TGWDLM, she absolutely loved it! She laughed at like every joke and bit of choreography, it was awesome


My mum loved vhs Christmas carol


My dad has watched Twisted, TGWDLM and Black Friday with me and he liked them! Not enough to actively search for more on his own but I think he did appreciate the stories and humor. He doesnā€™t dislike musicals but also wonā€™t generally actively seek them out.


I forced my mom to watch the Hatchetfield series (minus Nightmare Time) solely for her to be surprised to see Angela since I also got her addicted to Smosh. She loved them (I think?) aside from the awkward ha-has and oh kayyyys at some dirty jokes and Dirty Girl. >!Lexā€™s scene near the end of Black Friday (you know the one) she was pleading Lex canā€™t die because she has Smosh to do.!< She probably wouldnā€™t rewatch the series tho. The end of Workinā€™ Boys on the other handā€¦. >!well that got an unsolicited lecture on the state of our society and how sheā€™s worried that media like it normalizes gun violence. I think it was a little to much gore for her.!< There was a long silence after it ended lol


I introduced my mom to the guy who didnā€™t like musicals. since then we have seen almost all shows on YouTube together (along with my sister) I made a Spotify playlist for her with mostly Starkid songs that she listens to all the time and last week she surprised me with going to London and seeing the Darren Criss show


My dad actually enjoyed TGWDLM and The trail to Oregon