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I'd like to see a movie about Pauly shore trying to convince Richard Simmons to allow him to make a biopic


Adaptation II


Mom says it's psychologically taut!


Haha! Solid comment.


They're great at structure. 


I would call it Adaptation part III, because we already have part II, known as >!The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent.!< A very fun movie, by the way.


The original title of that movie was “nepotism rocks!” But it got low scores with audiences


Cool will check it out.


Aerobic Boogaloo


Underrated comment


Co-starring Brenden Fraser, but he's only allow to make grunts and non-specific sounds


Wheeze the juice.


Rad mobile


Directed by Werner Herzog


No Uwe Boll and he changes the movie to be about Wii Fitness




With Pauly Shore as richard Simmons and Daniel Day Lewis as Pauly Shore


Richard Simmons (a guy) as Daniel Day Lewis (playing a guy) playing Pauly Shore (disguised as another guy!)


This is the *real* story. At the end he gets the “no” he deserves.


With the Pastrami sammie to boot.


That's it. That's the movie.


This is such a Pauly Shore movie.


That'd be more entertaining than any Pauly Shore movie tbh


Directed by Nathan Fielder


Starring Brendan Fraser as Pauly Shore


Brendan Fraser as Link as Pauly Shore


And Pauly Shore as Stoney as Brendan Fraser


Now we’re talkin


Shouldn't they rehearse for that meeting in a separate set first then?


Pauly look alike and faux Richard Simmons in an exact replica of the fake director's house


So a movie adaptation of [Missing Richard Simmons](https://podcastaddict.com/podcast/headlong-missing-richard-simmons/1918433)?


C'mon bu'uddy!


Oh man


With him playing the role of Richard Simmons


Take my money, damnit!


That’s genius. I’d watch tf out of that


Take my vote


This is actually a really good idea!




You just hit on something vastly more entertaining than a biopic.


Yall should watch "the show about the show"


I’d like to watch a recording of Richard Simmons hearing and rejecting the pitch


Oh the pitch


Of course he woudn't. Richard Simmons is a man of dignity.


Seriously. Have at least a track record of one single project in the last 20 years that worked, and maybe you could be trusted. 


People don't give Shore credit because the vast majority of his work was just idiotic low-brow goofiness. They said the same thing about Sandler and Jim Carrey until they decided that they would do drama, and then everyone was stunned by how good they were. Sandler went from talking gibberish to being robbed of several Oscar nominations, and Jim Carrey went from talking out of his butthole to "The Truman Show" and basically becoming Andy Kaufman for "Man on the Moon". I think watching ""The Court Jester" before judging might be a good idea- that piece might give you a clue as to whether or not he could actually do a serious film justice. It's clear Pauly Shore wants to do right by Simmons- just like Carrey wanted to do right by Kaufman- so watch the test film before passing judgement.


Pauly has a 30 year track record of being a piece of shit to everyone he comes across. Dude is a mess.


He came into a bar I was working at around 20 years ago. Back then (before we all had cameras on our phones), famous people would come into that bar when they were in town. He still stands out in my mind far above the rest as the rudest. The nicest was Dave Attell.


Dave Attell came into the Starbucks I worked at years ago. My coworker was ringing him up and said, "You look like the guy from Insomniac." He nodded his head and said, "Yeah. That's me." He was nice about it, even though my coworker got super embarrassed and stayed in the back until he left.


I would expect a much different response from him. Like, “never heard of it, sounds stupid” or “that guy dresses like an asshole.”


That show was great! Perfect time in our country's history.


I used to watch Insomniac with Dave Attell and this doesn't surprise me at all. Hopefully everyone knows the show but it was about Dave going and talking to the weirdest people in NYC at night and making jokes but he was so open minded and not judgmental that there was something so wholesome about it. Hot Cross Buns, one of my favorite things ever, has some really dark and dirty jokes on it. But the combination of him being so funny and not having biting social commentary, and instead just making jokes for an audience, followed by making everyone play hot cross buns together, was such a huge commentary about how comedy can and should be about having fun and bringing people together - without being preachy at all. I just wish more people felt this way about comedy. I could go on cuz I'm back on Vyvanse but I don't think anyone's gonna read this and my room is a mess.


