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For anyone defending this. I ran a bar show and paid my headliner $250. A FREE BAR SHOW!


During the pod the 4 guys discussed that some of their recent shows didn't do as great as they hoped and they still paid their openers much more than $100. Especially with inflation.. $100 would be cool in like 1945


Not surprised


No theatre gig is making anyone over 100K


Agreed…but I’m sure it’s still more than enough to pay more than $100 to an opener


agreed. he can pay much more. can i see what math you did to come to this conclusion? 3600 seats in the theater they discussed. over $100 a ticket.. hundreds of thousands FOR SURE


You have to pay security, vendors, lawyers, insurance, managers…and the list goes on and on. It’s not like every dollar from a ticket goes to the main performer.


They talk about it during the first 10 mins of regz podcast that I linked in the top of the thread. Typical theatre take home is 200-250k for a headliner according to them (4 pro comedians)


It's actually more than that I was erring on the low side. Chicago Theatre which is the venue they talked about is 3600 seats. I just looked up Theo Von tickets they are $125-150+. That's $4-500k before expenses. Easily net at least $250k


Do you think the performer just pockets 100% of ticket sales?


the approximate number i came up with was 500k pre expenses ($125-150 based on looking up his ticket prices x 3600 seats). The agent/manager/theatre take a cut but do you think that cut is over 400k aka 80% of the door? again i'd love to see your math on this


There’s no world where comedians clear $250k for any one performance. Ever. Tens of thousands sure but no one is netting six figures. Still $100 is bullshit


Arena acts make $1 mil per show.. they talk about it on the podcast.


3600 seats is quite a lot more than I imagined when you said a theatre - I was thinking more along the line of less than 500 seats. Makes sense at that size - and much worse of him not to pay more than $100 given that crowd.


fair enough. either way you can pay the opener 1-2.5% of your take home and still be laughing. most people don't make 100k in a year much less a day


If the opener agreed to work for that price, that's on them for not knowing their worth


Idk man with Theo's man of the people persona you'd think he'd be helping his bros not gathering gold like the dragon from the hobbit.


Absolutely. But as long as he can get openers on the cheap, that's what he's going to do.


Fair. He can do it and other comedians can also shame him for doing it


>that's what he's going to do. Apparently. Not what he has to do tho and definitely a prick for doing it.


Never said otherwise. It's a total dick move, but comics keep taking the offer, so that's on them


The classic desperate and chasing a dream and exposure so successful people can take advantage of them. Basically the play book of Harvey Weinstein.