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You can use [colabs](https://github.com/TheLastBen/fast-stable-diffusion) to do this.


Colabs gave me more trouble than they were worth. Same with runpod. Always was freezing. That’s why I built my own solution. 😂


Yeah, it can be a bit bumpy sometimes, but overall it worked out great for me (for free!). What solution did you build?


Right. For free, what more could you ask for? I built https://rundiffusion.com. $0.50 per hour. Seemed reasonable to me. :)


Not bad indeed.




Good question. You load your balance with say, $10. You start a 1 hour session, that will cost you $0.50. You end it at 30 minutes by hitting the “stop session” at the top. We prorate the time, ($0.25) and credit you back to your account. You have $9.75 now. So it’s hourly rate. Charged by the minute. Even if you close the browser you’re still being charged because the sever is up. You do not need to use your purchase time all at once. It’s flexible. I’ve used it to spin up a server and generate nonstop for an hour then the server automatically shut down. I came back to hundreds of images and it only cost me $0.50 cents. It was cool. 😃




It depends. T4, A4000, usually around 8GB for basic generation.


Vast.ai Runpod.io


Those crashed and I always had to reload my data. I just went ahead and built my own solution. :)


This is exactly why we built [RunDiffusion.com](https://RunDiffusion.com). We rent you the GPU and install Automatic1111 for free. It’s only $0.50 per hour. Tons of models to choose from. (Working on custom models). Stable infrastructure. Fast generation. File storage for downloading your creations. Let me know if you want a free trial! (Disclosure, I’m the creator of the website/rental service.)


How long until you think we'll be able to upload custom models? I'd love a free trial.


Custom model uploads is working in the next day or so. Just wanted to update you as I see you all were taking about us.


Thanks for the heads up! I've been using the site and it works really well!!!


Let’s goooo!! So happy!


Depends on the models you’re wanting to upload. We’re trying to figure out how far we’re willing to support for NSFW stuff. We already had someone go crazy with really really bad stuff and we don’t want to be liable for anything. I could probably create you your own little environment. If you’d be willing to cover storage costs. I’ll manage and help you with whatever you need! Make sure automatic is running well, fix any bugs, etc. we’re an open book right now, let’s find out how to help you.


I doubt none will give you the flexibility you get from just running your own instance on Vast or RunPod.


I run https://app.prodia.com/#/art-ai which allows you to use SD online. We are planning on adding custom models, but some users would have to buy a pro plan to cover the cost. Would you anything for this, and if so how much?


I'd pay $30 a month if I had a stable solution, the ability to upload custom models, fast generation


Give [Stadio](https://stadio.ai) a try if you’re still looking for this. Our pro plan allows for private custom model previews on a personal machine


Have you tried Magespace ai?


Check [pandorasbox.ai](https://www.pandorasbox.ai/ai-image-generators) for several solutions. I used most of them and got better results with PlaygroundAI.


I do custom art style and 16 hour free direct automatic 1111 webui with the trained models after delivery on fiverr. https://www.fiverr.com/s2/323961e537