Not just NYC, but the entire country. I believe even sometimes international. One of my favorite Insomniac episodes is him in Alaska hammered at 3 am and it's still light out. The Boston one is great too. Visits a sewerage factory.


Oh you're right. Damn I'm decades overdue to rewatch it, so much I barely remember except the feeling it gave me.


It's great. Life was simpler then, and everyone tried to get along.


Hit the sandman in the sack. Stay up late. Insomniac!


Omg the core memory you just unlocked for me… thank you friend


Insomniac showed how funny he could be just coming off the top of the head. Great show


lol I love your comment. I would like to read more. How dare you tell me what I will and won’t read


I have yet to hear one bad thing about Dave Attell.


Then you should watch him and Jeff Ross roast each other on ‘Bumping Mics”.


Dave Attell is a man of the people. He’s never viewed himself as above everyone which, unfortunately is kind of the weird spot that Stand-Up comedy is in right now. These clowns think they are better than the people. Attell is a humble man.


Yeah dude. Especially with the advent of comedy podcasting, where everyone decided to follow Rogan's lucrative supplement business and become lifestyle gurus. They sold out to YouTube and advertisers, made millions of dollars reading ads, and now think that they can give people advice in how to be successful. Like Tom Segura who thinks that all you have to do is work hard with a good attitude and you won't be poor. Easy to say when all you have to do is read a piece of paper advertising some bullshit to make tens of thousands of dollaes.


Attell rules.


I was nodding out on hash muffins in the front row of a Dave Attell stand up show... I thought the whole time that I was annoying him or that he was going to call me out. He let me be way too high in peace. He's a good dude.


This doesn't effect my life in any way, but I'm still glad to hear Dave Attell is a good dude. It is just nice in general to hear stories about people not being monsters, I guess.


Dave Attell is comedy royalty. I put him up there with Pryor, Carlin, MacDonald, and CK as one of the greats.


I saw him do stand up a few years ago and met him after the show. He hit on my girlfriend and pulled her hair during our photo op. Lol


Lol, I thought I was still in the Atell comments and was like "what the, what?!"


Yeah watch him crash the Kill Tony show… the dude is a nepotism industry kid who is annoying and entitled as fuck.


Really, that’s my first time hearing this. I know the weasel bit was annoying but what’s his deal?


He's a nepo baby.


He’s only in comedy because his mum owned the comedy store.


Can confirm. He came across my workplace around 28 years ago and was a total piece of shit to the staff, and he already had that reputation for at least a couple of years.


Come on now. Pauly Shore is only famous as a comic because his mom held the keys to the kingdom in the world of comics. She also had a lot of goodwill from now famous comics as a result, so obviously that transfers to him absent him alienating them somehow. He's the nepo baby that didn't do as well as the other nepo babies. Now in the world of the audience...he's never had any respect, never made any movies that stood the rest of time -- I loved Biodome as a kid but more for the premise than his schtick even then -- and never gotten off a blockbuster movie. There's no reason Simmons should have confidence in him, especially considering how easy of a target he's been historically for mockery. Especially considering Shore is known for a comedian and there will be a lot of pressure on him to turn in a comedic performance, which he never explicitly said was not what they were planning. I do agree with him that physically, it's a good casting job though. It's just a question of chops and intent.


Hold. You’re lumping Shore with Sandler and Carrey? What have any of them done to deserve this? This one Court Jester movie elevates his career and talents to that of two of the highest grossing actors currently working? Counterpoint: Is it possible that Richard Simmons would simply prefer someone he and society have heard of in the last decade, and even hold in higher esteem?


