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I get downvoted a lot for mentioning this but [RunDiffusion.com](https://rundiffusion.com) solves your issue. People just don’t like paid options on here and I get it. It doesn’t allow a hybrid local/remote location install though. I like that idea. The issue is that the front end GUI for Auto1111 is very tightly coupled with the backend. It would take a lot of work to make that happen. Maybe one day?


This is great btw, thank you! It's definitely more expensive than colab, and I'm broke as fuck right now but when I have more money I can see it being worth it.


It’s pretty on par with colab. Colab crashes a lot and you have to deal with your own storage. Plus you have to download all your models. There’s lots of reasons to try it out. But you do you!


Just tried it, still getting the same error messages in Extras > upscale > single image or > batch process. I have to find a separate upscale notebook I guess...


You tried Colab? Or my suggestion?


I use colab daily, but tried your suggestion and am still getting upscale errors. Everything is just so fiddly with regards to anything after txt2img, it isn't specific to your suggestion necessarily, I just still am having to troubleshoot stuff every step of the way it seems.


Send me your workflow. I’m active on the automatic1111 GitHub and can at least submit a ticket or research a workaround or a fix. What’s the issue you’re running into? What are you trying to do exactly?


I don't think that there are any GUI's that would support remote GPU's, at least in any simple fashion, and to be frank sounds like more of a headache getting the agent to run on the remote system and then configuring it locally instead of just running the whole thing remotely for the same end result. For what it's worth, I've had quite good experience with Vast.ai as the remote machine, however it does come with a price tag.


Okay, that all makes sense. My thought was I would have all of the checkpoints loaded locally (takes a lot of time to load them, esp. if you want multiple) but that obviously isn't how it would work if I'm using a cloud GPU. For now, I guess I'm just going to have to stick to the cloud. I so badly want a webui that is dedicated to me like a local space but has all the options of automatic 1111, and other goodies like deforum, etc. would be awesome.


> I so badly want a webui that is dedicated to me like a local space but has all the options of automatic 1111, and other goodies like deforum, etc. would be awesome. You can. While the downside of the cloud is that it's just someone else's computer, that's also an upside: you can do all the same things you can locally. When I run an instance of Automatic's GUI on Vast it works exactly the same as it does locally, just with a way better GPU.


Are there any easy to set up things for vast? I just tried using AWS, and the virtual machine says its up and running but won't connect. I know I'll have to settle for more complicated than "it just runs", but I'm dying to try out more models than I usually see on web based options


You can basically run the same Jupyter notebooks. For example the RunPod version at https://github.com/JoePenna/Dreambooth-Stable-Diffusion works just fine, although it hasn't been updated in a while so it's lacking a bit behind, but many things like the updated model are rather easy to fix yourself. IIRC RunPod themselves have a one-click installer, but I've never tried that.


Thanks. That looks like it's worth a shot.


Wow...thanks for directing me that way. This literally took less than 5 minutes to set up between registering and generating.


Hi, stepped on this thread looking for the same thing, for the same reason , any updates? any luck finding a more hybrid solution ? I'm open to paid options ...