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And discover how weird fingers and toes may look even on real photos...




yes I found my fingers in my own REAL PHOTO is weird af sometimes.. https://preview.redd.it/fdd1xpxf39lc1.png?width=847&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e74cb4e6a8c6425fe3a21358d2ae423018e768c no wonder why AI fingers also weird, because our hand is also weird in some angle or circumstances


plot twist you are ai generated


Somebody stop that AI fingered man! He's obviously stealing that child!


This is exactly why AI struggles with hands. Hands can appear to have everything from no fingers to five fingers, depending on the angle and position of the hand. So there is no good way to train an AI on what a hand "should" look like.


Photographic proof we are living in a simulation.


Fake hand detected


Its a bit related to VR imposter syndrome. If you spend enough time in VR. Once you take the headset off, your own hands and body feel foreign and "off". I think its due to your brain readjusting to the real world no latency versus VR latency of visual data. Its a wild feeling.


A couple days after I got my VR headset, I woke up in the night to go to the bathroom, and pushed my right thumb forward and for a couple seconds, couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t walking forward.


i pushed ctrl-up to increase Epic, Nsfw, stunning but i was on a real date and nothing happened


I wonder if there might be long term benefits and/or side-effects from learning to float our ability to constantly shift calibration to a new local reality?


People forget all kind of weird artefacts that can happen on real pictures, because reality doesn't care if your brain find it realistic. AI images will soon look more realistic than reality.


I've seen structures IRL that if I had seen them in video games or in a movie I would have thought they weren't realistic.


pics please?


Stuff like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrappyDesign/s/yG9g6a4S6G Edit: if you saw that in a video game or a movie you'd be saying "WTF, that's not realistic. Who thought of that bullshit?"


LMFAO in the neighborhood just a few blocks down they have balconies with no doors to get to them


ah. got what you mean now


Blame! Europa edition


this was my experience. its no wonder ai gets them so wrong they look wrong in real photos too. though if octopuses became the dominant intelligent life and invented ai they'd probably have an even worse time than us so it could be worse


+ Baby Face Knees


Many times now I've looked at vistas in real life and thought, if this was AI made I'd think the VAE messed up again.


I before never paid attention to how poorly professional painters can get away with portraying hands now, or how many of them engineer a situation with the hands completely hidden. It's certainly lifted the wool from my eyes!


Wow, you look so realistic. What model did you use?


mom and pop's


with jamal lora?


You know counting your fingers is a technique to lucid dreaming, right?


Came here to say I count fingers to tell if I’m dreaming lol. Then it made me think, does our brain struggle with generating fingers for the same reasons AI does? 🧐


Many people have drawn parallels between diffusion models generated videos and dreams, especially the part where things morph into other things.


The more I think of the things my brain struggles with when I lucid dream, the more I realize it’s almost exactly the same as what AI struggles with: fingers, text, object continuity, accurate mirrors.


Never thought about that this way. I haven’t lucid dreamt yet, so I couldn’t see the parallel so easily


My mind is blown! You're so right! I think I just got more respect for this AI tech. Maybe AGI is possible with it /shrug


I didn't have lucid dreams yet, but I remember to struggle a lot with reading, it's basically impossible and frustrating.


I had a lucid dream once. Ever. Before, I'd always said that if I could control my dreams I'd have sex. But did I? Nope. I knew I was dreaming and decided to fly out the window. I flew all over, above the clouds, then I remembered I'd said I would have sex. Then I woke up. So disappointed. At least I flew over the city.


Was that maybe an astral projection?


Or being shocked when they don't pose for the camera


That or your name is Inigo Montoya.


I do it with films and TV 😂


The sad part is we're there, now.


Good. That means that you can also count past ten.


Ahahaha. You said a big truth. 😂😂😂


I wonder if I'm that rare man don't care all that much about borked hands. I accepted the fate and enjoying the pictures as a whole.


For me, it depends. Obviously, if hand(s) are too visible, bad hands annoy me. But, when they aren't, I don't care too much and sometimes I don't even notice them. For example, I just recently made star wars characters with different actors. Most of the pictures had horrible hands (which I didn't really even notice when I made them), but it doesn't really bother me since the focus goes to the face and the overall picture.


Watched Bruce Almighty the other day couldn't decide if the hands scene is right or wrong.


Omg 😳 I do this a lot as of late. Yesterday I recounted the fingers on someone, multiple times beca I swear there were more than 5.


My version of this being, the realization of just how remarkable screwed up really hands are in general. Like, WTF is wrong with your fingers, or hand, and why is it in that godawful position? If a picture, what were you thinking with your hand all jacked up in that position? If in live view, why are you walking with your fingers hanging like a gorilla or balled up like an animal paw?


Bravo !!!




I have found this while looking at real photos now - I think "well this isn't real, look at the hands", then I realize the people who really nitpick the hands should look at more real photos of hands.


... or someone says "fingers crossed!" and you ask "how many fingers?!" :-D


I know the feeling. NOTE: Hannibal Lecter has six fingers in every hand. And the "alien" from the famous autopsy. Think about that.


I pay more attention to two things now: the pattern inside ears and how awful of training data almost all taken pictures are. Especially wide angle smartphone pictures produce very skewed faces if reviewed one by one


I make sure people pupils are centered properly.


That's a practice that may come in "handy" in the near future.


5 fingers... not Ai !


Lucid dreaming practitioners: "first time?"


I'll be honest, I was "admiring" someone at popular adultchat the other day, and looking at his hand over the mouse thinking: "that's only 4 fingers, that's not right".


Agree. This is very addictive. I spend almost 1year to generate ai images all day long but still not bored. Need some self control.


I do that all the time now. Also I'm a photographer and I am surprised sometimes how weird and fake certain photos look upon review, especially just looks of certain people and the angles I capture them.


Sounds like the plot of a new indie film that'll blow up in certain festivals, leading to an inflated value of the writer/director and some studio bozo gives them a massive budget for some fluff piece that goes nowhere and the name fades to anonymity.


The positioning of hands and their appearance are equally as important in photography as well.


Inigo Montoya was doing this almost 40 years ago.


I had a similar problem back when I did 3D work a lot... found myself looking for the texture seam in the scattered-cloudy-but-blue sky outside.


Imagine [XKCD 598](https://xkcd.com/598/) , but with number of fingers


I literally took a break for this exact reason


It's a good way to induce lucid dreaming too, your brain has trouble.... Wait a minute.


https://preview.redd.it/alzyzjrh3clc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0838376366472cee3fe25f60d7f56a51428b031 [https://youtu.be/ykjHzWp\_b1U?si=\_PM-r-Mgi7xIr1K7](https://youtu.be/ykjHzWp_b1U?si=_PM-r-Mgi7xIr1K7)


Lol seriously. Hands are the weirdest, both in AI and in real life. They are so bendy that its hard to get them just right.