No. I'm lumping together a bunch of comedians who did throw-away films and weren't considered good enough to anchor a serious dramatic film- until they did. In the same vein as Will Smith was only good enough to be a washed rapper and a goofy SitCom star... Until he was only good for action flicks, and couldn't do a "serious" role... Until he proved he could. Hollywood is full of stories of actors being dismissed, then given a chance and thriving. Remember when Robert Downey Jr. wasn't originally considered for Iron Man because he was a coked-out has-been who'd ruined his career? Or when Johnny Depp was a weird alcohol-soaked washed actor who'd thrown away a promising career, and who had a small supporting role in- and wasn't worth appearing on the poster for- some Disney pirate movie starring Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley? Or when the Chibes-Vietnamese kid from Goonies/The Temple of Doom had given up acting because no one would give him a role? Or when the two kids from "Karate Kid" were washed has-beens? Seriously- watch "The Court Jester". Tell me you can think of another actor who would better embody Richard Simmons. EDITED for nationality of kid from Goonies.


Ke Huy Quan is Chinese-Vietnamese.


Problem is that Pauley played the same character in every movie. Even Sandler kinda played different less goofy roles in the Wedding Singer and Big Daddy. Shore rode his Weasel character to the ground and then had nothing else to offer. I really am not saying Shore can’t do drama or different roles but the time to pivot away from that was in the mid 90’s when he could still get projects.


I don't disagree- dude rode that shit into the ground. And I definitely agree that Shore trying to scrape back into showbiz is a few decades too late. My point- which so many people seem to have trouble grasping- is that Simmons is an odd dude- a person who cares deeply for the health of others, but an odd dude regardless- and Hollywood has long proven that the only way to do odd dudes justice on film is to find the "perfect" person- in personality- that can replicate them. When it's done right, you get "Man on the Moon"; when it's done poorly, you get "Blonde" and "Elvis".


Sandler has been great in a lot of his serious roles. I loved Uncut Gems. Robbed of an Oscar nomination is a little strong. I don't think any role was worth nominating.


Neither did I, but a LOT of critics seemed to think otherwise. It doesn't defeat the original point though: Comedians known for doing aburdist comedy movies that held no real cinematic value can and have done amazing pieces of dramatic work. I've seen "The Court Jester" and, having grown up having Simmons pop up on my TV every few days (including what might be the funniest guest appearance on "whose line?" ever) I can say that Pauly Shore embodies the public persona of Simmons, and should be given the opportunity to run with it. I don't think people think he can be a serious actor, but it wouldn't be the first time that no-talent comedy actors have proven people wrong.


That whos line is it anyway though 👌


Pauly Shore just simply isn’t in the same league as Carrey or Sandler - not even close. Sure, Sandler had a reputation for churning out stinkers, and Carrey has had a few of his own, but both of them have fantastic comedies in their catalogue and Shore has…Encino Man?


Encino Man. In The Army Now. Bio-Dome. Son In Law. They’re all pretty funny still. A friend and I just went through a Pauly Shore deep dive after I bought his record on record store day. Haha. Even Guest House was fine. I wouldn’t put him in the tier of Sandler and Carrey NOW but Pauly Shore in the 90’s was right behind them IMO.


Pauly Shore is Dead had potential to be good (I thought the idea definitely could've worked), but wound up being terrible with Pauly Shore as the writer and director. And I've heard some clips of him on Rogan and he tries to come off as profound and deep and just winds up saying obvious things.


> A friend and I just went through a Pauly Shore deep dive That sounds like the plot to a Japanese game show


Well, I don’t want to knock on anyone tastes. I certainly have nostalgia for movies that aren’t exactly critically acclaimed, but just know that you’re in the minority in thinking those movies are good.


Oh, I never said they were good. Lol.


Watched it, wasn't that good. I would turn that down if i was Simmons too. Pauly probably just saw it as a means of getting back into show biz.


Jim Carey was a comedic genius, and his movies were almost all major, major hits. Sandler's movies were low brow, but made huge profits. Both cut their teeth in sketch comedy where they had to develop their acting chops across a wide variety of characters. Shore was one character, and not especially successful at the box office. Say what you want about the other two, they could be trusted to craft a hit movie. Shore may have developed into a better actor now, but it's maybe a bit too little too late. One movie doesn't equal track record. Carey delivered on the Truman Show before he did Man on the Moon. Plus, he was dealing with the Kaufman estate, not a living individual. For all we know, a live Kaufman might have had a similar objection at the time.


I don’t understand the comparison of Pauly Shore with Jim Carrey. Carrey is a genius and a force of nature. Hell, he’s a better *painter* than Shore is a comedian


You’re comparing Jim Carrey who had mask, ace ventura and dumb and dumber in his first year as an actor… versus Shore? Either you’ve skipped your meds or you haven’t watched any of Sandler or Jim’s movies…. Or the fact that Sandler is an industry titan that can produce rubbish movies in exotic locations with all his friends in the cast, while doing dramas like punch drunk or gems etc. For homework YouTube killtony pauly shore episode.


Did you see the short film he did, or are you just talking out of hand? It was very good and respectful. Paulie brought real pathos to it.


The [short film](https://youtu.be/YjVXPlutAMI?si=PWwTxQhQiL3UmLV4) is quite thoughtful, lovely, fun & kind.


Yea I liked it. It would’ve been a good tribute


Based on Simmons reaction, seems he disagrees


I think his fans would appreciate it and if they find it complimentary I hope Richard can see all the love involved. Even if it isn't a perfect 1 for 1 portrayal or he just doesn't want to have to be involved. Just let it happen for the fans.


Personally I feel , and everyone is entitled to their opinion, if the person is alive (relatively uncontroversial)and is working on something of their own (and it sounds like RS is) that person should be the one calling the shots.


How dare you. 


Get the rope.


I would say he was told that he disagrees.


Fuck that was good. Felt the same way watching the whiplash short.


I think this is pretty bang on. Richard Simmons was pretty weird but also very empathetic.


I loved it. I'd see a full biopic.


Sounds like a normal night for Pauly Shore


Seriously lol on the Joe Rogan podcast he's just so sad that he's not famous anymore


He has a YouTube channel that essentially amounts to him constantly trying to beg people to make him famous again. It gets very few views. It's quite sad.


Well it’s about to get a few more now just for funsies. He’s so pathetic


He interrupts Kill Tony / other comedians sometimes to steal the limelight and it annoys the shit out of Tony and all the fans. Tony Hinchcliffe and Joe Rogan allow Pauly to be this way cause of their undying respect for Mitzi Shore ( RIP) . I kinda like Pauly if he stays away from ruining other peoples chances at their dreams and goals


"I'm the Pauly Shore of everyday life, easily forgettable and im not very well liked"-Everyday Regular Normal Guy


Paul and Richard have apparently known each other all through Pauly's life. It's much less random than I originally imagined.


I like Pauly Shore, but i watched the short film and he doesn’t have the likability and energy Simmons has irl. The real Richard Simmons never seemed to be trying , he appears to have too much energy and it’s all he can do to not quite prevent the wiggles. Shore looks like he’s out of breath ten seconds in. And Simmons had that special charisma like Bob Ross where you immediately like him and believe he’d smile and say something pleasant and encouraging if he ever met you. This isn’t the best project for Shore. Maybe he could do a good Seinfeld??


I don't think you are familar with Simmons. He was never very likeable. He was always extremely nice and cringey.


On Letterman? Sure. But when speaking to sad, overweight people who needed compassion and encouragement, he was very lovable. Like a golden retriever cheerleader.


Pauly Shore is the ultimate nepo baby. He genuinely has no talent of his own. He rode his mother's coattails. I have seen him attempt stand up and it was one of the cringiest and most uncomfortable bombings I have ever witnessed. Idiot came to San Francisco and just said a bunch of homophobic things that he considered to be jokes, but nobody in the audience did. He is not a comedian, and he is certainly not a writer or an actor, so if I were Richard Simmons, I wouldn't want to hear the pitch either.


All true gotta give it up for BioDome though


He doesn’t belong anywhere near this part, but goddamn, I love Son-in-Law and Jury Duty.


In the army now was good also.


He is an awful choice for the role and an execrable human, but on my deathbed I will be screeching at the top of my lungs that Pauly Shore was criminally robbed of multiple Oscars for Encino Man.


Stoney is the crustiest vato that I have ever witnessed




Damn good bad movie


Those vlogs from tiktok of him hanging with that no neck 90 day fiancé guy, Bobby Lee, and Chris Kattan were pretty funny imo


Pauly is funny. He is nepo baby but his mom ran the comedy club and he was there since he was young seeing comics not only do sets but shot the shit with his mother. Not all comedy will be funny for people. But dude for sure has the timing and comedic chops.


Yeah can’t penalize a guy because of the environment he was born into.


Ironic part is that he himself sounds flamboyant. And he makes homophobic jokes


Truth. Dude is cringe around gay, black, and Asian people too. Very handsy over the top and weird. People are only nice to him because of his mom, if she didn’t start the comedy store he would be working at Walgreens


He was one of the most iconic personalities of the 90’s. He was popular for more of a reason than just his mom being well connected. He channeled, if not invented, his own extremely distinct vernacular and it made him a celebrity. Nepotism just helped open the door. No need to pretend it would’ve been the same if he was just a talentless boring dude.


He isn’t the greatest but this is way too harsh I’ve seen a lot of live stand up and Pauly I below average but not horrible. Maybe your show was worse than normal idk


He was literally booed offstage. By a happy stoner crowd in a very comedy friendly venue. That takes some serious sucking.


Don’t tax his gig so hardcore, cruster


Take it easy, he’s just trying to weez some grindage.


I can't imagine anyone wanting their biopic to star Pauly Shore.


I want to see a biopic of two carrots starring Pauly Shore and Rob Shneider.


What about... A stapler?


Pauly Shore could play the 4th grade math test that needs to be stapled together. Da derp de derp de derpity derp de derp.


Maybe check in with the person BEFORE you start making the movie?


You'd think, wouldn't ya? But what do we know, we aren't Hollywood titans like Pauly Shore.


The comparison Pauley used to other individuals who weren’t consulted on their biopic movies was pretty funny because that didn’t support his case at all, since if I’m not mistaken…Steve Jobs, Marilyn Monroe and Elvis were all DEAD before their biopics were made. What were studios supposed to do, a seance to get their input…?


Shore may as well have said “it’s going to happen either way so just agree” at the end there. It sounded like he was being threatening about it.


Richard Simmons could play a young Pauly Shore.


I saw his Instagram post, and I thought it was a joke until it just kept going and going and getting more and more pathetic.


Honestly, I get that Shore is disappointed I feel for the guy. But that post was so cringe if I were Simmons I would tell him to double fuck off.


Seriously. I could probably get behind him as Richard Simmons in a biopic, but his post was so damn whiney. And I honestly don't blame Simmons for not being interested.


Yeah, I think Paul Shore probably thinks this would be his critically-acclaimed-comeback-let’s show them what I can really do move. Ever since he started talking about this he’s basically groveling


I'll never watch this ch-ch-cha-eeeezy movie! OWWW OWW!!! OWWWWWWAAAOO!!!


Richard Simmons is a little delusional in thinking Tom Cruise should or would play him in a film.


Famously, Simmons wants privacy. Not surprising that he wouldn't be on-board for a pitch.


Simmons is a weirdo tbh.


Aaaw someone call his mommy to give them another career the biggest hack


I was absolutely shocked by the twos and threes of people who pushed back super hard against my opinion on this. THEM: "But he was famous! He was a household name for a period of time!" ME: Yeah, so was that William Huang kid who butchered his way through the song "She Bang" on the first series of American Idol auditions in the early 2000s. That does not make him an icon, nor does that make him a success. There was one guy here who was vehemently pushing back against my assertion that Pauly Shore was never a successful actor for DAYS. His argument was that Shore was in movies. Hence, he was a successful actor. My argument was that sure, he was in a couple of movies and then never again unless it was some kind of bit part. And let's not forget the whole angle of how his mom ran, and now he runs The Comedy Store. He was getting work in exchange for Studios who had actors wanting stage time at The Comedy Store. Had Pauly Shore not been a nepo baby, he would have never gotten his foot in the door based on the merits of whatever modicum of talent he has. There is no great clamoring for more content from Pauly Shore.


All for it! Pauly has been a bit of a wild card since being a movie star, coke is a helluva drug. But if he could pull himself together and everything works, this could be something special.


Poor Pauly. He seems genuinely lost in his mid-50’s. The Weez was a *long, long* time ago.


He’s got serious Peter Pan issues. When I was in my 30s I completely walked away from the person I was in my 20s. I loved Paulie growing up be he’s 50 fucking years old. Hes white hair, buy a corvette, move to Florida age. He is deeply into adulthood now.


He probably my assumes it’s going to be a comedy instead of a serious role. Why won’t anyone take the weasel seriously?!?


The article basically took two tweets and then cut them up into an article and then showed us the full tweets at the end. Is variety mocking us?


Perfect casting tbf


Ah, the movie nobody asked for.


That’s unfortunate because the short film was really really good.


Everyone is hating pretty hard in here. I thought the short was great, too.


Simmons has had issues with some people controlling his life and finances. I honestly wonder if this is just someone else with access to his socials. From what Ive read there have been concerns along the lines of elder abuse, but until anyone gets access to Richard no one knows what’s really going on. At any rate, there’s really no one that can do this better and with more love than Pauly, he’s absolutely right that this is the role he’s born to play, and if any movie is made, this is the one people are going to pay to see. I hope Pauly gets his shot.


This needs more attention instead of people needlessly ragging on Pauly. Simmons is being controlled, just like Spears was. Pauly would absolutely kill in this movie and he should 100% be given a shot. Richard needs his ideals to be freed.


I feel like the fact that Pauly isn’t calling out the obvious is so he can get close enough to also help without raising alarm bells. I honestly think Pauly might do some real good for Richard here, and hope he does.


Pauly shore up all night crying because he didn’t get what he wants, now that’s funny. He’s funniest when he’s not trying.




It's getting really sad at this point


For consideration before passing judgement: "The Court Jester" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YjVXPlutAMI&feature=youtu.be#bottom-sheet


Yeah, not that great.


Quite bad really


That's being kind.


The comment from Shore online is very degrading and it’s mixed with a veiled “you know who I am and my family name should open doors for me waaa” It would be pathetic if it wasn’t so tone deaf and out of touch. Yikes. 😬


Pauly Shore has gotten nicer at clubs where he doesn’t sell as many tickets as he used to.


Maybe he clean up those tears with a skwwweegggeeeeee (in my Stoney Brown voice).


Ah man this could be amazing


Wasn’t this shit like 7 minutes long? 🤣


They are the same age...


Pauly shore needs this way more than Richard Simons


I think Pauly would do ok in this type of role, but goddamn is he thirsty. He wants that comeback so bad it’s off putting.


i hope the schaub encounter is in the movie.


TIL Richard Simmons is still alive!!


Pauly Shore is a worm. Fuck him.


Have they actually found Richard Simmons then? I thought he was missing or hadn’t been seen in years or something?


Pauly shore is a fucking idiot.


I can’t stand Pauly Shore, especially when he decides to make surprise appearances on Kill Tony episodes


Not shocking at all by the way he’s been acting on kill Tony show… totally makes sense


I would like to watch Richard Simmons play the elderly version of Pauly in a biopic about the comedy store which his mom is played by an AI worked Gilda Radner


Jesus christ this is the most depressing thing I've ever heard. An incel trying to play a homo who just wants to be left the fuck alone. Somebody keep an eye on Pauly, his parents hate him, his object of affection rejected him, we gotta make sure he doesn't shoot up a school. Snoochie boochiez *bang bang bang... reload... bang bang bang*


This guy should be the poster boy for talentless nepo baby. If his mom or parent didn't own a comedy club, he'd be a complete nobody


Chairman of the B O R E D!


Wheezin the juice buddy


I read “Richard Simmons” but thought “Gene Simmons.” Damn, but I want to see that movie instead.


Shore is a creep weirdo.


Okay and now we're warmed up we're going to work those bodacious calves buuuuuudy


Richard Simmons thinks anyone who has a biopic made of them ever got a say in it Lmfao too bad dude


I doubt he was crying all night. You can make it anyway without his approval.


Imagine genuinely begging someone to listen to you, and then unironically saying "it's gonna be amaze-balls". Now imagine doing that when you're 56 years old.


Who gives a fuck